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How can you tell if the VOR station is undergoing maintenance?

No morse code signal T-E-S-T code is playing

Is it legal to fly IFR with a non-WAAS GPS only?

No, aircraft using (non-WAAS) GPS navigation equipment under IFR must be equipped with an approved and operational alternate means of navigation appropriate to the flight.

Can you use glideslope in a LOC backcourse approach if you see a glideslope moving on your PFD?

No, because it's a false glideslope. Disregard all glideslope indications when doing a localizer backcourse approach.

Can you fly IFR if your currency has expired?

No, not even solo

Can you fly Cat II and Cat III approaches?

No, you need special training and equipment

How much ice is permissible on our wings?


Two typical messages you can receive from RAIM

Not enough satellites Error in signals

What do you need to do when your destination airport only has a GPS approach?

Nothing, as long as the 1-2-3 rule doesn't apply. However, if it does, then the alternate airport must have a non GPS approach

If you change your address, what should you do with the FAA?

Notify FAA within 30 days, but the FAA won't issue a new certificate unless requested by you

How can you identify marker beacons on a ILS approach?

OM- low pitched dashes at a rate of 2 per second (Blue) MM- alternate dot and dashes (Amber) IM- high pitched dots at a rate of 6 per second (White)

*** 3 instrument scan errors

Omission Fixation

Can you use VOT in the air?

Only as authorized in the AFD

Some DME provide groundspeed information. When is that accurate?

Only when tracking directly to or from the station

Rate of climb/descent

Optimum rate to 1,000 feet above or below the assigned altitude, and then attempt to descend or climb at a rate of between 500 and 1,500 fpm until the assigned altitude is reached

When doesn't ATC provide traffic separation? [3]

Outside controlled airspace In VMC VFR-on-top

Where can you find your aircraft limitations

POH, Airworthiness Certificate, Placards

Alternating yellow and green lights leading to a taxiway from a runway

Pilots can report 'clear of the runway' when passing the location where the lights change from alternating green and yellow to all green taxiway centerline lights

Requirements for alternate airport

Precision approach- 600/2 Non-precision approach- 800/2 At the ETA at the alternate airport

What can be used to replace an inoperative OM or MM

Precision radar, compass locator, and DME (for outer marker only)

Purpose of a CB or a fuse

Prevent electrical overload

Loss comm in VMC

Proceed VFR to the nearest suitable airport


Published when obstacles penetrate the 40:1 obstacle clearance surface

3 levels of RNP used in the U.S.

RNP 0.3- Approach RNP 1.0- Departure/Terminal RNP 3.0- Enroute


RNP value describes an accuracy

What is RAIM?

Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Perform error-checking on the GPS signal and alert the user if unreliable GPS information is being received

Benefit of doing an instrument takeoff

Reduce the disorientation that can occur during the transitional phase of quickly moving the eyes from the outside references inside to the flight instruments

What would you do if ATC clearance would make you deviate from a regulation?

Refuse and inform ATC

VOR limitations

Requires line of sight Interference from other VORs at high altitudes

What is a roll upset?

Roll upset may be caused by airflow separation (aerodynamic stall) which induces self-deflection of the ailerons and loss of or degraded roll-handling characteristics. These phenomena can result from severe icing conditions without the usual symptoms of ice accumulation or a perceived aerodynamic stall.

Loss comm procedures

Route- AVEF (Assigned, vectored, expected, filed; in order of preference) Altitude- MEA (MEA, expected, assigned; highest of the following)


Routes that transition an aircraft from the en route phase to the arrival phase

What does this sign mean?

Runway 10 and 5 are straight ahead


Runway end identifier lights

Preflight action required

Runway length Alternates Weather Fuel ATC delay Takeoff/landing distances

If you hear another airplane declare an emergency on your frequency, what should you do?


Service volume of localizer back course

Same as localizer front course

Benefits of RNAV

Save time and fuel More efficient use of airspace Reduced dependence on radar vectoring, altitude, and speed assignments

Narrower than usual runway

Seems higher than actual, thus flying a lower approach

Localizer service volume

Sfc to 4500' 35º 0-10nm 10º 0-18nm

What sort of distance does the DME provide?

