CGS mid term exam
25 GB
Blu-rays provide approximately ___ of storage space.
Cookies stored on a computer's hard drive and used to collect and store information about user preferences, password and username information, IP address, and/or data on web surfing behavior are called ___ cookies.
One character of information, for example, a letter or a number consists of one ___ of storage
SAGE was developed by the US Department of ___ .
color depth
The number of bits of data describing each pixel in a display is referred to as ___ .
An attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests is called a _____ attack.
The smallest unit of data storage is a ___ .
The technology (chips) that allow cell phone microphones and hearing aids to be so small is the _____ chip.
refresh rate
The term that describes how fast each pixel in a display is updated is ___
To create an image with a laser printer ___ is(are) drawn to the drum.
URL stands for ___ Resource Locator.
Using a stylus and touchpad to map the signature and also measure pressure, pen angle, pen up/down, speed, etc, is known as what type of signature recognition?
Using cells of ionized gas to create images, ___ displays are actually becoming less popular.
In general, the more data being transmitted, the shorter the cord should be.
Which is true regarding the length of a USB cord?
is enhanced
With optical zoom, resolution ____ when focusing on distant objects.
_____ is actually storage since it retains data and info when the power is turned off
a coding scheme using at least 6 bits to represent a character
a computer that is highly mobile has a smaller OS and used touchscreen
a digital device that accepts input and stores the input, and provides output is a __________
billion bytes
a gigabyte equals one b_____ bytes
a kilobyte is equal to approximately one _______ bytes
million bytes
a megabyte equals approximately one _________ bytes
control panel
a site on the windows operating system where you can uninstall programs adjust settings and manage tasks is the ________
one trillion bytes
a terabyte equals approximately one __________ bytes
a thousand gigabytes equals
infared waves
a tv remote uses -
abbreviation for mega hetrz
data flows between different parts of the computer via buses
firewire connectors were developed for ______ computers
fetch, decode, execute, store
four steps of the machine cycle
largest chip designing company
optical drives
many manufacturers have made ________ optional equipment when purchasing a new laptop computer
memory is ______ and has no moving parts
256GB - 1 TB
most new laptop computers come with how much storage
most tablets and phones use ______ as their main storage device
one cycle per second
2-4 gigahertz
personal computer CPU clockpeeds range between
protocol for wireless networks
running the processor faster then recommended
the _____ is a computer within your computer that creates images
the __________ cache is located directly on the processor itself
native resolution
the actualt number of pixels on a monitor is called
color depth
the amount of data that defines each pixel is called
clock speed
the number of instructions the CPU can process per second is dictated by the ________ of the processor
waves can pass through walls
which of the following represents the highest amount of storage -megabyte -gigabyte -terabyte -kilobyte
A form of spyware that records all actions typed on a keyboard is called a _____ logger.
A group of compromised computers controlled by a hacker.
A small text file of information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk is called a(n) _____.
optical drive
A storage device that uses lasers to read CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray discs is referred to as a(n) ___ .
In photography, there are 2 ways to focus on distant objects, digital zoom and ____ zoom.
the average computer has a ______ dard drive then avereg desktop computer
clock rate
the clock speed or __________ is the speed at which the processor runs the operations required to run a digital device
word size
the max number of bits per instruction the CPU can process within a machine cycle
ALU and control unit
two parts of the processor are
Increased data transfer will be less likely to have errors if you use a ___ USB cord.
Inkjet printers are often sold ____ their production cost.
Magnetic Ink Recognition (MICR) is a technology that is most commonly seen on ____
Most touchpads use _____ to sense when a finger has moved across the pad.
white hat hackers
Non-malicious computer security experts that test the security measures of an organization's information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions are called ___.
Printer speed is described using which acronym?
adio frequency identification
RFID stands for which of the following.
plug ins
Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called ___ .
Software that collects the user's web browsing history and uses the data collected to create unsolicited targeted pop-up advertisements is called _____ .
Software that infects a computer and is created using computer code is called a computer _____.
Specialized hardware or software that capture packets transmitted over a network are called packet _____
The accuracy of a digital recording is determined by the device's ___ rate.
The number of pixels in an image is called the image's ____
The technology that allows any text, even handwritten scrawls, to be digitized is known as optical ___ recognition
The wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as ___ .
A commonly-used short range wireless technology used for data transfer and electronic payments is called ___
A computer controlled by a hacker is called a _____.
A type of phishing that seeks to obtain personal information through malicious software that is inserted on a victim's computer is called _______ .
The technology that uses the reflection of a laser of the graphite left by a #2 pencil to determine if a bubble has been filled in is called.
Though currently expensive, curved and paper-thin displays are possible using ___ display technology.
single core processor
a processor compromised of one control unit and one ALU is called a
1920 x 1080
full HD resolution is expressed as :
in addidtion to the RAM, modern processors temporarily keep data in a _______
instructions needed to boot up a computer such as the bios are stored in the
bus width and clock speed
two major factors that impact processor speed are
MIDI ports
all of the following are common ports that are included with laptop computers except -HDMI ports -USB ports -MIDI ports -ethernet ports
an application that navigates all of the files and folders on your MAC is the _____
most widely used OS for smartphones and tablets
which of the following is a strength of the android platform
free to download and use
which of the following is a strength of the linux platform
microsoft works 6-9 computer
which of the following might be risky to uninstall from a windows PC laptop
which of the following represents the least amount of storage -kilobyte -gigabyte -gigahertz -megabytes
protective capacitive
which type of touchscreen uses a single metallic created panel and uses electricity to calculate touch points
windows OS is owned and maintained by
a mobile hinged computer with an integrated keyboard that uses a full operating system is called a notebook or a ________ computer
bluetooth is
a short range wireless transmission protocol
typical SSD capacities are measured in _______
used in a variety of devices including ATMS and point of sale terminals _________ allow for the input of data with the use of a stylus or finger
operating system
what manages hardware and software supports computers basic functions and runs programs
4 - 8 GB
when you buy a new laptop how much RAM should it come with
A type of printer that is used to print large graphic images such as architectural drawings by mechanically moving a pen over a large sheet of paper is known as a ___
An Internet signal that has enough bandwidth to allow multiple computers to be connected to the same router is called a ___ signal.
Lower range tones generally require ___ speakers.
An electronic element that stores data by changing its resistance based on the current that has passed through it (similar to RRAM) is called a(n) ___
contrast ratio
Description of difference in luminance of white pixels vs black pixels is
Hacking for a politically or socially motivated purposes. Uses same techniques as a hacker but does so in order to disrupt services and bring attention to a political or social cause.