ch. 31 & 32

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Which description best fits the lophotrochozoa? ( ) As embryos they have three germ layers that will develop into the organ level of organization as adults. ( ) As embryos they have two germ layers that will develop into the tissue level of organization as adults. ( ) Lophotrochozoa are deuterostomes. ( ) Lophotrochozoa are primarily a terrestrial group. ( ) The lophophore, a flagellated appendage, is used to define members of this group.

As embryos they have THREE germ layers that will develop into the organ level of organization as adults.

The fossil called Lucy is a member of the species ___, which lived about 3.18 million years ago.

Australopithecus AFARENSIS (Lucy Afarensis)

If you live on a river delta or coastline, you may not be able to eat the local shellfish because of high levels of toxins, even though you may be able to drink the water taken from the same source. Why?

Clams filter-feed and concentrate the dilute pollutants from the water, thus acting as early warning indicators of severe pollution.

____ are animals that have three pairs of legs, a tympanum for reception of sound waves, and Malpighian tubules for excretion.


Clams, snails, sea slugs, and octopuses belong to the phylum


Both echinoderms and chordates are deuterostomes, this means that

They have a similar development in their embryonic stages.

The ability to throw spears and kill animals from a distance gave Cro-Magnon an advantage in their environment. True or False?


Earthworms are ( ) annelids. ( ) molluscs. ( ) echinoderms. ( ) platyhelminthes. ( ) arthropods.


Which of the following organisms exhibit complete metamorphosis? ( ) crayfish ( ) starfish ( ) grasshoppers ( ) butterfly ( ) lobsters


Defining characteristics of chordates are

gill arches or pharyngeal pouches, dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord, and post-anal tail.

The ____ of the tapeworm contains both male and female sex organs and becomes filled with developing embryos.


The segments of a tapeworm consisting primarily of eggs, which hang in bags as a long chain behind the head, are called


The most primitive primates are considered to be the ( ) prosimians. ( ) apes. ( ) New World monkeys. ( ) Old World monkeys. ( ) humans.


Larval Trichinella worms live in the

skeletal muscle of pork.

Which of these is NOT associated with a roundworm infection? ( ) hookworm ( ) trichinosis ( ) elephantiasis ( ) tapeworm ( ) pinworm


Vertebrates possessing a four-chambered heart are

warm-blooded (maintains a constant body temperature).

The stone tools and the dentition of Homo habilis indicate that early humans probably ( ) were herbivores. ( ) were carnivores. ( ) were omnivores. ( ) were predators. ( ) cooked with fire.

were omnivores.

In contrast to the out-of-Africa hypothesis, the multi-regional continuity hypothesis contends that Homo ergaster migrated to many continents as much as one million years ago, and all populations evolved into modern humans because ( ) no further evolutionary changes occurred. ( ) there was sufficient gene flow between populations to maintain one species. ( ) constant warfare allowed one or another lineage to dominate. ( ) hybrids between different lineages were superior and replaced their ancestors. ( ) all lineages changed but in response to the same evolutionary pressures so they changed in the same way.

ALL lineages changed but in response to the same evolutionary pressures so they changed in the same way.

Which statement about the chordates is NOT correct? ( ) Chordates have segmentation. ( ) Chordates have bilateral symmetry. ( ) Invertebrate chordates are marine and filter feeding. ( ) Adult lancelets have all the characteristics that distinguish chordates from members of other phyla. ( ) Adult tunicates lack all the characteristics that distinguish chordates from members of other phyla.

Adult tunicates lack all the characteristics that distinguish chordates from members of other phyla.

Which of these is NOT a true statement? ( ) All chordates are vertebrates. ( ) All vertebrates are chordates. ( ) Tunicates and lancelets are invertebrate chordates. ( ) Echinoderms and chordates are deuterostomes. ( ) Sea squirts are invertebrate chordates.

All chordates are vertebrates.

Which of the following statements about sponges is NOT correct? ( ) Sponges have no nerve fibers. ( ) Sponges have no fully developed muscle fibers. ( ) Amoeboid cells capture food particles from the water. ( ) Sponges may reproduce asexually by budding or by regeneration from a small piece. ( ) Cells of a single sponge will recognize others of the same kind and reaggregate if the cells are separated and allowed to reassociate.

Amoeboid cells capture food particles from the water.

Which of the following is generally NOT a characteristic of all animals? ( ) They ingest food that is digested in a central cavity. ( ) They produce gametes by meiosis for sexual reproduction. ( ) They produce an embryo that undergoes development in stages. ( ) Animals range from unspecialized single-celled to specialized multicellular forms. ( ) The adult form is diploid.

Animals range from unspecialized single-celled to specialized multicellular forms.

