ch 13 quiz
To show the relationships between two or more variables, a speaker should use what type of visual aid? --A map --A bar graph --A line graph --A pie chart
A bar graph
To indicate the changes in one or more variables over time, a speaker should use what type of visual aid? --A line graph --A bar graph --A pie chart --A map
A line graph
Dillon is preparing to deliver a speech on the best places to ski around the state of Utah. He wants to show the audience where each of the top ski resorts are located, and also provide basic directions for how to get to them. What visual aid would best serve Dillon during his presentation? --A map --An organizational chart --Photographs --A pie chart
A map
Which of the following visual aids is best to use if an object is too big to bring to class or too small to be seen by the audience? --A film clip --A model --A drawing --A graph
A model
Corbin is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and based on his experience with the intercontinental ballistic missile program, is considered to be an expert in the area of rocketry. He is preparing to deliver a speech comparing the function of solid fuel and liquid fuel rockets. He knows that solid and liquid rocket fuels are extremely flammable and dangerous, so he decides it would be best for him to not bring them to campus. What visual aid should Corbin consider using in his presentation? --An actual object --A photograph --A chart --A model
A photograph
When a speaker wants to show the relationships among parts of a single unit, an appropriate visual aid would be what? --A diagram --A flow chart --A pie chart --A model
A pie chart
Which of the following examples of a presentational aid is not a visual aid? --A photograph of a mountain range --A tape recording of an interview --A scaled model of the Saturn V rocket --A map of Colorado
A tape recording of an interview
Olga is the head of Human Relations for a large corporation, and she is preparing a presentation for newly hired employees on the workplace. She wants to show the new employees how each unit within the organization functions independently and interdependently with the other units. What type of visual aid would best help Olga show the workings of the corporation to the new employees? --A photograph --A flow chart --An organizational chart --A pie chart
An organizational chart
Hugh is a master cellist, who is going to present an informative speech on how to play different notes on the cello. His cello is extremely large and expensive, and he worries that it would be too much trouble to get it into the classroom. He also wants to play sounds for the class using the cello. What would be the best alternative for Hugh to use as a presentational aid? --Models --Audio aids --Diagrams --Photographs
Audio aids
Which of the following presentational aids enhances a verbal message using a combination of sight and sound? --Audio aids --Audiovisual aids --Graphs --Models
Audiovisual aids
Frank loves to brew beer, and he would like to give an informative speech comparing the alcohol content in different brews. What type of visual aid would be best for this speech? --Bar graph --Pie chart --Line graph --Flow chart
Bar graph
Which example violates the proper guidelines for using presentational aids? --Introducing a video showing Michael Jordan dunking a basketball and then wrapping up the video verbally when it is done. --Handing out an example of a resume mid-way through explaining how to correctly format a resume. --Making cues on note cards to identify when to switch each PowerPoint slide. --Explaining a photo of soldiers during World War II while that photo is on the screen.
Handing out an example of a resume mid-way through explaining how to correctly format a resume.
What type of presentational aid has the capacity to distract audience members from the speaker and their message and is best distributed at the end of the speech? --Document cameras --Flip charts --Handouts --Posters
Jakob is planning on presenting an informative speech on Disneyworld. He is using a topical organization pattern using the different "lands" as the main points and will have a slide for each land. He is also going to be creative and use the cursive "Walt Disneyworld" font in black over pictures of the different rides within the lands he took on his last trip there. What conclusions can you draw as to why Jakob's audience may not be able to comprehend his presentation? --He is requiring too much reading within the slides. --He shouldn't be using personal images. --He is using a font style that is not easily read on the slides. --He is using images that are not aesthetically pleasing to the audience.
He is using a font style that is not easily read on the slides.
During his speech on the 2017 total solar eclipse, Johnathan turned to the chalkboard and drew a shaded-in path of totality over the pre-drawn map of the U.S., something he had practiced many times before his speech. The shaded path represented the segment over the United States in which people could see the entire eclipse and the darkness that is the moon's shadow cast on the planet. Why was Johnathan's visual aid ineffective? --He drew on the chalkboard before his speech. --The audience could not see what Johnathan drew. --He turned toward the chalkboard during his speech. --He was unprepared to draw on the chalkboard.
He turned toward the chalkboard during his speech.
Abika delivered an informative speech to their class about the history of Coke Zero, a soft drink produced by the Coca-Cola Company, which has had two formula changes since it was introduced. Abika included a photo of a can of the original Coke Zero and a can of the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar to demonstrate the differences between the two formulas. Why was Abika's choice of visual aid inappropriate? --It failed to illustrate the most important ideas to understand. --It was culturally insensitive. --It was inappropriate for the size of the audience. --It was unable to be projected clearly online.
It failed to illustrate the most important ideas to understand.
