Ch2 The Invention of Race

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william still

"father of the underground railroad"

100 slaves life at each stage:

1. 64 2. 57 3. 48 4. 28

Much of the early labor was completed by indentured servants.

1. English 2. Irish 3. Native American 4. African

in 2050, it is estimated that latinos will comprise __ percent of the population.


Select the country to which the largest number of enslaved africans were transported between 1501 and 1867.


Rudyard Kipling

British poet of "The White Man's Burden"

Identify the lands that the United States acquired in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

Correct: Arizona, California, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada Incorrect: Florida and Oklahoma

Identify the revolutionary thinkers and writers

Correct: Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin Incorrect: David Cooper

Which of the following were essential for the invention of whiteness and blackness?

Essential: Europeans perceived they had something in common, tribal and ethnic differences among blacks were erased, white indentured servants viewed themselves differently from black slaves Nonessential: Whites did not think the labor from Native Americans was valuable

Identify the examples from Chapter 2 that illustrate a perspective of intersectionality.

Example: The rest Not Example: While white population growth is falling - and African American population growth is remaining steady - Asian and especially Hispanic population growth is increasing.

In response to Republican opposition to the Civil Rights Movement in the mid-1960s, Democrats organized a unified response to continue pushing for racial equality, but could not overcome the Republican majority.


The invention of the cotton gin dramatically decreased the demand for slave labor in the US


Francois Bernier

First person to use the term "race" to label and separate human bodies

Thomas More

He coined the term "utopia"

The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. Which of the following is considered illegal under this legislation?

Illegal not hiring someone for a managerial position because they are a woman having a whites-only public swimming pool firing an employee for being homosexual refusing to serve a Muslim in a restaurant

why was the development of nations an important contributing factor to the development of racial classification?

It facilitated a powerful new "imagined community"

Johann Blumenbach

Published a typology of humanity that divided humans into five geographical/racial groups

Why was this the case?

Racial miscegenation was responsible for the blurring of racial classifications

Consider this scenario: A white plantation owner gives a black family a small piece of land. The black family lives on the land and grows corn. The black family keeps some corn for their own consumption, gives some corn to the white man, and sells what is left. This best exemplifies which concept?


If the American Revolution shared the same basic characteristics as the Haitian Revolution, which of the following would likely have happened?

The American Civil War may not have happened

Identify the true and false statements about the general allotment act at native americans?

True: It removed their collective societies, it redistributed Native american land False: it alloted additional lands to native americans, it took away voting rights

Identify the true and false statements about their experiences abroad slave ships.

True: slaves were force fed, slaves died of dehydration, slaves were raped by ship captains and crew False: Many slaves were successful

What was the authors' take on Obama's election victories?

obama's election was a proud moment for many Americans, ... Donald Trump


organized mass demonstrations and marches, largely through black churches


organized youth through local leadership

why were whites fearful of the ghost dance movement?

other tribes interpreted Wovoka's prophesies as foretelling the destruction of the whites

which of the following were outcomes of the Mexican-American war?

outcomes: treaty of guadalupe hidalgo Not outcomes: full citizenship rights granted, all people formerly classified as "Mexican", the US acquired all the lands of mexico

Immanuel Kant

Wrote a detailed philosophical account of a racialized human nature

john brown

a white man who organized several armed insurrections in the name of black liberation

what concept does this reflect?


Racial classifications justified racial inequality by suggesting...

1. Francis Galton 2. eugenics 3. Ashley Montagu 4. white supremacy

place the events related to the invention of whiteness and blackness in chronological order.

1. Plantation settlements were farmed 2. Bonded laborers of African 3. poor whites gained their freedom 4. the ideas of a white racial category

during the so-called age of discovery, europenas were defining themselves as a collective group against "strange" peoples of the EAST.

1. an "other" 2. hawaii 3. chinese 4. Asian

Harriet Jacobs wrote that slavery "is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women."

1. breeding woman 2. children 3. not a crime

place the events in chronological order.

1. cortes and his men are welcomed 2. cortes and his follower lay siege 3. Aztecs are forced to work 4. spanish colonizers reject

After World War II, the federal government's Indian Termination policy removed federal recognition from 100 tribes.

1. lost 2. assimilate 3. increased

Begining in 1865...

1. the KKK 2. Thomas "Daddy" Rice 3. minstrel shows 4. Plessy v. Ferguson

The United States has had a long history of voter disenfranchisement, which has continued in recent years. Place the historical events in chronological order.

