CC 303 Exam 4

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According to Lepore, what was one of William Marston's reasons for creating Wonder Woman?

"Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world." Wonder Woman is an icon for feminism.

How has Virgil used the Odyssey and the Iliad in his structuring of the Aeneid?

**- Books 7-12 reference the Iliad through the battle that the Trojans have against the Italian group led by Turnus (the Achilles figure) and by representing the Trojan side of the Trojan war with Trojans as honorable and Greeks deceitful. - He references the Odyssey by using Dido to be the character of the Phaeacians since she becomes Aeneas's lover and he struggles to leave her in order to fulfill his quest and duty of starting the new city- making the events of the Odyssey more about goals after war than about a nostos. Books 1-6 resemble the Odyssey because it is about Aeneas' journey and the troubles he faces along the way (DIdo: almost distracts him from journey), faces Cyclops, goes to underworld)

Based on your reading from Apollodorus, give three different ways in which Artemis is important to the myths of Orion.


Based on your readings of Eratosthenes' Constellation Myths, how does Orion's mythology explain Orion and Scorpio's relationship in the heavens?


Give three ways in which the Athenians' use of Theseus is similar to the United States' use of Wonder Woman?


Give two reasons why Rome was pivotal to the preservation of Greek myth for western civilization.

- Romans adopted myths into their literature (Horace) and connected it to philosophy and morality (Fulgentius, Cornutus) - Romans incorporated Greek myths into the Christian chronology - Romans translated them to Latin to overcome language barrier Roman perceptions of mythology as literature and not religion makes it more palatable for people to learn.

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to fevers and disease?

-Astrokyon (dog star), Sirius is hunting Canis Major, Lepus. -dog star associated with the sun -fevers associated with the dog star because the sun can make certain illnesses more likely based on how hot or cold it is -Every good hunter has a dog - this is associated with Orion. -Fever and fire are the same in Greek.

Give three examples of how the geography described in Dante's Inferno are derived from Book VI of The Aeneid.

-Places show up as boundary markers -River Styx- diff than Odyssey; when he stops in the Odyssey he goes past the Oceanos; but in the Aeneid there are bad ppl too -Limbo has similar functions in both (called Blessed Grove/Fields of Mourning in Greek myth) Avernus, Cumae Rivers: Styx, Phlegethon, Place of Hades Limbo, Tartarus, Elysium

Give two examples of how Dante's Inferno explores themes that are different from those in Book VI of The Aeneid.

-political overtones in Dante (florence) -sinners embody sins we see in everyday life (adultery, alchemy) in Dante (relates to Christian themes of sin) -The human condition is explored more deeply in Dante's Inferno a. Exploration of his own and the human condition. b. Sinners embodying relatable themes c. Florentine politics and exile

Give three examples of how Roman poets appropriated Greek myth for Roman purposes.

1 - Plautus writes the play which depicts the hilarious misunderstandings which ensue when Jupiter (Zeus) disguises himself as Amphitryon in order to bed his wife Alcmena (Alkmene) 2 - Virgil's Aeneid, which takes strong inspiration from the Iliad and the Odyssey. Greek mythology was used for the purpose of supporting Augustus's rule 3 - Lastly, Ovid's Metamorphoses, uses Greek myth to study transformation, and was adjusted and adhered to Roman culture. It is used to undermine Augustus' rule as well as show the poetic prowess of Ovid. 4. Bacchus and Augustus (Latin poem by Horace) also uses Greek myth to create political propaganda for Augustus. Describes how Bacchus tamed the giants like how Augustus tames the uncivilized non-Greek people.

Give three ways in which this seen pays homage to the Orpheus' descent to the underworld in Greek myth?

1) Descent down the stairwell represents the descent to the underworld 2) Old building with 3 headed dog Cerberus that Orfeu is able to walk past like in the myth where he makes it past Cerberus. 3) Orpheus sings the soul to speak to him, a parallel to how he got the soul by singing in the myth

ESSAY: Using your readings from Fulgentius, Horace, and Cornutus, explain how 'Rome' preserved Greek myth for western civilization.