Clarence is working on a handout for his audience that includes references and a section for audience members to write notes during his presentation. He is worried that he will lose audience focus, so he does not include photos or other distracting images on the handouts. Why is Clarence's handout appropriate for distribution before the end of his speech? --It offers a space for audience members to take notes during the presentation. --It has information that audience members will need to refer to after the speech. --It is visually appealing in its design. --It is designed to aid deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.
It offers a space for audience members to take notes during the presentation.
Norma was giving a lecture to her class on the U.S. Constitution, and as part of her presentation, she included the text of the preamble. When she showed the slide that contained the text, the audience members all looked at the screen and read it word-for-word. How was Norma's visual aid choice ineffective? --It required too much audience reading. --It included an inconsistent font. --It used a type size that was not easily seen. --It overused a graphic illustration.
It required too much audience reading.
If a college professor makes a requirement for her students' slide show presentations to abide by the "6 by 6 rule"—no more than six bullets per slide and no more than six words per bullet—what guideline is she illustrating when preparing presentation aids? --Make sure information is laid out in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. --Use a consistent print style that is easy to read. --Limit the reading required of the audience. --Customize presentational aids from other sources.
Limit the reading required of the audience.
How would you compare using presentational aids in front of a live audience versus using presentation aids in front of a virtual audience? --Make eye contact to the presentational aid for both live and virtual speeches. --Make note of when you will be using the visual aid during a live speech, not a virtual speech. --Make eye contact to the audience in live presentations and with the camera for virtual presentations when discussing a visual aid. --Talk about visual aids while showing them in a live setting, and before and after they are shown in a virtual setting.
Make eye contact to the audience in live presentations and with the camera for virtual presentations when discussing a visual aid.
Caleb is going to present a speech on the different counties across the state of California, and he plans to use several maps to show comparisons for his audience. He is presenting to his public speaking class, which has 25 students enrolled in it. What would be the best way for Caleb to display his presentational aid? --Handout --Poster --Flip chart --Whiteboard
Pamela was preparing her PowerPoint presentation, which she planned to use as part of her upcoming speech on how to make eclairs, a French dessert. Pamela made the creative choice to use a Parisian text on the recipe slide, which was very ornate. After her presentation, an audience member asked if she could send out her PowerPoint, because he could not read some of the recipe. What mistake did Pamela make when designing her presentation? --She did not use a consistent font. --She required too much reading. --She did not customize her presentational aids. --She created a cluttered presentation.
She did not use a consistent font.
Helen was the last speaker of the day in her public speaking class. While she was walking up to give her speech, she left a stack of handouts at each row of seats. She noticed halfway through her speech that no one was even looking at her or the screen on which she had her PowerPoint, but everyone was looking at the handouts. How did Helen misuse her presentational aids? --She did not talk about visual aids while showing them. --She did not maintain eye contact with the audience. --She did not wait to distribute materials until after the speech. --She did not position her visual aids so the audience could see them.
She did not wait to distribute materials until after the speech.
Roshna is presenting an informative speech to an in-person audience on the dangers of smoking and is using a physical model of two human lungs—one from a smoker and one from a nonsmoker. How should she organize when to display the models? --She should wait and display the model at the end to help her answer any questions from the audience. --She should have the model covered and, as she begins her attention-getter, remove the cover to help orient her listeners to her topic. --She should have the model covered and then remove the cover and display it at the moment she references it, and then re-cover it when she is finished discussing it. --She should display the model before she begins her speech so it is ready and will help build her credibility right away.
She should have the model covered and then remove the cover and display it at the moment she references it, and then re-cover it when she is finished discussing it.
Jamika was excited to do a presentation on Christmas and, after some brainstorming, narrowed her three main points to a time order pattern: how her family decorates their home leading up to the holiday; how they actually celebrate Christmas eve with traditional foods and games; and their annual family football game on Christmas day. She is planning on using actual photos from last year's Christmas festivities on a consistent black background, and red and green text to accentuate the traditional Christmas colors. What conclusions can you draw as to why some audience members may find it hard to read her slides? --Her photos may not be easily seen on the slides. --She needs to change the background for each main point. --She should use a lighter background when showing photographs. --She shouldn't use red and green together.
She shouldn't use red and green together.
During her presentation about her favorite rock band, the Foo Fighters, Della showed a video clip of the band playing the song "Everlong" at Wembley Stadium. While the lead singer, David Grohl, was singing, she gave some important background on his time as the drummer of the band Nirvana, and how rare it was for a drummer to be such a successful singer in a second band. She then started discussing the meaning behind the song so that her audience had a better understanding of it while they were listening to it. Why do you think Della's video may not have been effective for her audience? --She positioned the video in a place where not all of the audience members could see it. --She didn't plan when she was going to show the video as carefully as she should have done. --She talked about the video while she was showing it. --She gave eye contact to the visual aid instead of her audience.
She talked about the video while she was showing it.
