CCE 140-E1

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"Higher" (emotional) and "Lower" (physical, sensational) "He sees all the facts but not the meaning." This person is functioning on the lower medium Piano to symphony example, lose something

What are the units of 10meters ÷ 5 seconds?

2 m/s

What are the units of 8meters x 4meters?

32 meters squared

How does the scientific community define uncertainty in terms of a percent?


TRUE or FALSE When different types of knowledge are in conflict, we should search for the best answer according to the authority of Jesus


What is an inference?

A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning

What is a derived unit?

A unit defined by a combination of base units

What is the difference between data and theory?

Data is gathered by our senses via observations Theory is how we interpret that data 'Good' data trumps theory

Jennifer leaves for school at 7AM. Jennifer is always on time. Jennifer assumes that she will always be on time if she leaves at 7AM. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


What are the five parts of the scientific method?

Determine problem/question Develop hypothesis Design experiment to test Run experiment and collect data Draw conclusions from data

What are the five steps of the scientific method?

Determine problem/question Develop hypothesis Design experiment to test Run experiment and collect data Draw conclusions from data

What are three rules of the "game of science?"

Every effect has a physical cause. Laws of physics describe this cause-and-effect. The laws of physics apply at all places and times in the universe

TRUE or FALSE Because she is a scientist and a Christian, Dr. VH is a member of the Church of Scientology


TRUE or FALSE Science follows the same rules as literature


TRUE or FALSE Science follows the same rules as mathematics

False, Science has similar rules, but not the same

TRUE or FALSE Science can answer all things

False. Science can only answer some things by using logical reasoning to explain the world around us

What are derived units usually named for?

Famous scientists, very high honor

Be able to figure out what quadrant you are looking at given a data point. Example: (3,2) or (-1,-1

II, I III, IV (3,2) = Q1 (-1, -1) = Q3

Be able to explain what Einstein's article was about in one or two sentences

Idea of axioms: simple assumptions Scientists use equations and can discover new implications in them by exploring them with math and reason Using logic Finding conclusions to match something real

What turns a hypothesis into a theory?

If a hypothesis has not been falsified and it has over and over again been able to make accurate predictions about the physical world, it will become a THEORY in time

What is postmodernism?

Late 20th-century movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism; a general suspicion of reason; and an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and maintaining political and economical power.

Give three caveats to the scientific method:

Length of time spent on any process (e.g. induction) can vary dramatically Not everyone agrees on a singular scientific method What you do as a scientist will vary with your discipline Not everyone agrees on what disciplines are scientific Being scientific does not make something better or worse than something that is unscientific

Who wrote the essay Transposition?


What is an average?

Measure of central tendency obtained by totaling the scores and dividing the total by the number of scores in the distribution

Does an exponent have a unit? YES or NO


Can a unit be added or subtracted from a different unit? YES or NO

No 6m+4s=???

Is this data? 3.14 YES or NO

No, missing unit

What is data in terms of the scientific method?

Pieces of information regarding your dependent variable

four broad attributes of science

Records experiences (disciplined observations) Proposes order of nature (theories) Uses mathematical models (Force = Mass x Acceleration) Tests ideas against other experiences (experiments are controlled experiences)

What is non-scientific knowledge that we use to interpret the world around us

Revealed knowledge: knowledge that is not gained from observation of nature or any part of creation but is revealed directly by God. Jesus Christ and his word are God's chief means of self-revelation

How do scientists establish that they are using the same units?

SI system units

What is the difference between scientific and non-scientific information

Scientific is things that you can observe or study. Nonscientific is you cannot observe or study and you have to trust what is told to you

Be able to explain what Bacon's article was about in one to two sentences

Scientific revolution movement Gather data and then infer or use inductive reasoning to come to speculative conclusions Bacon not really an experimental guy though he was a proponent of them

Why do you label each axis?

So you know what the axis represents and also the numerical values

Why do you label a graph in the first place?

So you know what the graph as a whole is representing

Be able to explain what Popper's article was about in one or two sentences

Start by formulating a hypothesis, then collect data to see if they support the hypothesis. Some creativity to coming up with a hypothesis Hypothesis->logical deduction->conclusion Favors DEDUCTIVE reasoning

What is the Nicene Creed?

Statement of belief often used in Christian worship services. "I believe in one God, the Father Almighty..."

TRUE or FALSE God created an orderly universe


TRUE or FALSE God created man and woman in His image


TRUE or FALSE God knows all things with a perfect, complete knowledge


TRUE or FALSE It is possible to completely eliminate uncertainty with repeated measurements.