1. the selma-to-montgomery march begins 2. the voting rights act is passed 3.the supreme court nullifies section 5 of the voting rights act 4. Wisconsin's voter Id law goes into effect 5. donald trump opens a presidentail commission on voter fraud.

How many millions of these immigrants came to the United States between 1886 and 1935?


Which of the following years might reflect actual "first time" nonwhite babies outnumbered white babies in America?


The Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965 and incorporated more citizens into American democracy for the first time. Which of the following was accomplished through the Voting Rights Act?

Accomplished: prohibiting voter discrimination by race outlawing literacy tests enabling the federal government to oversee voter registration Not Accomplished: legally requiring residents to vote guaranteeing women the right to vote

the figure shows four different scenarios:

C. goes from 5 to 2

Since 2001, nearly 1,000 voter ID bills have been introduced in forty-six states. Which of the following are reasons why these bills disproportionately affect racial minorities and poor people?

Correct Answer(s) Racial minorities are less likely to have state-issued identification cards. Incorrect Answer(s) Racial minorities are less likely to pass a literacy test. Racial minorities have participated in systematic voter impersonation and fraud. Racial minorities are more likely to be felons or ex-felons.

As the Civil Rights Movement was producing important gains, a powerful white backlash emerged. George Wallace, Richard Nixon, and other politicians used coded language to defend the white status quo without referring directly to race.Which of the following were code words for racial issues?

Correct Answer(s) states' rights moral failures welfare Incorrect Answer(s) outsourcing

Identify the ways this growth in this Chinese immigration helped American capitalists.

Correct: Whites wages were kept lower, Chinese immigrants helped develop the railroads, and the last one Incorrect: Chinese babies were born into slavery and counted as wealth, Chinese immigrants served as soldiers that removed Native Americans from their land

Identify the ways in which these groups eventually come to be considered simply "white" as they are today.

Correct: by leveraging white employers' racial prejudices, socially attacking nonwhites, organizing through unions, the conceptual differentiation of "race" and "ethnicity" Incoorect: owning slaves, giving birth to children in the same ethnic group

which of the following factors contributed to the rapid decline of the American Indians population in North America?

Correct: diseases, wars with the English, and domesticated animals Incorrect: wars between tribes

Identify the concepts the reflect this example.

Correct: indentured servitude Incorrect: colonization, chattel slavery, miscegenation

which statements accurately explain why the slaves did this?

Correct: they wanted to demonstrate, they wanted to maintain Incorrect: they thought they would drive, they believed these activities

Identify the policies that were implemented to improve the conditions of freed blacks in the years right after the civil war (1865-1875).

Correct: voting rights for black men, citizenship rights for black women, citizenship rights for black men Incorrect: voting rights for black women, policies to reunite families separated by slavery, monetary compensation paid to former slaves per number of years for lost labor

Under the slave laws, which of the following crimes were committed, and which were not?

Crimes Committed: Theft Crimes not committed: the rest

Identify the European countries that played the largest role in giving birth to the system of racial classification that we have today.

correct answers: Spain and England Incorrect answers: Portugal and Ireland

Why is this figure a good illustration of gerrymandering?

correct: The borders of the district have been redrawn. Boundaries correspond to political advantage. incorrect: The district's population is smaller than surrounding districts. It is not a rectangular shape.

starting in the late 1800s, Identify the ways in which these groups eventually come to be considered simply "white" as they are today.

correct: socially attacking nonwhites, by leveraging white employers, organizing through unions, the conceputual differentiation of "race" Incorrect: owning slaves and giving to children in the same ethnic group

If the spanish rather than the english had colonized North America, which of the following would most likely have happened?

Differences in skin tones in the United States would be less pronouced today.

In his book Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Haney-López describes the role of race in contemporary political discourse. Which of the following are examples of dog whistle politics?

Example(s) of Dog Whistle Politics talking about race in a way that constantly emphasizes racial divisions passionately denying that one is talking about race playing the victim when one is accused of talking about race Not Example(s) of Dog Whistle Politics: talking about race through the explicit and direct use of racial stereotypes

Today, almost a half-century after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, many people of color still face modern-day voter intimidation. Identify the examples of voter intimidation that occurred in the last two decades.

