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The debate over the effectiveness of psychotherapy began with a study by ______________; it showed that the rate of improvement for those who received therapy _________ (was/was not) higher than the rate for those who did not.

Hans Eysenck; was not

Mary Cover Jones' procedures were refined by __________ as the ____________ _______________. One form of this therapy, systematic desensitization, assumes that one cannot simultaneously be ___________ and relaxed.

Joseph Wolpe; exposure therapies; anxious

Rogers' technique of echoing, restating, and clarifying what a person is saying is called ________ ________. Given nonjudgmental environment that provides __________ _________ ___________, patients are better able to accept themselves as they are and to feel valued and whole.

active listening; unconditional positive regard

Also effective in calming anxious people and energizing depressed people is _______ _________, which has positive side effects. Even better is to use antidepressant drugs, which work __________ (bottom-up/top-down).

aerobic exercise; bottom-up; cognitive-behavioral; top-down

Today, many forms of ______ ______ are touted as effective treatments for a variety of complaints.

alternative therapy

Xanax and Ativan are classified as __________ drugs.


Drugs that are prescribed to alleviate depression are called _________ drugs. Because the most commonly prescribed drugs in this group are increasingly being used to treat strokes and other disorders, including ___________ disorders, ___________-____________ disorder, and ______________ ___________ ___________, they are more commonly called __________ ___________ __________ inhibitors.

antidepressant; anxiety; obsessive-compulsive; posttraumatic stress disorder; selective serotonin reuptake

One effect of _________ drugs such as _____________ is to help those experiencing _________(positive/negative) symptoms of schizophrenia by decreasing their responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli.

antipsychotic; chlorpromazine; positive

Reinforcing desired behaviors and withholding reinforcement for undesired behaviors are key aspects of ___________ ____________.

behavior modification

Some forms of therapy are best for particular problems. With phobias, compulsions, and other specific behavior problems, ____________ ____________ therapies have been the most effective. Other studies have demonstrated that anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression may be effectively treated with _______ or ___________- __________ therapy.

behavioral conditioning; cognitive; cognitive-behavioral

As noted earlier, therapy involving changing the brain's functioning is referred to a ________ therapy. The most widely used biomedical treatments are the _______ therapies. Thankful to these therapies, the number of residents in mental hospitals has ________ (increased/decreased) sharply.

biomedical; drug; decreased

The relative success of this _____________ approach seems to confirm that everything psychological is also biological and that we are all social creatures.


To treat the emotional highs and lows of _______ disorder, a _________-__________ drug such as the simple salt ________ is often prescribed

bipolar; mood-stabilizing; lithium

Psychologists call the relentless, overgeneralized, self-blaming behavior of depressed people ________________.


These drugs depress activity in the _________ _________ ___________.

central nervous system

Psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the formative power of ____________ ___________ and their ability to mold the adult.

childhood experiences

One cluster of behavior therapies is based on the principles of _________ __________, as developed in Pavlov's experiments. This technique, in which a new incompatible response is substituted for a maladaptive one, is called _______________________. Two examples of this technique are ______________ ___________ and _____________ ___________.

classical conditioning; counterconditioning; exposure therapy; aversive conditioning

The humanistic therapy based on Rogers' theory is called _____________-___________ therapy, which is described as ___________ therapy because the therapist ________ (interprets/does not interpret) the person's problems.

client-centered; nondirective; does not interpret

Therapists who teach people new, more constructive ways of thinking are using _________ therapy.


An integrative therapy that combines an attack on negative thinking with efforts to modify behavior known as ________-________ therapy. This type of therapy is an effective treatment program for anxiety and mood disorders, because they share a common problem: _________ _________. It is also useful for _______-_______ _________; people are taught to relabel their problem behaviors.

cognitive-behavioral; emotion regulation; obsessive-compulsive disorder

In this type of group, therapists focus on improving ___________ within the family.


Aside from testimonials, there is very little evidence based on __________ research for such therapies.


In hopes of better assessing psychotherapy's effectiveness, psychologists have turned to ____________ research studies.


Another treatment being investigated for treatment of patients with depression is _____-_____ stimulation of a neural hub that bridges the frontal lobes to the limbic system.


Another effective drug in the control of mania was originally used to treat epilepsy, it is ___________.


ECT is most often used with patients suffering from severe __________. Research evidence _______ (confirms/does not confirm) ECT's effectiveness with such patients. The mechanism by which ECT works is ____________.

depression; confirms; unknown

Generally speaking, psychotherapists' personal values ________ (do/do not) influence their therapy. This is particularly significant when the therapist and client are from different ________. Another area of potential value conflict is ___________.

do; cultures; religion

Studies show that when people seek psychological treatment , their search for other medical treatment _______ (does/does not) decrease. Thus, psychotherapy is ________-effective.

does; cost

The antipsychotic drugs work by blocking the receptor sites for the neurotransmitter ____________.


