Ch 5/6, Pt. 4/1, Intro to Advertising

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The cues in the peripheral route of persuasion might help consumers form

A positive attitude toward the the brand even if they do not process the message portion of the ad.

A highly credible communicator is particularly important when message recipients have

A negative position toward the product, service, company, or issue being promoted, because the credible source is likely to inhibit counterarguments.


A feedback dimension based on the outcomes of product purchasing and usage

A celebrity may serve as a peripheral cue in a low-involvement situation which allows

A receiver to develop favorable attitudes based on feelings toward the source rather than engaging in extensive processing of the message.

When involvement is low, a celebrity endorser has

A significant effect on attitudes.

Advertisers use the overheard-conversation technique to enhance trustworthiness which involves creating

A situation in a commercial where a person is shown overhearing a conversation in which favorable claims are made about a product or service.

Direct Source

A spokespoerson who delivers a message and/or endorses a product or services.

A high level of cognitive response activity of processing occurs under the central route to persuasion and the ad's

Ability to persuade the receiver depends primarily on the receiver's evaluation of the quality of the arguments presented.

Some ads use neither direct not

An indirect source with the source being the organization with the message to communicate.

Hidden cameras are used to show that the consumer is not a paid spokesperson and is making

An objective evaluation of the product.

If the involvement level of consumers in the target audience is high

An or sales presentation should contain strong arguments that are difficult for the message recipient to refute or counterargue.

Celebrities may appear on news programs or talk shows and promote

An upcoming cause or event such as the release of a new movie or music CD.

A highly involved consumer engages in more detailed central processing of the message content

And the quality of the message becomes more important than the identity of the endorser.

Underlying personal motives for advocating a position may include

Being paid to endorse a product.

Information from a credible source influences

Beliefs, opinions, attitudes, and/or behavior through internalization.

2 routes to persuasion or attitude change according to ELM

Central Route to Persuasion, Peripheral Route to Persuasion

Three critical intermediate effects between advertising and purchase

Cognition, Affect, and Experience

Under the peripheral route of persuasion the consumer may use several types of peripheral cues or

Cognitive shortcuts rather than carefully evaluating the message arguments presented in an advertisement.

Favorable attitudes must be maintained by

Continual exposure to the peripheral cues, such as through repetitive advertising.

Marketers of low-involvement products often rely on

Creative tactics that emphasize peripheral cues and use repetitive advertising to create and maintain favorable attitudes toward the brand.

Three Basic Categories of Source Attributes

Credibility, Attractiveness, and Power

Marketers should focus on cognition, affect and experience as

Critical variables that advertising may affect.

Sales personnel are trained in the product line, which increases

Customers' perceptions of their expertise

Marketers can chose the person or source hwho

Delivers the message, the type of message appeal used, and the channel or medium.

Under the peripheral route to persuasion, the receiver's reaction to the message

Depends on how he or she evaluates peripheral cues.

Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

Differences in the ways consumers process and respond to persuasive messages

Endorsements from individuals or groups recognized as experts such as

Doctors or dentists are common in advertising, and spokespeople are to.

Low elaboration occurs when the recevier

Does not engage in active information processing or thinking but rather makes inferences about the position being advocated in the message on the basis of simple positive or negative cues..

Indirect Source

Doesn't actually deliver a message but draws attention to and/or enhances the appearance of the ad.

The attitude formation or change process depends on the amount and nature of

Elaboration, or processing, of relevant information that occurs in response to a persuasive message.

Marketers should not assume a particular sequence of responses, but rather

Engage in research and analysis to better understand how advertising and other forms of promotion may affect intermedia variables in various product/market situations.

2 important dimensions to credibility

Expertise and trustworthiness

Marketers are using buzz and stealth marketing methods to generate

Favorable word-of-mouth discussions and recommendations for their products and services.

Hierarchal models provide insight into whether advertising strategies need to

Focus on impacting cognition, affect, and/or behavior based on audience or segmentation experiences and they provide valuable planning, training, and conceptual frameworks.

