CC Chapter 5 Quizzes

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helps children establish their independence

The terrible twos are believed by Western psychologists to be important because acting out in this stage

cultural distance refers to culture-culture matching of variable, whereas cultural fit refers to person-culture matching of variables

How does cultural distance differ from cultural fit?

honeymoon stage

Mia loves.... what stage is Mia in?

Hawaii and Utah

The most collectivistic states of the US are


Which of the following is true?

Mahalapye, a rural township, has less egalitarian gender values than Bobirwa, an urban city

According to research using the Sex Role Ideology scale, which of the following situations agrees with the research findings?

Strong parental control is more associated with positive outcomes in East Asia than in the West

According to the textbook, which of the following is true about culture and parenting styles?

he defines himself in terms of internal attributes, such as his preferences and opinions

After living with your roommate for the past year and observing his behavior, you have concluded that he possesses a relatively independent view of self. Which of the following observations is consistent with this conclusion?

people's self-esteem comes to approximate the self-esteem norms in the host culture as they acculurate

Among people who immigrate before they are adults, self-esteem is related to acculturation in that

neglectful parenting

As a teenager, Lee was allowed to stay out as late as he wanted, eat whatever he wanted, and play on his computer as much as he pleased. His parents never seemed to pay attention to him or really care about how he was doing. What parenting style is this indicative of?

Ava is likely no experience dissonance after purchasing a product for herself, but Suzuki will likely experience dissonance after purchasing a product as a gift for a friend

Ava, an American, and her roommate Suzuki, who is from Japan, are shopping together at the mall. Both women only have enough money to purchase one item. Based on what you know about cultural influences on cognitive dissonance, which of the following statements most accurately describes how these women will feel after they make their purchase?

innate abilities

Culture that tend to encourage self-consistency also tend to support the belief that success comes from

Candice has acculturated to a host culture with a poor diet, which means that she may develop unhealthy habits that lead to adverse health outcomes

Given the current research on acculturation and health, which of the following would you expect?

Jaedong, who is introverted, will acculturate more successfully in an introverted country than Sehoon, who is extraverted

Given the current research on personality and acculturation, you can predict that

but only if they came as children

Heine and colleagues (2011) studied immigrants in Vancouver, Canada, who came from Hong Kong. They found that identification with Canadian culture depended on how long immigrants had lived in Canada.

he will think like a Japanese person when he reads the Japanese newspaper.

Hideo is a Japanese German person who feels strongly connected to both his Japanese and German cultures. If Video engages in frame-switching, which of the following is most likely?

People with independent (versus interdependent) self-views are more likely to trust a stranger

Independent and interdependent self-views differently influence how people engage with close others as opposed to strangers. Considering this phenomenon which of the following statements accurately reflects this difference?

Independent theory of self

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity and does not see a strong divide between strangers he has just met and his family members. What is this characteristic of?

Someone of European decent not believing that Jamie was born in New York and insisting that he must have been born somewhere in Asia

Jamie, an Asian American from New York (member of a visible cultural minority within the US) experienced identity denial yesterday. This means that, of the following situations, he experienced

American participants viewed themselves more negatively after the mirror appeared but Japanese participants did not change their views after the mirror appeared

Participants are sitting in their own separate testing rooms and have been asked to write statements about what they think about themselves. After a while, a mirror mysteriously appears on the wall in each room. How much do their self-descriptions written before and after the mirror appeared differ?

distal cause of

Recall Boserup's (1970) thesis arguing that agricultural methods centuries ago have influenced contemporary gender norms. In this thesis, agricultural methods are a ____________ gender norms.

only the interdependent faces of relatedness

Recall that Kashima and colleagues (1995) had men and women from various Western and Eastern cultures complete several measures of independent and interdependent self-views. Their study found gender differences for

people influence each other through their daily interactions

Regional similarities in personality are found when studying the different geographic regions of the US. These similarities may occur because

an ambitious factor was found in Spain

Research finds that the Big Five model does not provide a complete list of personality traits in all cultures. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the additional personality factors found in various non-US cultures?

the lack of exposure to a language can lead people to be unable to distinguish between two phonemes from that language as they get older

