Chapter 0 Physiology of Exercise

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Describe the founding and key areas of research emphasized by the HFL. Who was the first research director of this laboratory?

1927-1947; Founded by LJ Henderson; directed by DB Dill; conducted research on human responses to exercise, heat, high altitude, and other environmental factors.

When should data be depicted as a bar graph as opposed to a line graph?

A bar graph makes it easy to compare sets of data between different groups at a glance. However, when trying to measure change over time, line graphs are best.

What is an ergometer? Name the two most commonly used ergometers and explain their advantages and disadvantages.

An exercise device that allows the intensity of the exercise to be controlled and measured; treadmills and stationary bikes; advantages/disadvantages of cycle: eliminates the effect of body mass on workload (+), cycling isn't common skill (muscles in leg fatigue before able to reach maximal values) (-); advantages/disadvantages of treadmill: walking is a natural activity, most people can achieve their highest peak physiological values on treadmill (HR, ventilation, O₂ uptake) (+), more expensive, bulky, require power, hard to measure BP (-).

Name the three Scandinavian physiologists who conducted research in the HFL.

Christensen (studied lipid metabolism), Asmussen (studied the mechanical properties of muscle), and Nielsen (studied control of body temperature); studied exercise in hot environment and at high altitude.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a cross-sectional vs. a longitudinal study design?

Cross-sectional is less time consuming and inexpensive but is less accurate. Longitudinal is more accurate but more expensive and time-consuming.

What factors must researchers consider when designing a research study to ensure that they get accurate and reproducible results?

Environmental factors, Account for cycles (diurnal, sleep, menstrual and eating patterns), Use of correct equipment/ergometers (skill specific), match mode of testing with type of activity subjects usually perform.

What is exercise physiology? How does sport physiology differ?

Exercise physiology studies how our bodies' structures and functions respond when exposed to the acute and chronic stress of repeated bouts of exercise; sport physiology applies concepts of exercise physiology to enhancing sport performance and optimally training the athlete.

Describe the evolution of exercise physiology from the early studies of anatomy. Who were some of the key figures in the development of this field?

Galen- "De fascius"; physician to the gladiators; his theories of anatomy and physiology remained unchallenged for 1400 years LaGrange-"Physiology of Bodily Exercise"; first published textbook on exercise physiology Leeuwenhoek- microscope-could view individual muscle fibers DB Dill- first director of HFL; laid foundation for modern exercise and environmental physiology AV Hill- significant figure in history of exercise physiology; 1921 nobel prize for energy metabolism John Haldane- developed methods to measure oxygen use during exercise Meyerhoff- 1922 nobel prize for work on lactic acid metabolism Krogh- Krogh's principle; 1920 nobel prize for discovery of the capillary motor regulating mechanism Krebs- 1953 nobel prize for Krebs cycle HFL

Provide an example of "studying acute responses to a single bout of exercise."

Measuring heart rate running on a treadmill for an hour or lifting weights then measuring heart rate after. The response to that exercise bout is referred to acute response exercise, which is concerned with the immediate response and recovery from a single bout of exercise.

Describe what is meant by "studying chronic adaptations to exercise training."

Studying how the body responds over time to the stress of repeated bouts of exercise.

List the environmental conditions that could affect one's response to an acute bout of exercise.

Temperature, humidity, light, noise

What is translational physiology?

The processes by which basic research findings are extended to the clinical research setting, then to the realm of clinical practice, and finally to health policy.

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