Debbie was preparing to give a presentation on her family's Christmas celebration traditions, and she included a list of the traditions on one of her slides in red and green text to highlight the Christmas colors. She kept the background black, like the rest of her slides, to really make the colors pop. How was Debbie's use of color not strategic? --She used red and green together. --She used inconsistent background colors. --She used more than three colors on a slide. --She used color to highlight important information in her speech.
She used red and green together.
Nikita is preparing an informative speech on three types of spiders: the black widow, the brown widow, and the brown recluse. She asks you to review her slide show presentation and you notice that she has a lot of full paragraphs of information on her slides. When she does have bullets, they take up the entire slide and are hard to comprehend. How can you help Nikita solve the problem with audience comprehension? --Tell her to quickly display the lists and then remove them so the audience is stimulated. --Tell her to duplicate her outline for clarity of points. --Tell her to only use three bullets of complete sentences per slide. --Tell her she should limit each bullet to key words so the audience can process them at a glance.
Tell her she should limit each bullet to key words so the audience can process them at a glance.
During their presentation on why it is important to pay attention to the airplane safety demonstration video that is shown on many airlines before an aircraft can take off, Simona showed a clip of a safety video produced by Delta Airlines as an example of what a good demonstration video should look like. While it was playing, Simona remained facing the audience and talked about the use of combined live actors and animated sequences to best inform passengers about safety equipment on aircraft. What error did Simona commit with using their visual aid? --They did not plan the use of the visual aid carefully. --They faced the visual aid while it was playing. --They talked about an audiovisual aid while playing it. --They did not position the visual aid so the audience could see and hear it.
They talked about an audiovisual aid while playing it.
Jolie was preparing to give a speech on why audience members should consider purchasing a hybrid or fully electric vehicle the next time they are shopping for a vehicle. As part of her presentation, she included a line graph that showed how much an individual's carbon footprint can be reduced over the average seven-year car ownership period if they choose a hybrid or electric vehicle, rather than a traditional internal combustion engine. What benefit was Jolie most likely hoping she could enjoy by including the line graph in her presentation? --To help reduce her anxiety --To help increase her persuasive appeal --To help her appeal to diverse learning styles --To help audience members remember information
To help increase her persuasive appeal
Which guideline for preparing presentational aids is violated if a student uses all caps and different font styles in the bullets of a slide show presentation? --Make sure information is laid out in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. --Limit the reading required of the audience. --Customize presentational aids from other sources. --Use a consistent print style that is easy to read.
Use a consistent print style that is easy to read.
When designing a visual aid, which of the following is not a principle for designing a visual aid? --Use a print size that is easily seen by the audience. --Limit the lines to six or less. --Use color exclusively. --Use both uppercase and lowercase type.
Use color exclusively.
Models, diagrams, and photographs are all types of what? --Audience --Visual aids --Explanations --Charts
Visual aids
Fulgencio was giving an informative presentation to his public speaking class, which he had been dreading for the past two weeks. As part of his preparation, he included several photographs and charts, which he was able to refer to during the speech. Doing so helped him to deliver his speech professionally and confidently. Which benefit of using visual aids is best exemplified by Fulgencio's situation? --Visual aids help increase persuasive appeal. --Visual aids help audience members remember information. --Visual aids help reduce anxiety. --Visual aids help speakers appeal to diverse learning styles.
Visual aids help reduce anxiety.
Which presentation aid example would best compare the sales in 2020 of the following fast food restaurants: McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, and Kentucky Fried Chicken? --Pie chart --Organizational chart --Line graph --Bar graph
bar graph
It is not necessary to include visual aids in speaking notes. True False
Shirley effectively used her visual aid when she projected her photo on the screen throughout the entirety of her speech. True False
When it comes to presentational aids, the general rule is the more the better. True False
Which presentation aid example would exemplify the increase in medical costs over the past twenty years as compared with the increase in income over that same period of time? --Organizational chart --Bar graph --Line graph --Pie chart
line graph
In 2008, Erika lost her grandparents in Hurricane Hanna, which destroyed their home in South Carolina. She decided to do her upcoming informative speech on hurricanes and wanted to use a visual to show where four hurricanes hit the United States in 2008: Hanna, Gustav, Ike, and Dolly. What type of presentation aid should Erika use to illustrate where the four hurricanes landed that year? --Line graph --Pie chart --Model --Map
Brianna is the president of her university's Student Government Association and has been asked to research the number of students who live on campus. She has completed her research and is planning to illustrate how many students live in the dormitories, on-campus housing, and apartments. She also was asked to demonstrate how each group relates to one another and to the whole campus. What type of presentation aid should Brianna use to illustrate this information visually? --Flow chart --Map --Pie chart --Model
pie chart
It is important to choose presentational aids that will illustrate the most important ideas for the audience to understand and remember. True False
Using a chalkboard or whiteboard signals a lack of preparation. True False