Chapter 10 muscles

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74) The major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the a) Deltoid. b) Coracobrachialis. c) Supraspinatus. d) Teres major. e) Subscapularis.

a) Deltoid.

22) Which muscle of respiration is innervated by the phrenic nerve? a) Diaphragm b) external intercostals c) internal intercostals d) innermost intercostals e) pectoralis major

a) Diaphragm

51) The names of the muscles can indicate all of the following, except a) Fat content of the muscle. b) The direction of the muscle relative to the long axis of the body. c) The region of the body where the muscle is located. d) Action of the muscle. e) Structural characteristics of the muscle.

a) Fat content of the muscle.

44) Contraction of the muscle that is attached to the ulnar tuberosity results in a) Flexion of the forearm. b) Extension of the forearm. c) Abduction of the forearm. d) Adduction of the forearm. e) Rotation of the shoulder

a) Flexion of the forearm.

77) The infraspinatus has its insertion on the a) Greater tubercle of the humerus. b) Vertebral border near the spine. c) Tuberosity of the radius. d) Lesser tubercle and intertubercular groove of the humerus. e) Clavicle and scapula.

a) Greater tubercle of the humerus.

131) Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the knee: a) Hamstring muscles b) gluteal muscles c) gastrocnemius d) sartorius e) iliopsoas

a) Hamstring muscles

9) The ________ originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts on the angle of the mandible. a) Masseter b) Buccinators c) Temporalis d) Genioglossus e) stylohyoid

a) Masseter

73) All of the following originate on the scapula, except the a) Pectoralis major. b) Teres minor. c) Teres major. d) Supraspinatus. e) Subscapularis

a) Pectoralis major.

41) A skydiver's parachute fails to deploy. After some struggle, his reserve chute deploys in time to save his life. However, his landing is harder than normal and he feels his knee slightly hyperextend. He shakes it off and goes about his normal routine. Later that day he begins experiencing knee pain. Two days later he notices that his knee "pops" when he crouches and soon discovers he has dislocated his femur on the knee. What muscle was likely injured initially? a) Popliteus b) tensor fasciae latae c) soleus d) Sartorius e) quadriceps femoris

a) Popliteus

58) The origin of the occipitalis muscle is the a) Superior nuchal line. b) Tendinous band around the optic foramen. c) Fascia surrounding the parotid salivary gland. d) Alveolar processes of the maxillae and mandible. e) Galea aponeurotica.

a) Superior nuchal line.

24) A baseball pitcher who injures one of his SITS muscles most commonly sustains tears to the tendon of which muscle? a) Supraspinatus b) Infraspinatus c) teres minor d) subscapularis e) deltoid

a) Supraspinatus

11) Which of the following muscles of mastication would be responsible for mandibular elevation? a) Temporalis b) lateral pterygoid c) stylohyoid d) zygomaticus major e) zygomaticus minor

a) Temporalis

61) The muscle that inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible is the a) Temporalis. b) Medial pterygoideus. c) Platysma. d) Masseter. e) Lateral pterygoideus

a) Temporalis.

7) Which of the following extensors of the head is the most superficial? a) Trapezius b) semispinalis capitis c) splenius capitis d) sternocleidomastoid e) temporalis

a) Trapezius

121) While playing softball, Sid pulls his hamstring muscle. As a result of the injury, he has difficulty flexing and medially rotating his thigh. Sid probably injured the semimembranosus and/or the semitendinosus, since both of these muscles are primarily involved in the action with which he is having difficulty. a) True b) False

a) True

132) The most superficial muscle of the abdominal wall is the rectus abdominus. a) True b) False

a) True

133) The mastoid process attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle represents its insertion. a) True b) False

a) True

35) True or False: Injury to the deep fibular nerve would cause inability to extend ones toes. a) True, the deep fibular nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the leg. b) True, the deep fibular nerve innervates the gastrocnemius, which plantar flexes the foot. c) True, the deep fibular nerve innervates the quadratus plantae. d) False, the deep fibular nerve innervates muscles of plantar flexion. e) False, the deep fibular nerve is located in the upper limb.

a) True, the deep fibular nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the leg.

108) Each of the following muscles acts to flex the leg, except the a) Vastus lateralis. b) Sartorius. c) Gracilis. d) Semimembranosus. e) Semitendinosus.

a) Vastus lateralis.

