chap11 Social Psychology
factors make it more likely you will be attracted to somebody
- similar to you - close proximity - you've seen the person around a lot - physically attractive.
cognitive determinants of aggression
- the presence of weapon - observing others engaging in aggression
to reduce cognitive dissonance
-change the perceived importance of one cognition. deny that the two cognition are relative to one another. modify one or both cognitions.
A change in behavior brought about by following the standards of others
Aggression, like other social behaviour, has ___ determinants
IN Milgram's classic obedience study, what percent of participants eventually used the highest setting on the shock generator- 450 volts to shock the learner.
In Solomon Asch's experiment where participants sat in a group and compared the length of lines, the conclusion showed that the pressure to ___ is strong.
Pam's new friend is a librarian so Pam assumes that she is intellectual, politically liberal, shy, not very social and probably a vegetarian. Pam's thinking on this describes
The ___ likelihood model refers to communication that can take two routes: the peripheral route or the central route
The bystander effect makes it ___ (more/less) likely an individual will help someone in need when other people are around
What best describes social exchange theory?
The equity in a relationship
mere exposure effect
The phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them.
bystander effect
The tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present
The term social ___ describes an imitative behavior involving the spread of behaviors, emotions, and ideas.
The theory that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their own behaviors is called
True or False: Many experts insist that TV violence can prompt aggressive or antisocial behavior in children.
True or False: Men are more aggressive than women in most cultures.
True or False: Violent video games can cause altered states of consciousness
What is a key emotion involved in altruism, and happens when we feel a oneness with the emotional state of another?
Self-fulfilling prophecies
What is the term for expectations about a future event or behavior that act to increase the likelihood that the event of behavior will occur?
Positive reinforcement such as getting what one wants
What type of consequences most likely to increase aggressive behavior according to observational learning approach?
Observing others engaging in aggression, The presence of a weapon
Which of the following are cognitive determinants of aggression?
Close proximity, Physically attractive, You've seen the person around a lot, Similar to you
Which of the following are factors that make it more likely you will be attracted to somebody?
___ is a change in behavior in response to the commands of others.
________ social influence is the influence that other people have on us because we want them to like and approve of us.
a change in behavior in response to the commands of others.
a key emotion involved in altruism, and happens when we feel a oneness with the emotional state of another?
a key social emotion in altruism, is ____ , a person's feeling of oneness with the emotional state of another.
investment model
a model of relationships that emphasizes the ways commitment, investment, and the availability of attractive alternative partners predict satisfaction and stability in a relationship
a negative or harmful action toward a menmber of a group simply because they are a member of the group is called ___
a person who experience stereotype____ is well aware of stereotypical expectations for him or her as a member of a group.
groupthink most likely to occur
a powerful leader surrounded by people of lower status/
passionate (romantic) love
a state of intense absorption in someone that includes intense physiological arousal, psychological interest, and caring for the needs of another.
a type of thinking in which group members share such a strong motivation to achieve consensus that they lose the ability to critically evaluate alternative points of view.
according to the observational learning theory, if the consequences are ____, the behavior is likely to be imitated hen observers find themselves in a similar situation.
to minimize cost and maximize benefits
according to the social exchange theory, the objective of relationship is
according to the biological perspective,
aggression is influenced by evolutionary tendencies, genetics, and neurobiological factors.
aggression, like other social behaviors, has ____ determinants
romantic love
also called passionate love, had has strong components of sexuality and infatuation.
an evaluation of particular group and its members.
attachment style
anxious, avoidant, secure
are cognitive shortcuts that enable us to make decisions rapidly
are evaluations of people behaviors, beliefs, and concepts.
are more aggressive than women in most cultures.
positive illusion
are views of oneself that are not deeply rooted in reality
similarity, acquaintance, proximity
attraction is one way that has played a role in the process of becoming attracted to someone. there are several other factor that also contribute to attraction.
behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group
resisting persuasion
can be done by giving people or inoculating people with a weak version of a persuasive message.
can produce altruistic behavior even toward members of rival groups.