Which species is believed to be the first creature to walk erect and possibly be the first hominin? ( ) Ardipithecus kadabba ( ) Australopithecus anamensis ( ) Ardipithecus ramidus ( ) Australopithecus afarensis ( ) Homo habilis

Ardipithecus kadabba

Which feature is NOT found in the lophotrochozoa? ( ) As embryos they have two germ layers that develop into their body systems. ( ) Aquatic lifestyle. ( ) Bilaterally symmetrical during some stage of their development. ( ) Use a lophophore as a feeding apparatus. ( ) They are protostomes.

As embryos they have two germ layers that develop into their body systems.

Which of these is a proper contrast between birds and mammals? ( ) Birds are cold-blooded; mammals are warm-blooded. ( ) Birds are egg laying; no mammals lay eggs. ( ) Birds have air sacs in addition to lungs; mammals have no air sacs. ( ) Birds lack a septum between the ventricles; mammals have a septum between the ventricles. ( ) Birds, unlike mammals, require no parental care.

Birds have air sacs in addition to lungs; mammals have no air sacs.

Which of the following is a way that crayfish and grasshoppers are similar? ( ) Both have tympanum for use in mating rituals. ( ) Both have malpighian tubules that function in the extraction of nitrogenous waste. ( ) Both have spicules and a tracheal system for respiration. ( ) Both have bodies that are composed of a cephalothorax and abdomen. ( ) Both have antennae that have a sensory function.

Both have ANTENNAE that have a sensory function.

Which of these made advanced tools and produced artwork? ( ) Homo erectus ( ) Homo habilis ( ) Cro-Magnon man ( ) Neandertal man ( ) Homo ergaster

Cro-Magnon man

The life cycle of animals ( ) Demonstrates alternation of generation, where the zygote is haploid and the adult is diploid. ( ) Does not demonstrate alternation of generation both the zygote and the adult are haploid. ( ) Demonstrates alternation of generation where the zygote is diploid and the adult is haploid. ( ) Does not demonstrate alternation of generation since only the spores are haploid. ( ) Does not demonstrate alternation of generation; gametes are haploid and the organism is diploid.

Does NOT demonstrate alternation of generation; GAMETES ARE HAPLOID and the ORGANISM IS DIPLOID.

Which of the following organisms show the typical method of acquiring food that is found in animals? ( ) Euglena, who are autotrophic and heterotrophic. ( ) Basidiomycetes, club fungi, who decompose wood and other plant material. ( ) Earthworms, annelids, who feed on any available organic matter that they can take into their mouths ( ) Volvox, a colonial alga that is autotrophic ( ) Archaea, who are chemotrophic.

Earthworms, annelids, who feed on any available organic matter that they can take into their mouths

Lophotrochozoa are animals that are organized circularly, so no matter how they are sliced in half longitudinally, mirror images are obtained. True or False?


Sponges exhibit radial symmetry. True or False?


The ray-finned fishes are believed to have evolved into the amphibians. True or False?


Which of the following is characteristic of flukes? ( ) Flukes are ectoparasites of invertebrates. ( ) Most flukes have separate sexes. ( ) Flukes are covered by a ciliated integument. ( ) Flukes possess an oral sucker that is surrounded by a nonsensory papilla. ( ) Flukes have a well-developed alimentary canal.

Flukes have a well-developed alimentary canal.

Which of the following is a way that crayfish and grasshoppers are different? ( ) Crayfish have an exoskeleton while grasshoppers do not. ( ) Grasshoppers have compound eyes while crayfish have a camera type of eye. ( ) Grasshoppers have well developed nervous systems while crayfish have a ladder network of nerves. ( ) Grasshoppers have spicules and tracheal tubes that serve as the means of gas exchange while crayfish have gills. ( ) Crayfish have an open circulatory system while grasshoppers have a closed circulatory system.

Grasshoppers have spicules and tracheal tubes that serve as the means of gas exchange while crayfish have gills.

The first member of genus Homo to use fire is

Homo erectus.

Which hominid is considered to be the handyman by being the first to use tools? ( ) Gorilla ( ) Lucy ( ) Homo habilis ( ) Homo erectus ( ) Chimpanzee

Homo habilis (Hominid Handyman was Homo Habilis)

Of the following fossils, which is arranged in the correct order from oldest to the most recent? ( ) Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, Homo habilis ( ) Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, Homo habilis ( ) Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens ( ) Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo sapiens ( ) Homo sapiens, Homo habilis, Homo erectus

Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens (HH-HE-HS)

The ____ are believed to be the first group of hominids that buried their dead.

Homo neanderthalensis (Homo neUNDERthaearth)

Which statement is NOT true about invertebrate animals? ( ) The vast majority of animal species are invertebrates. ( ) Many invertebrate species live in a marine environment. ( ) Most animal phyla are invertebrates. ( ) All major invertebrate groups arose from protistan ancestors. ( ) Invertebrates lack a nervous system.

