ch. 7 managing conflict

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The issue involved is very important to you, but you are not too concerned about the relationship you have with the other individual. Which conflict response would you most likely use? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising E) Collaborating

A) Correct. Forcing is appropriate when the issue is very important and the relationship is not important.

Which of the following is part of a general framework for collaborative problem solving? A) Separate the people from the problem B) Assign responsibility for the problem to the person who caused it C) Focus on positions, not interests D) Frame the problem in terms of potential losses if it's not solved

A) Correct. Interpersonal confrontations are more likely to result in mutual satisfaction if the parties depersonalize their disagreement and suppress their desires for revenge or one-upmanship. In other words, each participant should view the other party as the advocate of a point of view, not as a rival.

What is the focus of compromising, forcing, accommodating, and avoiding approaches to conflict management? A) Dividing up a "fixed pie" B) "Expanding the pie" C) A qualifying approach, somewhere between assertiveness and cooperativeness D) The Theory Y approach to management

A) Correct. The collaborative approach is the only one that attempts to expand the pie of available alternatives.

The facade is that this conflict response style appears to accomplish a great deal; however, in the long run, the hostility and resentment this approach creates quickly reverses what was accomplished in the short term. Which conflict style is this? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising E) Collaborating

A) Correct. The forcing approach is an attempt to satisfy one's own needs at the expense of others. It is used when the other party is uncooperative. When used long term, resentment results.

If you have an extremely low tolerance of ambiguity and it is important to you that you get your way on something, which conflict response alternative would you probably use? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising E) Collaborating

A) Correct. This approach is used by those who view the issue as much more important than the person and who are intolerant of deviating viewpoints.

Which source of conflict is one of the more difficult to resolve? A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress

A) Correct. This is because conflict stemming from personal differences can be highly emotional and take on moral overtones.

You recently hired individuals from China, Japan, and Korea to your office. What type of interpersonal conflict would be most likely? A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress E) There would be no conflict, as all the new hires are Asian.

A) Correct. Though all three hires are from Asia, they bring with them very different backgrounds and perspectives. These different backgrounds can give rise to very different ideas, goals, and values.

In effectively handling a conflict, what should you do? A) Adopt the most appropriate approach based on your dominant personality characteristics. B) Adopt the most appropriate approach depending on the nature of the conflict. C) Always choose collaboration.

B) Adopt the most appropriate approach depending on the nature of the conflict. B) Correct. Though each person has individual preferences, no one conflict management approach is most effective for handling every type of conflict. There are four situational considerations that should be taken into account when determining an appropriate conflict management style.

Interpersonal problems don't get resolved, resulting in high levels of frustration. You probably used which approach to resolve conflicts? A) Forcing B) Avoiding C) Compromising D) Accommodating E) Collaborating

B) Correct. Avoiding is used when both the issue and the relationship are unimportant. It sidesteps the conflict and avoids a solution. In the long term, it causes frustration for others because problems never seem to be resolved.

You manage individuals from many different countries and cultures. A manager remarks, "Well, they may be from different cultures but within the organization there is only one culture you need to worry about, the organization's culture." How should you respond to this statement? A) You should agree with the statement made by the manager. B) You should disagree with the statement made by the manager. C) There is not enough information to decide.

B) Correct. Effective conflict managers need three essential skills: (1) diagnose the conflict, including their causes. Managers need to understand how cultural differences can spark conflicts in organizations, (2) select an appropriate conflict management strategy, and (3) solve disputes effectively to resolve problems and preserve relationships.

Time is a moderately important factor, you have no power, and the ongoing relationship is critical to you. Which conflict response will you most likely use? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Compromising D) Avoiding

B) Correct. Given these circumstances, an accommodating approach is the most suitable. Additionally, the issue should be of little importance as well.

In trying to determine a course of action, it becomes apparent that part of the team had used data supplied by the VP of Finance whereas others on the team had their data supplied from the VP of Marketing. What was a likely source for this conflict? A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress

B) Correct. It is likely that this difference/conflict was caused by a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication.

Leslie listened to Marco's plea that the team adopt his favorite project. She had serious misgivings about it, but didn't want to rock the boat. So she said, "Whatever. We'll just do it your way, Marco. What should I do next?" Leslie has just adopted which conflict management strategy? A) Avoiding B) Accommodating C) Capitulating D) Compromise

B) Correct. Leslie has responded unassertively, but cooperatively. She has accommodated Marco's position, and stifled her own viewpoint.

A person is probably an ineffective conflict manager if she/he (1) chooses an approach to resolve conflict based on an assessment of the situation, (2) relies on one or two strategies regardless of changing circumstances, and (3) implements the collaborative approach too often. Which statements are true of ineffective conflict management? A) All three statements are correct. B) Only statement 2 is correct. C) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. D) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. E) Only statement 3 is correct.

B) Correct. Statement 1 is incorrect. Situational assessment is actually a characteristic of an effective conflict manager. Statement 2 is correct. Managers are more effective in dealing with conflicts if they feel comfortable using a variety of approaches. Statement 3 is incorrect. Implementing the collaborative approach is not always the best decision, but in most cases it is probably used too little, rather than too much.