Example(s) of Recent Voter Intimidation: Native Americans in South Dakota were required to show a valid photo ID in order to vote. Black women and Latinas were targeted by ads with misinformation about being able to cast their vote by text message. Fliers threatening the arrest of people with outstanding warrants or unpaid tickets if they showed up to vote were displayed in black neighborhoods. Not Example(s) of Recent Voter Intimidation: Blacks in southern states were required to prove sufficient reading skills before registering to vote.


fought racial domination primarily in the courts

levels of social respect

higher because of black slavery

southern and eastern Europeans

illiterate, docile, lacking in self-reliance and iniative and not possesing Anglo-Teutonic conceptions of law, order and government

ability to vote

independent of black slavery

The Civil Rights Era was a period of rapid change in race relations. By the mid-1960s, which of the following had occurred?

Had Occurred by the Mid-1960s: Some liberals began blaming racial inequality on the black family. African American women gained the right to vote. Had Not Occurred by the Mid-1960s: Compared to 1930, Indian American territory had expanded by 25 percent. African Americans in some southern states were granted limited financial reparations.


He was the first to argue that the earth rotated around the sun

Martin Luther

His ideas sparked the protestant reformation

Marco Polo

His narratives provided accounts of asian lands that europeans never knew existed

nat turner

led one of the most significant slave revolts, which killed sixty whites

The following items were part of what kind of test?

literacy test

White laborer's wages

lower because of black slavery

harriet tubman

made many trips to the south to guide slaves to freedom in the north

In response to the gains made by the Civil Rights Movement, a strong political backlash emerged. In terms of whites' responses amidst this backlash, the authors conclude which of the following?

most whites were neither ... race-based policies

Which of the following groups were also targeted by the KKK?

targeted: native Americans and Catholics Not targeted: women and Germans

In the late 1960s, Richard Nixon and the Republican Party used language that indirectly placed blame for social problems on African Americans. This was meant to draw white voters in the South, who traditionally aligned with the Democratic Party, to the Republican Party. This political approach was referred to as ______.

the Southern Strategy

What do the bars in the graph represent?

the size of the foreign-born population

what statement best describes how native-born white americans intially treated these groups?

they were simultaneously treated as inferior races but also had some white privileges

Consider a neighborhood that is 50 percent African American, 20 percent Hispanic, and 30 percent white. In this neighborhood, the political candidates for local office include 3 African Americans, 3 whites, and 1 Hispanic. Residents in this neighborhood turn out to vote in higher rates than any other neighborhood in the city, with white residents most likely to support white candidates and oppose policies that support people of color within the neighborhood.What term is used to explain this phenomenon?

threat hypothesis

Race-based voting is stronger than class-based voting.


Implicit racial appeals (or "dog whistles") use racially coded language to say things about race without really saying it. Identify the terms that the chapter identifies as racially coded.

Racially Coded Language: "illegal immigrants" "hard-working Americans" "welfare queen" "food stamp president" Not Racially Coded Language: "white picket fence" "blue-jean America"

Which of the following strategies and tactics were shared across all these organizations?

Shared across All Organizations: emphasis on nonviolence, large demonstrations and protests, direct action Not Shared across All Organizations: fasts, sit-ins

Freedom Summer included several strategies deployed across the South. One of the strategies was the development of Freedom Schools in Mississippi. Which of the following were taught at the schools?

Taught at Freedom Schools: leadership writing math self-worth Not Taught at Freedom Schools: self-defense

Chinese people

They "are a detriment and a curse to our country..."

Less than one year after the policy of Forty Acres and a mule was implemented, it was overturned and the land was returned to plantation owners.


Identify the true and false statements about race and gerrymandering.

True Statement(s) Both Democrats and Republicans have employed gerrymandering. Race-based gerrymandering is unconstitutional. Gerrymandering has proved to be a highly successful strategy for the Republican Party. False Statement(s) As of 2012, all gerrymandering is illegal. Gerrymandering helps to make all votes count equally.

Western expansion and "Manifest Destiny"

True: Many North Americans believed that taking the land of Mexican people was God's will, In 1845, the US forced Mexico to relinquish the lands that now are Texas False: Mexico declared war declared war on the US, and thus began the Mexican-American War, The US assisted Latin American in its fight for independence from Spain

Identify the true and false statements about race and partisanship in the United States.

True:The majority of whites vote Republican, and the majority of nonwhites vote Democrat. Forty percent of the Democratic Party is made up of nonwhite voters. False:About two-thirds of Asian Americans identify as Republican. Hispanics with lower incomes are more likely to identify as Democrats.

Which of the following are examples of how whites prevented blacks from registering to vote, thereby disenfranchising them?

Voter Disenfranchisement: the rest Not Voter Disenfranchisement: requiring them to complete a physical exam and submit a doctor's note

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