Ch. 12 & 13

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Which of the following would help to determine if the oculomotor nerve was damaged?

have the patient look superiorly and inferiorly

Unilateral damage to a cranial nerve is suspected because the tongue deviates to the right when it is protruded. Which cranial nerve is damaged?

right hypoglossal

Spinal nerves exiting the cord from the level of L4 to S4 form the:

sacral plexus

When a person sits on a hard surface for a period of time, his foot or leg may "go to sleep." This sensation is the result of compressing the _____ nerve.


If an animal has had its cerebrum removed, it cannot:


The knee-jerk reflex involves which of the following?

sensory and motor neurons

Cranial nerve function includes:

somatic motor

Which of the following is not a lobe of the cerebrum?


Association fibers connect:

areas of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere.

What type of white fibers connect areas of the cerebral cortex in the same hemisphere?

association fibers

When someone taps you on your shoulder, they stimulate the ____ nerve.


The substantia nigra interconnects with the:

basal nuclei

What is the large C-shaped mass of white matter that consists of nerve fibers that connect the two cerebral hemispheres?

corpus callosum

The gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum is called the:


The fact that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body is explained by the:

decussation of the pyramids in the medulla.

The cutaneous sensory distribution of a spinal nerve can be mapped as a:


The pyramids of the medulla contain:

descending motor tracts.

Damage to the phrenic nerve would result in:

difficulty breathing.

The branch of a spinal nerve that innervates deep muscles on the dorsal thorax is the:

dorsal ramus

The sensory root of a spinal nerve is also referred to as:

dorsal root

Which of the following is mismatched?

dorsal tier of nuclei - taste impulses

The thickest of the meninges is the:

dura mater

From which germ layer does the nervous system form?


Muscles and glands that are capable of producing a response when stimulated by motor neurons are called:


There are ________ cervical spinal nerves.


What space, found between the vertebral wall and the dura mater, is the area for injecting anesthesia for childbirth?

epidural space

The habenular nuclei and pineal body are both found in the:


If a withdrawal reflex is initiated in one leg, the crossed extensor reflex causes:

extension of the opposite leg.

The superior colliculi receive input from the:

eyes, skin, cerebrum and inferior colliculi.

A baseball player was hit on the left side of his skull in the parotid area. He cannot close his eye and the corner of his mouth droops. Which cranial nerve was damaged?


Paralysis on the right side of the face could result from damage to the right _____ nerve.


When you lick frosting off a knife with the tip of your tongue and find the frosting has an orange flavor to it, which cranial nerve is being used to determine the taste of the frosting?


Which of the following cranial nerves has a parasympathetic component?


Facial expression is regulated by the:

facial nerve

Motor control of the face is the function of the ____ nerve, while sensation from the face is determined by the ____ nerve.

facial, trigeminal

Initiating the withdrawal reflex in both legs at the same time would cause one to:


During brain surgery, the superior portion of the postcentral gyrus of a patient is stimulated. The patient is most likely to:

feel pressure on his toes.

Which of the following feelings is NOT related to hypothalamic function?

feeling rested after flying to England

If a person fell down the steps and then developed pain down his anterior thigh into the knee, which of the following spinal nerves was probably damaged?


What structure anchors the thecal sac and conus medullaris to the coccyx?

filum terminale

The portion of the cerebellum that is involved in balance and eye movements is the:

flocculonodular lobe.

Ridges of the cerebellar cortex are called:


The spinal cord begins at the:

foramen magnum

The central sulcus separates the:

frontal and parietal lobes.

Stimulation of the Golgi tendon organs result in which of the following changes in the reflex arc?

stimulation of an inhibitory neuron and decreased action potentials in alpha motor neurons

Structurally, the simplest reflex is the:

stretch reflex

Cerebrospinal fluid fills the:

subarachnoid space

During a spinal tap, cerebrospinal fluid is obtained from which of the following locations?

subarachnoid space

Where is cerebrospinal fluid found around the spinal cord?

subarachnoid space

A bird hits the windshield of your car, and you reflexively duck and close your eyes. Which of the following is responsible for this action?

superior colliculi

When you walk up behind someone and tap their right shoulder, they will reflexively:

turn their head toward the right.

There are _____ enlargements of the spinal cord where nerves supplying the extremities enter and leave.