Invertebrates lack a nervous system.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the flatworms? ( ) Tapeworms have a ladder-type nervous system similar to other flatworms. ( ) Planaria contain pigmented, photosensitive eyespots. ( ) Liver flukes and blood flukes are parasites in humans only. ( ) Schistosomiasis is a common human blood disease caused by flukes in tropical areas. ( ) Tapeworms are hermaphroditic, having both male and female reproductive structures in each proglottid.

Liver flukes and blood flukes are parasites in humans only.

All of these humans are believed to have evolved in Africa EXCEPT ( ) Homo erectus. ( ) Homo habilis. ( ) Homo rudolfensis. ( ) Neandertals. ( ) Homo ergaster.


Because they have nerve fibers and muscle fibers, hydra are capable of directional movement. These nerve and muscle fibers are found ( ) In the gastrodermis. ( ) In the epidermis. ( ) In the mesoglea. ( ) Nerves are found in the gastrodermis and the muscle fibers in the ectodermis. ( ) Nerves are found just under the ectodermis and muscle fibers are found in the mesoglea.

Nerves are found JUST UNDER THE ECTODERMIS and muscle fibers are found in the mesoglea.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the flatworms? ( ) There are three complete tissue layers. ( ) Flatworms may be either free living or parasitic. ( ) Flatworms have a sac body plan, with only a mouth and no anus. ( ) Parasitic flatworms have a well-developed head with eyespots and nerves concentrated into a brain. ( ) Most planaria are found in marine environments, but some dwell in freshwater and moist terrestrial environments.

Parasitic flatworms have a well-developed head with eyespots and nerves concentrated into a brain.

Which of these statements is NOT correct about the flatworms? ( ) Tapeworms do not have a larval stage. ( ) Planaria ingest food through a mouth located in the head region. ( ) Flukes have two suckers by which they attach to and feed from host tissues. ( ) Tapeworms have a scolex with hooks and suckers by which they attach to the host's intestinal tissues. ( ) Tapeworms enter the human body through undercooked meat, especially pork, which contains encysted larval forms.

Planaria ingest food through a mouth located in the head region.

Which statement is NOT correct about the roundworms? ( ) There are three layers of tissues in the body. ( ) Roundworms have a tube-within-a-tube body plan. ( ) There is an internal body cavity called a pseudocoelom. ( ) Roundworms have a smooth unsegmented outside body wall. ( ) Roundworms are essentially no more than parasitic flatworms that have lost their need to be flat.

Roundworms are essentially no more than parasitic flatworms that have lost their need to be flat.

What is the most probable evolutionary path for genus Homo? ( ) Sahelanthropus tchadensis - Ardipithecus kadabba - Australopithecus anamensis - Australopithecus afarensis - Homo habilis ( ) Ardipithecus kadabba - Australopithecus anamensis - Sahelanthropus tchadensis -Australopithecus afarensis - Homo habilis ( ) Australopithecus afarensis - Ardipithecus kadabba - Australopithecus anamensis - Sahelanthropus tchadensis - Homo erectus ( ) Ardipithecus kadabba - Australopithecus afarensis - Australopithecus anamensis - Sahelanthropus tchadensis - Homo habilis ( ) Sahelanthropus tchadensis - Ardipithecus kadabba - Australopithecus anamensis - Australopithecus afarensis - Homo ergaster

Sahelanthropus tchadensis - Ardipithecus kadabba - Australopithecus anamensis - Australopithecus afarensis - Homo habilis (ST...HH)

Which statement about arachnids is NOT true? ( ) Ticks and mites are often parasitic. ( ) Spiders and scorpions are predators. ( ) Spiders have trachea for respiration. ( ) Spiders have a pair of fangs which release poison. ( ) The body parts include a cephalothorax and an abdomen.

Spiders have TRACHEA for respiration.

Which statement about sponges is NOT correct? ( ) The larval form is flagellated and able to swim to a suitable location. ( ) Sponges are classified on the basis of their type of skeletal material. ( ) Sponges resemble a colony of protozoan cells more than a multicellular animal. ( ) Sponges are thought to be on the evolutionary pathway leading to more complex animals such as corals and worms. ( ) Sponges can reproduce sexually or asexually.

Sponges are thought to be on the evolutionary pathway leading to more complex animals such as corals and worms.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about cnidaria? ( ) The adult body is bilaterally symmetrical. ( ) Most are found in shallow coastal marine environments. ( ) There are two tissue layers, an outer epidermis and inner gastrodermis. ( ) Stinging cells contain a threadlike nematocyst released to capture prey. ( ) A jellylike mesoglea contains cells that form a nerve net throughout the body.

The adult body is bilaterally symmetrical.

Larval tunicates differ from adults in all but one of the following ways. Which of the following is NOT true? ( ) The adults are sessile and the larvae are free swimming. ( ) The adults do not have a notochord while the larvae do. ( ) The adults do not have pharynx and gill slits while the larvae do. ( ) The adults do not have a dorsal, hollow nerve chord while the larvae do. ( ) The adults do not have a post-anal tail while the larvae do.

