Cerebellar Ataxia
Causes of CA
Acquired: Cerebral palsy Multiple Sclerosis Meningitis Hydrocephalus Various toxins and drugs Traumatic Injuries Stroke Inherited: Autosomal Dominant (ADA) Autosomal Recessive (ARCA) Metabolic abnormality Mitochondrial X-linked
Dr. John W. Schut (1920-1972)
American neurologist and founder of the National Ataxia Foundation in 1957 Discovered his family had a history of ataxia dating back to the early 1900s. Ended up dying from spinocerebellar ataxia
Treatment of CA
Can be hard to pinpoint since there are so many causes of CA Degeneration involved in most ataxias Knowing when to apply these techniques has to do with a good diagnosis Goals are to maintain independence and control symptoms
Treatment using PT
Decomposition of movement in single-joint movements Visual and verbal cues to help walking speed and stride length Ambulatory aids and orthotics for mobility Cooling a limb (reduction of muscle stiffness)
Cerebellar ataxia
Definition - refers to any neurological disorder that affects the cerebellum and includes ataxia as the main symptom Ataxia Greek word 'a' - without -'taxis' - order
History of CA
Discovered by Nikolaus Friedreich in 1865 -German neurologist and pathologist who worked on muscular dystrophy, spinal ataxia and brain tumors Further described by Joseph Babinski Called it 'Cerebellar asynergia'
Known as the "little brain" Accounts for 10% of volume but 50% of neurons in brain Originally thought this was a motor structure but research has discovered it is a modifier of movement
Neurotransmitter modulation (monoaminergic strategies) Anti-cholinergic drugs GABA-inhibitors (baclofen and clonazepam) Botox can be administered in selected muscles for tremors Medical marijuana has been suggested as well neater arm support
motor functions
Regulates Muscle Timing and force Coordination of Voluntary movements Maintenance of gait and posture Motor learning
Scanning Speech Eye movements -Nystagmus Truck Ataxia Coordination -Finger to nose -Finger to finger Rebound Test Force control Rapid Movements Hypotonia Gait
dog model
dogs can be used to study the neurological affects of ataxia
Friedrich's Ataxia
most common Disease where the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and cerebellum degenerate Caused by a mutation in the FXN gene Symptoms start around 5-15 years of age Death usually comes from complications with heart disease