Slant range

What should you do when going through turbulence?

Slow down to V_A

3 principle components of the GPS

Space, control, user

What should you do if ATC tells you "squawk mayday"

Squawk 7700

Errors associated with an ILS

Surface vehicles or aircraft below 5000' AGL can create interference with the localizer signals False glideslope

What can you do if you don't want to wait for "hold for release?"

Take off VFR

Instrument takeoff

Takeoffs only by reference to the instruments, generally after lining up with the runway centerline

3 classes of VOR

Terminal Low altitude High altitude

How can you test if your ELT is operational?

Test during the 5 mins after any hour on 121.5 or 243 MHz

What do you need to fly a SID?

Text or graphic

False glideslope

The 150Hz frequency can reflect upwards, above the 90Hz lobe

What are ground VOR checkpoints?

They are located at specific points on the airport

What are airborne VOR checkpoints?

They are over specific landmarks or airports

Medical requirement for taking a practical test

Third class medical (No medical required for sport pilots license)

Whats wrong with this picture?

This lane is for cars/trucks. Aircraft can only cross over it.


Threshold crossing height. Height below your glideslope antenna.

When is an instrument rating required?

To fly in IMC To fly under IFR To fly in Class A

How can you go missed from a visual approach?

Tower will advice. If the airport is uncontrolled, remain clear of clouds and contact ATC asap.

How can you identify a LOM

Tune the LOM frequency on the ADF

Takeoff requirements for Part 121, 125, 129, and 135

Two engines or less- 1sm 2+ engines- 0.5sm

Back course marker

Two high pitched dots at a time (White) Located at a location similar to a OM

Localizer operation

Two lobes- 90Hz and 150Hz Your onboard instruments determine which signal is stronger and tells you whether you are left or right of the centerline

What is a transition altitude?

Typically FL180. Altitude at which you change your altimeter setting to 29.92 inHg

Medical certificate valid times - 1st class - 2nd class - 3rd class

Under 40/ at or above 40 First class- 12/6 2nd class- 12/12 3rd class- 60/24

"L" on an IAP frequency means...

Use it to turn on runway lights

What can you do if you are doing an ILS and glideslope fails?

Use localizer minimums

How can you use a VOT?

Use the AFD to find the frequency When CDI is centered, your aircraft should be on the 360º radial (From 360º, To 180º)

What weather requirements do you need to operate VFR-on-top?

VFR cloud clearance requirements

What inspections are required under IFR?

VOR, Pitot-static system


VOR/DME = both VOR and DME required

VOR check error tolerances

VOT +/- 4 Ground +/- 4 Air +/- 6 Dual +/- 4

What happens to V_X and V_Y as you climb higher?

V_X increases and V_Y decreases

What equipment do you need to file an alternate airport that only has GPS approaches?

WAAS equipped GPS receiver

What does a "W" mean in the IAP remarks section?

WAAS vertical guidance may be inop often at this location. NOTAMS WONT(!) be published.

When is 100 hour inspection required?

When carrying passengers for hire or flight instruction

Reports required in non-radar environment

When leaving FAF inbound Compulsory reporting points ETA changes by more than 3 mins

When should pilots state their position when requesting departure clearance?

When taking off at a runway intersection

When does the Alt Field CB pop out?

When the alternator is supplying too much electricity

When do PAPI lights flash?

When the runway is not clear

When are you required to "see and avoid" traffic?

When weather permits

When is a course reversal required?

When you are getting radar vectored When NoPT is shown on the IAP

Declaring minimum fuel to ATC

When you reach your destination, you wont have a lot of fuel remaining. This is not a declaration of emergency.

When taxiing out of the runway, when are you considered out of the runway?

When your entire aircraft is past the hold short line

Runway centerline lights

White Last 3000' Red and white Last 1000' Red

Runway edge lights

White until amber for the last 2000' of the runway/half the runway length

How is a part-time tower/ATIS depicted on an IAP?