Milgram's obedience study
classic study in psychology raised serious ethical concerns
communicators who are physically and socially attractive produce ___ attitude change compared to those who are less attractive.
describe a situation where a person favors their own ethnic group over other groups. this does not simply mean taking pride in one's ethnic group, it also involves asserting the group's superiority over other group.
an overestimation of the degree to which everyone else thinks or acts they way they do
describe the false consensus effect
social contagion
describes an imitative behavior involving the spread of behaviors, emotions, and ideas. for example this type of imitative behavior can be observed in the copying of unhealthy behaviors among adolescents like drinking and smoking.
evolutionary psychologists focus on gender differences in the accounting of attraction. the goal for both sexes is to____
explained that when an authority figure removes personal responsibility, true evil can emerge.
self-perception theory
explains the connection between attitudes and behaviors by suggesting that individuals make inference about their attitudes by perceiving their own behavior.
example of mere exposure
finding a person attractive because you bump into him or her frequently.
most; lower
groupthink is ___ likely to occur when a popular or powerful leader is surrounded by people of ____ status
increasing contact between majority and minority groups
in 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that school segregation, in which whites and blacks attended separate schools, was unconstitutional. this illustrates which strategy to diminish the effects of prejudice and discrimination?
in an effort to maximize our sense of self-esteem, we may come to think that our own group( ingroup ) is ____ than group to which we don't belong (outgroup)
positive illusions
individuals with high self- esteem have been shown to have a variety of _____
influences attitudes, which are evaluations of a person.
is a change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard.
is a key aspect of altruistic behavior.
explicit racism
is a person's conscious and openly shared prejudicial attitudes.
social identity
is a way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership
foot-in-the door- technique
is considered a successful persuasion tool according to social psychologists.
stereotype threat
is one's fear of being judged based on a negative stereotype about his or her group.
a confederate
is purposely placed in a study by the experiementer in order to manipulate the situation the participants must engage in.
normative social influence
is the influence that other people have on us because we want them to like and approve of us.
is the male hormone relate to aggression
social comparison
is the process by which we compare ourselves to other people
social comparison
is the process in which individuals evaluate their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to other people.
Social Comparison
is the process in which individuals evalute their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and abilities in relation to other people
group polarization effect
is the solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a group discussion.
the elaboration
likelihood model theory identifies two ways by which a message can be persuasive.
social facilitation
occurs when an individual's performance improves due to the presence of others.
the elaboration likelihood model
refers to communication that can take two route: the peripheral route or the central route.
implicit racism
refers to prejudicial attitudes that exist on a deeper, unconscious level.
self-serving bias
refers to the tendency to take credit for one's own successes and to deny responsibility for one's own failures.
research consistently has shown that increasing the amount of interaction between people can ___ negative stereotyping
the genetic basis for aggression
states that genes are important in understanding the biological basis of aggression.
social identity theory
suggests that people tend to be ethnocentric, viewing the world from their own perspective and judging other in terms of their group membership.
an evolutionary perspective on aggressive hypothesizes
that human are not really very different from other animals in that certain stimuli release innate aggressive responses. a basis theme of this perspective is survival of the fittest.
Fundamental attribution error
the ___ may be explained by the fact that, when making attributions about someone, the innediate enviroment is more stable and less attention grabbing than the observed person's behavior
the amygdala and the limbic system are the brain structures related to:
cognitive dissonance
the conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts (referred to as cognitions)
the genetic basis for aggression states that ____ are important in understanding the biological basis of aggression
social psychology
the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others.
compassionate love
the strong affection we have for those with whom our lives are deeply involved.
Fundamental attribution error
the tendency for observers to overestimate the importance of internal traits and underestimate the importance to external situations when they seek explanations is reffered to as ____
the term ________ is used to describe a process which occurs when being part of a group reduces personal identity and erodes the sense of personal responsibility. One explanation for this is that being a group member gives us anonymity.
attribution theory
the theory of personality that seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior what the specific causes of that person's behavior are
the theory that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their own behaviors is
the thwarting of blocking of some ongoing, goal-directed behavior or the thwarting of obtaining the goal itself.
effort justification
to reduce dissonance by rationalizing the amount of effort we put into something.
collectivistic culture
value the group, therefore, they have been associated with greater levels of conformity.
altered states of consciousness
violent video game can cause ____
what is the social psychological term for a change in behavior in response to the commands of others?
self-fulfilling prophecies
what is the term for expectations about a future event or behavior that act to increase the likelihood that the events or behavior will occur?
positive reinforcement such as getting what one wants
what type of consequence are most likely to increase aggressive behavior according to the observational learning approach?
the outcome of the Bobber's Cave experiment
when groups were required to work cooperatively to solve problem, positive relationships developed.
fundamental attribution error
when people tend to explain behavior in terms of personalities, rather than the situation, this refers to which of the following?
social loafing
when several students are assigned a group presentation, only three of the four actually do the required work. A social psychologist would refer to this as a ___
social identity
when someone is asked to identify themselves, and they answer with the religious or ethnic group affiliations, this is stating their___
observational learning
which approach to aggression emphasizes the environmental conditions that teach individuals to be aggressive?
the equity in a relationship
which of the best describes social exchange theory