It is the process of directing the behavior of others towards the accomplishment of an objective.
3. participative behavior
seeking suggestions from followers regarding business operations
4. Achievement behavior
setting challenging goals
The true value of the T&S model
the three primary factors that influence a manager's determination of which leadership behavior to use in making decision are : 1; forces in manager 2. forces in subordinates 3. forces in the situation
2. supportive behavior
being friendly
they wrote the first article on the situational approach to leadership, stress situation on which a leader makes decisions.
Changing the organization to fit the leader
there are 3 factors to consider based on the contingency theory of leadership: 1. leader member relation= how well the leader fells accepted y the followers 2. task-structure= how well the job to be done is outline 3. position power= the extent to which the leader is in control over the rewards and punishments of the followers
1. Directive behavior
It tells followers what to do and how to do it
Fiedler's Contingency Theory Leader flexibility
the idea that successful leaders mush change their leadership styles as they encounter different situations
5 decision styles available to leaders
AI= manager makes the decision alone AII =manager ask for info from subordinates but makes decision alone. sub may or may not be inform of what is the situation CI = managers share the situation which individual subordinates and asks for info and evaluation. manager makes the decision CII = manager and sub meet as a group to discuss the situation, but manager makes the decision GII= manager and subordinates meet as a group to discuss the situation and the group makes the decision. A= Autocratic C= consultative G= group Known as the Vroom_Yetton -Jago model
7 types of leaders describe in the article
Boss-centered leadership 1. managers make decisions and announces it 2. managers "sells" decision= manager identifies the problem and he arrives at the solution without announcing it. force them to ACCEPT it. 3. manager presents ideas an invites questions. worked can ask questions about the decision made 4. managers presents tentative decisions subject to change. they can contribute but final decision is made by the manager 5. manager presents problems gets suggestions, makes decisions. 6. manager defines the limits and asks the group to make decision 7. manager permits the group to make decisions within prescribed limits
APROACHES TO LEADERSHIP traitapproach to leadership
It indicates that leaders are born not made.
Leadership style
It is the behavior leaders exhibits while guiding organization members in appropriate directions. 4 Leadership styles based on structure and consideration behavior 1. low structure high consideration 2. low structure, low consideration less desirable 3. high structure, high consideration more desirable 4. high structure, low consideration but every case is different and sometimes the more desirable leader will not be as efficient in a different scenario.
behavioral approach to leadership
Rather than looking to what traits leaders should posses. this approach focus on what good leaders do. Leaders have 2 main types of behavior
It focuses in no behavioral and behavior issues. M makes sure that the job gets done
Situational approach to leadership
It is based on the assumption that each instance of leadership is different and therefore requires a unique combination of leaders, followers and leadership situations.
It is the ability of followers to perform their jobs independently, to assume additional responsibilities Maturity is reach as follow: 4, 3, 1, 2
The life cycle Theory of Leadership
it is a rational for linking leadership styles with various situations to ensure effective leadership. It is the same as the leadership styles: task=structure relationship= consideration 1. low task, high relationship 2. low task, low relationship 3. high task, high relationship 4. high task, low relationship
2. consideration behavior
it is leadership behavior that reflects friendship, mutual trust, respect and warm in the relationship between leader and follower
it is one of the 4 activities of influencing. It emphasizes on behavior issues It cares and focus on the people who do the job
The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership
it suggest that the primary activity of a leader is to make desirable and achievable rewards and indicate what is the behavior that must be follow to get those rewards.
The Michigan Studies
Job center behavior= leaders that focus only on the work a subordinate is doing employee-centered behavior= leader that focus on subordinates as people
1. structure behavior
it is any activity that indicates followers the procedures they should follow to perform their job.