Catch the Moon questions
Absence of his mother is his difficulty; that's how his mother influences him and Luis cries because of his memories
Even though she has been dead for almost three years, the mother plays an important role in the story. How does she continue to influence Luis
He became angry
How did Luis react to his mother's death?
He doesn't like his job and he makes fun of his dad
How does Luis feel about his job?
What is the Spanish word for "sharks"?
At first, Luis hates his job and ignores his father. Towards the end he learns a lesson and starts being appreciative
Describe Luis' attitude at the beginning of the story and toward his job in his father's junkyard. How has his attitude changed by the end of the story?
His mother's skin and a wood carving
In line 85, two things are being compared. What is it?
He does not take responsibility for his actions
In the incident between Luis and the old woman, what do Luis's actions suggest about him?
Sat at the table with his father and treated his wounds
In what ways does Luis seem to become more caring and understanding?
He goes looking for a hubcap for Naomi
What "treasure hunt" does Luis go on late one night?
Feels dizzy and forgets how to breathe...he likes her
What actions indicate Luis' feelings about Naomi? What does this mean?
Sympathetic, caring, and understanding
What can you guess or infer about Naomi from her actions?
Sneaky, gets out of things easily, and was rebellious
What can you infer about Luis' abilities?
He himself changes
What do Luis' plans for the future indicate about his change in attitude?
It was worth it to show how much he cares for his dad and Naomi
What do you think made Luis' attitude towards his job change?
Felt guilty for giving him the bump
What does Luis' action to put ice in a Baggie with the word GUILTY on it mean?
She draws Luis holding a hubcap over his head
What does Naomi do to make Luis smile?
It means to remember old memories
What does the idiom, "walk down memory lane"
He didn't pay much attention to him
What generalization can you make about Luis' attitude toward his father before the realization?
They don't talk much, and he doesn't pay attention to him much
What generalization can you make about the relationship between Luis and his father?
He is good at winning over adults
What generalization can you make based on Luis' actions?
He threw a hubcap and it accidentally hit his father's head
What has Luis done to his father in the junkyard
Love can change people
What is the theme of this story?
Love makes someone be a better person
What is the theme of this story?
He will heal with time
What might the change of the tree at the funeral home signify about Luis?
Naomi makes Luis think twice about himself. She is sympathetic, understanding, and caring
What role does Naomi play in the story? What character traits, aside from her beauty, make her attractive to Luis?
Naomi's house
Where do you predict Luis will go when he leaves for the night?
The Tiburones are a gang who harass the authorities. Their name means "shark"
Who are the Tiburones, and what does their name mean?
Luis Cintron
Who is the main character in the story?
Who is the princess?
Catching the moon is unrealistic, so to catch the moon would be incredible like him achieving growth and change and feeling
Why do you think Judith Ortiz Cofer named the story "Catch the Moon"?
Naomi lives there
Why does Luis drive to the Ramirez Funeral Home?
Doing something to make someone else happy
Why is Luis finding such satisfaction in his "treasure hunt"
He is doing community service because he was in a gang and was in jail
Why is Luis working for his father?
He changes his attitude towards things
Why is it important that Luis is aware of these feelings for his mother?