Research on the perception of phonemes by infants reveals that

an increase in objective self-awareness

Sandy is a talented Knitter with years of experience, who enjoys knitting gifts for her friends and co-workers. With their encouragements, Sandy decides to create a sense of instructional knitting videos. However, once the video camera is pointed at her, she worries if her knitting is good enough and whether anyone will want to watch her videos given that there are so many other, possibly better, instructional videos available. Which of the following most accurately characterizes what Sandy is experiencing.

openly praise her child

Shuang is a Chinese mother. Compared to Shuang, Alex. who is an American mother, is more likely to

stereotype threat

Stephanie is a black female celebrity and is afraid of being stereotyped as an "angry black woman" just because of her background. The media constantly publishes photos of Stephanie looking angry, which eventually does make her feel angry. This is an example of


The First Nations tribe that has been most successful (of the ones studied) at adjusting to mainstream Canadian traditions has been the Tsimshian

warmth and parental control??

The four parenting styles described by Western psychologists are combinations of which of the following dimensions?

children of immigrants tend to experience greater negative outcomes in educational achievement and health compared to their immigrant parents

The immigrant paradox refers to the finding that

the Poring, a tribe that heavily engages in communal sharing

The kingdom of Zorblax is about to colonize aboriginal tribes living on a foreign continent. The culture of Zorblax is characterized by a system in which people live on collective forms and take what they need from those farms. Which of the following foreign aboriginal tribes will experience the LEAST amount of acculturative stress under the Kingdom of Zorblax?


Tomo is a baby in Japan. Ron is a baby in Canada. Ron is more likely to learn which of the following words faster than Too

protection of the vulnerable

Two parents are trying to plan sleeping arrangements for their three children, a 15-year-old daughter, a 3 year old son, and a 2 year old daughter. They decide that the 2-year-old will sleep along and the 15-year-old and 3-year-old will sleep in the same room. The parents will sleep separately form the children. According to this arrangement, which of the following principles was violated?

separation strategy

Varun is a Fijian immigrant to Canada. Over time, he realized he was not really participating in Canadian culture, but he did seem to have a connection with his Fijian roots. Which of the following best describes Varun?

insist that the child do her schoolwork completely by herself

Wan-Ying wants to use the Jido xun type of parenting with her daughter. What is Wan-Ying MOST likely to do?

learning a sign language is subject to a sensitive window constraint similar to that when learning a spoken language

What can be said about sensitive windows for language acquisition?

cultural fit

Which of the following is reliably associated with reduced acculturative stress?


Xi is a girl growing up in China. Joan is a girl growing up in the US. Which of the following is true?

Xiao will guess that the inaudible part refers to a verb and Jess will guess that the inaudible part refers to a noun

Xien, a university student in China, and Jess, a university student in the US, are each listening to an audiotape in their individual rooms. The audiotape is of a mother talking to her 4-year-old child. At one point, the audio on both tapes is covered by static. Xiao and Jess are asked to guess what was said by the mother. Based on research about cultural differences in language, which of the following is the likeliest to happen?

interdependent view of self

You are chatting with a stranger in a coffee shop. Every time you ask him something about himself, he talks about associations to which he belongs and clubs he has joined. He rarely talks about his own attributes. Which of the following best describes him?

in his dorm room alone

Your friend Satoshi is writing a personal statement for a scholarship applications and he wants to make sure he is sufficiently highlighting his excellent academic record and personal qualities. You recall from your cultural psychology textbook a study showing that Japanese individuals self descriptions tend to vary across different situations. Consequently, you advise Satoshi to write his personal statement

your friend is more likely to think in ways consistent with his heritage culture, at least temporarily

Your friend immigrated more than a decade ago. While you are walking around town with him, he suddenly encounters a story that reminds him of his heritage culture. Which of the following is likeliest to result from that?

"I just wasn't born with the chess gene"

Your friend recently entered a few chess competitions but lost them all badly. Which of the following statements is the most likely to make if he possess an entity theory of self?

The child will be less happy than in Yuexi had used less parental control

Yuexi, a Chinese mother, wants to use strong parental control with her child. Based on the textbook, which of the following would most likely occur as a result?

Americans are more satisfied with their math performance than are East Asians

cross-cultural research on math achievement at school reveals that

East Asian teachers tend to use more concrete examples when teaching math than American teachers

According to research, which of the following could at least partially explain why children at East Asian schools tend to do better at math than children at American schools?

high in an interdependent view of the self

Based on Ma and Schoenoman's study (1997) of self-descriptions of Americans and Kenyans. Which of the following is the most accurate in describing the Samburu?

