CCNA unit 1
Class A
Class b
Class c
IPv6 prefix: global Unicast
2000:: /3
IPv6 prefix: embedded ipv4
:: /80
IPv6 prefix: unspecified address
IPv6 prefix: loopback
::1 /128
Layer 2 Switch
A type of switch that switches packets based on the MAC address.
IPv6 prefix: unique local
IPv6 prefix: link local
FE80:: /10
Layer three switch
Uses MAC and IP address information
fragment-free switching
a cut-through switching method that begins to forward data after receipt of the first 64 bytes of a frame
cut-through switching
a switching method that begins the forwarding process as soon as enough information has been received to make a forwarding decision
store-and-forward switching
frame forwarding method receives the entire frame and performs a CRC check to detect errors before forwarding the frame