Ch. 10 study questions

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25) Of the following muscles, which can compress the abdomen? A) internal oblique B) external oblique C) transversus abdominis D) rectus abdominis E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.

5) The muscle that assists in mastication, and is also useful to musicians, as in playing a trumpet, is the ________ muscle. A) masseter B) orbicularis oris C) procerus D) temporalis E) buccinator

E) buccinator

16) The ________ muscle ejects urine or semen in the male. A) deep transverse perineal B) superficial transverse perineal C) ischiocavernosus D) external urethral sphincter E) bulbospongiosus

E) bulbospongiosus

2) The ________ pulls the eyebrow skin inferiorly and medially, and wrinkles the brow. A) orbicularis oculi B) levator palpebrae superioris C) procerus D) levator anguli oris E) corrugator supercilii

E) corrugator supercilii wrinkles - corrugate

12) Cranial nerve VII supplies the muscles of ________. A) the tongue B) the eyes C) mastication D) the anterior neck E) facial expression

E) facial expression

6) The risorius is a muscle of mastication.


8) Temporalis is a muscle of facial expression, which moves the auricle of the ear.


13) The deep transverse perineal muscle flexes coccygeal joints, and it elevates and supports the pelvic floor.

false - coccygeus

2) A muscle that constricts the opening of the mouth is orbicularis oculi.

false - orbicularis oris

4) A superficial muscle that covers the anterior surface of the neck is the trapezius.

false - platysma "anterior" surface, not posterior

1) A muscle of the scalp, with two bellies separated by a collagenous sheet, is called occipitofrontalis.


10) The digastric muscle depresses the mandible and/or elevates the larynx.


11) The internal intercostal muscles aid in respiration by depressing the ribs.


12) The superior serratus posterior muscle originates on the spinous processes of C7-T3, and functions in elevating the ribs and enlarging the thoracic cavity.


14) The pubococcygeus muscle, which originates on the inner margins of the pubis and inserts on the coccyx and median raphe, supports the pelvic organs and elevates and retracts the anus.


3) In infants, a muscle, which is responsible for producing the suction required for suckling at the breast, is the buccinator.


5) The muscle that elevates, everts, and protrudes the lower lip is the mentalis.


7) Palatoglossus is a muscle of the tongue.


9) Tensor veli palatini is a pharyngeal muscle, which elevates the soft palate.


15) The anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles are the oblique muscles of the neck, which ________. A) elevate the ribs and/or flex the neck B) depress the ribs and flex the neck C) elevate the ribs and enlarge the thoracic cavity D) depress the ribs and flex the vertebral column E) elevate the ribs and oppose the diaphragm

A) elevate the ribs and/or flex the neck

12) The intermediate layer of the intrinsic back muscles is also called the ________ group. A) erector spinae B) spinal flexor C) intertransversarii D) rotatores E) interspinalis

A) erector spinae

7) Orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi, and platysma are part of the group of muscles known as the muscles of ________. A) facial expression B) mastication C) the extra-ocular region D) the tongue E) the pharynx

A) facial expression

29) Which of the following is the most superficial and lateral muscle of the male or female urogenital triangle? A) ischiocavernosus B) bulbospongiosus C) pubococcygeus D) coccygeus E) external urethral sphincter

A) ischiocavernosus ischium is most lateral structure

2) Muscles of mastication most often insert into the ________. A) mandible B) bones of the face C) tongue D) muscles adjacent to them E) eyes

A) mandible

6) Which of the following muscles is the most powerful muscle involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth? A) masseter B) omohyoid C) temporalis D) pterygoid E) hyoglossus

A) masseter

8) The ________ muscle originates on the horns of the hyoid bone and inserts in the median raphe, and is innervated by branches of the pharyngeal plexus. A) middle pharyngeal constrictor B) salpingopharyngeus C) inferior pharyngeal constrictor D) palatopharyngeus E) superior pharyngeal constrictor

A) middle pharyngeal constrictor median - middle

9) Which muscle moves the bolus into the esophagus? A) pharyngeal constrictors B) styloglossus C) levator veli palatini D) salpingopharyngeus E) palatopharyngeus

A) pharyngeal constrictors

13) The ________ muscle is divided longitudinally by a median collagenous partition called the linea alba. A) rectus abdominis B) internal oblique C) transversus abdominis D) diaphragm E) external oblique

A) rectus abdominis

11) Which of the following muscles originates at two heads? A) sternocleidomastoid B) sternohyoid C) thyrohyoid D) mylohyoid E) stylohyoid

A) sternocleidomastoid

1) Which of the following belongs to the second group of the axial muscles that include flexors and extensors of the axial skeleton? A) the muscles of the vertebral column B) the muscles of the perineum C) the muscles of the head and neck D) the oblique and rectus muscles E) the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm

A) the muscles of the vertebral column

4) Which of the following muscles runs between the larynx and the hyoid bone? A) thyrohyoid B) digastric C) mylohyoid D) genioglossus E) geniohyoid

A) thyrohyoid

26) The deepest lateral layer of the abdominal muscles is the ________. A) transversus abdominis B) rectus abdominis C) internal oblique D) external oblique E) psoas major

A) transversus abdominis

3) Why are there so few spinal flexors associated with the anterior surface of the vertebral column, whereas there are a large number of different extensor groups?