1. Christianity language was latin, and since romans translated the myths to latin they survived better through history. People did art that had biblical themes and myths. Rebirth of myth. Romans adopted myths, claimed them, greek settlements became a part of Rome. 2. Horace- made myth into literature to survive 3. Ful- ties myth to moral ideas. 4. Corn- ties myth to science to philosophy and help Smyth survive


3-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades

How does Aeneas' defeat of Turnus relate to Marc Antony and Caesar Augustus?

Aeneas and Turnus are both fighting for the hand of a woman since both were promised her so both have equal claim. This is similar to how Marc Antony and Augustus both had legitimate claim to the throne. He shows Aeneas finally killing Turnus in the end because he must deal out justice for the stolen belt- makes comparisons to Augustus as Aeneas and Marc Antony as Turnus so that Augustus is the bearer of justice.

ESSAY: Using your readings from the Aeneid and Buxton, demonstrate how Virgil's Aeneid is a decidedly Roman approach to the Trojan cycle.

Aeneas defeating Turnus is similar to Achilles defeating Hector Both go to the underworld Pietas is like Greek nostos

How does Virgil show Aeneas' pietas during the fall of Troy in Book 2 of the Aeneid?

Aeneas flees Troy with a group of people called the Aeneads, who are a group of people who would later become the people who form Rome. In essence, Aeneas is carrying out the most important Roman family. Aeneas has a dream of Hector, the greatest hero of Troy telling him to leave, which justifies his actions.His devotion to his homeland and continuing his culture is shown because he follows his fate and leaves troy with his family and household gods.



What does the Muses' "Zero to Hero" say about the nature of Hercules' 'labors'?

Analogy of Hercules being a modern sports hero: gaining money and fame.

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to the Apollo Lunar Module?

Apollo is Artemis' brother, Artemis and Orion hang out together all the time and Apollo gets jealous; he tricks Artemis into killing Orion. Apollo and Artemis represent the sun and the moon, while Orion represents the stars, so moon and stars (Artemis and Orion) always come out together while the sun (Apollo) is left out.

Daphne and Apollo, by Gian Bernini

Apollo on left Daphne on right

Give two examples of how Dante in Dante's Inferno is similar to Aeneas in Book VI of The Aeneid.

Both Dante and Aeneas left their home and go on a journey. Dante was exiled from Florence while Aeneas left Troy to found Rome. Both enter the underworld with a guide.

Give two examples of how Dante's Inferno explores themes similar to those in Book VI of The Aeneid.

Both stories embody the theme of hero's journey from Campbell separation, trial, victory, return, and reintegration -spiritual enlightenment -courage a. Separation from the real world to the underworld b. Courage by crossing through the cave/gates even though they have warnings to turn around.

ESSAY: Given Dante's religious background and given the numerous other Greek myths about trips to the Underworld (e.g. Book XI of The Odyssey), why do you think that Dante chose to draw so heavily from Book VI of The Aeneid?

Connection between Rome and Italy Trojan War Aeneid Eusebius, Chronicon, 325 AD Brutus and the Historia Britonum, 9th century AD they see themselves as descendants of Aeneas (history for them) Dante may see himself as Aeneas Both are exiles on a dark journey have priestess' that lead them on their journey Dante and Virgil in Latin tells about history of Rome and is considered fine literature writing epic poetry in Italian - comparing himself to the Great Roman poets Recognizable topography (journey is fundamental in epic poetry so he uses somewhere that is easily recognized) Avernus and Cumae Rivers: Styx, Phlegethon, Lethe (shows up in Aeneid not Inferno) Palace of Hades (city of Dis, Pluto) - worshipped/feared of at same time Limbo, Tartarus, Elysium separate different types of sinners Structure of the Inferno Virgil shows the cycles of Hell and explains the nature of it/why they move on to the next


Divine Comedy

How did Ovid invent the myth of Echo and Narcissus?

