ch 10 for A & P 1 final carley
A muscle fascicle can be viewed without magnification. -True -False
After the fusion of myoblasts, the muscle fiber loses its ability to do what? -grow -lengthen -contract -divide -all of the answer choices
skeletal muscle cells only.
Cylindrical muscle cells that contain multiple nuclei would be -smooth muscle cells only. -both skeletal and smooth muscle cells. -both skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. -skeletal muscle cells only. -cardiac muscle cells only.
Diffusion is a required process for muscular contraction. -True -False
M line.
During muscle contraction by the sliding filament mechanism, thin filaments are pulled towards the -Z disc. -H zone. -M line. -A band. -I band.
synaptic end bulbs.
In neuromuscular junctions, vesicles containing acetylcholine are found suspended in the -myelin bulbs. -neuromuscular bulbs. -synaptic end bulbs. -axon collateral bulbs. -tubule bulbs.
Most of the sarcoplasm of a muscle cell is occupied by mitochondria. -True -False
Muscle contraction requires ATP. -True -False
Muscle contraction requires Ca++. -True -False
all of the above
Myofibrils contain -contractile proteins. -regulatory proteins. -structural proteins. -all of the above. -none of these answers are correct.
Myosin filaments look like strings of twisted beads. -True -False
Regulatory proteins help keep thick and thin filaments in proper alignment. -True -False
terminal cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum
Release of calcium from these structures triggers skeletal muscle contraction. -myofibrils -mitochondria -terminal cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum -sarcolemma -none of the answer choices
muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, myofilament
Select the correct order of muscle components, progressing from larger to smaller. -muscle, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, myofilament -muscle, muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibril, myofilament -muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, myofilament -fascicle, muscle, muscle fiber, myofibril, myofilament -muscle, muscle fiber, fascicle, myofilament, myofibril
Smooth muscle tissue is both nonstriated and involuntary. -True -False
place where adjacent sarcomeres are joined together.
The Z (disc) line is the -place where adjacent sarcomeres are joined together. -point where the axon and the sarcolemma meet. -middle of a sarcomere. - area of a sarcomere where only thick myofilaments are found. -place where two cardiac muscle cells meet.
The contractile portions of a skeletal muscle fiber are thread-like structures called -myofibrils. -myoglobin. -mitochondria. -Z discs. -M lines.
All of these choices are correct
The different types of muscle tissue differ from each other by -microscopic anatomy. -location. -type of Control. -both microscopic anatomy and location. -All of these choices are correct.
The longest muscle fibers in the body are about 4 inches long. -True -False
plasma (cell) membrane of a muscle fiber.
The sarcolemma is the -cytoplasm of a myofiber. -separation between sarcomeres in a myofibers. -plasma (cell) membrane of a muscle fiber. -structure that produces acetylcholine. -storage site for calcium ions in myofibers.
The thick filaments in a myofilament are made of the protein actin. -True -False
This is the outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle. -tendon -ligament -endomysium -epimysium -perimysium
This is the property of muscle that gives it the ability to stretch without damage. -electrical excitability -contractility -extensibility -elasticity -thermogenesis
synaptic cleft
To stimulate skeletal muscle contraction, acetylcholine must cross the __________ of the neuromuscular junction and bind to receptors on the motor endplate. -node of Ranvier -synaptic cleft -sarcolemma -synaptic end bulb -transverse tubule
ATP hydrolysis reaction
What energizes the myosin head? -the actin filaments -calcium ions -potassium ions -ATP hydrolysis reaction -ADP synthesis
the synaptic end bulb of a nerve and the sarcolemma
What structures meet at the neuromuscular junction? -the synaptic end bulb of a nerve and thick myofilaments -an axon and the sarcoplasmic reticulum -the synaptic end bulb of a nerve and the sarcolemma -the sarcolemma and the T tubules -the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the synaptic end bulb of a nerve
axon of neuron, sarcolemma, T tubules
Which of the following correctly lists the sequence of structures that action potentials must move through to excite skeletal muscle contraction? -sarcolemma, axon of neuron, T tubules -T tubules, sarcolemma, myofilament -muscle fiber, axon of neuron, myofibrils -axon of neuron, sarcolemma, T tubules -myofibrils, myofilaments, mitochondria
Production of Vitamins.
Which of the following is NOT a major function of muscle tissue? -moving blood throughout the body -generating heat through contractions -stabilizing the movement of joints -promoting movement of body structures -Production of Vitamins.
calcium ions
Which of the following products binds with troponin to initiate muscle contraction? -sodium ions -calcium ions -ACh -myosin -None of these.
Which of the products below covers the thin filament binding sites in a relaxed muscle? -calcium ions -sodium ions -troponin -tropomyosin -None of these
Most of the muscle tissue of the body is smooth (nonstriated) muscle.
Which of these is true? -Smooth muscle fibers have intercalated disks. -Cardiac muscle fibers have multiple nuclei. -Most of the muscle tissue of the body is smooth (nonstriated) muscle. -Skeletal muscles are also referred to as striated muscles or voluntary muscles. -None of the above.