Today, most psychosurgery has been replaced by the use of _________ or some other form of treatment.


Some therapists blend several psychotherapy techniques and so are said to take an ___________ approach.


The therapeutic technique in which the patient receives an electric shock to the brain is referred to as __________ therapy, abbreviated as ________.

electroconvulsive; ECT

Clinical decision making that integrates research with clinical expertise and with patient preferences and characteristics is called __________-_________ ___________.

evidence-based practice

When used in combination with _________ _________, these drugs can help people relieve the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

exposure therapy

The type of group interaction that focuses on the fact that we live and grow in relation to others is _______ _________.

family therapy

One example of this type of drug is __________, which works by blocking the reabsorption and removal of _________ from synapses. Increased serotonin promotes _____________, the development of new brain cells. Drugs that work by blocking the reabsorption or breakdown of norepinephrine and serotonin are called _______-__________ drugs. These drugs have __________ (more/fewer) side effects.

fluoxetine (prozac); serotonin; neurogenesis; dual-actions; more

Freud's technique in which a patient says whatever comes to mind is called __________ _____________.

free association

To promote growth in clients, Rogerian therapists exhibit _________, __________, and ____________.

genuineness; acceptance; empathy

Although _______ therapy does not provide the same degree of therapist involvement with each client, it does save time and money and permits therapeutic benefits from _______ interaction.

group; social

The first step in systematic desensitization is the construction of a ___________ of anxiety-arousing stimuli. The second step involves training in _______ ________. In the final step, the person is trained to associate the _______ state with the __________-arousing stimuli.

hierarchy; progressive relaxation; relaxed; anxiety

All forms of psychotherapy offer three benefits: _________ for demoralized people; a new _________ on oneself; and a relationship that is ________, __________, and __________.

hope; perspective; caring; trusting; empathetic

The American Psychological Association suggests that a person should seek help when he or she has feelings of ____________, a deep and lasting ______________, _____-__________ behavior, disruptive __________, sudden _______ shifts, and ____________ rituals, for example.

hopelessness; depression; self-destructive; fears; mood; compulsive

In North America, Europe, and Australia, most therapists reflect their culture's ___________.


The goal of Freud's psychoanalysis, which is based on his personality theory, is to help the patient gain __________.


Without embracing all aspects of Freud's theory, these therapists aim to help people gain _______ into their childhood experiences and ____________ dynamics.

insight; unconscious

Albee's views remind us that disorders are not just biological and not just environmental or psychological because we are all an ____________ _________________ system.

integrated biopsychosocial

Today, psychoanalysis ___________(is/is not) commonly practiced in the United States. Critics point out that psychoanalysts' interpretations are hard to _________ ___ _________ and that therapy takes a long time and is very ______________.

is not; prove or disprove; expensive

Behavior therapy applies principles of ____________ to eliminate troubling behaviors.


In the 1930s, Moniz developed an operation called the ________. In this procedure, the _________ lobe of the brain is disconnected from the rest of the brain.

lobotomy; frontal

A statistical digest of the results of many studies is called _____-________. Overall, the results of such analyses indicate that psychotherapy is, on average, __________ (some-what effective/ineffective).

meta-analysis; somewhat effective

Difference in values may help explain the reluctance of some ________ populations to use mental health services


One variety of cognitive therapy attempts to reverse clients' ________ beliefs about themselves, their situations, and their futures, which is often associated with _________, by helping them see their irrationalities. This therapy was developed by ___________.

negative; depression; Aaron Beck

In aversive conditioning, the therapists attempts to substitute a ___________ (positive/negative) response for on the is currently _________ (positive/negative) to a harmful stimulus. In this technique, a person's unwanted behaviors become associated with _____________ feelings. In the long run, aversive conditioning ___________ (does/does not) work.

negative; positive; unpleasant; does not

Comparisons of the effectiveness of different forms of therapy reveal _______ (clear/no clear) differences, that the type of therapy provider ______ (matters greatly/does not matter), and that whether therapy is provided by an individual therapist or within a group __________ (makes a difference/does not make a difference).

no clear; does not matter; does not make a difference

Therapies that influence behavior by controlling its consequences are based on principles of __________ conditioning.


Clinicians tend to ________ (overestimate/underestimate) the effectiveness of psychotherapy .