Echo is a nymph in greek myth and gossips so Hera makes it so she can only echo whatever someone else says. Narcissus is punished bc he rejects a male erostes who hangs himself; Narcissus eventually falls in love with the image of himself. Ovid brings these together for the purpose of irony: Ovid invents this story by making Echo have to repeat the story of Narcissus and creates dialogue to be funny.

Echo and Narcissus, by ​John William Waterhouse

Echo is woman sitting Narcissus is staring at his reflection

Give two examples of how Eratosthenes uses myth to explain the origins of the katasterismoi of the Zodiac.

Eratosthenes attributed the close relationship of the planet Mars to planet Venus as being symbolic of the passionate relationship between Ares and Aphrodite in Greek myth. Eratosthenes claims that after Vulcan married Venus, Mars forever closely follows Venus because of his burning eros for her.



Give three examples of how Dante's Inferno departs from the geography in Book VI of the Aeneid.

Go in through cave and hell shaped like a funnel (Down towards Satan/Dis at the bottom, then back up towards Purgatory), gets narrower as you go through the cycle. Goes from warmer to colder and lighter to darker.

Give two examples of how Dante in Dante's Inferno is different to Aeneas in Book VI of The Aeneid.

Goal of Aeneas in the underworld to show his pietas and go see his father before he continues on to colonize Italy --> Dante's is a spiritual journey (chasing spirituality/Beatrice) anus focused on honor and duty, Dante on personal spiritual growth and gloating about seeing his political enemies in Hell

Give an example of the impact of Christianity on Greek myth.

Greek mythology can be seen as an allegory for Christianity.The story of Pandora and Agalaurus represents Getting rid of envy and jealousy by putting them in a box, thus reflecting Christian ideals. For example, Hephaestus represents passion/lust and Athena is wisdom so she rejects lust. Other figures in greek myth represent sins. Ino represents drunkeness, Autonoe: unawareness of self, Semele: sexual appetite, Agave: madness.

Who is Hercules' antagonist in this movie?

Hades because he wants to take over from Zeus and release the Titans but he has to kill Hercules in order to do so.

Why is Hercules mortal in this movie?

Hades was trying to kill him, but they turn him mortal. Hercules doesn't drink all of the potion so he still has his strength


Half man half bull

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to Greek viticulture?

Harvest season; Orion is in love with Merope (king oinopian's daughter). King wont let Orion marry his daughter so Orion rapes her. King of Chios is a wine drinker. Chion wine is the most important wine in the greek world. Merope is bright faced and is Taurus so is always being chased

How does Hercules rescue of Meg's soul change him?

He becomes a god because of his selfless deed.

How does Virgil work Caesar Augustus and contemporary Rome into his account of Aeneas' meeting Anchises' shade in the underworld?

He has Anchises give Aeneas a prophecy about the future of Rome that Augustus will go on to conquer all the lands east and west. Therefore, it validated that the violent control and expansion by Augustus was fated and should not be any cause for concern.

Where does Hercules decide to live? Why?

He has the option to return to Olympus but decides to stay on earth so that he can be with megara.

How does Orfeu's ability with song and guitar effect his surroundings?

He makes the sun rise, attracts the chickens watch him play, Orfeus is able to make the sun rise with his song, time keeps going because of his power. He also calms animals down by his singing.

How does Virgil use the invocation to indicate this is a Roman epic?

He validates Rome in the invocation, therefore indicating that the Epic is Roman. He starts by saying that Aeneas came from Troy by fate and started the Latin race and the city of rome and brought the gods.

What are the negative ramifications of Hercules' deal with Hades?

Hercules offers to give his life in exchange for Meg's.

Who is Megara in Greek myth?

Hercules' wife that he kills which causes him to have to do the 12 labors

Give three examples of how Wonder Woman's Amazonian origins differ from Diodorus of Sicily's history of the Amazons.