With the asterisk sign

When departing from an uncontrolled airport, within that time do you have to contact ATC if you're not off by clearance void time?

Within 30 mins of clearance void time

If you dont want a STAR or a DP, what should you do?

Write No DP/STAR in remarks

Can you still conduct an ILS at your alternate airport if the weather is below 600/2?


Can you still get a visual approach into airports that don't have weather reporting capability?


Does a CFII need to be current to do an IPC?


Is course reversal required at WONIT?


Is special VFR weather considered IMC?


When doing the ILS, the glideslope stops working. Can you use the VGSI?


Can a private pilot with NO instrument rating log Actual IMC PIC time?

Yes as long as they are the sole manipulator of the controls when flying with an authorized instructor

Can you legally turn off your strobe lights in flight?

Yes if they are being a hazard

Can you start your descent if you are in your TAA?

Yes, if you are cleared for the approach

Climb or descend at pilot's discretion

You can decide when you initiate a climb or descent May level off at any intermediate altitude Once vacated, you cannot return to an altitude

It's very cold and raining outside. You're in cruise flight at 8000 and bring the throttle back for a descent. The altimeter and VSI shows you level. You call ATC for a second opinion and they show you at 8000. What is going on?

You're descending. Your static port has iced over. Remember, your transponder's mode C readout will only tell ATC what the static port tells it.

Calculate VDP


Who can give an IPC?

*** 61.57 (d) (2)

Different types of RNAV



*** Weather briefers, other crew members, dispatchers, SOF, etc. for safe operations

Airspeed tolerance

+/- 10 knots of the restriction

Requirement to descend beyond DA/MDA

- Normal rate of descent to landing using normal maneuvers - Required visibility met - Runway environment in sight

Why do some approaches end with "--A?" [2]

-Runway heading is more than 30º different from the final approach course - Runway heading and final approach course are within 30º, but straight-in landing is not possible due to obstructions

When do you need an alternate? [2]

1-2-3 rule When the destination airport doesn't have an IAP

Approach aircraft category

1.3 x V_SO or V_REF; use higher minimums if applicable

VOR service volume (terminal)

1000 to 12000' 25nm

VOR service volume (high)

1000 to 14500' 40nm 14500 to 18000' 100nm 18000 to 45000 130nm 45000 to 60000 100nm

VOR service volume (low)

1000 to 18000' 40nm

Frequency range of the VOR

108 to 117.95 MHz

Localizer frequency range

108.1 to 111.95

Service volume of glideslope

10nm (typically)

Emergency frequency


Glideslope operation

150Hz on the bottom, 90Hz on the top. Works just like a localizer.

Service volume of LOM


Service volume of a DME station

199 nm, 100 aircraft

CDI sensitivity when flying a RNAV departure


Takeoff minmums for commercial operations

1sm for airplanes with 2 engines or less 1/2sm for airplanes with more than 2 engines

Climb gradient required for departures

200' per nm

How long is a knowledge test valid for?

24 calendar months

Location of glideslope antenna

250 to 600' from the runway centerline

UND progressive maintenance

4 phase inspections every 60 hours. No 100-hour inspection is required. The completion of all 4 phases constitute as an annual.

Pilots are expected to fly straight ahead to what altitude before making a turn?

400 AGL

Frequency ELT operates

406 MHz 121.5 MHz

How long do you have to submit a detailed report of your deviation if requested by ATC?

48 hours

Course width of the localizer

700' wide at the runway threshold (350' either side of centerline)

Operational frequency of marker beacons

75 MHz

Transponder codes

7500 hijack 7600 lost comm 7700 emergency

How does a GPS work?

A GPS receiver determines a three-dimensional position in space by calculating multiple ranges from at least four satellites.


A point where normal descent from the MDA to the runway touchdown point may be commenced

TAA (Terminal Arrival Area)

A structure associated with RNAV apporaches tha allow aircraft to seamlessly transition from the enroute structure to the approach phase.