The adults do not have pharynx and gill slits while the larvae do.

Which statement about cnidaria is NOT true? ( ) Reproduction is both sexual and asexual. ( ) Some forms are sessile and others are motile. ( ) They live in either marine or freshwater environments. ( ) To capture food the animal wraps itself around its prey. ( ) The body plan is tube-within-a-tube, with both mouth and anus.

The body plan is TUBE-WITHIN-A-TUBE, with both mouth and anus.

If echinoderms are radially symmetrical, why are they considered primitive relatives of cnidarians?

The echinoderm larvae are originally bilaterally symmetrical but metamorphose into a radially symmetrical adult.

The two layers of tissue in a hydra are ( ) The epidermis which covers and protects and the inner layer that contains flame cells. ( ) The epidermis that covers and protects and the gastrodermis where cells that complete digestion are found. ( ) The epidermis that contains flame cells and the gastrodermis that contains the nephridia. ( ) The epidermis that covers and protects and the gastrodermis that contains the nephridia. ( ) The epidermis that covers and protects and the gastrodermis that contains a ladder-like nervous system.

The epidermis that COVERS and PROTECTS and the gastrodermis where cells that COMPLETE DIGESTION are found.

Which statement is NOT true about echinoderms? ( ) The exoskeleton is made up of bony tissue. ( ) Gas exchange occurs through gills on the skin. ( ) Larvae are free-swimming and bilaterally symmetrical. ( ) A water vascular system allows the tube feet to produce suction. ( ) Symmetry is radial in the adult, usually with parts in fives or multiples of five.

The exoskeleton is made up of bony tissue.

Which of the following is NOT true about protostomes? ( ) They are types of advanced invertebrates. ( ) They form a true coelom. ( ) The first opening during embryonic development becomes the anus. ( ) They will become mollusks, annelids, and arthropods. ( ) They are more advanced than acoelomates, but not as advanced as deuterostomes.

The first opening during embryonic development becomes the anus.

Why are real bath sponges so soft?

The harder silica or calcium spicules are absent and the softer spongin remains.

Which of the following statements about hydra morphology is correct? ( ) The hydra has a long single tentacle containing numerous nematocysts. ( ) The hydra has a single polyp that is filled with gas and keeps the organism afloat. ( ) The hydra is bell shaped and has multiple tentacles. ( ) The hydra is a tube shaped polyp that has two layers of tissue. ( ) The hydra is bilaterally symmetrical.

The hydra is a TUBE SHAPED polyp that has two layers of tissue.

If you play with a living anemone with a probe, it will withdraw even if you vibrate the probe like a food animal would vibrate; it also withdraws if you just add sugar. However, it reaches out and grasps an object that both vibrates and tastes like food. The use of such a double system prevents unnecessary firing of expensive nematocysts. Why are nematocysts "expensive"?

The nematocyst is very complex and costs the anemone much energy to build.

Non-vertebrate chordates, tunicates and lancelets, differ from other chordates in that

The notochord of non-vertebrate chordates does not become a vertebral column.

Both corals and calcareous sponges have calcium carbonate structures. What is the relationship between these two groups?

The sponges use calcium carbonate to form sharp spicules while the corals independently use the same material to form a skeleton.

Which of the following statements about planaria is NOT true? ( ) There is a rudimentary circulatory system with a small central heart. ( ) Planaria cut in half can regenerate to form two complete worms. ( ) Active movement occurs through ciliary cells and muscle movement. ( ) Tissue levels include endoderm (inner), mesoderm (middle), and ectoderm (outer). ( ) Cephalization is shown by the formation of a brain and sense organs in a head region.

There is a rudimentary circulatory system with a small central heart.

Which of the following characteristics is NOT true about deuterostomes? ( ) The second opening during embryonic development becomes the mouth. ( ) They include the echinoderms and humans. ( ) They have a coelom. ( ) They include the simplest of invertebrates. ( ) They are typically more advanced than protostomes.

They include the simplest of invertebrates.

Earthworms possess both male and female organs on separate segments; thus mating consists of "parallel parking" in opposite directions and cross-fertilizing. Given this, which of the following IS/ARE true? ( ) This is evidence of a primitive state that is generally less efficient than separate sexes. ( ) This is primarily to allow them to self-fertilize if no other worm is in their sector of the soil. ( ) This is an advantage since they can mate with any other earthworm of the same species that they encounter. ( ) Maintaining any system not clearly male or female is disadvantageous; the earthworm is trapped in an evolutionary dead end. ( ) This demonstrates the how ineffective self-fertilization is as a means of reproduction.

This is an advantage since they can mate with any other earthworm of the same species that they encounter.

The australopithecines evolved and diversified in Africa from 4 MYA until 1.5 MYA and are the possible direct hominin ancestors for humans. True or False?