Models are vital to understanding the communication process as it provides a foundation

For studying and evaluating integrated marketing communications.

Reduced counterarguing should result in

Greater message acceptance and persuasion.

When the receiver's involvement was high, the use of a celebrity

Has no effect on brand attitudes; the quality of the argument used in the ad is more important.

Persuasion Matrix

Helps marketers see how each coltollable element interacts with the consumer's presonse process.

Hierarchy models must move beyond just explaining the effects of advertising and consider

How and with what effects, consumers synthesize information from all the various integrated marketing communication activities for a brand.

Marketers create favorable attitudes toward their ads in part by using humor which can

Put consumers in a positive mood and increase their liking of both the ad and the brand.

Personal sources may be the most influential factor

In a purchase decision.

Consumer's feelings about the ad may be just important as their attitudes toward the brand (if not more so)

In determining an ad's effectiveness.

The importance of affective reactions and feeling generated by the ad depends on several factors

Including the nature of the ad and the type of processing engaged in by the receiver.

Persuasion Matrix 2 Variables

Independent Variables, and Dependent Variables

The effects of advertising should be evaluated on cognition, affect, and experience, with some

Intermediate variables being more important than others depending on factors like product category, stage of the product lifestyle, target audience, competition, and impact of other marketing-mix components.

Once the receiver internalizes an opinion or attitude, it becomes integrated

Into his or her belief system and may be maintained even after the source of the message is forgotten.

Motivation to process the message depends on factors like

Involvement, personal relevance, and individuals' needs and arousal levels.

Word-of-mouth information transmitted from one individual to another

Is often perceived as more reliable and trustworthy than that received through more formal marketing channels such as advertising.

Favorable attitudes may be formed in the peripheral route of persuasion if the endorser in the ad

Is viewed as an expert or is attractive and/or likable or if the consumer likes certain executional aspects of the ad such as the way it was made, the music or the imagery.

Ability depends on the individual's

Knowledge, intellectual capacity, and opportunity to process the message.

Celebrity spokespeople are most effective when they are

Knowledgeable, experienced, and qualified to talk about the product they are endorsing.

Marketers try to select individuals whose traits will maximize message influence. The source may be

Knowledgeable, popular, and/or physically attractive; typify the target audience; or have the power to reward or punish the receive in some way.

Predominantly favorable responses under the central route to persuasion

Lead to favorable changes in cognitive structure, which lead to positive attitude change, or persuasion.

Because attitudes and opinions developed through internalization process become part of the individual's belief system

Marketers want to use communicators with high credibility.

An individual viewing a humorous commercial or one containing an attractive model

May be distracted from processing the information about the product.

According to some, advertisers need to move away from explicit and implicit reliance on hierarchical models of advertising effects and develop

Models that place affect and experience at the center of the advertising process.

Individual responses to advertising are mediated or filters by factors such as

Motivation and ability to process response to advertising.

The ELM shows that elaboration likelihood is a function of 2 elemnts

Motivation and ability to process the message.


Occurs when the receiver adopts the opinion of the credible communicator since he or she believes information from the source is accurate.

When central processing of an advertising message occurs, the consumer

Pays close attention to message content and scrutinizes the message arguments.

If the involvement level of the target audience is low

Peripheral cues may be more important than detailed message arguments.

Under the peripheral route to persuasion, rather than evaluating the information presented in the message, the receiver relies on

Peripheral cues that may be incidental to the main arguments.

Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) explains the process by which

Persuasive communications lead to persuastion by influencing attitudes.

Understanding the communication process helps marketers make better decisions in

Planning, implementing, and evaluating their marketing communication programs.

Models are important as they

Present the basic elements of communication and provide insight into how consumers process and respond to advertising and other IMC tools.

Consumers are continually immersed in brand-sponsored communications that include

Public relations, a broad range of sales promotion activities, social media, direct marketing, event sponsorships, movie and TV show product placements, and other forms of marketing communication.