In Diodorus, amazons are warlike, in wonder woman, Diana is peaceful. Themiscyra doesn't include any enslaved/mutilated men in the comics. In WW, ares is the enemy of wonder woman but in the myth the amazons worship him. Amazons aren't warlike in WW but they use violence to protect peace. Amazons described in Diodorus of Sicily cut off one breast so it doesn't get in the way of fighting, while Wonder Woman retains both breasts

In what ways is the Philoctetes in the movie quite different from the Philoctetes in the Greek Herakles' myths?

In the movie, Philoctetes is a satyr who is a trainer of heroes. In the myth, Philoctetes got the bow and arrow of Hercules after burning him. He was a part of the Trojan War.

Give three examples of how the monsters described in Book VI of The Aeneid serve a different function in Dante's Inferno.

Inferno - Souls of the uncommitted , Charon and the Acheron Aeneid- Mythical Creatures of the underworld, souls of the unburied, charon and cocytus The monsters are similar in signifying that they are moving into hell now.

What is the historical symbolism behind Wonder Woman's use of the 'Lasso of Truth'?

It was created by the inventor of the lie detector and represents feminine charm.

In what ways is Death's role in Black Orpheus different than in Greek myth?

It's different because in Greek myth Eurydice died from the bite of a viper. But in Black Orpheus she is killed by death (Thanatos). In Black Orpheus death also gives her and Orpheus time to be together before he kills her.

Give examples of Ovid's political overtones in his tales of metamorphoses.

Julius Caesar metamorphosed into a god. Convenient for Augustus because he can claim that he is the son of a god and will eventually turn into one too. "Apollo came to us from a foreign land but Caesar is a god in his own city." He also makes Apollo seem like a fool in the story of Daphne and Apollo which insults Augustus because he is associated with the god.


King of Crete

Give two examples of how the mythological figure of Mars is related to Gustov Holst's Mars Bringer of War?

Mars represents Ares who is the god of war. Mars rules over scorpio/pluto (who kills Orion).

How does Mira represent the role of Maenads in the death of Orpheus in Greek mythology?

Mira kills Orpheus because he doesn't want to be with her much like in the myth, the maenads killed Orpheus because he no longer wished to be with women after Eurydice died.

How does the clerk's comments about Orfeu's name foreshadow what will happen to Orfeu?

Mira tries to get the marriage clerk to marry them; Orfeu tells the clerk his name and the clerk asks him if the woman he is with (Mira) is Eurydice becuase his name is similar to that of Orpheus and it is known that Eurydice and Orpheus are always together, so this foreshadows Orpheus' relationship with Eurydice. Orphism is a mystic religion that emphasizes individuals to rid themselves of their evils by purifying themselves through reincarnation.

ESSAY: "Comic books are the American mythology, and, much in the same way Zeus and Poseidon and Perseus come down to us from the Greeks, Superman and Batman and the X-Men represent the culture that birthed them." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Using the character of Wonder Woman as your example, explain your answer in light of the assigned readings on the origin and evolution of Wonder Woman.

Myths are narratives that are socially powerful and passed on from generation to generation. They are traditional Wonder Woman comic books are examples of American mythology, designed as a distillation of an ideal feminist and hero. Origins- early 1940's Amazonian origins- Untamed women, female-dominated Name is Diana prince; Links her to Artemis since Diana is the Roman name of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and virginity Untamed aspect to her; not fully clothed and hair is loose Unlike Amazons, she demonstrates peace and advocates peace rather than war, image of woman (versus men who represent war) Worldly Amazons in the comic books- no men Hippolyta, who is the Queen of the Amazons, is her mother in the comic book series; Shows she has a narrative Reinvisioning a heritage of an ideal woman from a feminist perspective Functions in the similar way as Theseus; evolution like him Evolves to follow the represent the modern hero and feminist Theseus is a distillation of idealized Athenian culture Associated with Athen's rise in power His birth connects them to Poseidon for sea power and Athena as representation of wisdom Conquers unlawful people in a way that is apropos (appropriate for them) Wonder Woman reimagines the Greek world and is propaganda for feminism. Things that she changes parallels the development that you see in the feminist movement. Represents self-identity; an identity that is separate from husbands or from men Secretary of Justice Society in the 1940's, becomes the central figure and the founder of the Justice League Becomes more physically strong and increasingly advocative of political power for women Shows she is socially powerful Ms. Magazine portrays her as a hero of reproductive rights later, as contraception became more common Wonder Woman is a traditional story Created by Moulton Marston in 1941. Role in Justice Society in 1942, Justice League in the 1960's Wonder Woman in TV in 1970's Lynda Carter in TV version; Part of superfriends Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman Got rid of the star-spangled bottoms Shows that it's a traditional story with sociocultural power Now embodied as a world-peace figure