TRUE or FALSE Making more and more repeated measurements reduces uncertainty


TRUE or FALSE Christianity uses rules

True, ex: "Rule of Faith"— a standard to measure ideas against to ensure that the Faith does not change through the ages

TRUE or FALSE Scientific answers come from logical reasoning about the physical world

True, following the rules of science

What is an "experimental (independent) variable"?

What you are changing to observe if it has an effect

What happens to units if two identical units are added?

Will not change the units 6m+4m=10m

What happens to units if two identical units are subtracted?

Will not change the units 6m-4m=2m

What happens when you divide two identical units?

Works the same as dividing numbers and gives a ratio 10m/5m=2 times longer

What happens when you multiply two identical units?

Works the same as multiplying numbers 6mx4m=24m^2

What is the X-axis and which is the Y-axis?

X-axis=horizontal axis Y-axis=vertical axis

Is this data? 6.1 feet YES or NO


What does 22±0.1 mean?

You should get anywhere from 21.9 to 22.1

What is a "dependent variable"?

Your signal or how you will tell if the experimental variable matters

What is uncertainty?

a randomness that occurs in data, it's not your fault, it is the way nature is

If we are "ordering ourselves to God's natural order" what are the three levels we can use/compare?

avoiding death, basic health, and abundant life Food example: eating a few times a week and avoiding poison, vs eat a variety of food in moderation a few times a day, vs nutritious, satisfying, delicious food

Jesus was crucified. DATA or THEORY


Males in the U.S. average a shorter height than males in Sweden. DATA or THEORY


What is the difference between data and a conclusion?

data is the empirical evidence while conclusions is what the data means

All squares are rectangles. All rectangles have four sides, so all squares have four sides. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Arrives at a specific conclusion from generalizations. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Can support something, but never discovers something new. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


If I play a spade, play will reverse direction. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Moves from generalization to hypothesized outcome. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Often uses "if, then" reasoning. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Uses statements of truth organized as a hierarchy. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Aristotle is known for his use of INDUCTION DEDUCTION


In the bullseye example, what does the uncertainty depend on?

depends on how bad the player is (large vs small circle)

What are five parts of scientific method shared by all

experiment, observation, deduction, induction, and falsifiability are common throughout science

TRUE or FALSE All conclusion from data are accurate


TRUE or FALSE A theory is more accurate than good data (empirical evidence.)

false; good data trumps theory

Bacon is known for his use of INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Can discover something but not specifically support the discovery INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Dave observes sixteen bass in a river. Dave infers that all fish in the river are bass. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Makes a conclusion based on empirical data INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Moves from observations towards generalization INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Takes events and makes generalizations. INDUCTION DEDUCTION


Used when there are numerous observations that lead to a gradual buildup of understanding INDUCTION or DEDUCTION


What is revealed knowledge?

knowledge that is not gained from observation of nature or any part of creation but is revealed directly by God. Jesus Christ and his word are God's chief means of self-revelation

data vs meaningless numbers

meaningless numbers do not have units and are therefore just random numbers, they have no meaning

Gen. George B. McClellan was afraid of failure, which caused him to constantly overestimate the numbers of Confederate soldiers. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC

non scientific

Google is the best search engine. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC

non scientific

I think bananas are better than oranges. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC

non scientific

Man will never be able to explore every area of the vast ocean. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC

non scientific

What is error?

not random and is your fault ex: throwing dart at wrong board

Why are units important to scientists?

numbers without units are meaningless and have no relevance1

How can you express uncertainty about a numerical value?

plus or minus X

How do we talk about smaller or larger units?

prefixes, KHDaBDCM

Chocolate syrup removes stains from satin SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC


Jesus lived Nazareth (modern-day Israel) SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC


Man landed on the moon on July 16, 1969. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC


The kitchen smelled like cinnamon. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC


The reaction smelled like sulfur. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC


The test tube smelled like yeast. SCIENTIFIC or NON-SCIENTIFIC


What is the difference between subjective and objective

subjective is how you view things with bias objective is facts only, no bias

If carbon emission is decreased, the air quality will improve. DATA or THEORY


If you eat Swedish meatballs, you will grow taller. DATA or THEORY


What are the standard unit of time, length, and mass?

time=second, length=meter, mass=kilogram

TRUE or FALSE Scientific statements are falsifiable.


TRUE or FALSE We gather data with our sense


When is something falsified?

when the experimental observations do not come out as planned

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