Three tips for listening more actively in your own relationships are to __________, __________ ___________, and __________ __________.

paraphrase; invite clarification; reflect feelings

Psychotherapies and biomedical therapies locate the cause of psychological disorders with the __________. An alternative viewpoint is that many psychological disorders are responses to _________________________________.

person; a disturbing and stressful society

According to this viewpoint, it is not just the __________ who needs treatment but also the person's _________ ____________.

person; social context

Although people with depression often improve after one month on antidepressants, studies demonstrate that a large percentage of the effectiveness is due to natural recovery or a ________ __________.

placebo effect

To guard against the _________ effect and normal ___________, neither the patients nor the staff involved in a study may be aware of which condition a given individual is in; this is called a ________-____________ procedure.

placebo; recovery; double-blind

One advocate of _____________ mental health, George Albee, believes that many social stresses undermine people's sense of ____________, ___________ __________, and _____-_______. These stresses include ___________, work that is ____________, constant __________, ___________, __________, _________, and ___________.

preventive; competence; personal control; self-esteem; poverty; meaningless; criticism; unemployment; racism; sexism; heterosexism

Therapists who are influenced by Freud's psychoanalysis but who talk to the patient face to face are _____________ therapists. In addition, they work with patients only ________________ (how often?) and for only a few weeks or months.

psychodynamic; once or twice a week

Mental health therapies are classified as either ___________ therapies or ____________ therapies.

psychological; biomedical

The field that studies the effects of drugs on the mind and behavior is _______________________.


The biomedical therapy in which a portion of the brain tissue is removed or destroyed is called _______________.


In the best studies of the effectiveness of therapy, researchers randomly assign people on a waiting list to therapy or no therapy and later evaluate everyone. These are _________ ________ trials.

randomized clinical

A painless procedure called _____ _______ ________ _________ aims to treat depression by presenting pulses through a magnetic coil held close to a person's skull above the right eyebrow. Unlike ECT, this procedure produces no __________, ___________ loss, or other side effects. Although how it works is unclear, one explanation is that it energizes the brain's left _________ __________, which is relatively inactive in depressed patients.

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; seizures; memory; frontal lobe

Freud's theory aimed to bring ___________ feelings into __________ awareness where they can be dealt with.

repressed; conscious

Lifestyle changes may also help prevent some disorders by building an individual's ___________. Struggling with challenging crises can also lead to ___________ _____________.

resilience; posttraumatic growth

When, in the course of therapy, a person omits shameful or embarrassing material, ___________ is occurring. Insight is facilitated by the analyst's ______________ of the meaning of such omissions, of dreams, and of other information revealed during therapy.

resistance; interpretation

A majority of psychotherapy clients express _______ (satisfaction/dissatisfaction) with their therapy.


For people with a ________ ________ of depression symptoms, timed ______ ________ therapy may be beneficial.

seasonal pattern; light exposure

Humanistic therapies attempt to help people meet their potential for _________. Like psychodynamic therapies, humanistic therapies attempt to reduce inner conflicts by providing clients with new ______________.

self-fulfillment; insights

Many people also participate in ______-_______ and _______ groups. One such group is _______ _________.

self-help; support; Alcoholics Anonymous

As a rule, psychotherapy is most effective with problems that are _________ (specific/nonspecific).


Antianxiety drugs have been criticized for merely reducing ______________, rather than resolving the underlying _____________. These drugs can also create a __________ ___________.

symptoms; problems; learned response

Long-term use of antipsychotic drugs can produce ________ ____________, which involves involuntary movements of the muscles of the __________, ________, and ___________.

tardive dyskinesia; face; tongue; limbs

These therapists focus on _______ across important relationships.


The emotional bond between therapist and client--the ________ ________--is a key aspect of effective therapy. In one study of depression treatment, the most effective therapists were those who were perceived as most ________ and __________.

therapeutic alliance; empathetic; caring

A recent approach to therapy promotes ___________ ___________ change, which includes regular aerobic exercise, adequate sleep, light exposure, social connection, anti-rumination, and nutritional supplementation.

therapeutic lifestyle

One application of this form of therapy to institutional settings is the ________ _________, in which desired behaviors are rewarded.

token economy

When strong feelings, similar to those experienced in other important relationships, are developed toward the therapist, ________________ has occurred.


In one popular alternative therapy, a therapist triggers eye movements in patients while they imagine __________ ________. This therapy, called _______ _______ ______ ___________ ________, has proven __________ (completely ineffective/somewhat effective) as a treatment for nonmilitary ________-__________ _______ _________. However, skeptics point to evidence that ________ ________ is just as effective as triggered eye movements in producing beneficial results. The key seems to be in the person's _______ traumatic memories and in a _________ effect.

traumatic events; eye movement and desensitization reprocessing; somewhat effective; post-traumatic stress disorder; finger tapping; reliving; placebo

One reason clinicians' perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are inaccurate is that clients justify entering therapy by emphasizing their ___________ and justify leaving therapy by emphasizing their ________-_________.

unhappiness; well-being

An electrical device implanted in the chest stimulates a nerve deep in the neck; the device periodically sends signals to the limbic system. This is called _______ ________ __________.

vagus nerve stimulation

For those who are unable to visually imagine an anxiety-arousing situation, or too afraid or embarrassed to do so, _______ ________ __________ therapy offers a promising alternative.

virtual reality exposure

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