Give three examples of how the Wonder Woman reflects elements of the Amazons in Diodorus of Sicily's account.

Name is Diana which pays homage to the goddess Artemis. Live in Themiscyra, an island of all women which is similar to greek mythology. Greek gods are included: Zeus makes wonder woman and Ares is her enemy. She also shows skin in her outfit which could parallel the Amazons showing their breasts and wearing the short dresses of men. Both WW and the amazons are strong fighters that are the equals of men.

Who does Hercules save Meg from?


In the Aeneid, how is Aeneas' heroism different from Odysseus? Achilles?

Odysseus did not have a guide on his journey, Aeneas had sybil as a guide and she helped him get the Golden Bough. **Achilles: Aeneas gains his honor through leaving the heat of the battle instead of fighting to the end because of the prophecy; his bravery is through obeying the prophecy and leaving strong. A big part of Aeneas' heroism is his pietas (devotion to fatherland and gods).

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to Disney's Moana?

Orion was a great hunter, but killed so much he was sent to the heavens to be a constellation; Scorpio and Orion chase each other constantly in the sky and in Moana they use the constellations to find their islands.

How does the last seen with Zeca, Benedito, and the little girl speak to concepts associated with Orphism?

Orphism believes in reincarnation. In the end of the movie, Benedito tells Zeca to start playing a song so the son will rise after Orpheus died, then as he starts to play a girl comes out to dance and calls him Orpheus; the girl and Zeca are Orpheus and Eurydice reincarnated.

What are the differences between Parthenius' account of 'Daphne' (p. 342 in Trzaskoma) and Ovid's 'Daphne and Phoebus (Apollo)'?

Ovid introduces Cupid to "Daphne and Phoebus" to explain why Daphne averts from Apollo; also idea that Ovid is god of love. Ovid shows the power of eros and cupid by making apollo fall in love with Daphne. Ovid also portrays Apollo as a fool who is at the whim of Cupid. This is a shot at Augustus who was associated with Apollo. In the Parthenius version, Apollo isn't seen this way. He simply falls in love with Daphne and exposes Leucippos who was dressing as a woman to get close to her. He also turns Daphne into a laurel tree, which explains Apollo's association with the laurel.

ESSAY: Using examples from your readings in Ovid's Metamorphoses, give three different examples of how Ovid embellished on Greek myths for his Roman audience.

Ovid's poetic embellishments: irony, humor, creative voice, invention, literary trope, metanarrative, political overtones - Narcissus and Echo to make a love story - Pyramus and Thisbe, puts dialogue, makes it a story that appeals to Roman Audience. - Parthenius writes Daphne empowering Apollo but Ovid does not., he makes it more humorous and ironic

Pomona and Vertumnus, by Francesco de Melzi

Pomona is nymph on left Vertumnus is disguised on the right

What do the stories of Romulus and Remus reveal about Rome's interaction with Greek myth?

Romulus and Remus are descendants of Aeneas from the Trojan war and are the sons of Mars, a god adopted from the Greek god, so the foundation of Rome and Roman myth is built on the Greek ideas.

How do Eurydice's comments about Orfeu's song speak to the concept of fate?

She says it's her favorite tune, she never met him but she knows the song, it's what attracted her to him. It's as if they knew each other before they met.

How does Mira threaten Orfeu?

She tells him that if she sees him with Eurydice again she'll kill her.