78) Which of the following does not originate on the humerus? a) biceps brachii b) brachialis c) brachioradialis d) both B and C

a) biceps brachii

45) Muscles that act as valves to open and close openings are ________ muscles. a) circular b) parallel c) convergent d) pennate e) bipennate

a) circular

103) The ________ muscle is the strongest jaw muscle. a) masseter b) pterygoid c) medial pterygoid d) mandible e) lateral pterygoid

a) masseter

27) Which muscle acting on the arm assists in deep inspiration? a) pectoralis major b) latissimus dorsi c) teres minor d) diaphragm e) deltoid

a) pectoralis major

75) Which of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff? a) subclavius b) subscapularis c) supraspinatus d) teres minor e) infraspinatus

a) subclavius

117) Tom, a trumpet player, asks you which muscles he should develop in order to be a better trumpeter. What would you tell him? a) the buccinator and orbicularis oris b) the risorius and zygomaticus c) the masseter and buccinator d) the orbicularis oris and risorius e) the levator labii and mentalis

a) the buccinator and orbicularis oris

130) Which of the following muscles is involved in inversion at the ankle joint: a) tibialis anterior b) extensor digitorum c) peroneus muscles d) hamstrings e) quadriceps group

a) tibialis anterior

15) Which of the following muscles is not externally visible on the trunk of the body? a) transverse abdominal b) latissimus dorsi c) trapezius d) pectoralis major e) external abdominal oblique

a) transverse abdominal

13) The deepest muscle of the abdominal wall is the a) transverse abdominal. b) internal oblique. c) rectus abdominis. d) latissimus dorsi. e) pectoralis minor

a) transverse abdominal.

20) The muscles that laterally rotate and depress the scapula, as in shrugging and lowering the shoulders, are the a) trapezius and serratus anterior. b) pectoralis minor and serratus anterior. c) levator scapulae and rhomboideus. d) trapezius and rhomboideus. e) trapezius and latissimus dorsi

a) trapezius and serratus anterior.

59) Which of the following describes the action of the corrugator supercilii? a) wrinkles the brow b) elevates the mandible c) moves the external ear d) depresses the lips e) purses the lips

a) wrinkles the brow( not on test)

3) What term best describes the relationship between the pronator teres and supinator? a) Fixators b) Antagonists c) Synergists d) prime movers e) depressors

b) Antagonists

46) A muscle that insert on the body of the mandible is probably involved in a) Frowning. b) Chewing. c) Blowing. d) Kissing. e) Wrinkling the forehead.

b) Chewing.

76) The muscle that adducts and flexes at shoulder is the a) Deltoid. b) Coracobrachialis. c) Trapezius. d) Latissimus dorsi. e) Triceps.

b) Coracobrachialis.

111) Excessive gastric pressure (pressure in the stomach) could cause a(n) a) Inguinal hernia. b) Diaphragmatic hernia. c) Distension of the iliocostalis muscle. d) Pneumothorax. e) Diaphragmatic cramp.

b) Diaphragmatic hernia.

48) Muscles that insert on the olecranon process of the ulna probably act to a) Adduct the forearm. b) Extend the forearm. c) Flex the forearm. d) Extend the carpals. e) Abduct the forearm

b) Extend the forearm.

134) Plantar flexion at the ankle joint is accomplished by the tibialis anterior muscle. a) True b) False

b) False

89) The inferior rami of the pubis and ischium are the origin of the a) Vastus intermedius. b) Gracilis. c) Biceps femoris. d) Piriformis. e) Sartorius

b) Gracilis.

30) Which of the following best describes the insertion of the extensor digitorum? a) It indirectly inserts on all digits of the hand. b) It indirectly inserts on all digits of the hand except the thumb. c) It directly inserts on all digits of the hand. d) It directly inserts on all digits of the hand except the thumb. e) It directly inserts on the index finger only.

b) It indirectly inserts on all digits of the hand except the thumb.

56) The "kissing muscle" that purses the lips is the a) Buccinator. b) Orbicularis oris. c) Levator labii. d) Zygomaticus. e) Procerus.

b) Orbicularis oris.