Which of the following would NOT show the five characteristics typically found in animals? ( ) Sponges, which have no true tissues but have two layers of cells that perform different functions. ( ) Planaria, who have an incomplete digestive tract but do have muscles and excretory and reproductive systems. ( ) Trypanosoma, a single celled organism that causes sleeping sickness in humans. ( ) Leeches, segmented worms that are predatory on other animals. ( ) Tapeworms, flatworms that infest the intestines of humans.

Trypanosoma, a single celled organism that causes sleeping sickness in humans.

A sea star's nervous system includes

a central nerve ring that gives off radial nerves in each arm.

A floating Portuguese man-of-war is ( ) a cubozoan. ( ) merely an inflated, noncircular jellyfish. ( ) a free-swimming polyp in the hydra group. ( ) the first animal with complete organ systems. ( ) a colony of polyps composed of different types of individuals.

a colony of polyps composed of different types of individuals.

Which body structure describes the freshwater hydra? ( ) a swimming medusa with mouth pointing downward ( ) a swimming medusa with mouth pointing upward ( ) a sessile medusa with mouth pointing upward ( ) a sessile polyp form with mouth pointing downward ( ) a freely moving polyp with mouth pointing upward

a freely moving polyp with mouth pointing upward

Sea stars and sea urchins operate their tube feet by

a hydraulic system that regulates water pressure.

Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a shark? ( ) ability to sense electric currents in the water ( ) skeleton of cartilage ( ) a sucker used to attach to prey ( ) ability to sense pressure of other swimming objects ( ) ability to detect blood in minute amounts

a sucker used to attach to prey

It is NOT correct to say that arthropods have ( ) a solid ventral nerve cord. ( ) an open circulatory system. ( ) a well-developed nervous system. ( ) jointed appendages and a segmented body. ( ) a tough exoskeleton that grows by expansion.

a tough exoskeleton that grows by expansion.

An adaptation exhibited by the tapeworm for survival in a host's intestine is

a tough integument resistant to host digestive fluids.

The madreporite helps the sea star ( ) reproduce. ( ) locate food. ( ) digest food and distribute it to the arms. ( ) absorb water to regulate its vascular system. ( ) keep its surface clean of algae and barnacles and debris.

absorb water to regulate its vascular system.

Which of these characteristics first developed in reptiles? ( ) amniotic egg ( ) scales on skin ( ) four-legged body ( ) skull and vertebral column ( ) animals with lungs.

amniotic egg

Ectothermic animals with three-chambered hearts would include ( ) amphibians. ( ) mammals. ( ) fish. ( ) arthropods. ( ) birds.


Extraembryonic membranes are NOT found in the development of ( ) amphibians. ( ) reptiles. ( ) birds. ( ) mammals. ( ) chordates.


An insect circulatory system is best described as

an open system that mostly washes hemolymph "blood" through the hemocoel.

An arachnid differs from a crustacean because

arachnids have four pairs of walking legs.

Echinoderms and cnidarians ( ) are both radially symmetrical. ( ) both have three germ layers. ( ) both have the sac body plan. ( ) are both deuterostomes. ( ) are both found in freshwater.

are both radially symmetrical.

Which type of organism is characterized by having jointed appendages, ability to molt, and three sets of fused segments?


Animals that have no particular symmetry exhibit


Which of the following features was NOT necessary for adaptation by reptiles to life on land? ( ) hard, horny scales ( ) internal fertilization by means of a penis ( ) shelled egg ( ) being cold-blooded ( ) well-developed lungs

being cold-blooded

Which feature is used to distinguish modern humans? ( ) bipedalism ( ) notochord ( ) use of tools ( ) omnivore diet ( ) forward facing eyes


Endothermic animals with four-chambered hearts include the ( ) amphibians. ( ) reptiles. ( ) fish. ( ) arthropods. ( ) birds.


The main features that place Homo habilis in the genus Homo rather than Australopithecus are ( ) human facial appearance and lack of hair. ( ) advanced use of language and total carnivorous diet. ( ) brain size, posture, and dentition. ( ) care of young and altruistic behavior. ( ) hand grip, extensive use of tools, and house-building.

brain size, posture, and dentition.

Sea stars reproduce ( ) by budding. ( ) by asexual processes alone. ( ) asexually by fragmentation. ( ) by sexual processes only. ( ) by sexual means and also by asexual fragmentation.

by sexual means and also by asexual fragmentation.

In flame cells ( ) light is detected. ( ) ciliated sperm are stored. ( ) undigested food is expelled. ( ) slow fires actually burn food for energy. ( ) cilia drive fluids through tubules for excretion of excess water.

cilia drive fluids through tubules for excretion of excess water.

