Ch1&2 Theo

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From the Greek angelos, a translation of the Hebrew malak, meaning "messenger." A spiritual, personal, and immortal creature, possessing intelligence and free will, who glorifies God without ceasing and serves God as protector of and messenger to man.


From the Greek for "ten words"; the Ten Commandments given by God through Moses.


From the Greek prophetein, meaning to "speak for" or to "speak forth." The conveyance by Almighty God to a spokesman of a message to be transmitted to individuals or groups, sometimes including information about future events.


From the Greek prophetes, meaning one who "speaks for." One who speaks to the people for God.


From the Greek proto, meaning "first," and evangelion, meaning "good news." This first message of Good News - the First Gospel - is found in Genesis 3:15, wherein the promise of a redeemer is announced.

What was the one limitation God placed on Adam and Eve's freedom in the Garden of Eden?

God forbade Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


God's bringing forth the universe and all its inhabitants into being out of nothing. Creation is good but has been corrupted by sin.


Greek for "going out"; the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt into the promised land by the saving acts of God. This is a type of the liberation from slavery to sin unto eternal life wrought by the saving actions of Jesus Christ through his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension.


Guided by God; from a word meaning "breathed in." The human writers of Scripture wrote in their own words, but through God's inspiration wrote what he intended them to write and nothing more.

What is meant by original holiness and justice?

Original holiness was the grace "to share in...divine life" (CCC 375),, and original justice was the "inner harmony of the human person, the harmony between man and woman, and finally the harmony between the first couple and all creation" (CCC 375).

The word, "__________" comes from a Latin word meaning "binding." To the ancients, this was what held everything together, informing their view of history, culture, politics, and everything else.



Sacred Scripture; the books that contain the truth of God's Revelation, which were composed by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains forty-six books in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New.


Sacred Scripture; the books that contain the truth of God's Revelation, which were composed by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains forty-six books in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New.

What lie did the serpent tell Eve?

Satan tempted Eve with the promise she would become like God, with knowledge of good and evil. He insinuated God did not want them to become like him.


Son of Abraham and Sarah born when they were very old. Though Isaac was not Abraham's first son (he fathered a son, Ishmael, with Hagar, Sarah's handmaid), he was the firstborn of Sarah, Abraham's wife, making Isaac the heir of God's promises.

The __________, created directly by God, is the key component that gives every human person his or her exalted dignity and reflects the divine life.


Free Will

This gift from God includes the power of directing one's own actions without constraint. This makes possible the choice to love God.

(True/False) - Christ called Satan the "father of lies" and a "murderer from the beginning."


(True/False) - God appointed human beings the stewards of creation.


(True/False) - God is the principal author of Scripture.


(True/False) - While God allows temptations in order to test our fidelity and to manifest the merits of Christ, he also gives us grace to resist these temptations.



The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah. His prophecies often refer to the coming of the Messiah.

New Adam

A name applied to Jesus Christ because by his complete obedience and act of redemption he made reparation for the disobedience of the first Adam.

Image (and Likeness)

A representation such as a statue or picture. Each human person is made in the image of God, that is, human beings are like God insofar as having intelligence, free will, and the capacity to love.


A solemn agreement between people or between God and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees.

Tower of Babel

A tall building proposed by he Hamites in order to "make a name for themselves" (Gn 11:4). God responded by confusing their languages so the project could never be completed.

How can Original Sin be described as a sin of pride?

Adam and Eve were disobedient and hoisted their wants and desires of being like God over the Creator himself.

Original Sin

Adam and Eve's abuse of their human freedom by disobeying God's command. As a consequence, they lost the grace of original holiness and justice and became subject to death; sin became universally present in the world. Every human person except Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary has been born with the stain of Original Sin. This sin separates mankind from God, darkens the intellect, weakens the will, and introduced into human nature an inclination toward sin.


Adam and Eve's first son and murderer of his bother, Abel. His descendants carried a line of evil in contrast to the descendants of Seth (Adam and Eve's third son).

The __________ sense of Scripture shows how people and events in salvation history foreshadow and parallel future people or events.


Guardian Angel

An angel personally assigned to protect and intercede for every human being.

Type or Prototype

An event or person in Scripture that points toward a later event or person. The type has virtues or other qualities similar to its fulfillment, the anti-type.

Ark of the Covenant

An ornate box that held the tablets of the Law (Ten Commandments), the rod of Aaron, and some manna; it was a visible sign of God's invisible presence on earth.

Scripture make frequent reference to God's messengers, the __________, who have cooperated in God's plan of salvation for his people since the very beginning.



As an infant, he was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter and brought up in Pharaoh's court. He fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian taskmaster, only to return as God's chosen agent to liberate the Hebrews from slavery and give the chosen people God's law.


Beyond the limits of ordinary human experience or knowledge.