95) The removal of the trapezius muscle exposes the a) Serratus anterior and subclavian muscles. b) Rhomboid and levator scapulae muscles. c) Gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. d) Infraspinatus and teres minor muscles. e) Deltoid and supraspinatus muscles.

b) Rhomboid and levator scapulae muscles.

71) The muscle that adducts and rotates the scapula laterally is the a) Serratus anterior. b) Rhomboideus. c) Subclavius. d) Pectoralis minor. e) Levator scapulae.

b) Rhomboideus.

110) Which of the following muscles does not belong to the "hamstrings" muscle group? a) Semimembranosus b) Sartorius c) Semitendinosus d) biceps femoris

b) Sartorius

62) Which of the following does not originate or insert on the hyoid bone? a) Omohyoid b) Sternothyroid c) Geniohyoid d) Digastricus e) Sternohyoid

b) Sternothyroid

101) Muscles that are long and round are termed a) Maximus. b) Teres. c) Brevis. d) Longus. e) Longissimus

b) Teres.

65) The scalenes have their origin on the a) Inferior border of the previous rib. b) Transverse and costal processes of cervical vertebrae. c) Superior border of the next rib. d) Cartilages of the ribs. e) Lumbodorsal fascia and iliac crest.

b) Transverse and costal processes of cervical vertebrae.

90) The muscle that originates along the entire length of the linea aspera of the femur is the a) Vastus lateralis. b) Vastus medialis. c) Vastus intermedius. d) Rectus femoris. e) Biceps femoris

b) Vastus medialis.

34) Which of the following muscles is in the medial compartment of the thigh? a) Soleus b) adductor longus c) piriformis d) vastus medialis e) semimembranosus

b) adductor longus

38) A heavyset middle-aged insurance salesman who doesn't exercise often accepts his friend's invitation to a pickup basketball game. When attempting a jump shot, he falls to the ground in pain, grasping at the calf of his leg. There is an enormous bulge in his leg immediately below the knee, and he is unable to plantar flex that foot. Most likely he has injured his ___ and the bulge is ___. a) quadriceps tendon; his rectus femoris b) calcaneal tendon; his triceps surae c) patellar ligament; his fibularis longus d) tibia; a previously undetected bone tumor e) hamstrings; a large hematoma (blood clot)

b) calcaneal tendon; his triceps surae(not on test)

60) Which of the following describes the action of the digastricus? a) depresses and retracts the tongue b) depresses the mandible or elevates the larynx c) elevates the mandible d) elevates the larynx e) depresses the larynx

b) depresses the mandible or elevates the larynx

10) Which one of these muscles helps to open the mouth (depress the mandible)? a) zygomaticus major b) digastric c) sternohyoid d) depressor anguli oris e) hyoglossus

b) digastric

14) While sitting at your desk, you drop your pencil onto the floor. You bend over to pick up the pencil. In order to straighten up and continue your exam you must use which of the following muscles? a) tibialis anterior b) erector spinae c) semimembranosus d) tibialis anterior and semimembranosus e) extensor hallucis longus

b) erector spinae

4) Muscle fibers are arranged in bundles called a) compartments. b) fascicles. c) retinacula. d) aponeuroses. e) groups.

b) fascicles.

116) At a fraternity party, Bill is insulted by one of the other guests. In response to the insult, Bill's nostrils flare, his eyebrows raise, and he gets an evil grin on his face. What muscles are producing these actions? a) procerus, orbicularis oculii, and risorius b) frontalis, risorius, and zygomaticus c) platysma, procerus, and frontalis d) nasalis, frontalis, platysma, and zygomaticus

b) frontalis, risorius, and zygomaticus

8) The occipitalis and frontalis are connected via the a) galea retinaculum. b) galea aponeurotica. c) galea cranium. d) galea orbicularis. e) galea neurotica

b) galea aponeurotica.