Fertilization in the earthworm is accomplished by the use of the


When an earthworm secretes a slime layer to receive eggs and sperm and form a ''cocoon,'' this secretion is produced by the


The stinging cells or nematocysts are characteristic of


Which of the following organisms exhibit radial symmetry as adults? ( ) flatworms ( ) cnidarians ( ) roundworms ( ) clams ( ) fish


Amphibians most likely evolved from ancestors most similar to the


The lancelets are found ( ) in tropical Amazon streams. ( ) as parasites inside the tracts of fish. ( ) very rarely in mountain streams, where they are almost extinct. ( ) commonly in the sandy bottoms of shallow coastal waters around the world. ( ) on the bottom of the ocean.

commonly in the sandy bottoms of shallow coastal waters around the world.

Which of the following is NOT an echinoderm? ( ) sea star ( ) sea urchin ( ) sea cucumber ( ) sand dollar ( ) crayfish


The duckbill platypus is an exception to many mammals because it

doesn't give birth but lays eggs.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of earthworms? ( ) segmentation ( ) expanded dorsal surface of the intestine called a typhlosole ( ) hermaphroditic ( ) paired nephridia in each segment ( ) dorsal solid nerve cord

dorsal solid nerve cord

A closed circulatory system is found in ( ) insects. ( ) snails. ( ) clams. ( ) earthworms. ( ) scorpions.


Which of the following organisms are considered advanced invertebrates with a true coelom? ( ) sponges ( ) hydras ( ) flatworms ( ) roundworms ( ) earthworms


How could you possibly become infected with adult tapeworms?

eating insufficiently cooked pork

Which difference distinguishes protostomes from deuterostomes? ( ) nervous system ( ) embryonic development ( ) circulatory system ( ) cephalization ( ) presence or lack of notochord

embryonic development

The most likely ancestors of the chordates are considered to be echinoderms because ( ) tunicates are echinoderms. ( ) there is a direct lineage from sea stars to tunicates. ( ) embryos of echinoderms and chordate embryos are deuterostomes. ( ) adult echinoderms display similar characteristics as adult chordates. ( ) the nervous system of echinoderms is similar to that of chordates.

embryos of echinoderms and chordate embryos are deuterostomes.

Which feature distinguishes birds from the rest of the reptiles?


Which of the following characteristics is NOT a distinguishing feature of all primates? ( ) opposable thumb ( ) fingernails ( ) usually single birth ( ) extended period of parental care ( ) expanded hindbrain

expanded hindbrain

Primates are associated with all of the following EXCEPT ( ) nails rather than claws. ( ) a larger brain (cerebral) volume. ( ) opposable thumb and sometimes large toe. ( ) eyes on the sides of the head. ( ) good hand-eye coordination.

eyes on the sides of the head.

Which of these characteristics is NOT associated with flight requirements in birds? ( ) feet with claws ( ) light hollow bones ( ) a light horny beak with no teeth ( ) respiratory air sacs and lungs with one way air flow ( ) an enlarged breastbone with strong muscles attached

feet with claws

Jaws are believed to have evolved from the

first pair of gill arches.

Which of the following is correct in matching the common name with a phylum name? ( ) planarian—Nematoda ( ) fluke—Platyhelminthes ( ) coral—Porifera ( ) roundworm—Cnidaria ( ) sponge—Arthropoda


Which of the following is NOT a unique characteristic of chordates at some time in their life history? ( ) a notochord ( ) a dorsal hollow nerve cord ( ) pharyngeal pouches ( ) gill clefts ( ) a post-anal tail

gill clefts

The living coelacanths discovered off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean in 1938, and near Indonesia in 1998, proved that it

had changed very little and had not gone extinct.

When researchers videotaped the body of a dead whale on the bottom of the ocean, it was rippling with the activity of many scavengers inside the carcass. These scavengers would have been


The chief distinguishing characteristic of all mammals is the presence of

hair and mammary glands.

Sharks ( ) have bone skeletons. ( ) lack jaws. ( ) have a keen sense of smell. ( ) lack the lateral line system of bony fishes. ( ) do not have paired fins.

have a keen sense of smell.

The molluscs look so different, and yet we can tell they are related because they all

have a mantle, visceral mass, and a foot.

The major insect body parts are

head, thorax, and abdomen.

Because most birds travel through the air at high speeds, they must have

highly sensitive sensory systems.

Sometimes biologists are alleged to have said that "man comes from monkeys." The correct way for a modern biologist to explain the apparent sequence of human evolution is ( ) monkeys have evolved less than humans. ( ) humans and monkeys share a common ancestor. ( ) humans and monkeys are biologically identical. ( ) evolution leads toward more perfect forms and humans therefore came after modern monkeys. ( ) humans continue to evolve while monkeys do not.

humans and monkeys share a common ancestor.

The complex eye that can distinguish shapes is found

in molluscs but the eye structure evolved differently.

