Chapter 1 Quiz

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Choose the special character that is used to indicate a blank space.


Choose the tag pair that is used to link web page documents to each other.

<a> tag

Which of the following tags should NOT be located in the head section?


What tag pair contains the items in an ordered or unordered list?

<li> </li>

Choose the preferred tag pair to use when displaying important text in bold font weight.


Which of the following is NOT a web design recommended practice?


A network that is geographically dispersed and may use some form of public or commercial communications network is called a(n): A. WAN B. WWW C. Internet D. LAN


Select protocols that are used for e-mail processing A. SMTP, POP3, IMAP B. SMTP, POP3 C. ETP, FTP, SMTP D. ETP, FTP


Select the item below that lists the top level domain name for the URL A. com B. yahoo C. www D. http


o see the actual URL for a resource when reading the printout of your web page, you can use CSS to display the value of the 'href' attribute right on the page using two CSS coding techniques: a _____________________ and the ______________________.

CSS psudo-element, CSS content property

A more efficient method of alternating background colors on every other table row is ____________________________________________.

CSS3 structural pseudo-class selectors

Select the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for web accessibility.

Web Accessibility Initiative

The proportional relationship between the width and height of an image is the image's ______________________.

aspect ratio

The __________________ area is between the padding and the margin.


The CSS _________________ property configures the text (foreground) color of an element.


Use __________________________ to cause an element to be removed from normal flow and to remain stationary, or "fixed in place," when the web page is scrolled in the browser viewport.

fixed positioning

Ethan Marcotte described a ________________________ as a fluid image that will not break the page layout as the browser viewport is resized.

flexible image

A common design for a web page is a two-column layout. This is accomplished with CSS by configuring one of the columns to ___________ on the web page.


The <meta> tag is coded in the ________ section of a web page document.


The purpose of the ________ element is to contain the main content of a web page document.


The ____________________ determines the empty space between the element and any adjacent elements.


According to the W3C a ___________________________ is made up of a media type and a logical expression that determines the capability of the device that the browser is running on, such as screen resolution and orientation

media query

Mobile web users are typically on-the-go, need information quickly, and may be easily distracted. A web page that is optimized for __________________________ should try to serve these needs.

mobile access

The _________________ area is between the content and the border


Use ____________________________ to change the location of an element slightly, relative to where it would otherwise appear in normal flow

relative positioning

A __________________ is a block display element that contains tabular information.

table element

The ___________________________ configures a row within a table on a web page.

table row element

The __________________________ configures a cell within a row in a table on a web page.

table-data element

The design of a website should appeal to and meet the needs of the

target audience

CSS technology is still not uniformly supported by all browsers


This meta tag was created as an Apple extension that helps with displays on mobile devices such as iPhones and Android smartphones by setting the width and scale of the viewport.

viewport meta tag

The __________________ of the element on a web page is the total of the content width, the padding width, and the border width

visible width

Another common practice is to configure the font sizes on the print style sheet to use pt units.


The text approximates the mobile screen size to be _____________________________

320 x 480

It is a good practice to try to limit the total file size of a website's home page and all of its associated images and media files to less than ______________.


Which of the following tags does NOT require a closing tag?


A ____________ is a high-capacity communication link that carries data gathered from smaller links that interconnect with it. A. backbone B. media C. client D. TLD


A ________________ can be configured to house a separate website located at the same domain. A. subdomain B. HTML C.SGML D. microblogging E. TCP


A(n) _________ website provides accommodations that help individuals overcome barriers such as visual, auditory, physical, and neurological disabilities. A. accessible B. valid C. quick loading D. blog


Choose the organization listed below that takes a proactive role in developing recommendations and prototype technologies related to the Web. A. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) B. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) C. Web Professional Standards Organization (WPO) D. Internet Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names (ICANN)


Select the main reason for the initial development of the World Wide Web from the list below: A. To allow communication between researchers and links between research papers B. To allow companies to conduct commerce over the Internet C. none of the above D. To allow companies to advertise over the Internet.


Which of the following is a network that covers a small area, such as a group of buildings or campus? A. LAN B. WAN C. interent D. WWW


Consider ________ when designing for display on a mobile device

All are correct- font size, small screen size, contrast

_____________________ consists of several images or frames, each of which is slightly different but when displayed in order, the image appears to move.

Animated GIF

What is the unique text- based internet address corresponding to a computer's unique numeric IP address called? A. IP address B. domain name C. URL D. user name


A ____ is a type of _____. A. URL, HTML B. URI, URL C. URL, URI D. HTML, web page


The first widely used graphical web browser was developed at: A. NSF B. ARPA C. NCSA D. CERN


A technique made popular by David Shea using CSS to configure the small graphics combined in the sprite as background images for various web page elements is called

CSS Sprites

Every computer has the same fonts installed.


It is not common practice to prevent banner ads, navigation, or other extraneous areas from appearing on the printout.


True or False: Fonts display larger on a Mac than on a PC; even within the PC platform.


_______________ refers to the brightness and contrast of the monitor display.


Use a CSS ________________________ to identify and apply a CSS rule uniquely to a single area on a web page.