When a person hits their "funny bone," they cause temporary damage to the _____ nerve.


What is the role of the red nuclei?

unconscious regulation and coordination of motor activities

Damage to branches of the _____ nerve can interfere with normal speech.


Damage to which of the following cranial nerves might result in death?

vagus nerve

Which nerve has branches that extend to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?

vagus nerve

Intercostal nerves are formed from the:

ventral rami of thoracic spinal nerves.

The motor root of a spinal nerve is also referred to as the:

ventral root

The muscles of the back contract to straighten so that you sit at a more erect posture and subsequently the muscles are suddenly stretched as you nod off. Which of the following best represents the sequence of events when you start to nod off? (1) muscles of the back are stretched (2) the muscle spindle is stretched (3) action potentials in sensory neurons of the muscle spindles increase (4) action potentials in alpha motor neurons of skeletal muscle fibers increase (5) skeletal muscle of the back contract:


Arrange the following in order from the diencephalon downward. (1) spinal cord, (2) midbrain, (3) medulla, (4) pons:


The spinal cord ends at the:

2nd lumbar vertebrae

Place the following parts of a reflex arc in the correct order beginning with the sensory receptor. (1) motor neuron (2) interneuron (3) effector (4) sensory neuron (5) sensory receptor:


Which of the following combinations indicates the correct distribution of spinal nerve pairs?

8 cervical - 12 thoracic - 5 lumbar - 5 sacral - 1 coccygeal

Which of the following arteries supply blood to the brain?

Both the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries.

Which of the following statements concerning the brainstem is true?

Damage to the brainstem is usually fatal.

The reflex that prevents excessive tension in a muscle is the:

Golgi tendon reflex

Which of the following activities would stimulate the reticular formation?

a clock radio coming on in the morning

Which of the following is correctly associated with the medulla oblongata?

It contains nuclei for regulation of heart rate and blood vessel diameter.

What is found the lateral gray horns of the spinal cord?

The cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons

What is found in the dorsal root ganglion?

The cell bodies of pseudo-unipolar sensory neurons

Which of the following is false?

The posterior horn of the cord contains the cell bodies of motor neurons

Damage to pontine nuclei might affect:


Which of the following is false?

The thalamus controls many endocrine functions.

Which of the following statements concerning the structure of spinal nerves is true?

The ventral root contains motor or efferent fibers.

Lesions of the basal nuclei could cause:

a slight shaking of the hands or head.

Which of the following cranial nerves does not innervate the tongue?


Dysfunction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle could result from damage to the....

acessory nerve

The oculomotor nerve:

adjusts pupil size to the level of lighting.

Injury to the thalamus would:

affect sensory projection to the cerebral cortex.

Stretch reflexes:

aid in maintaining proper posture

What structures are formed from neural crest cells? (sensory, autonomic, and enteric neurons, pigmented body cells, adrenal medulla, facial bones):

all of the choices form from crest cells

Reflexes function in (removing the body from painful stimuli. keeping the body from falling. maintaining blood pressure. maintaining blood CO2 levels.)

all of these choices are correct

The accessory nerve: has fibers that join the vagus nerve., has both a cranial and a spinal component., provides innervation to the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles., is cranial nerve XI........

all of these choices are correct

Afferent fibers terminating in the hypothalamus provide input from the; visceral organs., taste receptors of the tongue., limbic system. , the prefrontal cortex of the cerebrum.:

all of theses are correct

In the Golgi tendon reflex,: .

alpha motor neurons are inhibited causing muscle relaxation

Which of the following events in a stretch reflex occurs last?

alpha motor neurons transmit action potentials to muscle causing contraction

The pineal body:

appears to play a role in controlling the onset of puberty.

The middle, thin, spider-like meninx is the:

arachnoid mater

The white matter of the cerebellum forms a branching network known as the:

arbor vitae

Reflex arcs:

are capable of receiving a stimulus and yielding a response.


are homeostatic

Muscle spindles:

are innervated by gamma motor neurons.

The mammillary bodies:

are involved in emotional responses to odors.

The abducens nerves:

are involved in eye movement.

The inferior colliculi:

are involved with auditory pathways in the CNS.

What structural feature of the brain regulates the movement of materials from the blood into the brain?

blood-brain barrier

Spinal nerves C5-T1 make up the ____________ plexus.