Where can you find ALD (Available landing distances) when LAHSO is in effect?


Where can you find more information about hotspots of an airport?


What can GPS be substituted for?


How can you find airborne/ground VOR test sites?


Contact approach vs. visual approach

ATC cannot assign a contact approach without pilot's request To be assigned a visual appraoch: clouds > 1000' vis > 3sm Contact approach: 1sm vis

"Clearance on request"

ATC hasn't received your request from their computer system yet, so standby

"Hold for release"

ATC will still give you an IFR clearance, but you cannot depart until ATC gives you an amended clearance

Absolute ceiling vs. service ceiling

Absolute ceiling- 0 FPM climb Service ceiling- 50 FPM climb

When would a TFR be issued? [Any 5]

Aerial demonstrations Major sporting events National security Volcanic eruptions Aircraft incident/accident sites Toxic gas leaks/spills

Grace period

After 6 months of being current, you have another 6 months to become current again with a safety pilot

VOR error tolerances

Airborne check: +/- 6º Ground check: +/- 4º Dual VOR: +/- 4º

Requirements for being cleared for a visual approach

Airfield in sight Traffic to follow in sight

When would you use an instrument takeoff?

Almost never

Tricolor VASI

Amber- above Green- on glideslope Red- below glideslope

What do the numbers on circuit breakers represent?

Amps at which the CB will pop out

Required inspections

Annual VOR 100 hour Altimeter (Pitot-static system) Transponder ELT

When is an instrument rating required? [4]

Any time you are the PIC of an IFR flight When operating in IMC weather Special VFR at night CPL cross-country more than 50nm

Why cant a pilot "deactivate and placard?"

Appendix A of FAR Part 43 lists the things a pilot may do, and deactivating and placarding a system isn't one of them.

Runway environment [11]

Approach light system The runway itself Runway lights Runway threshold Threshold markings Threshold lights Runway end identifier lights VASI/PAPI Touchdown zone Touchdown zone markings Touchdown zone lights

What instruments can you count for currency as a CFII?

Approaches in actual IMC until FAF

What is RNAV?

Area navigation

When must you do a missed approach?

Arrival at MAP Safe landing not possible Instructed by ATC Avionics failure

How does the stall warning system in our airplane work?

As AOA increases, the center of pressure moves forward, creating a suction force. Therefore, air is sucked out through the stall warning, enabling the horn.

When should you contact Departure after takeoff?

As soon as practical

Location of localizer antenna

At the other end of the runway

What is an ATC clearance? [3]

Authorization by ATC To proceed under specified traffic conditions For the purpose of preventing collision

What is ADS-B?

Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast Allows aircraft to broadcast its GPS location to nearby aircraft using datalink

Why shouldn't you join an approach at an intermediate fix?

Because doing so wont assure obstacle clearance

Why is it important to remove frost?

Because it degrades lift, adds drag, and increases stall speed

Why does ice/snow on the wing increase stall speed?

Because it disrupts smooth airflow over the wing and adds drag

Why do you need to continuously listen to NDB frequency when using it?

Because it doesn't have a flag to warn the pilot of an error

Taxiway edge lights


Contents of an IFR clerance?


Use of portable electronic devices on an aircraft during IFR

Cannot use portable electronic devices on IFR flights or on flights with an air carrier license

3 categories of ILS approaches

Cat I Cat II Cat III

What is a Supplemental Type Certificate?

Certificate required to fly a modified aircraft.

What is a Technical Standard Order?

Certification requirements for equipment in the airplane

Most dangerous aspect of structural icing

Changes the airfoil of the wing

What should you do if you encounter icing?

Climb to a higher altitude if you can leave visible moisture Descend to a loewr altitude if temperatures are warmer

How can you find out about TFR information [3]

Contact FSS Check NOTAM

Proceed direct when able

Controller becomes responsible for terrain and obstruction clearance

How is an ELT activated?

Crash sensor Manual switch

What can GPS be used for in IFR operations?