If the norm in the office is "to go along to get along," which conflict response is being utilized? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising

B) Correct. The accommodating approach satisfies the other party's concerns while neglecting one's own. It emphasizes preserving a friendly relationship at the expense of critically appraising issues. It may also result in others taking advantage of you.

If you care more about the relationship than the issue, what conflict response would you most likely use? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising E) Collaborating

B) Correct. The accommodating approach satisfies the other party's concerns while neglecting one's own. It emphasizes preserving a friendly relationship at the expense of critically appraising issues. It may also result in others taking advantage of you. However, when the relationship is much more important than the issue, it can be effectively used.

What does repeated use of the avoiding response to conflict management lead to? A) Win-win situations B) Frustration, because issues do not get resolved C) Both parities receiving "half a loaf" D) Avoidance of blame and resolution of the problem

B) Correct. When problems are avoided, they do not get solved. After repeated avoidances, the individuals involved become frustrated.

You have been arguing with co-workers about a policy. If your boss accuses you of undermining the harmony of the group, which conflict response is he/she probably practicing? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising E) Collaborating

C) Correct. Avoiding is used when both the issue and the relationship are unimportant. It sidesteps the conflict and avoids a solution. In the long term, it causes frustration for others because problems never seem to be resolved. If management has been avoiding solving a particular problem, subordinates engaging in conflict are reprimanded for undermining the harmony of the work group.

How can disagreements between line and staff generally be resolved? A) Repairing the breakdown in the communication/information system B) Intervention of an objective third party C) The mediation of a common superior D) Redesigning their jobs

C) Correct. Disagreements between line and staff are often the result of role incompatibility and are best solved through the mediation of a common superior.

The difference between distributive and integrative negotiations is that A) Distributive negotiations involve "expanding the pie" and integrative negotiations involve "dividing up the pie." B) Distributive negotiations necessitate dividing resources fairly and integrative negotiations necessitate getting everyone to use the same resource regardless of their personal needs. C) Distributive negotiations invite compromise and integrative negotiations allow for finding new alternatives to satisfy all parties. D) Distributive negotiations invite collaboration, while integrative negotiations tend to involve accommodation strategies

C) Correct. Distributive strategies are those that seek to find a fair balance among fixed resources or opportunities. Consequently, compromise is the likely outcome of a distributive strategy. Integrative negotiations, on the other hand, seek win-win solutions that might actually expand the pool of available resources and opportunities.

Time is a moderately significant factor, the issue is not important to you, and the ongoing relationship is not critical. Which conflict response should be used? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising

C) Correct. Given these constraints, the avoiding response is most appropriate. Also, the power relationship should be relatively equal.

In discussing a problem you have with a co-worker, you notice that the co-worker acknowledges and agrees with your concerns. However, you believe he agreed with you to terminate the awkward conversation quickly, and you are not sure how sincere he was in acknowledging the problem. He probably used which conflict resolution method? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Collaborating

C) Correct. His hasty departure hints that he does not want to engage in the issue or problem you are concerned about.

Which statement is true about conflict stemming from uncertainty about the work environment due to rapid, repeated change? A) This is the most difficult type of conflict to resolve because of the nature of change. B) This is intense and increases as the change becomes routine. C) This is intense and dissipates quickly as the change becomes routine. D) This is not intense and most find the experience very mellow.

C) Correct. Once the change becomes routine, individuals' stress levels are lowered quite quickly.

What would conflicts between people in the production and sales departments likely be based on? A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress E) Personality-defect theory

C) Correct. Role incompatibility arises when different work groups have interdependent tasks but incompatible roles. They communicate with different sets of people, have different reporting systems, and receive instructions from different bosses. Here, it is most likely that conflict between production and sales will be the result of these differences.

The difference between distributive negotiation strategies and integrative negotiation strategies is that (1) distributive strategies focus on expanding the pie and integrative strategies focus on dividing the pie, (2) distributive strategies focus on dividing the pie and integrative strategies on expanding the pie, and (3) distributive strategies rely sometimes on the compromise approach and integrative strategies rely on the collaborating approach. Which statements are correct? A) All three statements are correct. B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct. C) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. D) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. E) Only statement 3 is correct.

C) Correct. Statement 1 is incorrect, while statements 2 and 3 are correct. Distributive strategies focus on dividing the pie, and integrative strategies focus on expanding the pie. Distributive strategies rely most often on the compromise approach and integrative strategies rely more heavily on the collaborating approach.

Participants become conditioned to seek expedient, rather than effective, solutions. You are probably using which approach to resolve conflict? A) Forcing B) Avoiding C) Compromising D) Accommodating E) Collaborating

C) Correct. The compromising response is intermediate between assertiveness and cooperativeness. It is an attempt to obtain partial satisfaction for both parties; both are asked to make sacrifices to obtain a common gain. It is often the fastest way to a solution.