The perineurium:

bundles axons into fascicles.

The epineurium:

bundles fascicles into nerves.

Dermatomal maps are important clinically because they:

can be used to help locate nerve damage.

Which of the following basal nuclei is located in the cerebrum?

caudate nucleus

The cerebellum communicates with other parts of the CNS by means of nerve tracts called the:

cerebellar peduncles.

The internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery join on the base of the brain to form the:

cerebral arterial circle.

Nerve fibers in the phrenic nerves that innervated the diaphragm arise primarily from which plexus?


Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by the ____ and is reabsorbed by the ____.

choroid plexus, arachnoid granulation

In the spinal cord, white matter is organized into:

columns and the gray matter into horns

Tracts of white matter that connect the right and left hemispheres are composed of:

commissural fibers.

Which type of white matter fiber tract connects the two cerebral hemispheres?


The cerebral medulla:

consists of many nerve tracts of white matter beneath the cerebral cortex.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebellum?

control the heart rate

Which of the following activities is NOT associated with the cerebrum?

controlling the autonomic nervous system

A 13-year-old child exhibited retarded growth, reduced metabolism, lack of normal reproductive gland development, inability to regulate water intake or water elimination from the body, and an uncontrolled appetite. What part of the child's brain is most likely involved?


An individual who has an eating disorder along with intense thirst and wildly varying body temperatures may have a dysfunction of the:


The "thermostat" or nucleus that monitors blood temperature is located in the:


Which of the following brain areas serves as the major control center of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system?


The stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the hypophysis (or pituitary gland) is the:


The basal nuclei function to:

inhibit unwanted muscular activity.

The facial and glossopharyngeal nerves:

innervate the salivary glands.

The blockage of CFS inside the brain is a condition called:

internal hydrocephalus.

Which portion of a reflex arc is most likely to be located entirely within the central nervous system?


All spinal nerves from C2 to L5 exit the vertebral column through a(n):

intervertebral foramen.

Which of the following is a function of the hypothalamus?

involved in psychosomatic illnesses

The corpus callosum:

is a band of commissural fibers that connects the right cerebral hemisphere to the left cerebral hemisphere.

The conus medullaris:

is a tapered, cone like region immediately inferior to the lumbar enlargement.

The limbic system:

is associated with basic survival instincts of nutrition, memory, and reproduction.

The reticular formation:

is composed of nuclei scattered throughout the brain stem.

The glossopharyngeal nerve:

is involved in the sense of taste.

Smooth, flowing movements are the result of fine motor coordination in the:

lateral cerebellar hemispheres.

Which of the following is NOT part of the limbic system?

lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus

The corpus striatum is composed of the:

lentiform and caudate nuclei.

The sleep/wake cycle is influenced by the:

reticular formation.

The spinal cord:

links the peripheral nervous system to the brain.

A man was in an accident and severed his spinal cord between C6 and C7. Which of the following would NOT occur?

loss of use of the phrenic nerves and paralysis of the diaphragm

If you pinch your index finger in a door, pain sensations are carried via the ____ nerve.


An injury to the wrist that results in edema in the carpal tunnel would compress the:

median nerve

Water-soluble molecules such as glucose and amino acids move across the blood-brain barrier by:

mediated transport.

A patient with a traumatic head injury may exhibit vomiting as a result of irritation of nuclei in the:

medulla oblongata

A small lesion in the brainstem which resulted in a rapid heart rate, intense vasoconstriction, and elevated blood pressure would probably be located in the:

medulla oblongata

Which portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord?

medulla oblongata

From which embryonic brain region does the cerebellum form?


During an autopsy the brainstem was separated from the rest of the brain by a cut between the:

midbrain and diencephalon.

The nuclei of cranial nerves III, IV, and V are located in the:


A lesion in the cerebral peduncles might affect:


If the ventral root of a spinal nerve were cut, the regions innervated by that spinal nerve would experience complete loss of:


The sensory receptor of the stretch reflex is the:

muscle spindle

The brachial plexus supplies nerves that function to contract which of the following?

muscles of the arm and forearm

Using the biceps brachii to flex the forearm requires innervation of the _____ nerve.


Which of the following nerves is part of the brachial plexus?


