Ch 4: Cache

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multilevel cache complicates all of the design issues related to cache

replacement algorithms

must be implemented in hardware to achieve high speed

magnetic surface memories



not usually visible to the programmer or processor

associative mapping

number of lines in cache is not determined by the address format


obvious characteristic of memory

secondary memory

optical and magneto-optical

victim cache

originally proposed as an approach to reduce the conflict misses of direct mapped caches without affective its fast access time


originally, typical system had a single cache

associative mapping

permitting each main memory block to be loaded into any line of the cache disadvantage: complex circuitry required to examine the tags of all cache lines in parallel


physical arrangement of bits to form words

main memory

portion of this can used as a buffer to hold data temporarily that is to be read out to disk

associative access

cache memories may employ this accessing method


cache that consists of m blocks

split cache

cache that supports pipelines

noncacheable memory

chip-select logic or high-address bits

memory cycle time

concerned with the system bus, not the processor

external memory

consists of peripheral storage devices, such as disk and tape, that are accessible to the processor via IO controllers

capacity and performance

from a user's point of view, the two most important characteristics of memory are

victim cache

fully associative cache

two lines per set

most common set-associative organization significantly improves hit ratio over direct mapping

external mass storage devices

most common: hard disk and removable media


most contemporary cache designs include both on-ship and external caches


most effective and most popular replacement alg

Unified Cache

Which has a higher hit rate? Unified or split cache?

sequential access

access must be made in a specific linear sequence, memory is organized into records

performance parameters

access time(latency), memory cycle time, and transfer rate

hardware transparancy

additional hardware is used to ensure that all updates to main memory via cache are reflected in all caches


all accesses to shared memory are cache misses


all write operations are made to main memory as well as cache in write through operations

write through

all write operations are made to main memory as well as to the cache, ensuring main memory is always valid


another form of internal memory

32 KB

beyond this size, increase in cache size brings no significant increase in performance


blocks will be continually swapped in the cache and the hit ratio will be low

approaches to cache coherency

bus watching with write through hardware transparency non-cacheable memory

problems with write policy

1) more than one device may access memory causing corresponding memory word to be invalid if cache is only altered 2) if a word is altered in one cache, it could conceivably invalidate a word in other caches

access time

for random access memory, time it takes to perform a read or write operation


for reads to and from main memory, a hardware this translates each virtual address into a physical address in main memory


more than one device may have access to MM

cache hit

data and address buffers are disabled and communication is only between processor and cache, with no system bus traffic

bus organization where cache and main memory are shared

data in one cache is altered, then invalidates the corresponding word in main memory, but also same word in other caches


data often transferred in much larger units than a word, called

memory hierarchy

decreasing cost per bit increasing capacity increasing access time decreasing frequency of access of the memory by the processor

bus watching with write through

depends on the use of a write-through policy by all cache controllers

cache memory

designed to combine the memory access time of expensive, high speed memory combined with the large memory size of less expensive, lower speed memory

cache miss

desired word if first read into the cache and then transferred from cache to processor


device for staging the movement of data between main memory and processor registers to improve performance

mapping function

dictates how the cache is organized


direct access

Mapping Techniques

direct, associative, set associative

write back

disadvantages are that portions of main memory are invalid and makes for complex circuitry and potential bottleneck

virtual memory



each direct mapped cache is referred to as this, consisting of v lines

control bit

each line has these, used to indicate whether the line has been modified since being loaded into the cache

set-associative mapping

each word maps into all the cache lines in a specific set, so that main memory block B0 maps to set 0 and so on used for small degrees of associativity

split cache design

eliminates contention for the cache between the instruction fetch/decode unit and the execution unit

size of word

equal to the number of bits used to represent an integer and to the instruction length