If subordinates are continually told to "split the difference," what may they conclude? A) That their manager is more interested in solving problems than in resolving disputes B) That their manager is avoiding the issue C) That their manager encourages game playing and that what they should really do is ask for twice as much as they need D) That their manager discourages game playing and that what they should really do is ask for only what they need

C) Correct. This overemphasis on fairness creates a climate of expediency in which overbids and other game playing are encouraged. If you ask for more money or resources, you get more.

Which of the following is not a guideline provided by the general framework of collaborative problem-solving? A) Focus on interests, not positions B) Invent options for mutual gains C) Separate the people from the problem D) Clarify the differences between individuals' goals

D) Correct. Clarifying differences between individuals' goals is not the critical part of conflict management. Rather, participants should focus on establishing overarching shared goals. Starting with shared goals sensitizes the parties to the mutual benefits of resolving their differences.

Budget fights (people must do more with less) introduce which source of conflict into the situation? A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress E) Personality-defect theory

D) Correct. Scarcity lowers trust, increases ethnocentrism, and reduces participation in decision making, all of which contribute to environmental stress.

The collaborating approach should be used when (1) the issue is not critical, (2) the relationship is important, and (3) time is not an issue. Which statements are correct? A) All three statements are correct. B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct. C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. E) Only statement 1 is correct.

D) Correct. Statement 1 is incorrect. Collaborating is most appropriate when the issue importance is high. Statement 2 is correct. Collaboration is no easy task, and you should first ensure whether it would be worth the effort. Statement 3 is correct. You should make sure that time is not an issue, because collaboration is no easy or quick fix. However, it is often worth it.

You believe your new co-worker, Greg, has taken advantage of you in a conflict resolution setting. What approach to resolving conflicts are you most likely to have used? A) Forcing B) Avoiding C) Compromising D) Accommodating E) Collaborating

D) Correct. The accommodating approach satisfies the other party's concerns while neglecting one's own. It emphasizes preserving a friendly relationship at the expense of critically appraising issues. It may also result in others taking advantage of you.

Your company is downsizing. If you advocate a plan to lay off employees equally from each department (10 percent from marketing, 10 percent from production, etc.), which response to conflict are you using? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising E) Collaborating

D) Correct. The compromising response is intermediate between assertiveness and cooperativeness. It is an attempt to obtain partial satisfaction for all partieseach is asked to make sacrifices to obtain a common gain.

Which statement is a possible rationale for using the compromising approach to conflict management? A) Disagreements are inherently bad because they create tension. B) Maintaining harmonious relationships should be the manager's top priority. C) It is better to risk causing a few hard feelings than to abandon an issue to which you are committed. D) Prolonged conflicts distract people from their work and engender bad feelings so you ask both parties to make sacrifices to move forward.

D) Correct. This view accurately reflects the belief that some agreement is better than no agreement at all.

If the issue is moderately important to all parties, time is not an issue, but the ongoing relationship has a certain level of importance, which conflict response should be used? A) Forcing B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Compromising

D) Correct. Under these circumstances, compromising is the best choice. Also, the parties should have relatively equal power.

Downsizing encourages which type of interpersonal conflict? A) Personal differences B) Information deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress E) Personality-defect theory

D) Environmental stress' Correct. Downsizing creates uncertainty, which is one of the staples of environmental stress as a source of personal conflict.

According to the results of one research study, what method of resolution was utilized most often by managers? A) Avoidance B) Accommodating C) Collaboration D) Forcing E) Compromise

D) Forcing

Which approach is the only conflict management strategy that resolves the problem, the only one that is viewed as win-win? A) Forcing B) Avoiding C) Accommodating D) Compromising E) Collaborating

E) Correct. Problems (not just disputes) can be solved through a collaborative approach to problem solving.

Research study results suggest (1) Asian cultures prefer accommodating and forcing more than Western cultures, (2) Americans prefer avoiding more than Asian cultures, and (3) compromise is the most preferred style across cultures. Which statements are correct? A) All three stat11ements are correct. B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct. C) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. D) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. E) Only statement 3 is correct.

E) Correct. Statement 1 is incorrect. Asian cultures prefer accommodating more than Western cultures, while Americans prefer the forcing approach. Statement 2 is incorrect. Asian cultures prefer avoiding more than Western cultures. Statement 3 is correct. Compromise is the most commonly preferred style, possibly because compromise is viewed as the least costly alternative and the fastest route to a fair outcome.

The problem is likely to be resolved. Also, all parties involved are committed to the solution and satisfied that they have been treated fairly. You probably utilized which conflict approach? A) Forcing B) Avoiding C) Compromising D) Accommodating E) Collaborating

E) Correct. The collaborating approach is an attempt to address fully the concerns of both parties. This should be implemented when both the issue and relationship are important because it is the only win-win strategy.

In a conflict situation, if the issue is extremely critical and time-sensitive, you are in a position of power, but the relationship is not critical, which conflict response is probably most appropriate? A) Compromising B) Accommodating C) Avoiding D) Collaborating E) Forcing

E) Forcing E) Correct. Given the extreme time demands, and the lack of importance in the relationship, as well as the power differential between yourself and the other person, forcing is likely the most effective response.

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