Chapter 05

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Which of the following represents the most effective chunking of the digit sequence 14929111776?

1492 911 1776

The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is just under a fraction of a second 15-20 seconds or less 1-3 minutes or more indefinite

15-20 seconds or less

What is the "magic number" for memory, according to Miller? 7 and 11 5 plus 2 7 plus or minus 2 Lucky 13

7 plus or minus 2

Which is not one of the names of the overarching memory model that guides our discussion of memory? Modal model of memory Atkinson-Shiffrin's model of memory 3-Stage model of memory Baddeley's memory model All of these are names of the memory model

Baddeley's memory model

According to your text, when students are asked the top functions for which they use their memories, all but which of the following are commonly identified? Their daily schedule Learning material for exams Remembering names and phone numbers Labeling familiar objects

Labeling familiar objects

It is easier to perform two tasks at the same time if One is handled by the sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop. Both are handled by the sketch pad. Both are handled by the phonological loop. None of these.

One is handled by the sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop.

How long does information remain in sensory memory for? Seconds or a fraction of a second. 15-30 seconds. 1-3 minutes. As long as it is rehearsed.

Seconds or a fraction of a second.

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory (modal model) contains what three major components? Sensory memory, short-term memory, retrieved memory Sensory memory, encoded memory, retrieved memory Encoded memory, short-term memory, long-term memory Sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

Sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

Research on monkeys has shown that the part of the brain most closely associated with working memory is the hippocampus amygdala occipital cortex prefrontal cortex

prefrontal cortex

Jill's friends tell her they think she has a really good memory. She finds this interesting so she decides to purposefully test her memory. Jill receives a list of to-do tasks each day at work. Usually, she checks off each item as the day progresses, but this week, she is determined to memorize the to-do lists. On Monday, Jill is proud to find that she remembers 95 percent of the tasks without referring to the list. On Tuesday, her memory drops to 80 percent, and by Thursday, she is dismayed to see her performance has declined to 20 percent. Jill does not realize that she is demonstrating a natural mechanism of memory known as short-term memory episodic buffering chunking proactive interference

proactive interference

Suppose you (a student) are asked by a teacher to learn a poem you will recite in front of your class. Soon after, both you and a classmate, J.P., are asked by another teacher to learn the lyrics to an unfamiliar song. When you and J.P. are later asked to remember the song lyrics, you have a much more difficult time recalling them than J.P. does. This impairment of your performance is most likely attributable to proactive interference your overloading the phonological loop a release from proactive interference a recency effect

proactive interference

One function of _______ is to pull information out of long-term memory. the sensory memory the phonological loop articulatory suppression the central executive

the central executive

The word-length effect reveals that STM digit span remains constant across native speakers of different languages longer words are typically more distinctive and easier to retrieve from LTM than shorter words working memory's central executive processes verbal information differently than visual/image information the phonological loop of the working memory model has a limited capacity

the phonological loop of the working memory model has a limited capacity

Consider an experiment in which participants were asked to remember Chinese symbols called radicals (which have no sound) and symbols called characters (which consist of a radical plus another symbol). The fact that the participants were able to remember some of the radicals provides evidence for the operation of _____ coding. semantic auditory abstract visual


Which of the following sets of results shows evidence of proactive interference with a three-trial recall task? (Note: Read the selections as percent correct for Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3.) 20% : 50 % : 70% correct 80% : 40% : 30% correct 30 % : 30% : 30% correct 70% : 40% : 60% correct

80% : 40% : 30% correct

If basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal wanted to remember his 16-digit credit card number, which of the following memory techniques should you recommend? He should think of the numbers as a sequence of basketball statistics. He should picture each of the numbers in his head printed in a bright color. He should first memorize a few other sequences of 16 digits to gain some practice. He should visualize the front of his credit card showing a picture of him dribbling a basketball.

He should think of the numbers as a sequence of basketball statistics.

Models designed to explain mental functioning are constantly refined and modified to explain new results. Which of the following exemplifies this concept based on the results presented in your text? Replacing the STM component of the modal model with working memory. Replacing the sensory memory component of the modal model with the episodic buffer. Replacing the STM component of the modal model with iconic memory. Replacing the sensory memory component of the modal model with working memory.

Replacing the STM component of the modal model with working memory.

In the Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory (modal model), what do the arrows best represent? The flow of information through the model. The direction our mind always follows for memory. Processes that happen between constructs. Information that flows through the model, both direction and amount.

The flow of information through the model.

Have you ever tried to think of the words and hum the melody of one song while the radio is playing a different song? People have often noted that this is very difficult to do. This difficulty can be understood as articulatory suppression an overload of sensory memory rehearsal interference an LTM recency effect

articulatory suppression

Imagine you are driving to a friend's new house. In your mind, you say the address repeatedly until you arrive. Once you arrive, you stop thinking about the address and start to think about buying a housewarming gift for your friend. To remember the address, you used a/an _____ process in STM. control automatic coding iconic


Peterson and Peterson studied how well participants can remember groups of three letters (like BRT, QSD) after various delays. They found that participants remembered an average of 80 percent of the groups after 3 seconds but only 10 percent after 18 seconds. They hypothesized that this decrease in performance was due to ________ , but later research showed that it was actually due to __________ interference; decay priming; interference decay; interference decay; lack of rehearsal

decay; interference

Brief sensory memory for sound is known as iconic memory primary auditory memory echoic memory pre-perceptual auditory memory

echoic memory

The primary effect of chunking is to maximize the recency effect increase memory for items by grouping them together based on sound develop a visual code to supplement a phonological code for the information increase the efficiency of short-term memory

increase the efficiency of short-term memory

The emphasis of the concept of working memory is on how information is permanently stored manipulated forgotten perceived


A property of control processes in the modal model of memory is that they do not require attention may differ from one task to another are performed without conscious awareness are difficult to modify

may differ from one task to another

Lamar has just gotten a new job and is attending a company party where he will meet his colleagues for the first time. His boss escorts him around to small groups to introduce him. At the first group, Lamar meets four people and is told only their first names. The same thing happens with a second group and a third group. At the fourth group, Lamar is told their names and that one of the women in the group is the company accountant. A little while later, Lamar realizes that while he remembers the names of the people in the fourth group, he can no longer recall the names of anyone he met earlier in the party. Lamar's experience demonstrates the phonological similarity effect retroactive interference the cocktail party phenomenon the partial-report procedure

retroactive interference

Remembering that a tomato is actually a fruit rather than vegetable is an example of _________ memory. semantic acoustic visual iconic


A person with a reduced digit span would most likely have a problem with __________ memory. short-term memory long-term sensory autobiographical

short-term memory

Observations that people may actually process and manipulate information rather than simply store it for brief periods of time challenged the conceptualization of the phonological similarity effect short-term memory the persistence of vision the physiological approach to coding

short-term memory

Working memory differs from short-term memory in that short-term memory consists of a number of components short-term memory has unlimited capacity working memory is concerned with the manipulation of information working memory has unlimited capacity

working memory is concerned with the manipulation of information

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