How does Aeneas interaction with Dido speak to the historical relationship between Rome and Carthage?

Since Aeneas ends up leaving Dido, she curses him out of anger and pledges revenge. Therefore, the historical conflict between the two cities is explained because it was fated to occur and the future fighters from Carthage are the ones seeking revenge.

ESSAY: Using three different Greek myths of Orion, explain the relationship between Greek myth and human understanding of the movements of the heavenly bodies.

Six Degrees of Separation/Orion Daphne and Phoebus (Parthenius) -Cupid and Apollo beef at the beginning -Apollo says a bow and arrow is a man's weapon and not a little boy's -Cupid shoots Daphne with an arrow to make her reject Apollo's advances and shoots Apollo with an arrow that makes him lust for her -Uses Cupid to reinterpret Parthenius' version -Same result with Daphne becoming a tree Narcissus and Echo -Echo was cursed to repeat whatever anyone else said -Narcissus is an attractive young man who rebuffs all of his lovers -Explains origins and puts them into a different position -Narcissus dies due to wasting away just as Echo did earlier in the myth and a white and gold flower grows in is place Pyramus and Thisbe -Lion shows up so Pyramus kills himself and Thisbe follows -Now the Gods have changed the ripened fruit which darkens on the branch -Their parents put their ashes in the same urn

What natural phenomenon seems to explain why planets (planetes asteres) would be named after gods?

Stars are orderly through the heavens; Planets are "wandering stars" that go through the heavens very fast both forward and backwards. Their movement is very different from stars (retrograde and anterograde movement), they are irregular. Animals and mortals are stars, gods are planets, which is why they have more power in movement in the heavens. The unique and irregular movements of planets, led some philosophers to consider these heavenly bodies as having souls. Myths about the Greek gods were used to explain the planets movements and position in the heavens. Hyginus relates how Eratosthenes attributed the close relationship of the planet Mars to planet Venus as being symbolic of the passionate relationship between Ares and Aphrodite in Greek myth.Planets are also there 7 days a week while stars are not. Ex: Mercury moves retrograde which could be why he is considered a messenger god.

Give two examples of how Vergil in Dante's Inferno is like the Sybil in Book VI of The Aeneid.

Sybil explains and guides. Vergil helps him through cycles and guides as well. - Lecture Sybil takes Aenus to Cave of Avernus and there she goes into a prophetic frenzy. Virgil takes Dante to the Gates of Hell. Vergil and Sybil both subdue Cerberus so that Dante/Aeneas can pass through.

Give two examples of how Vergil in Dante's Inferno serves a different function from the Sybil in Book VI of The Aeneid.

Sybil is a priestess of Apollo, she is spiritual and is flesh (alive). She is a powerful religious figure for the Romans. Virgil is pagan and is a shade (dead), he has limitations and isn't spiritual. Virgil is a shade and dead, Sybil is alive (a human person, haha) Virgil is a inhabitant of the underworld Sybil guides him in from the outside Religious significance for the audience for Sybil; Virgil was Pagan and not significant

Give three examples of how the monsters described in Book VI of The Aeneid are worked into Dante's Inferno.

The Minotaur- The MInotaur charges them and they avoid him. virgin is like woah this landslide was not here, and he says the one did it, refers to Jesus. The minotaur is supposed to represent the violent against others, the bestial and then after we see the river of blood of people that is violent against others. In the Aeneas the minotaur is mentioned where it is told as the story of A entering the afterlife. Harpies- Signifies against the violence against the self- suicide. They are turned into trees and the Harpies nest and feed off of them.They snatch away the bodies of those who mistreated their own body. IN THE Aeneas THey snatch away food, they consume everything, bc when you commit suicide you consume your own body. Cerberus - 3rd cycle, Comes after Dante and virgil and Virgil feeds him mud which subdues him. This is the Gluttons. Cerberus eats everything including mud which is symbolic, in the Aeneas but doesn't show this way the Sybil is supposed to feed drugged cake

Give an example of how Roman equivalences to Greek divinities reveal a Roman emphasis.

