CGS 4854
As learned in this class, what is the purpose of the <font> tag
Set font attributes to text written between <font> and </font> in html
As learned in this class, what does the PUTTY program do?
Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU server
As learned in this class, write the code to create a submit button as done in program 2.
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Clear Screen" >
As learned in this class, write the code of one input text field in pgm 2
<input type="text" name="Telephone" value="" style="width: 100%;">
As learned in this class, what does the cellpading attribute do
Allows us to create padding around the cell content
Name the MAIN two sections of HTML that we have learned in this class
<head> </head> and <body> </body>
As learned in this class, write the code to create 2 Check boxes
<input type="CheckBox" name="Message1" value="Complaint">Complaint <input type="Checkbox" name="Message2" value="Problem">Problem
As learned in this class, write the code to create 2 Radio Button
<input type="radio" name="Message3" value="Complaint">Complaint <input type="radio" name="Message3" value="Problem">Problem
Using a hyperlink named page 3, call the program located at includes/page3.html
<a href="includes/page3.html"> page 3 </a>
As learned in this class, write the opening and closing of the tag that calls the constructor2.php program passing in all data, "hidden", on pgm2 front-end
<form method="post" action="Contructor2.php"> </form>
As learned in this class, what does the cellspacing attribute do
It specifies the space between cells.
As learned in this class, what is the purpose of the controller2.php page, as done in program 2
To process the input of program 2 front end
As learned in this class, what is the <form> tag purpose as done in program 2
To sent data to the program being called by it, after creating all fields in it
As learned in this class, in which operating system(s) does PUTTY work(s)
Windows 10
As learned in this class, what does the FACE command do
Is the command that assigns the font name in html
As learned in this class, write the code that finds out which button was pressed. Use two buttons as an example
if ( $_POST['Save'] ) { echo $save ; } else if ( $_POST['Find'] ) { echo 'Find'); }
As learned in this class, inside a column, using the font tag, display CLASS, using courier font, color brown size 5
<td><font face=courier size=5 color=brown> CLASS </font> </td>
As learned in this class, name 5 (five) attributes in tables learned in program one
height, width, border, bgcolor, cellspacing
As learned in this class, in which operating system(s) does FILEZILLA work
Ubuntu 16.04
In Ubuntu, what will this code do: ../../../chmod 755 *
it will give us an error
As learned in this class, what is the name of the folder used to place all your programs and folders for your website
As learned in this class, write the code to extract and display the data from any field inputed on a front end, as done on the controller2.php program
$Others = $_POST['Others']; echo others = $Others;
Which is the code to call a website using a graphic, as learned in this class?
<a href=""> <img src="../images/fiulogoCIS3.png" alt="FIU School of Computing & Information Sciences" width="100" height="90" border=0 />
As learned in this class, which is the code to display a graphic
<imgsrc="../images/fiulogoCIS3.png" alt="FIU School of Computing & Information Sciences" width="100" height="90" border=0 />
As learned in this class, name the three main opening tags of the dropdown
<li> <ul> <nav>
As learned in this class, what does this code do: <a href="includes/page1.html"><center>page 1</center></a> <a href="includes/page2.html"><center>page 2</center></a>
Displays page 1, page 2 horizontally centered
As learned in this class, in which operating system(s) does WINSCP work
Windows 10
As learned in this class, what does the FILEZILLA program do
It allows to give read access rights to all files
As learned in this class, what is the difference between paragraphs and breaks
breaks terminates a text line and moves cursor to the next line paragraphs terminates a text paragraph and adds a break command at the end
As learned in this class, what does the WINSCP program do
Allows you to Create/Delete folders/files to/from your FIU server