Ch. 9 Health

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What are the steps in the Negotiation process?

1. Take time to calm down and think over the situation 2. Let each party take turns explaining its sides of the conflict without interruption. 3. Ask for clarification to make sure that each party understands the other's position. 4. Brainstorm solutions to the conflict 5. Discuss the advantages of each solution 6. Agree on a solution that is acceptable to both sides 7. Follow up to see whether the solution has worked for each party

Is a compromise between two parties the ideal outcome of a negotiation? Why or why not?

A compromise is not the ideal outcome because in a compromise both parties give up something. The ideal outcome would be to find a solution in which both parties get what they wanted.

Give an example of how conflicts can negatively affect one's health.

A conflict at the workplace can cause people to lose their jobs

Identify two warning signs that a dating relationship may be abusive.

A date acts possessive, or a date threatens physical harm

Identify two common causes of interpersonal conflicts.

ANY 2: Power struggles, personal loyalties, jealousy and envy, property disputes, conflicting attitudes and values, lack of respect

Identify two factors that can contribute to violence

Any two: Alcohol and drug use; mental and emotional problems such as low self- esteem, stress, depression, and anger; the availability of weapons; violence in the media; gang violence

Identify two steps you can take to protect yourself from sexual violence.

Any two: Be aware of your surroundings; avoid alcohol and drugs; stay in groups and look out for each other; refuse to go anywhere alone with someone you don't know or trust; trust your instincts

Give two examples of ground rules in a peer mediation process.

Any two: Listen without interrupting, tell the truth, and address each other with respect

Identify two strategies for avoiding date rape.

Avoid alcohol and drugs, and be clear about your sexual limits with people you date.

What negotiation steps can increase the chances that negotiation will work:

Choose the time and place carefully, check your facts, and plan what you will say

List three steps you could take to prepare for a negotiation.

Choose the time and place carefully, check your facts, and plan what you will say.

Why is it beneficial for abusers, as well as survivors of abuse, to seek counseling?

Counseling can help abusers learn to cope with anger in healthier ways and teach them how to communicate better and resolve conflicts peacefully. Counseling may also help them save relationships and stop the abuse cycle from continuing to the next generation.

How might cultural differences con- tribute to interpersonal conflict? What steps could people take to avoid this problem?

Cultural differences might cause people to misunderstand one another. People of different cultures can prevent conflicts by trying to understand one another and by practicing tolerance.

How can media violence influence behavior?

Exposure to media violence can influence the way people think about violence. Some young people who watch violence in the media become more comfortable with the idea of violence.

What are the possible conse- quences of retaliating for a violent act?

If one side retaliates, the other side may strike back, creating a cycle of attacks.

How might adapting your behavior help prevent conflicts?

If you learn ways of adapting a behavior that has been the source of conflict, the behavior will not cause further conflicts.

How can practicing and promoting tolerance help prevent violence?

It can change attitudes that lead to hate crimes.

How does knowing your sexual limits and communicating them clearly to the people you date protect you from abuse?

It makes clear what behavior you will and will not accept, eliminating the possibility of a misunderstanding.

What are the basic principles for effective mediation?

Neutrality, confidentiality, and well-ground rules

Suppose a friend wants to copy answers off your paper during a test. When you refuse, she gets angry. Explain whether this conflict could be resolved through compromise.

No, because copying is against the rules and against my values and could result in harmful consequences for me if we are caught.

What is the advantage of report- ing a sexual attack to the police right away, without bathing or showering first?

Reporting right away preserves the evidence of the attack and increases the chances of bringing the attacker to justice.

What is an important key to successful negotiations?

Staying calm

Why might peer mediation for students work better than bringing in an adult mediator?

Students are more likely to see the peer mediator as a partner in the process rather than as an authority who is there to punish or pass judgment.

Luke wants to go to a basketball game, but his parents want him to help out with spring cleaning. Write a dialogue in which they use conflict-resolution techniques to settle this problem.

Students' dialogues should demonstrate how communication and compromise can find a solution to the conflict.

Why are some survivors of rape or abuse reluctant to seek counseling? What might convince them that counseling can help?

Survivors may have feelings of anger, shame, anxiety, guilt, and depression. These feelings may prevent them from seeking help. They need to understand that talking about their experience in a supportive, safe place can help the healing process.

Who are less likely to commit acts of violence?

Teens who are committed to school and have a negative attitude toward crime

Why is it important for mediators in a conflict to be neutral?

The presence of someone who is not on either side reduces the level of confrontation.

What is verbal abuse?

The use of words to mistreat or injure another person

Why might survivors of rape be reluctant to tell others about the crime?

They may be embarrassed, ashamed, or afraid of the attacker.

Why should you make sure you have a way to get home from a party or social event other than depending on your date for a ride?

To make sure you can get home safely if your date makes unwanted sexual advances

Why is verbal abuse considered a form of emotional abuse?

Verbal abuse harms the victim's emotional development and sense of self-worth.

What is random violence?

Violence committed for no particular reason

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of walking away from a developing conflict.

Walking away can prevent the conflict from escalating, but the conflict would not be resolved and could occur again.

Compromise is not always a good way of resolving a conflict. In what type of situation is it unwise to compromise?

When doing so would have harmful consequences or go against your values

When might it be necessary to bring in a mediator to settle a conflict?