The Roman equivalent of Ares was Mars and he was much more respected in society since his roots were in protection of agriculture and later the protection and strategy of war as opposed to the frenzy of war that Ares is associated with. This reveals a Roman emphasis on control and protection. In Rome, Mercury (Hermes in Greece) is more associated with merchants and business, which shows a Roman influence.


The boatman who rows Dante and Virgil across the river Styx.

ESSAY: In what ways is Black Orpheus a cultural appropriation of Greek myth? Is it effective?

The cultural criticism is that it doesn't represent Brazilian culture Speaks to American race criticism Cultural Appropriation is taking something from one culture and putting it into another, Black Orpheus takes the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and appropriates it into a story that takes place in the Brazilian carnival. Orfeu = Orpheus (singing, the clerk says so, clerk's foreshadowing) Thanatos killing Eurydice = killed by viper Orfeu going to retrieve Eurydice and looking back = same thing in myth Orphism: reincarnation, the carnival and leaving flesh, Dionysian religion. (Camus) American standpoint: black vs white racism Black Orpheus and Orphism (shows reincarnation) Orpheus songs Benedito's gift - the necklace Candomblé ritual Zeca, Benedito, and the little girl at the end The Brazilian Carnival and Orphism Carnival means goodbye to flesh the flesh is what incases you so that the soul is released modern take on what orpheus and orphism is


The massive serpentine monster that transports Dante and Virgil from the Seventh to the Eighth Circle of Hell.

Based on your Top Hat reading, give three examples of how Ovid's Metamorphoses influenced the visual/performing arts.

The story of Pirimis and Thisbe clearly influenced Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Bernini's statue of Apollo and Daphne was influenced by Ovid and shows the details mentioned in his work. For example, Apollo's hand on Daphne's bark was mentioned in the poetry and shown in the statue. Waterhouse' painting of Echo and Narcissus also shows Ovid's influence because these two figures were not originally associated with each other in Greek myth until Ovid wrote a poem about them. Pygmalion is another example a story influenced by Ovid.

Who is Amphitryon in the movie?

The surrogate father of Heracles

How is the Disney's depiction of the Fates different than Greek myth?

They are mixing the graiai with the fates

ESSAY: One of the chief criticisms of Disney's cinematic retellings of fairytales and myths is their departure from the original stories. Compare and/or contrast Disney's Hercules with the Herakles of Greek myth. Are they the same hero?

They are not the same hero (in my opinion) -Movie does not delve into the fact that hercules is not moral- kills Megara, goes on to have huge sexual affairs with Thespius' daughters -Labors are not performed in order -strife between hera and hercules is not portrayed in this movie, it is strife between hades and zeus/hercules No, they are not the same due to the birth of Heracles, different antagonists, and Heracles' purpose. Source: The Library, a literary work attributed to Apollodorus Births of Heracles are different in the movie and Greek mythology In Greek mythology, Heracles is the son of Alcmene and Zeus, making him a demi-god Disney is meant for entertainment and to make money. Since it's for children, the illegitimacy of Herakles' birth would be a difficult concept for them Zeus and Hera are the parents of Heracles, making him a god Alcmene and Amphitryon are his "host" parents (human parents) Main enemy of Herakles In the myth, Hera and Hercules are enemies because of Zeus's affair with Alcmene (which made Hercules) Hera sends two snakes to kill him, but he strangles the snakes In the movie, Hades is the enemy because Herakles would impede him from stealing the Mount Olympus throne from his brother Zeus Hades' henchmen, Pain and Panic, turn into snakes; Hercules strangles them Hercules' purpose In Greek mythology, it is to serve Eurystheus and perform the 12 labors because he killed his wife and children. Often ruthless and killed often; did not do much to help humans In the movie, Hercules wanted to go from zero to hero. He wanted to prove that he was a true hero so that he would be recognized and be able to join his godly parents Helps humans out to show that he is a hero Did fight the Hydra and the Nemean lion, but did not wear the lion skin and did not perform 12 labors Becomes a true hero when he sacrifices himself for Megara and becomes a god again; refuses to live in heavens; this would never happen in myth, and you don't normally go from god to human. Was young and did not have wife or children at the time

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to Gustov Holst's Mars Bringer of War?