From which embryonic brain region does the medulla oblongata form?


In the CNS, clusters of gray matter containing cell bodies are called:


Which of the following nerves is associated with the lumbosacral plexus?


Adduction of the thigh involves the ____________. :

obturator nerve

Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) of the left eye would be caused by damage to the:

oculomotor nerve.

A fracture of the cribriform plate might injure the _____ cranial nerve?


The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains:

only motor fibers

The cross-sectional view of the spinal cord reveals white matter on the:

outside, gray matter on the inside, and a ventral motor root

Which of the following nerves is a branch of both the cervical plexus and the brachial plexus?


The central nervous system develops from a flat mass of tissue called the neural:


Ventral rami of some spinal nerves join with each other to form a:


Consider the following five terms and determine which does not belong.


The nucleus for the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) is located in the:


The part of the brain that connects the medulla to the midbrain is the:


Which area of the brain contains areas that initiates REM sleep?


Which two portions of the brain are involved in controlling respiration?

pons, medulla oblongata

The adaptive significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on a tack is to...

prevent the person from falling down

The adaptive significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on a tack is to:

prevent the person from falling down.

Which of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid?

provides oxygen to CNS tissue

Branches of the ____ nerve are anesthetized before a doctor performs an episiotomy for childbirth.


Improper use of crutches could cause compression of the _____ nerve.


Gamma motor neurons:

regulate the sensitivity of the muscle spindle

Reciprocal innervation:

reinforces the withdrawal reflex.

The endoneurium:

surrounds individual axons and their Schwann cells.

The superior and inferior colliculi are located in which of the following portions of the midbrain?

tectum (roof)

What part of the midbrain carries sensory tracts from the spinal cord?


The cerebrum develops from the embryonic region called the:


The lateral fissure separates the _____ from the rest of the cerebrum.

temporal lobe

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

tentorium cerebelli - base of brain

Most sensory input that ascends through the spinal cord and brainstem projects to the:


The interthalamic adhesion connects the two portions of the:


Which of the following terms does NOT belong with the others?


A person with a lesion in the brain exhibited the following manifestations: normal tension in skeletal muscle, disturbed fine motor control, exhibited tremors when reaching for objects. What part of the brain is most likely damaged?

the cerebellum

The limbic system involves various neural connections between:

the cerebrum and diencephalon.

Projection fibers will connect:

the cerebrum to other parts of the brain and the spinal cord.

What structure makes the dorsal root different from the ventral root?

the dorsal root has a ganglion

The most superficial meningeal layer is:

the dura mater.

If cerebrospinal fluid does not drain properly,:

the excess fluid exerts pressure on the brain.

The primary somatic sensory or general sensory area is located in:

the postcentral gyrus.

Walking a tightrope would activate what portion(s) of the medulla?

the pyramids and the olives

The Roman numerals assigned to each cranial nerve reflect:

the sequence from anterior to posterior in which they emerge from the brain.

The patellar or knee-jerk reflex is a classic example of:

the stretch reflex

The cerebral gyri increase:

the surface area of the cortex.

The cerebral aqueduct connects:

the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle.

The sac surrounding the spinal cord is the:

thecal sac

Which ventricle is located between the two halves of the thalamus?

third ventricle

The gastrocnemius muscle is most likely to be innervated by the _____ nerve.


Which nerve is involved when a dancer points his/her toes?


The sciatic nerve is composed of the:

tibial nerve and the common fibular nerve.

Dentists anesthetize a portion of the _____ nerve to stop pain impulses from the teeth.


A kiss on the cheek would be perceived by impulses from the:

trigeminal nerve.

Difficulty with chewing or an inability to chew might result from damage to the:

trigeminal nerve.

Which of the following cranial nerves innervates only one muscle of the eyeball?

trochlear nerve

What do the cavities of the neural tube become in the adult brain?


Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by tissue in the walls and roofs of the:

ventricles of the brain.

A deer hunter lost the hearing in his right ear after his gun exploded when he tried firing it. His hearing loss is the result of damage to what nerve?


Which of the following cranial nerves is exclusively sensory?

vestibulocochlear (VIII)

A reflex that protects limbs by removing them from painful stimuli is the:

withdrawal reflex

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Chapter 7 Performing Forensic Analysis

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