When the two parties cannot reach a solution through negotiation

Explain how conflicts can both help and harm relationships.

Working through a conflict shows commitment to each other, helping the relationship. Conflicts can also cause stress, which harms relationships.

How can conflicts be positive?

Working through the conflict improves people's communication and problem-solving skills, teaches them how to get along better, demonstrates their commitment to each other, or helps them understand each other better.

How could you prevent a friend's frequent forgetfulness from becoming an ongoing source of conflict?

You could adjust your behavior by making a habit of reminding the person about your plans.

Which of the following conflicts most likely could be resolved through compromise? a. The school drama club is split over which of two plays to put on. b. One group of parents wants the school to adopt a dress code, but the other doesn't. c. A teen wants to buy a used car, but his father objects because the car is unsafe. d. One friend makes fun of a boy whom the other likes.


Which of the following is a positive result of conflict? a. Improved problem-solving skills b. Stress c. Damaged relationships d. Violence


emotional abuse

a pattern of attacking another person's emotional development and sense of worth

physical abuse

a pattern of intentionally causing bodily harm or injury to another person

sexual abuse

a pattern of sexual contact that is forces upon a person against the person's will

Peer mediation

a process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully


an unlawful physical attack or threat of attack

hate crime

any crime motivates chiefly by hatred of or prejudice against a particular group


any disagreement, struggle, or fight


any form of sexual intercourse that takes place against a person's will

sexual violence

any form of unwelcome sexual contact directed at an individual

sexual assault

any intentional sexual attack against another person

In most cases of rape, the victim a. does not know the rapist. b. is female. c. is over 18 years old. d. reports the crime to the police.


Trey insists that his girlfriend ask his permission before she goes out with her friends. He also calls to check up on her whenever she's out. His behavior is an example of a. physical abuse. b. emotional abuse. c. sexual abuse. d. stalking.


Which of the following is not a good strategy for negotiation? a. Choose the time and place carefully. b. Refuse to compromise. c. Listen attentively to what the other side has to say. d. Be willing to take responsibility for your role in the conflict.


What does mediation literally mean?

being in the middle


bringing in a neutral third party to help others resolve their conflicts peacefully

Teens are less likely to be involved in violence if they a. have friends or family who are involved in crime. b. use alcohol or drugs. c. are committed to school. d. have an underprivileged background.


_________ means respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret.


The term __________ refers to any disagree- ment, struggle, or fight.


interpersonal conflicts

conflicts between people or groups of people

For a conflict between two teens who are friends, the best peer mediator would be a. the parent of one of the teens. b. a teen who is friends with one of them. c. a teacher. d. a student who does not know either teen well.


Which of the following accurately describes the term youth gang? a. Teens who hang out together b. A major drug ring run by young adults c. Two teens who have shoplifted d. Teens who commit acts of vandalism and assault as a group


Which of the following behaviors can reduce your risk of date rape? a. Using alcohol or other drugs b. Being alone with a date you don't trust or know well c. Relying on your date for a ride home d. Going to a party with a group of friends


Which of the following is not an example of an interpersonal conflict? a. Two friends disagree over which movie to see. b. Two rival gangs fight over control of a neighborhood. c. Two political parties clash over tax policy. d. A teen feels torn between loyalties to two friends who are not on good terms.


Disagreements can __________ into fights when emotions get out of control.


Youth gangs

groups of teens or young adults who are involved in violent or illegal activity

What are the different types of hate crimes?

harassment, vandalism, arson, assault and homicide

The willful killing of one human being by another is called homicide/rape.


__________ can arise when one party's needs, wishes, or beliefs clash with those of another party.

interpersonal conflict

What does peer mediation typically involve?

making introductions, establishing ground rules, hearing each side, exploring solutions, wrapping it up

____________ involves bringing in a neutral third party to help resolve conflicts.


Solving a disagreement in a way that satis- fies everyone involved is called _________


date rape

one person in a dating relationship forces the other to take part in sexual intercourse

Physical abuse/Emotional abuse is a pattern of intentionally causing bodily harm or injury to another person.

physical abuse

What are causes of conflict?

power struggles, personal loyalties, jealousy and envy, property disputes, conflicting attitudes and values, lack of respect


repeatedly following, harassing, or threatening an individual


respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret

Sexual abuse/Date rape is a pattern of sexual contact that is forced upon a person against the person's will.

sexual abuse

The term sexual violence/sexual assault refers to any form of unwelcome sexual contact directed at an individual.

sexual violence

Repeatedly following, harassing, or threat- ening an individual is known as verbal abuse/stalking.


Internal conflicts

take place within an individual

acquaintance rape

that attacker is someone the victim knows casually or considers a friend

conflict resolution

the process of ending a conflict throughout cooperation and problem solving


the threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property


the use of communication and, in many cases, compromise to settle a disagreement

Verbal abuse

the use of words to mistreat or injure another person


the willful killing of one human being by another


to become more serious

True or False: Exposure to violence in the media can influence the way people think about violence.


Violent acts include

uncontrolled anger or frustration, a need to control others, hatred or prejudice against a particular group, retaliation or revenge for some past harm, whether real or perceived.

What is one form of emotional abuse?

verbal abuse

Violence/Assault is the use of physical force to harm people or damage property.


random violence

violence committees for no particular reason

What are the two choices you have when in a conflict with someone?

walk away or respond

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