No, the foot in the door technique would work better in the US than in Poland

Foot-in-the-door is a persuasion technique whereby the requester makes a relatively small request of a target. Once the target says yes, the requester will make more, and incrementally more costly, requests. This works because people are motivated to be self-consistent. Your friend is a big fan of this technique, and thinks that this sales tactic is equally effective everywhere, no matter where he goes. Is this true based on the research of Cialdini and colleagues (1999)?


Ibrahim has had 4 more years of schooling than his identical twin brother. Which of the following will be true of Ibrahim?

incest avoidance, protection of the vulnerable, female chastity anxiety, respect of hierarchy

In India, which principles are most important for determining sleeping arrangements? The list should go from most important to least important

Ji-su will be able to perceive the difference between /f/ and /p/ in her first year

Korean differs from English in that English has an /f/ phoneme and a /p/ phoneme, whereas Korean lacks the /f/ phoneme. To many Koreans, these two phonemes sound the same. Applying what is discussed in the textbook about language acquisition to Ji-su, who is Korean, which of the following would you most likely expect to occur?

Americans place more value on providing parents with exclusive sleeping space

Shweder and colleagues (1995) found that Indian parents are more likely to sleep in the same room with their children than are American parents. Given their studies, which of these is the most compelling explanation for their results?

thinks that he or she could be a different person in the future

Someone with an incremental theory of the self

the sacred couple

The Parkers are an American family planning their household sleeping arrangements. The Singhs, an Indian family, are also planning their household sleeping arrangements. According to research by Shweder, which of following values would be much more important to the Parkers than the Singhs?

incest avoidance

The Patels, an Indian family, are trying to decide on room arrangements for a new house they are building for themselves, their 16 year-old daughter, Pria, and their 15 year old son, Raj. According to Shweders research, which of the following moral principles is likely to be the MOST important for this family?

most places where psychological research is conducted are becoming less diverse. making it difficult to find people who acculturated

Which of the following is NOT a reason why acculturation is challenging to study?

Sarah, who is American and who gained a much more interdependent self-construal after spending the last 10 years in China, although she is still not as interdependent as the Chinese tend to be

Which of the following is the best example of blending?

Hong-Kong Chinese students shown Chinese (versus neutral) primes believe that a fish's behavior is influenced by the group

Which of the following is the strongest evidence for frame- switching rather than blending?

if Based were a bicultural and Mel were a monocultural

Which of the following scenarios would most likely lead to Basdeo using frame-switching more than Mel?

As people age, they tend to become more neurotic

Which of the following statements about the Big Five model of personality is FALSE?

Authoritative parenting uses more democratic reasoning than does authoritarian parenting

Which of the following statements about the relationships between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles is true?

consistency is positively associated with likability in the US but not in Korea

Which of the following was found in Suh's (2002) research on self-consistency in Koreans and Americans?

Higher social class is associated with independence in western cultures and independence in Eastern culture

Which of the followings statements accurately describes the relationship between social class and individualism?

Urban European mothers spend less time in physical contact with their infants than rural European mothers

Which of. the following statements is true about parent-child interaction across culture?

Rie, a bicultural Japanese Canadian who is high in bicultural identity integration

Who of the following is the most likely to engage in a frame-switching?

yes, because this plan will lead to greater integrative complexity, which partially leads to higher levels of creativity.

Will Amy's plan for Sophia work?

"I am a member of a ballet dance group"

You are introduced to a person who is said to have an independent view of self. Based on Markus and Kitayamas (1991) model, which of the following would you LEAST expect the person to say?

"I am looking forward to working together and learning from each other"

You are tutoring freshman students who are the first in their family to attend college (first-generation students). Given what you know about social class, college enrollment, and motivation, which of the following statements will be most motivating for your students?

the Big Five explains personality adequately everywhere but does especially well explaining personality in the West.

You have saved up a lot of money over the last few years and have decided to travel the world. In interacting with people from different cultures all over the world, which of the following are you most likely to find?

experience another cultural firsthand and adapt to their way of life

Your friend Based would like to become more creative. Which of the following would you recommend to him?

a society that espouses values that match Pedram's personality

Your friend Pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to place where he will have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. Which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for him?

is more pronounced in societies with greater numbers of role distinctions and opportunities

adolescent rebellion

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