Answer: In addition to using the flexor muscles, the trunk can be assisted in forward movement by gravity. Because the bulk of the body's mass (weight) is anterior to the vertebral column, flexing the spine toward the anterior becomes easier.

5) What is an inguinal hernia, and what causes it to occur?

Answer: In an inguinal hernia, the inguinal canal enlarges and the abdominal contents, such as a portion of the greater omentum, small intestine, or (more rarely) the urinary bladder, enter the canal. During development in infant males, the testes in the male pass through the inguinal canal, a passage through the abdominal wall musculature, to enter the scrotum. High pressures in the abdominal cavity assist in pushing the testes into the scrotum, and consequently can also push other abdominal contents into the inguinal canal. Similar hernias can occur in infant females; however, they are less frequent because the inguinal opening is less likely to remain open, to the same degree that it must in males, around the passage of the sperm cord. On another note, inguinal hernias are not always caused by unusually high abdominal pressures. Injuries to the abdomen or inherited weakness or distensibility of the canal can have the same effect.

1) What would be the consequences of a lacerated trigeminal nerve in terms of muscular control?

Answer: The mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) controls the muscles of mastication. If laceration to CN V occurs, chewing and swallowing would be very adversely affected. Such actions involve moving the mandible at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), in which the mandible is elevated, protracted, retracted, and moved side to side, as well as closing and opening the jaws. mastication moving the mandible all around

4) What muscular changes are involved in the breathing process?

Answer: The muscles involved in respiration are the scalenes (deep breathing), the intercostals (external = rib elevation and inspiration; internal = depression and exhalation), the diaphragm for both inspiration (during contraction) and exhalation (during relaxation), and the muscles of the abdominopelvic wall, which compress the abdominopelvic cavity to raise pressures that assist in exhalation and relax to assist in inspiration.

6) What are the muscles of the urogenital triangle, and how do they control the functions of this area?

Answer: The urogenital triangle is the anterior half of the perineum. The superficial muscles (bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal) in this region are those of the external genitalia, which overlie the deeper muscles (deep transverse perineal and external urethral sphincter) that strengthen the pelvic floor and encircle the urethra. These muscles form sphincters around the urinary openings in both males and females, and around the vaginal opening in females.

2) Why can one clear the ears by swallowing?

Answer: There is an entrance to the auditory tube in the upper pharyngeal region, and contraction of the palatal muscles can pull on this opening. Therefore, repeated swallowing can open the auditory tube and allow the passage of air into or out of it to equalize the pressure on the middle ear caused by increasing or decreasing altitude or underwater pressure.

17) Which of the following features are common to the muscles of mastication? A) They share an oculomotor nerve innervation. B) They move the mandible at the temporomandibular joint. C) They are primarily grouped among the muscles of facial expression. D) They allow a person to smile. E) They control swallowing.

B) They move the mandible at the temporomandibular joint.

20) Which of the following is the function of the superficial layer of the intrinsic back muscles? A) flexion of the vertebral column B) extension or lateral flexion of the neck C) interconnect and stabilize the vertebrae D) extension of the vertebral column E) depress the ribs

B) extension or lateral flexion of the neck

10) Which of the following muscles originates at the mandible bone? A) thyrohyoid B) geniohyoid C) stylohyoid D) styloglossus E) None of the answers are correct.

B) geniohyoid

18) Which of the following extends the vertebral column and depresses the ribs? A) longus capitis B) iliocostalis lumborum C) longus cervicis D) quadratus lumborum E) longus colli

B) iliocostalis lumborum QL - lateral flexion - don't go there

13) The trigeminal nerve controls which group of muscles? A) muscles of facial expression B) muscles of mastication C) muscles of the tongue D) muscles of the pharynx E) muscles of the eye

B) muscles of mastication

6) The muscle that originates on the lateral nasal cartilages and the aponeuroses covering the inferior portions of the nasal bones, and draws the medial angle of eyebrows inferiorly is called the ________. A) mentalis B) procerus C) occipitofrontalis D) nasalis E) corrugator supercilii

B) procerus

21) The superficial erector spinae muscle group that is located most medial to the vertebral column is the ________. A) longissimus group B) spinalis group C) iliocostalis group D) capitis group E) thoracis group