How did Christ describe Satan?

Christ called Satan a "murderer from the beginning" and the "father of lies," the tempter, and the enemy who sows evil.

__________ is a gift from God which includes the power of directing one's own actions without constraint, which makes possible the choice to love God.

Free will


From a Hebrew word meaning "to obstruct or oppose," an evil figure in Scripture who challenges the faith of humans. He is the leader of the fallen angels, or devils.


Hebrew for "anointed." Anointing was the Old Testament ritual used to commission a person for a special task. This is used in reference to Christ because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission of Priest, Prophet, and King signified by his being the Anointed ("Christ") of God.


Hebrew for "father of a multitude"; a descendant of Shem and the founder of the Hebrew nation. At seventy years of age, he received a personal call from God to which he responded with faith. God would form his descendants as the chosen people and therefore Abraham is recognized as the "father of all believers" (CCC 1080).

The human soul is __________, which means that it will live forever.



In ancient times, the leader of the Egyptians (Gn 12: 15); often worshiped as a god by the Egyptian people.

The Bible is __________ because God the Holy Spirit guided the sacred authors to write what he wanted and nothing more, and the Bible is __________ because God, who is its principal Author, can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Inspired, Inerrant

As a result of original sin, the human soul is wounded. The __________ is darkened, the __________ is weakened, and the __________ are disordered.

Intellect, Will, Passions

The redemption that was won for us by Christ was necessary in order to restore the true __________ of God within us.



Literally meaning "being brought back," the act by which Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial Death on the Cross, set us free from the slavery of sin, thus redeeming or "buying us back" from the power of the Devil.


Making no mistakes or errors. Scripture is inerrant; it always teaches truth, never falsehood.

Genesis tells us that Adam and Eve, our first parents, were created in a state of __________, a state which God designed from the beginning to be a lifelong union of one man and one woman.


New Eve

Name applied to the Virgin Mary, whose complete cooperation in God's plan of redemption reversed the effects of the disobedience and sin of the first woman, Eve.

The sin that our first parents committed was a sin of __________, in which, according to the Catechism, they "preferred [themselves] to God and by that very act scorned him" (CCC 398).


What were the consequences of Original Sin for Adam and Eve?

Original Sin affected our first parents both physically and spiritually, and their choice to sin caused them to lose their preternatural gifts. They lost the friendship of God, were no longer immune to suffering and death, and had a greater inclination to sin and temptation.

According to the Catechism, nos.254-255, each divine Person of the Blessed Trinity performs the common work of creation according to his unique __________ property.



Pesach or Pascha, a Jewish feast commemorating the deliverance of the Israelites' firstborn males from the Angel of Death by the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the doorposts, which allowed them to leave bondage in Egypt for the promised land. This was a type of the sacrificial Passion and Death of Christ, which saved man from bondage to sin. The Eucharist celebrates Christ's Passover.

To share in his love and friendship, God gave our first parents __________ gifts, which included immunity from __________ and __________, as well as freedom from disordered appetites and passions.

Preternatural, Suffering, Concupiscence

Through the soul's __________ operations, the human person reflects the power of God and "images" the divine life in a finite way.



Temporary leaders appointed by God before the time of the monarchy to lead the people of when enemies oppressed them; also, the name of an Old Testament book relating the history of Israel during this period.

Chosen People

The Jews; the people chosen by God to be his own and inherit the promises of Abraham. They are named after the Tribe of Judah, one of the sons of Israel (Jacob).

Old Covenant

The Mosaic Law, encapsulated as the Ten Commandments, and its stipulation from God to the Israelites that "I will be your God, and you will be my people" (Jer 7: 23).

What did banishment from the Garden of Eden symbolize?

The banishment from the Garden of Eden symbolized the loss of friendship and the sanctifying grace of God.


The commission of the Original Sin by Adam and Eve, which resulted in their loss of original holiness and justice as well as concupiscence, suffering, death, and loss of friendship with God.


The disordered human appetites or desires that remain even after Baptism due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin and which constitute an inclination to sin. This is often used to refer to desires resulting from strong sensual urges or attachment to things of this world.

What is concupiscence?

The disordered human appetites or desires that remain even after Baptism due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin and which constitute an inclination to sin. This is often used to refer to desires resulting from strong sensual urges or attachments to things of this world.

What is the effect of Original Sin on your mind and will?

The effect of Original Sin clouded the human intellect, destroyed the self-control typified by the dominion of mind and will over bodily passions, and enslaved humanity to bodily desires.


The first man and our first father. Together with Eve, he committed the first sin (Original Sin). This Hebrew name refers to the particular individual or to mankind in general.


The first woman and our first mother. Eve was created from the rib of Adam, and thus woman, unlike the animals, is man's equal and complement. With Adam, she committed the first sin (Original Sin).


