Chapter 1 An Invitation to the Study of World Religions
The world religion that most emphasize doctrines is
Religion functions in an unhealthy manner as an opiate that deters the suffering individual from attending to the true cause of affliction, according to
Karl Marx
Bruce Lincoln's definition of religion emphasizes four "domains":
discourse, practice, community, and institution
Religious scholar Ninian Smart's "dimensional" scheme divides the various aspects of religious traditions into seven dimensions, which include
doctrinal and ritual
The capacity for seeing things from another's perspective is
The so-called Golden Rule set forth in the Christian New Testament
is pronounced in similar forms in the scriptures of virtually all of the world's major traditions
A primary concern regarding a sound academic approach to the study of world religions involves the fact that it arose within an intellectual culture that
tended to take for granted that Christianity was a model of what religion ought to be
Globalization is
the linking and intermixing of cultures
French sociologist Émile Durkheim insists in his definition of religion on
the unification brought about by "beliefs and practices," culminating in a "moral community called a Church"
Which of the following is not among the prominent questions addressed by religions?
what is the correct definition of "religion"?