Ch 7 Cellular Respiration

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What role do NADH and FADH2 play in the process of cellular respiration? A. They help break down glucose. B. They carry electrons to the electron transport chain. C. They oxidize pyruvate. D. They produce ATP. E. They assist in making acetyl groups.


Which of the following are coenzymes which assist in cellular respiration? A. FAD and RuBP B. NAD+ and FAD C. NAD+ and RuBP D. NAD+ and ATP synthase E. FAD and ATP synthase


Which of the following is not a product of the electron transport chain? A. NAD+ B. Oxygen C. ATP D. FAD E. Water


This figure shows the structure of the mitochondrion. What does "a" represent? A. The outer membrane B. The inner membrane C. The cristae D. The matrix E. The intermembrane space


When an enzyme is used to convert ADP into ATP it is referred to as A. enzyme ATP synthesis. B. active site ATP synthesis. C. substrate-level ATP synthesis. D. enzyme ADP synthesis. E. substrate-level ADP synthesis.


Which of the following is an input for the Krebs cycle? A. FADH2 B. Carbon dioxide C. NAD+ D. ATP E. NADH


In which of the following events of cellular respiration is no ATP produced? A. The electron transport chain B. Glycolysis C. The Krebs cycle D. The preparatory reaction E. Chemiosmosis


The ATP which is made during the electron transport chain is made at this site: A. ATP reductase B. ATP cytochrome complex C. ATP cytochrome oxidase D. ATP synthase complex E. ATP coenzyme


The carbon dioxide we exhale results from the oxidation of A. oxygen. B. water. C. coenzyme A. D. glucose and other organic molecules. E. NADH and FADH2.


This figure shows the structure of the mitochondrion. What does "b" represent? A. The outer membrane B. The inner membrane C. The intermembrane space D. The matrix E. The cristae


What would be the immediate result if the hydrogen ion concentration in the intermembrane space and the matrix reached equilibrium? A. The conversion of NAD+ to NADH would stop. B. Most ATP production would stop. C. The conversion of FAD to FADH2 would stop. D. Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle would stop. E. Most ATP production would increase.


Which of the following constitutes an input for the process of glycolysis? A. 2 pyruvate B. 2 NADH C. 2 FADH2 D. 2 ATP E. 2 acetyl CoA


How much of the available energy stored in glucose is converted to ATP? A. 68% B. 7% C. 26% D. 50% E. 39%


If the carbon skeleton of an amino acid loses an amino group the carbon skeleton has undergone A. anabolism. B. glycolysis. C. fermentation. D. substrate breakdown. E. deamination.


In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed from one carrier to another, providing energy to accomplish which of the following? A. Convert NAD+ to NADH B. Convert FAD to FADH2 C. Convert ADP to ATP D. Pump hydrogen ions into the matrix E. Pump hydrogen ions out of the matrix


In the overall reaction for cellular respiration, _____ is oxidized, and _____ is reduced. A. glucose, water B. oxygen, glucose C. oxygen, water D. glucose, carbon dioxide E. glucose, oxygen



Phase of cellular respiration that requires oxygen.


End product of glycolysis; its further fate, involving fermentation or entry into a mitochondrion, depends on oxygen availability.


Metabolic process by which larger molecules are synthesized from smaller ones; anabolic metabolism.


Ability of certain membranes to use a hydrogen ion gradient to drive ATP formation.

oxygen debt

Amount of oxygen needed to metabolize lactate, a compound that accumulates during vigorous exercise.


Anaerobic breakdown of glucose that results in a gain of two ATP.

A biologist is studying the inputs of the Krebs cycle. Which of the following molecules would he or she be most interested in studying? A. Acetyl groups B. Carbon dioxide C. NADH D. FADH2 E. ATP


As a result of glycolysis, one molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of A. pyruvate. B. NADH. C. acetyl CoA. D. FADH2. E. ATP.


Cyanide is a poison that binds to the final carrier in the electron transport chain. Why does this property make cyanide deadly? A. Cyanide prevents the reduction of oxygen and stops the electron transport chain. B. Cyanide inhibits the reduction of NAD+ and FAD. C. Cyanide blocks the channel through the ATP synthase complex. D. Cyanide causes ATP hydrolysis. E. Cyanide inhibits the formation of lactate from pyruvate.