The form of the body, this is an individual spiritual substance created directly by God in his image and likeness. The unity of a body and soul form a human person. The soul is immortal - it does not perish when separated from the body at death - and it will be united with a glorified body at the final resurrection.


The form take by Satan in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word nahash refers to a fearsome, murderous creature.

Old Testament

The forty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from creation until the time of Christ.

Ten Commandments

The fundamental laws given by God to Moses at Sinai that govern divine and human relationships.

Mt. Moriah

The mountain where Abraham prepared to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice and on which the city of Jerusalem was later built.


The name of the garden in which God placed Adam and Eve.

New Covenant

The new "dispensation" or order, established by God in Jesus Christ, to succeed and perfect the Old Covenant.


The righteous man who, with his family and the animals, survived the flood in the Ark.


The scientific theory that species came to be as they are by a gradual process of change and development. Valid theories on the origin of life cannot contradict two facts: God created all matter, and the creation of human beings is a special act of the divine Creator.


The second King of Israel, a "man after God's own heart." God made a new covenant with all the nations through David.

Original Justice

The state enjoyed by our first parents characterized by inner harmony of the human person, harmony between man and woman, and harmony with creation.

Original Holiness

The state that existed between our first parents and God by which they fully participated in divine life before the fall.

Salvation History

The story of God's plan to save man from the consequences of sin. This plan began with creation, is unfolding now, and will continue until the end of time at the Second Coming.

New Testament

The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by sacred authors in apostolic times; they have Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God - his life, teachings, Passion and glorification, and the beginnings of his Church - as their central theme.


The wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.


The worship or adoration due to God alone paid to images "made with hands" or any created object. This is forbidden by the First Commandment. Idolatry is distinct from veneration given to saints and holy objects, which is implicitly allowed by the Incarnation as solemnly defined at the Second Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (AD 787).


The younger of Isaac and Rebekah's twin sons, he tricked his brother into giving him his inheritance and his father into giving him the firstborn's blessing, thus becoming his heir. Through him God renewed the covenant with Abraham's descendants.

Senses of Scripture

There are two basic senses in which Sacred Scripture should be read, the literal and the spiritual. The spiritual has three senses: the allegorical or typical, the moral or tropological, and the anagogical.

What were the consequences of Original Sin for Adam and Eve's descendants?

When Adam and Eve forfeited the state of original holiness and justice for themselves, they also forfeited it for all their descendants - including us. Now every human person born in every generation would be subject to concupiscence, suffering, and death.

I Am Who I Am


Paschal Mystery

Christ's work of redemption accomplished principally by his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, whereby "dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life" (CCC 1067; cf. 654). The Paschal Mystery is celebrated and made present in the liturgy of the Church, and its saving effects are communicated through the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, which renews the paschal sacrifice of Christ as the sacrifice offered by the Church.

__________, the tendency or inclination to sin, is a consequence of Original Sin which remains even after Baptism.


How did Adam and Ever suffer for Original Sin?

Eve would suffer pain during childbirth, Adam would have very difficult work to survive, and they would both eventually die and their souls would separate from their bodies.

(True/False) - A person inherits Original Sin at the moment he or she commits his or her first personal sin.


(True/False) - Creation was an act of God the Father without the help of the other Persons of the Trinity.


(True/False) - God abandoned Adam and Eve and their descendants after the Fall, leaving them without any hope of redemption.


(True/False) - Human beings and angels are the only two of God's creatures to have both material and spiritual existence.


(True/False) - Intended as a scientific account, the early chapters of Genesis provide a sound basis for scientific discovery and historical research.


(True/False) - The Sacrament of Confirmation removes the stain of Original Sin by infusing God's sanctifying grace into the soul.


How are the effects of Original Sin transmitted?

At the moment of conception, each new human person receives Adam's fallen nature by virtue of being his descendant.


From the Aramaic perishaya, "the separated ones." Members of an ancient Jewish sect, active during the earthly life of Jesus Christ (Mt 3:7), distinguished by their strict observance of the traditional, written law and their self-righteousness.

Preternatural Gifts

The gifts bestowed on our first parents, which included exemption from concupiscence, sickness, death, and ignorance. These gifts are distinct from the supernatural gifts by which our first parents were adopted as children of God and became partakers of diving nature. Though the preternatural gifts were lost because of Original Sin, Baptism bestows the initial gift of sanctifying grace by which "man becomes an adoptive son of the Father" (CCC 1279).

The Flood

The great deluge that destroyed the world by water, from which only Noah, his family, and animals representative of each species escaped. This flood is a "type" of foreshadowing of the Sacrament of Baptism through which sin is destroyed.

Promised Land

The land promised by God to Abraham and his descendants, the Israelites. This land stretched from the "river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates" (Gn 15: 18-21).

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