ID Selector

______________________ displays the elements on the page in the order they appear in the web page source code.

Normal Flow

The W3C mission of building _____________________________ refers to the concept of providing a single resource that is configured for optimal display on multiple types of devices, which is more efficient than creating multiple versions of ta web document.

One Web

________________________________ is a term coined by noted web developer Ethan Marcotte to describe progressively enhancing a web page for different viewing contexts through the use of coding techniques, including fluid layouts, flexible images, and media queries.

Responsive Web Design

A _____________ is an image file that contains multiple small graphics that are configured as background images for various web page elements.


The position property configures the type of positioning used when the browser renders an element. ________________________ is the default and causes the browser to render an element in normal flow.

Static positioning

Fixing problems in code is called debugging. This term dates back to the early days of programming when an insect (a bug) lodged inside the computer and caused a malfunction.


Is this statement true or false: As a web developer, you should strive to create pages that are enhanced by graphical elements, but are usable without them.


The best way to test the mobile display of a web page is to publish it to the Web and access it from a mobile device. True or False


Use __________________ to precisely specify the location of an element outside of normal flow in relation to its first parent non-static element.

absolute positioning

Another principle that helps to create a cohesive web page is _________________. When applying this principle, the designer organizes the page so that each element placed has some vertical or horizontal alignment with another element on the page.


Each element in a document is considered to be a rectangular box. This box consists of a content area surrounded by padding, a border, and margins. This is known as the ___________________ model


The CSS3 ______________________ property can be used to create a shadow effect on block-display elements such as div and paragraph elements.


A ___________________ indicates the path of web pages a visitor has viewed during the current session so that visitors can easily retrace their steps or jump back to a previously viewed page.

breadcrumb trail

The _______________________ is often used with a table to describe its contents.

caption element

This set of rules allows the site-wide styles to be configured, but overridden when needed by more granular page-specific styles (such as embedded or inline styles): __________________________

cascade (order of precedence)

Use a CSS ________________ when you need to apply a CSS declaration to certain elements on a web page and not necessarily tie the style to a particular HTML element. An example of this would be a list of 5 bullet items with two rows a different color than the other three.

class selector

The most basic way to provide for backward capability of HTML5 with older, outdated browsers is to ________________________________________________.

configure block display with CSS

Applying the design principle of ________ serves to add visual interest and draw attention.


With its roots in the print industry, an _____________ is the width of a square block of type for a particular font and type size.


A popular method to create a _______________________ is to configure the content with a specific width in pixels and center it in the browser viewport. As the browser is resized, it will expand or contract the left and right margin areas to center the content in the viewport.

fixed layout

Elements that seem to float on the right or left side of either the browser window or another element are often configured using the ___________________________.

float property

CSS3 provides a method to configure color as a _______________, which is a smooth blending of shades from one color to another color.


Often a web page layout will consist of a ________________________ across the top of the page with three columns below: navigation, main content, and sidebar.


The purpose of the ________ element is used to configure the headings for a web page document or section of a web page document.


Sometimes a client may have a specific font typeface other than a web-safe font that they would like to use in the header section for the company name. In this situation, its common for a graphic designer to configure a _____________________________ that displays the company name in a font that is not web-safe.

header banner image

____________________________ is the name for the base-16 numbering system which uses characters 0-9, A-F to specify numeric values.


Select the three most common methods of organizing websites.

hierarchical, linear, and random

An image map will typically have multiple clickable or selectable areas that link to another web page or web-site. The selectable areas are called _________________________.


The _________________ is always transparent - the background color of the web page or parent element shows in this area.


The empty space surrounding an element is the __________________.


Floating elements is a key technique for designing _______________________ page layouts with CSS.


The purpose of the ________ element is used to configure the main navigation area on a web page.


If you've ever visited a website and found that the text hyperlinks changed color when you moved the mouse pointer over them, this is accomplished using a CSS ___________________________.


You may have noticed that when a visitor clicks on a hyperlink, the new web page will automatically open in the same browser window. You can configure the ___________________________________ on an anchor tag to open a hyperlink in a new browser window or browser tab.

tag attribute

The _______________________ property modifies the display of text in the browser. It is used most often to eliminate the underline from the navigation hyperlinks.


The purpose of the CSS ___________________________ property is to modify the display of text. Commonly used values for this property include none, underline, overline, and line-through.


Another technique used with web graphics is to display a small version of the image, called a ___________________.

thumbnail image

Before CSS was well supported by browsers, it was common practice to configure the visual aesthetic of a table with HTML attributes. The modern approach is __________________________________________________________.

to use CSS to style a table.

Should you expect to have your web pages printed? True or False


Using CSS and applying a class to ever other table row to configure alternating background colors is often referred to as ______________________________________.

zebra striping

Although sometimes useful, you won't use this technique much in practice because it's inefficient, adds extra code to the web page document, and is inconvenient to maintain: _______________________.

inline styles

A key component of a compelling website is the use of __________________________________ graphics

interesting and appropriate

Select the function of an e-mail link from the choices below.

launch the default e-mail application for the visitor's browser with your e-mail address as the recipient

One disadvantage of a _________________________ is that when displayed in maximized browser viewports using high screen resolutions the line of text may be quite wide and become difficult to scan and read.

liquid layout

A ________ of a color is darker than the original color and is created by mixing the color with black.


