Ch. 14 and 15 online quizzes

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A foreign area who rulers are allowed to retain power in exchange for the protection of a more powerful nation is called..

A protectorate

What was progressivism?

A set of responses to the problems caused by economic expansion and industrialization

What new American attitude toward international affairs led to the building up of the U.S Navy?

A willingness to go to war to protect American interest overseas

What was one effect progressivism had on the Americna public's opinion of gov.?

Americans expected gov to regulate the economy and deal with social issues directly

President Taft's policies toward Latin American countries became known as ___________

Dollar diplomacy

John Fisk's idea of Anglo-Saxonism promoted the notion that..

English speaking countries were superior to others

What caused many Americans to support the Cuban rebels?

Exaggerated newspaper stories of Spanish Atrocities

In order to provide security for bank customers and oversight of US banks, Wilson supported the creation of the _______.

Federal Reserve

Wilson believed that the result of Roosevelt's policies toward trusts __________.

Gave the government too much power of the economy

What were Roosevelt's views on environmental issues?

He believed that natural resources must be conserved

How did Roosevelt try to ensure that trusts were both fair to the public and allowed to operate efficiently?

He created the Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate their practices

How did Woodrow Wilson gain a solid reputation as a progressive?

He enacted many progressive reforms as governor of New Jersey

How did Governor la Follette reform the political party system in Wisconsin?

He helped pass a law requiring direct selection of political candidates through a primary

During the 1902 coal strike, who did Roosevelt end the dispute between the union and coal mine owners?

He invited both groups to work together in arbitration

How did Wilson attempt to promote American businesses to become more efficient and competitive in the global market?

He lowered the tariff on imported goods by 30%

How did president Roosevelt deal with what he saw as the creation of a monopoly by J.P. Morgan's Northern Securities?

He ordered the attorney general to file a lawsuit, which eventually reached the Supreme Court

How were President Wilson's foreign policies different from those of his predecessors?

He was opposed to imperialism

Which economic policies put in place by industrialized nations caused those nations to look for new markets?

High tariffs against one another's goods

What was one of the great failures of progressivism As a social and political movement?

It failed to address racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination in the country

What was the progressive stance toward municipal government?

It needed to be run more efficiently using business principles

What was the primary goal of the Prohibition movement?

Laws banning the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol

What was the significance of Taft signing the Payne-Aldrich tariff into law?

Many progressives felt betrayed and turned against him

In the Roosevelt corollary to the ____________, the United States asserted greater power in Latin America.

Monroe doctrine

Journalists who exposed corruption and terrible social conditions were called


How did the rise in factories influence the American drive towards imperialism?

No country had access to all the natural resources needed to run their industries

The idea that the U.S and Latin America should work together became known as

Pan Americanism

What event promoted President Wilson to send troops into Mexico in 1916?

Pancho Villa led a raid on a town in New Mexico

Which of the following was a Spanish territory acquired by the US during the Spanish American War?

Puerto Rico

How did Taft's handling of U.S steel differ from the policies of Theodore Roosevelt's?

Roosevelt encouraged regulation of trusts; Taft sought to destroy them.

One Principle of progressivism was its strong belief that _________.

Scientific principles could alleviate social problems

The Board of Governors of the regional banks had the power to _____________.

Set national interest rates and regulate tech circulation of currency

Theodore Roosevelt gained territorial rights in Panama by means of

Supporting a revolution in Panama

What did Theodore Roosevelt mean when he spoke of the US carrying a big stick?

That the US should make it clear to other nations that it intended to back up its policies with actions as well as words

After _________, Secretary of State John Hay convinced European powers not to divide China into colonies.

The Boxer rebellion

What happened as a result of the American annexation of the Philippines?

The Filipinos rebelled

How did U.S attempts at opening trade with Japan influence Japanese culture?

The Japanese began an industrial revolution of their own

What Spanish possession did the US gin on May 1, 1898, when Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish navy?

The Philippines

What U.S action in 1894 set off a new rebellion in Cuba?

The U.S increased the sugar tariff

What is imperialism?

The economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker ones

What three political reforms did progressives push for in state legislatures to make elected officials more responsive to voters?

The initiative, the referendum, and the recall

One important provision in the Underwood tariff Act of 1913 that affected individuals directly was _________

The institution of an income tax on individual earnings

Which of the following was the reaosn for the U.S to become mor eactive in international affairs?

The need to find new markets

Secretary of State John hay promoted ________, in which all nations agreed to let the other trade with China.

The open door policy

What event promoted Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act in 1906?

The publication and popularity of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

____________, an American volunteer Calvert unit attacked San Juan Hill in Cuba and won.

The rough riders

What specific event triggered American cries for war against Spain?

The sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor

Theodore Roosevelt's progressive polices became known as ________.

The square deal

What treaty ended the Spanish American War?

The treaty of Paris

Why were some American leaders opposed to the annexation of the Philippines?

They felt it threatened the US economically and violated US principles

What two ideas did progressives propose to help out properly manage municipal government?

To appoint commissions with expert leader and hire a city manager to oversee the city's operations

Why die the U.S seek trade cooperation with Latin America?

To increase Latin American demand for American products

What was the purpose of the Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902?

To irrigate and develop western lands for business and habitation

What was America's primary interest in Asia?

Trade with China and Japan

Wilson supported the creation of the Federal Trade Commission in order to prevent companies from engaging in __________.

Unfair trade practices that limited competition

Who was Roosevelt's desired successor to the presidency during the 1908 election?

William Howard Taft

What enabled Theodore Roosevelt to become president in 1901?

William McKinley was assassinated

How did Roosevelt and Wilson differ in their beliefs about how the government should handle monopolies?

Wilson believed monopolies should be destroyed while Roosevelt favored regulation

How were women eventually granted the rights to vote?

With the ratification of the 19th amendment to the Constitution

What was the primary concern of female progressives?

Woman suffrage

Sensationalist reporting, in which reporters exaggerate or make up stories, is referred to as..

Yellow journalism

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