The thoughts and feelings toward an ad may include

Reactions to ad execution factors such as the creativity of the ad, the quality of the visual efects, colors, and voice tones.

Many ads capture attention but

Result in poor recall of the brand name or message

Marketers cannot control the receiver, but they can

Select the target audience.

Controllable Elements in the Communication Model

Source, Message and Channel Factors

Marketers of highly technical products recruit sales reps with

Specialized technical backgrounds in engineering, computer science, and other areas to ensure their expertise.

Although effects hierarchies have been employed for nearly 100 years, there is little

Support for the concept of a hierarchy of effects in the sense of temporal sequence.

Perceived expertise of celebrity endorsers is more important in explaining purchase intentions

Than their attractiveness or trustworthiness.

If the cognitive processing is predominately unfavorable and results in counterarguments and/or source derogations under the central route to persuasion

The changes in cognitive structure are unfavorable and boomerang or result in negative attitude chagne.

The success of advertisers using emotional appeals depends in part on

The consumers' involvement with the brand and their likelihood of attending to and processing the message.

Independent Variables

The contollable components of the communication variables.


The extent to which the recipient sees the source as having relevant knowledge, skill or experience and trusts the source to give unbiased, objective information.


The feeling dimension of a person's response

High elaboration means the receiver engages in careful consideration, thinking, and evaluation of

The information or arguments contained in the message.

The destination variable is included in the persuasion matrix because

The initial message recipient may pass on information to others through word of mouth.

Information from the numerous forms of social media and other digital sources is adding to

The number of factors that influence the consumer response process and decision making.


The person involved in communicating a marketing message either directly or indirectly

Many trustworthy public figures hesitate to endorse products because of

The potential impact on their reputation and image.

The elaboration likelihood model suggests that the more effective type of message depends on

The route to persuasion the consumer follows.

Disguised brands are compared and

The sponsor's brand always performs better than the consumer's regular brand, and he or she is always surprised.

Dependent Variables

The steps a receiver goes through in being persuaded.


The thinking dimension of a person's response

ad execution-related thoughts are important because of

Their effect on attitudes toward the advertisement as well as the brand.

Spokespeople are often chosen because of

Their knowledge, experience, and expertise in a particular product or service area.

Those responsible for planning the IMC program need to learn as much as possible about

Their target audience and how it may respond to advertising, along with other forms of marketing communications.

Marketers can deal with the source-trustworthiness issue by using IMC tools such as publicity. The information received from sources like newscasters is often very influential because

These individuals are perceived as unbiased and thus more credible, even though they are often presenting stories that stem from press releases.

Promotional planners need to know how decisions about each independent variable influences the stages of the response hierarchy so

They don't enhance one stage at the expense of the other.

Advertisers are interested in consumers' reaction of the ad because

They know that affective reactions are an important determinant of advertising effectiveness, since these reactions may be transferred to the brand itself or directly influence purchase intentions.

People who enjoy a commercial are twice as likely as those who are neutral toward it

To be convinced that the brand is the best.

Expert and/or trustworthy sources are more persuasive than sources

Who are less expert or trustworthy

The source has to be trustworthy, honest, ethical, and believable. The influence of a knowledgeable source

Will be lessened if audience members think he or she is biased or has underlying personal motives for advocating a position.

Ads that advocate extreme positions, use endorsers who are not well liked or have credibility problems, or are not executed well may be rejected

Without any consideration of their information or message argument with the peripheral route of persuasion.

Advertisers use emotional appeals designed to evoke positive feelings and

affective reactions as the basis of their creative strategy.

Central Route to Persuasion

the receiver is viewed as a very active, involved participant in the communication process whose ability and motivation to attend, comprehend, and evaluate messages are high

Peripheral Route to Persuasion

the receiver is viewed as lacking the motivation or ability to process information and is not likely to engage in detailed cognitive processing

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