The largest animal group, both in number of species and number of individuals, is the


Which of these characteristics is NOT found in the amphibians but is developed in reptiles? ( ) thin moist skin ( ) internal fertilization ( ) small inefficient lungs ( ) aquatic larvae ( ) eggs with gelatinous covering

internal fertilization

Which of the following sequences correctly represents vertebrate evolution? ( ) jawless fish → lobe-finned fish → amphibians → reptiles → mammals ( ) jawless fish → amphibians → reptiles → lobe-finned fish → mammals ( ) mammals → lobe-finned fish → reptiles → jawless fish → amphibians ( ) lobe-finned fish → mammals → reptiles → jawless fish → amphibians ( ) lobe-finned fish → reptiles → mammals → jawless fish → amphibians

jawless fish → lobe-finned fish → amphibians → reptiles → mammals (JaLARM)

A major characteristic of the arthropods is the presence of

jointed appendages.

Earthworms differ from most of the marine annelids in that earthworms

lack paddlelike parapodia that marine annelids have.

The jawless fish that is parasitic, attaching itself to and sucking fluids from the tissues of a living fish, is the

lamprey (jawless is limprey)

The cartilaginous fishes include all EXCEPT ( ) lampreys. ( ) dogfish shark. ( ) skates. ( ) rays. ( ) whale shark.


Which are NOT among the phylum Mollusca? ( ) clams ( ) squids ( ) lobsters ( ) nautiluses ( ) snails


The water vascular system of the echinoderm is used for


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of echinoderms? ( ) adult is radially symmetrical ( ) locomotion by muscles ( ) endoskeleton of spiny, calcium-rich plates ( ) larva is bilaterally symmetrical ( ) both sexual and asexual reproduction

locomotion by muscles

Mammals are different from birds in all these characteristics EXCEPT ( ) having hair. ( ) having mammary glands. ( ) maintaining a constant body temperature. ( ) having young born alive. ( ) having a bladder.

maintaining a constant body temperature.

An animal that is characterized by vertebrae, dorsal hollow nerve cord, hair, and mammary glands must be a(n)


Which types of embryos have extraembryonic membranes?


A heart with two separate atria and two separate ventricles is seen among

mammals and birds.

Which type of mammal lays eggs? ( ) monotremes ( ) marsupials ( ) placentals ( ) snakes ( ) birds


The cephalopods resemble other molluscs because they have

most of the internal organs located in a visceral mass.

Which of the following types of skeletal material is NOT found in at least some sponges? ( ) calcium carbonate ( ) silica ( ) spicules ( ) spongin ( ) muscle


A hydra moves via

muscular cells in the epidermis.

What system do the cnidaria have that sponges lack?


In vertebrates, the embryonic ____ is replaced by tissues that form a vertebral column.


What is the correct evolutionary pathway for the key features of chordates? ( ) notochord - vertebrae - jaws - bony skeleton - lungs - 4 limbs - amniotic egg - mammary glands ( ) vertebrae - notochord- jaws - bony skeleton - lungs - 4 limbs - amniotic egg - mammary glands ( ) notochord - vertebrae - jaws - bony skeleton - lungs - amniotic egg - 4 limbs- mammary glands ( ) notochord - vertebrae - jaws - bony skeleton - mammary glands - lungs - 4 limbs - amniotic egg ( ) mammary glands - notochord - vertebrae - jaws - lungs - 4 limbs - amniotic egg - bony skeleton

notochord - vertebrae - jaws - bony skeleton - lungs - 4 limbs - amniotic egg - mammary glands (Noto Vert...Am Mam)

In vertebrates, the _______ is/are usually replaced by ________.

notochord; a vertebral column

The out-of-Africa hypothesis of human evolution proposes that Homo sapiens evolved from

one population of Homo ergaster and the other populations were supplanted by H. sapiens (evolved from ergaster, supplanted by sapiens)

Which of these is a bivalve? ( ) slug ( ) octopus ( ) earthworm ( ) snail ( ) oyster


The organ of nutrition used in fetal development in the most successful mammals is the


Which of the following are NOT cnidaria? ( ) corals ( ) planaria ( ) sea anemones ( ) hydrozoa ( ) Portuguese man-of-war


Which type of animal symmetry produces mirror images of each other no matter how the animal is sliced longitudinally? ( ) radial symmetry ( ) asymmetrical symmetry ( ) bilateral symmetry ( ) asymmetrical symmetry and bilateral symmetry ( ) None of these.

radial symmetry

All of the following are characteristics of primates EXCEPT the ( ) nails on hands and feet. ( ) stereoscopic vision. ( ) well-developed brain. ( ) opposable thumb. ( ) rapid postnatal maturation.

rapid postnatal maturation.

Press a sponge through a coarse cloth bag and extrude the whole cells through the holes. The cells then ( ) reproduce sexually. ( ) die from being separated. ( ) form spicules in the pattern of the cloth. ( ) all go back to primitive cells and soon differentiate into another sponge. ( ) reassemble into a new organized sponge with each cell resuming its original job.

reassemble into a new organized sponge with each cell resuming its original job.