DME DME arc NDB navigation NDB holding

DME operation

DME transmits interrogating frequency to the DME ground facility. Ground receiver responds back to the interrogating aircraft. The airborne DME equipment measures the elapsed time between the interrogation signal sent by the aircraft and reception of the reply pulses from the ground station. This time measurement is converted into nautical miles distance from the station.

VOR check log contents [4]

Date, place, bearing error, signature

Effects of ice on airplane's performance

Decreased lift Increased drag Higher stall speed

Exceptions to portable electronic device regulation

Devices that the has PIC determined will not cause interference

Distress vs. urgency situation

Distress- emergency (fire, failure, etc.) Urgency- fuel endurance, weather, etc.

When must the ELT battery be replaced?

ELT has been used for 1 cumulative hour 50% of the battery's useful life is used

Seatbelt usage regulation

Each person must be briefed on how to use seatbelts/shoulder harnesses.

Privileges of having a CFI-I

Endorse for Instrument Rating knowledge test Endorse for IR practical test Conduct an IPC

Fuel requirement for IFR

Enough fuel to go to the destination airport, then to the alternate, and additional 45 mins

GPS CDI sensitivities

Enroute: 5nm on either side Approach/'TERM' (30nm from the airport): 1nm on either side Within 2nm of the FAF/"APPR": .3nm

How can you prevent St. Elmo's fire?

Ensure that static wigs are installed properly

Method for testing the pitot heat

Ensure that the ammeter is showing negative

What should you do if you reach your clearance limit and no further clearance is received and there's radio congestion?

Enter a standard holding pattern at the clearance limit fix. Make a right turn after passing the fix and proceed to the outbound leg.

How often do you need to test the VOR?

Every 30 days

Losing sight of the runway while circling

Execute missed approach procedure

Who can inspect your logbook?

FAA NTSB Federal, state, local law enforcement officer

Requirements for straight in (non-circling) approaches

FAC within 30º Descent from FAF is not excessive

FAR 61 vs. FAR 91

FAR 61- pilot certification FAR 91- rules of the air

How many satellites do you need for RAIM to work?

Five satellites or (4+baro altimeter) is required to detect a bad satellite Six satellites (5+ baro altimeter) to exclude a bad satellite (only if you have that function)

Required IFR reports (FAME Performance)

Fixes: arriving or leaving - Reaching holding fix - Reaching clearance limit - FAF inbound (non-radar) - Leaving holding pattern (time + altitude) Altitude changes - Vacating altitude to newly assigned altitude - Altitude changes during VFR on top Missed approach Equipment: loss or problems - Loss of navigation instrument - Unforecast weather Performance: poor climb/descend, TAS change - Unable to climb/descend at at least 500fpm - TAS change by 5% or 10 knots (whichever is greater) - ETA changes by more than 3 mins (non radar)


Fly at any altitude between minimum IFR altitude to the cruise altitude - Climb or descent may be made - Cannot go back to an altitude if you report leaving

Executing a missed approach before MAP

Fly to MAP at or above MDA/DA before making a turning maneuver

When is an IFR clearance required?

Flying IFR in controlled airspace in IMC

If there are LOM and LMM, what coded identification can you hear from each of them?


What happens if you lose RAIM?

GPS accuracy is no longer assured

Equipment required for IFR flight (91.205)

Generator Radio Altimeter (Sensitive) Ball/turn coordinator Clock Attitude indicator Rate of turn indicator Directional gyro (Heading indicator)

Components of the ILS

Glideslope Localizer Marker beacons Approach lights

What should you do if you lose RAIM before reaching FAF? After FAF?

Go missed on both occasions

What if there's no MEL?

Go through 91.213(d) VFR day type certificate Kinds of operating equipment list 91.205 ADs After going through these 4 items, PIC must determine whether the operation will be safe. Then, a mechanic must "deactivate and placard"

Taxiway centerline lights


How does WAAS work?

Ground stations collect GPS satellite data. They determine GPS errors and send them to geostationary satellites that then transmit the error information to the aircraft WAAS receivers.