During the process of cellular respiration, what is the total number of ATP produced per glucose molecule? A. 36 or 38 B. 32 or 34 C. 28 or 30 D. 24 or 26 E. 20 or 24


If a baker wants to make bread, which of the following organisms must be used to make the dough rise? A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae B. Lactobacillus C. Acetobacter aceti D. Streptococcus thermophilus E. Aspergillus


Of the following statements, which is common to proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids? A. They all undergo the electron transport chain. B. They all undergo glycolysis. C. They all undergo the preparatory reaction. D. They all need carbon dioxide to be broken down. E. They all produce the same amount of energy.


What role does oxygen play in cellular respiration? A. It acts as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain. B. It acts as a coenzyme in the electron transport chain. C. It acts as an input for the Krebs cycle. D. It acts as an input for glycolysis. E. It acts as an intermediate between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle.



Any of several iron-containing protein molecules that serve as electron carriers in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.


Anaerobic breakdown of glucose that results in a gain of two ATP and end products such as alcohol and lactate.

. Pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon acetyl group attached to coenzyme A (CoA), and carbon dioxide is given off during which phase of cellular respiration? A. Chemiosmosis B. Preparatory reaction C. The electron transport chain D. Anaerobic respiration E. Glycolysis


In animals, under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted to which of the following molecules? A. Glucose B. Lactate C. NAD+ D. ATP E. Alcohol


The conversion of pyruvate into a 2-carbon acetyl group is carried out during which of the following phases? A. Electron transport chain B. Preparatory reaction C. Glycolysis D. Krebs cycle E. Chemiosmosis


50. Which of the following is not a benefit of aerobic exercise? A. Increased lung efficiency B. Increased heart efficiency C. Decreased number of mitochondria in cells D. Burning short term energy stores E. Burning long term energy stores


A biologist is studying the reactants in the overall equation for cellular respiration. He or she would be studying which of the following molecules? A. Glucose and water B. Carbon dioxide and water C. Oxygen and glucose D. Carbon dioxide and glucose E. Water and oxygen


A chemist is studying the carriers involved in the electron transport chain. Which of the following molecules would he or she be studying? A. Pyruvate molecules B. Acetyl groups C. Cytochrome molecules D. NADH molecules E. FADH2 molecules


Degradative reactions which break down molecules are referred to as A. deamination. B. anabolism. C. catabolism. D. fermentation. E. cellular respiration.


If you follow a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, it is likely you will A. experience no change in body weight because your body will not receive enough lipids to synthesize fat. B. lose weight because you must consume lipids in order to synthesize fat. C. gain weight because intermediates from cellular respiration can be converted to fat. D. gain weight because you will retain water. E. lose weight because you will become dehydrated.


One molecule has gone through glycolysis and the preparatory reaction. The net number of ATP molecules produced so far is A. zero. B. one. C. two. D. six. E. 36 or 38.


The best fat burning exercise would be A. short and aerobic. B. short and anaerobic. C. long and aerobic. D. long and anaerobic. E. watching television.


What is the net yield of ATP from glycolysis of one glucose molecule? A. 0 ATP B. 4 ATP C. 2 ATP D. 6 ATP E. 10 ATP


What would be the result if oxygen became unavailable to the cell? A. Glycolysis would stop. B. The Krebs cycle would stop. C. The electron transport chain would stop. D. The preparatory reaction would stop. E. Substrate-level ATP synthesis would stop.


Which of the following phases takes place entirely outside the mitochondria and is considered to be anaerobic? A. Electron transport chain B. Preparatory reaction C. Glycolysis D. Krebs cycle E. Chemiosmosis


Which of the following statements is true about fermentation? A. It produces more ATP then cellular respiration with oxygen. B. It doesn't need enzymes. C. It occurs without oxygen. D. It produces pyruvate as its end product. E. It is very efficient.


citric acid cycle

Cycle of reactions in mitochondria that begins with citric acid; it breaks down an acetyl group as CO2, ATP, NADH, and FADH2 are given off; also called the Krebs cycle.

. The molecule NAD+ is said to have an oxidative role in glycolysis because it accepts A. phosphate atoms. B. oxygen atoms. C. carbon dioxide molecules. D. electrons and hydrogen ions. E. pyruvate molecules.