B) spinalis group

27) The diaphragm muscle is innervated by ________. A) cranial nerve X B) the phrenic nerves C) the intercostal nerves D) the subcostal nerves E) the thoracic nerves

B) the phrenic nerves

9) When the ________ muscle contracts, the thyroid cartilage of the larynx is elevated and the hyoid is depressed. A) sternohyoid B) thyrohyoid C) sternocleidomastoid D) stylohyoid E) mylohyoid

B) thyrohyoid

7) A muscle that elevates the corner of the mouth and draws it laterally is the ________ muscle. A) levator anguli oris B) zygomaticus major C) risorius D) depressor anguli oris E) orbicularis oris

B) zygomaticus major

16) How do the extrinsic eye muscles differ in action from the intrinsic eye muscles? A) The two muscle groups do not differ in movement types, only in when the movements occur. B) The extrinsic muscles cause faster movements than do the intrinsic muscles. C) Extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeball in relation to the rest of the body, whereas intrinsic muscles move structures within the eyeball. D) The extrinsic eye muscles are smooth muscles inside the eyeball while the intrinsic eye muscles originate on the surface of the orbit and insert into the sclera of the eye just posterior to the cornea. E) None of the answers are correct.

C) Extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeball in relation to the rest of the body, whereas intrinsic muscles move structures within the eyeball.

19) Nodding of the head as a person falls asleep sitting up involves primarily the muscles of (the) ________. A) lumborum region only B) cervicis and thoracis regions C) capitis and cervicis regions D) cervicis region only E) None of the answers are correct.

C) capitis and cervicis regions

8) Which of the following muscles is inferior to the lips? A) masseter B) frontalis C) depressor anguli oris D) risorius E) zygomaticus major

C) depressor anguli oris

23) The muscular partition that separates the abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities is the ________. A) masseter B) transversus abdominis C) diaphragm D) perineum E) rectus abdominis

C) diaphragm

10) When the ________ muscle contracts, the eye rolls and looks up and laterally. A) inferior rectus B) superior oblique C) inferior oblique D) superior rectus E) lateral rectus

C) inferior oblique

14) Flexion of the spinal column and depression of the ribs are actions accomplished by the ________ group of muscles in the abdominal wall. A) inferior serratus posterior B) diaphragm C) rectus abdominis D) internal intercostals E) transversus abdominis

C) rectus abdominis

5) Which of the following muscles has an origin on the temporal bone? A) palatoglossus muscle B) hyoglossus muscle C) styloglossus muscle D) genioglossus muscle E) None of the answers are correct.

C) styloglossus muscle

3) The ________ muscle elevates the larynx and is innervated by cranial nerve VII. A) sternohyoid B) thyrohyoid C) stylohyoid D) omohyoid E) mylohyoid

C) stylohyoid

28) The deep layer of muscles that constitute a muscular layer that extends between the pubic bones is called (the) ________. A) urogenital triangle B) anal triangle C) urogenital diaphragm D) diaphragm muscle E) both urogenital triangle and anal triangle

C) urogenital diaphragm

14) Muscles of the head and neck that are innervated by the trochlear nerve are associated with ________. A) those that govern feeding B) those that govern verbal communication C) actions that form facial expressions D) actions that orient the eyes E) None of the answers are correct.

D) actions that orient the eyes

4) The digastric and omohyoid muscles are similar in that they both ________. A) depress the mandible B) have origins on the inferior surface of the mandible at the chin C) depress the hyoid bone D) have two bellies E) originate from the superior border of the scapula near the suprascapular notch

D) have two bellies

3) Axial muscles fall into logical groups based upon ________. A) muscle fiber pattern B) muscle shape and function C) muscle structure D) location and function E) None of the answers are correct.

D) location and function

22) Which of the following can flex the neck? A) iliocostalis lumborum B) iliocostalis cervicis C) longissimus thoracis D) longus colli E) multifidus

D) longus colli

11) The muscle that originates on the sacrum and transverse process of each vertebra and inserts on the spinous process of the third or fourth more superior vertebra is the ________ muscle. A) quadratus lumborum B) interspinalis C) semispinalis D) multifidus E) rotatores

D) multifidus

1) The muscular system is divided into axial and appendicular divisions. The other system that is similarly divided is the ________ system. A) integument B) nervous C) digestive D) skeletal E) circulatory

D) skeletal

15) Which of the following is/are the major action(s) of the anterior neck musculature? A) depress the mandible B) stabilize the muscles of the tongue and pharynx C) tense the floor of the mouth D) control the position of the larynx E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.

24) The oblique muscle and/or rectus muscle do which of the following? A) rotate the vertebral column B) compress underlying structures C) occur in the neck D) important role in respiratory movements of the ribs E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.

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