What can be used in lieu of RVR?

Ground visibility

3 functions of the ILS

Guidance: localizer, glideslope, Range: marker beacons Visual: approach lights

St. Elmo's fire

Happens when the aircraft is going through precipitation static. Aircraft develops a negative charge.

Flight visibility

Horizontal distance you can see from the cockpit

When is "shortened" included in a takeoff clearance?

If pilot cant use the entire runway length for takeoff

Considerations when you have a vacuum pump failure in flight

In IMC or VMC? Nearest airport? Radar coverage? No gyro approach?

When can a CFI-I log instrument time?

In actual IMC

When can you deviate from ATC clearance?

In response to a traffic alert In an emergency New clearance received

IFR recency requirement

In the preceding 6 calendar months - 6 approaches - Holding procedure - Intercepting/tracking a navigation course Must be done in the same category of aircraft/simulator

Include some scenarios from the lesson plan

Include some scenarios from the lesson plan

If your emergency situation made you deviate from ATC clearance, what should you do?

Inform ATC and get an amended clearance

Requirement to use a EFB instead of a paper chart (ASK MR. SANDQUIST)

Information displayed must be functional equivalent of the paper reference material Information being used for navigation or performance planning is current, up-to-date, and valid.

What are these wig/wag lights for?

Installed at some taxiway/runway intersections to make it more obvious you are intersecting a runway

3 fundamental skills to instrument flying

Instrument crosscheck Instrument interpretation Aircraft control

When is a VOR frequency underlined on an IAP?

It has no voice capability

How is IFR approved GPS different?

It must have RAIM

Localizer vs. LDA

LDA- localizer not aligned with runway although straight-in minimums may be published if the offset is less than 30º

How should you land the plane on water?

Land into the wind or parallel to the swells

If you're flying to the MSP area, and weather in all the airports you could reach with your fuel goes 0/0, what should you do?

Last at MSP. Do the ILS Cat III all the way down to touchdown since their GS work all the way down.

Scan technique

Left from attitude indicator Right from attitude indicator Down from attitude indicator

Position lights

Left- Red Right- Green Tail- White

Benefits of flying coordinated

Less drag Reliable instrument readings Passenger comfort Decreased stall speed

What is the MM associated with in an ILS approach?

Located near the DH

Outer marker vs. Locator outer marker

Locator is basically a low powered NDB

What kind of marker beacon sensitivity provides higher accuracy?


Verify that oil pressure is actually getting low

Low oil pressure will increase oil temperature


Low or medium radio frequency radio station All radio beacons except the compass locators transmit a continuous three-letter identification in code except during voice transmissions.


MDA is expressed in MSL MDH is expressed in AGL MDH =/= DH

What does the TAA replace?

MSA (Minimum Sector Altitude). It provides minimum IFR obstacle clearance.


MSL altitude at which you have to maintain at or above when doing a non precision approach until MAP

How are TAA boundaries defined?

Magnetic course

Max duration of a temporary medical certificate? Pilot certificate?

Med- 60 days Pilot- 120 days - Until plastic arrives - Until letter of revocation/denial arrives - Until expiration date

Primary purpose of static wicks

Minimize static electricity interference with the aircraft radios. They work by allowing static electricity to discharge from the airframe into the surrounding air.

What should you do if RAIM is lost while en route?

Monitor other navaids (VOR)

How can you check if you will have RAIM?


Source of information for incident/accident reporting

NTSB 830

Can you cross illuminated red bar lights if you are cleared for takeoff?


Can you fly a GPS approach if you cannot load in on your GPS although you can identify the fixes?


Can you use GPS to do a NDB approach?


Can you use handheld or VFR GPS in IFR for primary navigation purposes?


Do you have to comply with cloud clearance requirements when conducting a visual approach?


When given a taxi clearance, can you cross other runways?


Can you give an IPC in a multi-engine airplane if you dont dont have a MEI certificate?

No (AC 61-98)

How long does the lights stay on?

~15 minutes

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