unit of transfer

equal to the number of electrical lines into and out of the memory module

L2 cache

external cache

secondary storage or auxiliary memory

external, nonvolatile memory

registers internal to the processor

fastest, smallest, and most expensive type of memory

unit of transfer

for external memory, data are often transferred in blocks

unit of transfer

for main memory, number of bits read our of or written into memory at a time

access time

for non random access memory, time it takes to position the read-write mechanism at the desired location

transfer rate

for random access memory, equal to 1/(cycle time)


for random access memory, this is a key design issue

write through

generates substantial memory traffic and may create a bottleneck

faster access time

greater cost per bit

unified cache

has a higher hit rate than split aches because it balance the load between instruction and data fetches automatically

noncacheable memory

identified using chip-select logic or high-address bits, only a portion of main memory is shared by more than one processor


identifies which particular block is currently being stored

write policy

if the oldest block in the cache has not been altered, then it may be overwritten with a new block without first writing out the old block

addressable units

in some systems, this is the word. 2^A = N

volatile memory

info lost when power turns off

nonvolatile memory

info recorded remains until deliberately changed, ROM, semiconductor memory

L1 cache

internal cache

direct access

involves shared read-write mechanism

direct access

involves shared read-write mechanism, however, blocks/records have unique address based on physical location


it is impossible to arrive at an optimum cache size

the larger the cache

larger number of gates involved in addressing the cache

cache size

like the cache to be small enough so that the overall avg cost per bit is close to that of main memory alone and large enough so that the overall avg access time is close to the of the cache alone

characteristics of memory

location, capacity, unit of transfer, method of accessing, performance, physical tape, physical characteristics, and organization

creates memory traffic and may cause bottleneck

main disadvantage of write through

random access

main memory and cache sometimes use this accessing method; each addressable location in memory has a unique, physically wired-in addressing mechanism

volatile and employ semiconductor technology

main memory and processor registers are usually of these forms

random access

main memory and some cache systems are this accessing method


memory organized into units of data called

write back

minimizes memory writes, updates are made only in the cache, and dirty bit used to allow write back to main memory

memory cycle time

primary applied to random access memory and consists of the access time plus any additional time required before a second access can commence

main memory

principle internal memory system of the computer

locality of reference

processor primarily works with fixed clusters of memory references

associative access

random access type of memory that enables one to make a comparison of desired bit locations within a word for a specified match

transfer rate

rate at which data can be transferred into or out of the memory unit

on-chip cache

reduces the processor's external bus activity and therefore speeds up execution times and increases overall system performance

approach to lower the miss penalty

remember what was discarded in case it is needed again

random replacement

replacement alg that provides only slightly inferior performance to an algorithm based on usage


same virtual address in two different applications refers to two different physical addresses

either volatile or nonvolatile

semi conductor memory

expanded storage

semi conductor memory that is slower and less expensive than MM

physical tapes

semiconductor memory, magnetic surface memory, optical, and magneto-optical


sequential access

direct mapping

simple and inexpensive to implement disadvantage: fixed cache location for any given block, may lead to thrashing

direct mapping

simplest mapping technique

large cache

slightly slower than small cache

greater capacity

slower access time

greater capacity

smaller cost per bit

logical cache aka virtual cache

stores data using virtual addresses, processor accesses cache directly without going through the MMU


the "natural" unit of organization of memory


the address field of machine instructions contains virtual addresses

zero-wait state transaction

the fastest type of bus transfer

destroy storage unit

the only way to alter non erasable memory

associative mapping

to determine whether a block is in the cache, the cache control logic must simultaneously examine every line's tag for a match used for higher degrees of associativity

capacity, access time, and cost

tradeoffs among three characteristics of memory


unit of transfer need not be equal to a word or an addressable unit


used to provide extension to main memory or virtual memory

main memory

usually extended with higher speed, smaller cache


when a processor attempts to read a word of memory, a check is made to determine if the word is in the cache


whether memory is internal or external to computer

associative access

word is retrieved based on a portion of its contents rather than its address. cache memories may employ this access method

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