Tapeworms are specialized for parasitism by an excessive development of which system?


Ascaris is considered to be a(n)


The head region of a tapeworm is called the


Planaria move by

secreting a film of mucus and pushing against it with epidermal cilia.

The respiratory advantage provided by a four-chambered heart over a three-chambered heart in vertebrates is

separation of oxygen-rich blood and oxygen-poor blood.

Filter feeders are usually ( ) active predators. ( ) sessile or relatively inactive. ( ) always herbivorous. ( ) squids. ( ) snails.

sessile or relatively inactive.

The chitinous bristles that earthworms use to anchor themselves in the earth and pull themselves along are


The multiregional continuity hypothesis of human evolution proposes that Homo sapiens evolved from

several populations of Homo ergaster that existed in Asia, Africa, and Europe

Based on molecular data, the split between apes and humans is thought to have occurred about ______ million years ago.


A recent study of the marine hawksbill turtle's stomach contents revealed that sponges constitute a major portion of their diet. Sponge beds are generally protected from predators by the sponge's calcium and silica crystals, but these were found in quantity in the turtles' digestive systems. These structures that protect the sponges from most predators, but not turtles, are ( ) amoebocytes. ( ) the osculum. ( ) choanocytes. ( ) spicules. ( ) spongin.


Which pair exhibits the closest relationship? ( ) spider—tick ( ) housefly—mite ( ) earthworm—grasshopper ( ) crayfish—planarian ( ) scorpion—clam


The name Echinodermata literally means

spiny skin.

Respiratory structures in insects are

spiracles and tracheae.

Planaria feed by ( ) attaching with a sucker(s) and extracting blood. ( ) tearing and sucking food particles via a muscular pharynx. ( ) slurping food particles through a mouth and excreting waste via an anus. ( ) soaking all nutrients from the environment through its thin epidermal surface. ( ) grabbing food with tentacles and pulling them into a ventrally located mouth.

tearing and sucking food particles via a muscular pharynx.

A sponge actually feeds by ( ) acting as a net in a current that sweeps food particles through it. ( ) squeezing the spongocoel cavity and sucking debris in and out through the osculum. ( ) the beating of the flagella of collar cells, forming a current; food is absorbed by collar cells. ( ) the beating collar cells form a current from osculum to pores; the food is engulfed by amoebocytes in the central cavity of the sponge. ( ) water the moves gently through the sponge and the amoebocytes that engulf passing food.

the beating of the flagella of collar cells, forming a current; food is absorbed by collar cells.

The term "deuterostome" refers to

the second embryonic opening becoming the mouth.

Which of these parasitic worms is NOT a nematode? ( ) Ascaris ( ) Trichinella ( ) the worm that causes elephantiasis ( ) hookworm ( ) the worm that causes schistosomiasis

the worm that causes schistosomiasis

Amphibians are NOT considered to be fully adapted to life on land because ( ) they are dependent upon water for external fertilization. ( ) their skin is used for respiration. ( ) they have hopping legs. ( ) their skin is used for respiration. ( ) most amphibians live their entire lives in water.

they are dependent upon water for external fertilization.

Which technology was first established by Cro-Magnon? ( ) throwing spears ( ) scrapers ( ) controlled fire ( ) group life ( ) All of these are unique to Cro-Magnon.

throwing spears

The insect organ most equivalent to the human lung in function is the


Although adult tunicates are stuck to the ocean bottom, they are considered early relatives of vertebrates because

tunicate larvae have a notochord.

The amphibian heart has ( ) two separate atria and two separate ventricles that partition oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood. ( ) two separate atria and one shared ventricle that allow oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood to mix. ( ) two separate ventricles and one shared atrium that allow oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood to mix. ( ) one atrium and one ventricle similar to the fish. ( ) one atrium and one ventricle but reroutes the blood through the heart after passing through the gills.

two separate atria and one shared ventricle that allow oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood to mix.

Which of the following features is NOT a characteristic used to distinguish birds? ( ) feathers ( ) air sacs ( ) variable body temperature ( ) hard-shelled egg ( ) four-chambered heart

variable body temperature

Which represents the correct order of evolution of chordate features? ( ) amnion → limbs → lungs → jaws → vertebrae ( ) limbs → lungs → jaws → vertebrae → amnion ( ) lungs → jaws → vertebrae → amnion → limbs ( ) vertebrae → jaws → lungs → limbs → amnion ( ) vertebrae → amnion → limbs → lungs → jaws

vertebrae → jaws → lungs → limbs → amnion (Vert...Am)

Which of these is NOT a characteristic of sponges? ( ) sessile filter feeders ( ) body wall has two cell layers ( ) flagellated collar cells move water ( ) water enters through a single cavity, the osculum ( ) amoeboid cells transport food and make skeletal fibers and gametes

water enters through a single cavity, the osculum

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