A biologist is studying where most of the energy from cellular respiration comes from. The biologist would be studying which of the following phases? A. Glycolysis B. Fermentation C. The Krebs cycle D. The electron transport chain E. The preparatory reaction


A student is studying molecules produced during fermentation. Which of the following would he or she be least interested in? A. Carbon dioxide B. Lactate C. ATP D. Oxygen E. Alcohol


Once NADH and FADH2 have delivered their electrons and hydrogen ions to the electron transport chain, they A. pick up water molecules. B. are shipped out of the mitochondria to be used by other organelles. C. pick up carbon dioxide molecules. D. pick up more hydrogen ions. E. pick up oxygen molecules. Once NADH and FADH2 have delivered their electrons and hydrogen ions to the electron transport chain, they A. pick up water molecules. B. are shipped out of the mitochondria to be used by other organelles. C. pick up carbon dioxide molecules. D. pick up more hydrogen ions. E. pick up oxygen molecules.


What is the benefit of converting pyruvate to lactate when oxygen is not available? A. It allows the electron transport chain to continue. B. It allows chemiosmosis to continue. C. It allows the electron transport chain to produce oxygen. D. It allows substrate-level ATP synthesis to continue. E. It allows the Krebs cycle to produce oxygen.


When did ATP make its appearance on the planet Earth? A. 0.5 billion years ago B. 1.5 billion years ago C. 2.5 billion years ago D. 3.5 billion years ago E. 4.5 billion years ago


Which of the following molecules produces the most energy when degraded? A. Amino acids B. Proteins C. Polysaccharides D. Lipids E. Monosaccharides


The order of the major pathways and reactions of cellular respiration is: A. Glycolysis-preparatory reaction-Krebs cycle electron transport chain B. Electron transport chain-glycolysis-preparatory reaction-Krebs cycle C. Glycolysis-electron transport chain-preparatory reaction-Krebs cycle D. Krebs cycle-glycolysis-preparatory reaction-electron transport chain E. Glycolysis-preparatory reaction-Krebs cycle-electron transport chain


What is the significance of the cristae in the mitochondria? A. Increase surface area therefore increasing glycolysis B. Increase surface area therefore increasing the Krebs cycle C. Increase surface area therefore increasing the preparatory reaction D. Increase surface area therefore increasing fermentation E. Increase surface area therefore increasing the electron transport chain


When someone is out of breath after vigorous exercise, they are experiencing A. carbon dioxide debt. B. ATP debt. C. pyruvate debt. D. lactate debt. E. oxygen debt.


Which is not true of the preparatory reaction of cellular respiration? A. It connects glycolysis to the Krebs cycle. B. Carbon dioxide is given off. C. Pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon acetyl group. D. NAD+ is converted to NADH. E. The reaction occurs once per glucose molecule.


Which of the following are the end products for cellular respiration? A. Glucose and carbon dioxide B. Glucose and water C. Glucose and oxygen D. Oxygen and carbon dioxide E. Carbon dioxide and water


The Krebs cycle occurs four times per glucose molecule.



Flavin adenine dinucleotide; a coenzyme of oxidation-reduction that becomes FADH2 as oxidation of substrates occurs, and then delivers electrons to the electron transport chain in mitochondria during cellular respiration.


Growing or metabolizing in the absence of oxygen.


Metabolic process that breaks down large molecules into smaller ones; catabolic metabolism.

cellular respiration

Metabolic reactions that use the energy primarily from carbohydrates but also from fatty acid or amino acid breakdown to produce ATP molecules.

metabolic pool

Metabolites that are the products of and/or substrates for key reactions in cells, allowing one type of molecule to be changed into another type, such as carbohydrates converted to fats.


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; coenzyme of oxidation-reduction that accepts electrons and hydrogen ions to become NADHH+ as oxidation of substrates occurs. During cellular respiration, NADH carries electrons to the electron transport chain in mitochondria.

electron transport chain (ETC)

Passage of electrons along a series of membrane-bounded carrier molecules from a higher to lower energy level; the energy released is used for the synthesis of ATP.

substrate-level ATP

Process in which ATP is formed by transferring a phosphate from a metabolic substrate to ADP.

preparatory (prep) reaction

Reaction that oxidizes pyruvate with the release of carbon dioxide; results in acetyl CoA and connects glycolysis to the citric acid cycle.


Removal of an amino group (—NH2) from an amino acid or other organic compound.


Short, fingerlike projections formed by the folding of the inner membrane of mitochondria.

During the electron transport chain ATP is made through the process of chemiosmosis. This ATP-producing process is called chemiosmosis because it is powered by the flow of hydrogen ions moving down their concentration gradient through the ATP synthase complexes located in the mitochondrial cristae.



Unstructured semifluid substance that fills the space between cells in connective tissues or inside organelles.

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