By ______________________ the single, complex images into multiple, smaller images, you can optimize all portions for the most efficient display.

image slicing

When do you need to use a fully qualified URL in a hyperlink?

when linking to a page on an external website

______________ is the set of markup symbols or codes places in a file intended for display on a web browser A. subdomain B. HTML C.SGML D. microblogging E. TCP


Choose the best answer: Which of these is often used by web professionals to optimize images for the web?

Both-Adobe Photoshop and GIMP

A standard language used for specifying a markup language or tag is _______________. A. subdomain B. HTML C.SGML D. microblogging E. TCP


________________ images are best used for line drawings containing mostly solid tones and simple images such as clip art.


_____________ images are best used for photographs.


The concept of ________ relates to providing a single resource that is configured for optimal display on multiple types of devices.

One Web

Monitors display color as a combination of different intensities of red, green, and blue, a concept known as ______________________.

RGB color

The ________________________ element intended to present an independent entry, such as a blog posting, comment, or e-zine article that could stand on its back.


The CSS ______________________________ property configures the background color of an element.


What type of HTML list would be good to use to display a list of terms and their definitions?

description list

The text contained between title tags is:

displayed in the title bar of the browser window

Navigation menus that display additional options when your mouse cursor moves over an item is called _________________________ navigation.


The block display _________________________ element provides a caption for a figure.


The _________________________ technique is sometimes referred to as a solid or "ice" design. The web page content is fixed width and may hug the left margin.

fixed layout

The _______________________ property configures the boldness of the text.


The purpose of the ________ element is to configure the footer information on a web page document.


The letters in the acronym HSLA indicate:

hue, saturation, lightness, alpha

Which of the following attributes would configure an ordered list to display uppercase letters?


Back in the day of 8-bit color monitors, web page color could be problematic and it was important to use one of the 216 _________________________________.

web-safe colors

Choose the preferred tag pair to use when emphasizing text that is displayed in italic font style


What tag pair is used to create the largest heading?

<h1> </h1>

Select the true statement from the list below. A. Only non-profit organizations can purchase a .org domain name [WRONG] B. A country code domain name can only be owned by someone who resides in that country. C. None of the statements above are true D. When a domain name ends in .com it indicates that it is a computer company.


The _______ protocol is a set of rules that controls how data is sent between computers on the internet A. FTP B. TCP C. IP D. HTTP


The purpose of the ___________ protocol is to ensure the integrity of the communication. A. IP B. HTTP C. TCP D. FTP


_________________ invented the World Wide Web. A. Marc Andreessen B. Tim O'Reilly C. Tim Berners-Lee D. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB)


_____________ properties support features such as embedding fonts, rounded corners, and transparency.

CSS level 3 (CSS3)

_____________________ is used to configure text, color, and page layout. It was first proposed as a standard by the W3C in 1996.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

A domain name is a unique text-based Internet address corresponding to a unique ____________. A. URL B. domain name C. user name D. IP address


A language using a text-based syntax intended to extend the power of HTML by separating data from presentation is called _______. A. HML B. XHTML C. SGML D. XML


Frequently communicating by posting brief messages at a social networking site is called _________________. A. subdomain B. HTML C.SGML D. microblogging E. TCP


New Top Level Domains (TLDs) are coordinated by A. W3C B. TCP C. no one, because anyone can add a TLD to the Domain Name System D. ICANN


The on-demand use of software and other computing resources hosted at a remote data center (including servers, storage, services, and applications) over the Internet. A. TCP B. RSS C. TLD D. Cloud Computing


______ is a set of rules for exchanging files such as text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files on the Web. A. FTP B. TCP C. IP D. HTTP


_________ combines the formatting strengths of HTML 4.0 and the data structure and extensibility strengths of XML. A. HML B. SGML C. HTML5 D. XHTML


Is this statement true or false: You should expect web pages to always look the same on every browser and every browser version.


True or False: Research shows that sans serif fonts, such as Arial and Verdana, are easier to read than serif fonts when displayed on a computer screen


You can specify other locations for the background image besides the default top left location by using the ______________________ property.


In addition to configuring an interactive test hyperlink, another use of CSS and psudeo-classes is to configure a hyperlink that looks like a ________________.


If your CSS doesn't work, you should check that you are using the ______________ and _________________ symbols in the right spots - they are easy to confuse.

colon (:) and semi-colon (;)

The _________________________ property typically is used to configure text displayed in italics.


The _______________________ element displays a visual gauge of a numeric value within a known range, typically as part of a bar chart.


The term _______________________ enhancement is defined by web developer and HTML5 evangelist Christian Heilmann as "starting with a baseline of usable functionality, then increasing the richness of the user experience step by step by testing for support for enhancements before applying them."


When applying the design principle of ________, related items are grouped together.


CSS validation serves as a _____________________________ tool.

quality assurance

The _________________________ feature helps visitors to find information that is not apparent from the navigation or the site map.

site search

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