Venus (Aphrodite) gets jealous because Mars (Ares) is spending time with Dawn (Eos). She makes Eos fall in love with Orion. Eos leaves Orion on Delos

Give three ways in which Wonder Woman speaks to the changes in the feminist movement.

Woman and American patriotism (during WWII): working men's jobs, Psychological empowerment of women (1940s): don't let men bind you, political empowerment of women (1943): woman becomes president, empowerment of women in the workplace (1942): becomes a secretary of the justice league, empowerment of women in the workplace (1960s): becomes an equal in the justice league, wonder woman on 1970s tv, racial inclusion in the feminist movement in 1973, 90s/2000s show that ww is physically as strong as superman

What does the Guardian's account of Marston suggest was the reason for the theme of breaking bondages in Wonder Woman comic books?

Women were captive to men and it represents breaking the bonds of sexism and man's oppression.

How are the ancient images of Amazons different from the images of Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman's outfit is based on American Patriotism, with colors/patterns of the American flag. Amazonians would have worn something closer to Greek battle armor. Amazons were also portrayed as manlike while WW is seen as attractive.

Who are Hercules' parents?

Zeus and Hera (different from the real story). Instead of Hera trying to kill Hercules like in the Greek myth, Hades tries to.

Give an example of the impact of Greco-Roman philosophy on Greek myth.

Zeus is made to represent ether (Earth) and Hera represents air to show that their characters and stories are demonstrating the flow of the universe Euhemerism, the belief that the pagan gods were nothing but defined humans, went against the power of the gods. Believed that greek mythology represented the ideas of stoic philosophy: for example, Zeus is from "zen": to live and "dia" through.

What is the "gospel truth" according the Muses?

Zeus saved the world from chaos and the Titans (different from the real Greek myth). Expresses Zeus' power which parallels the Theogony. Zeus created order in the world when there was chaos from the Titans

What does Hercules learn from Zeus?

Zeus says that Hercules hasn't proven himself to be a true hero. He says being famous isn't the same as being a true hero.

What does Zeus claim is the way to immortality?

Zeus says that if Hercules proves himself to be a true hero on Earth, his godhood will be restored.

How does eros function in Ovid's and Parthenius' love stories?

eros functions as a catalyst of suffering in Parthenius' love story. eros also functions as a driving force/catalyst of metamorphoses (gods will either punish or rescue them depending on their action) - eros is bad and causes problems for everyone. In Ovid's love stories, eros is represented by cupid, a god capable of manipulating mortals and immortals with arrows that can strike an individual with love or hate.

What are some basic concepts associated with Greek tales of metamorphosis?

eros, metamorphoses, mortals and immortals. Eros is represented as lust in metamorphoses; however, there is an irony as well, because the lust drives mortals to commit acts that result in their transgression from humans to simpler aspects of nature, which is opposite of the universe's understood evolution. There is a divide between shapeshifting in mortals and immortals: mortals are changed by the gods while the gods shapeshift on their own accord, perhaps displaying the power of the gods. Mortals are often turned into nature as punishment. They can also be metamorphosed to honor or immortalize them (such as being placed in the stars) or turn into a god.


half man half horse

What literary trope is evident in Ovid's myth of Pirimis and Thisbe?

literary trope of the star crossed lovers; 2 lovers from different families separated by a wall from their families that hate each other. they plan to meet up but one gets there before the other and thinks the other is dead. both end up killing each other and the mulberry tree turns black. literary trope is the mulberry tree.

How is Ovid's cosmogony different than Hesiod's?

one god doing everything (creating order out of chaos in the universe) in Hesiod's theogony; philosophy being twined in with mythology in ovid's. Ovid believes the universe was created by demiurge which created order out of chaos and believes in natural philosophy.

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