23) After taking their wedding vows, a bride and groom often ceremonially use which of the following muscles before walking away from the altar? a) depressor anguli oris b) orbicularis oris c) levator labii superioris d) platysma e) quadriceps femoris

b) orbicularis oris

120) Match the muscle with its correct action. a) buccinator ---- elevates corners of the nostrils b) risorius ----draws corner of the mouth to the side c) nasalis ------ raises your eyebrows d) platysma -----compresses cheeks e) occipitofrontalis ----- tenses skin of the neck

b) risorius ----draws corner of the mouth to the side

37) A clinician induces contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus and notices that the foot does not plantar flex as expected. Which of the following would be a logical diagnosis? a) peroneal nerve injury b) ruptured calcaneal tendon c) anterior compartment syndrome d) shinsplints e) lateral plantar nerve injury

b) ruptured calcaneal tendon

33) The longest muscle in the human body is the a) iliopsoas. b) sartorius. c) erector spinae. d) semitendinosus. e) semimembranosus

b) sartorius.

69) Which of the following is the insertion of the pectoralis minor? a) the mastoid region of the skull b) the coracoid process of the scapula c) the clavicle and scapula d) the occipital bone of the skull e) the vertebral border near the spine

b) the coracoid process of the scapula

123) Which of the following muscles is involved in crossing one leg over the other while in a sitting position: a) the gastrocnemius b) the sartorius c) all of the hamstrings d) the quadriceps femoris e) the semimembranosus

b) the sartorius

67) Which of the following muscles compresses the abdomen? a) internal intercostal b) transverse abdominis c) transverse thoracis d) diaphragm

b) transverse abdominis

127) In flexing the forearm at the elbow, the: a) biceps brachii acts as an antagonist b) triceps brachii acts as an antagonist c) deltoid acts as an antagonist d) deltoid acts as a synergist e) triceps brachii acts as a synergist

b) triceps brachii acts as an antagonist

113) If you bruised your gluteus maximus, you would expect to experience discomfort when a) Flexing your lower limb b) Adducting your lower limb c) Extending your lower limb d) Abducting your lower limb e) both B and D

c) Extending your lower limb

98) Superficial muscles that position or stabilize an organ are called a) Intrinsic. b) Profundus. c) Extrinsic. d) Internus. e) Externus.

c) Extrinsic.

True or False: The triceps surae consists of three muscles in the lower limb. a) True, the triceps surae consists of the tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, and fibularis. b) True, the triceps surae consists of the fibularis, extensor digitorum longus, and extensor hallucis longus. c) False, the triceps surae consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus. d) False the triceps surae is located on the posterior humerus and is an antagonist to the biceps brachii. e) False, the triceps surae consists of four muscles.

c) False, the triceps surae consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus.(not on test not in book)

57) The origin of the frontalis muscle is the a) Mandible. b) Occipital bone. c) Galea aponeurotica. d) Frontal bone. e) Forehead.

c) Galea aponeurotica.

83) The muscle that inserts on the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur is the a) Gluteus medius. b) Piriformis. c) Gluteus maximus. d) Gluteus minimus. e) Tensor fasciae latae.

c) Gluteus maximus.

82) The adductor brevis has its origin on the a) Iliac fossa of the ilium. b) Anterolateral surface of the sacrum. c) Inferior ramus of the pubis. d) Linea aspera of the femur. e) Iliac crest.

c) Inferior ramus of the pubis.

99) Muscles located entirely within an organ are called a) Extrinsic. b) Externus. c) Intrinsic. d) Internus. e) Profundus

c) Intrinsic.

43) Muscles that extend the elbow attach to the a) Coronoid process. b) Radial tuberosity. c) Olecranon process. d) Medial epicondyle. e) Lateral epicondyle

c) Olecranon process.

104) During abdominal surgery, the surgeon makes a cut through the muscle directly to the right of the linea Alba. The muscle that is being cut would be the a) Scalenus. b) External abdominal oblique. c) Rectus abdominus. d) Digastric. e) Splenius.

c) Rectus abdominus.

88) The only knee flexor that originates superior to the acetabulum is the a) Iliopsoas. b) Biceps femoris. c) Sartorius. d) Gracilis. e) Semimembranosus.

c) Sartorius.

50) A muscle that assists the muscle that is primarily responsible for a given action is a(n) a) Originator. b) Antagonist. c) Synergist. d) Levator. e) Agonist.

c) Synergist.

72) The muscle that inserts on the acromion and scapular spine is the a) Sternocleidomastoid. b) Pectoralis minor. c) Trapezius. d) Serratus anterior. e) Levator scapulae

c) Trapezius.

115) The preferred site for intramuscular (IM) injections in infants and children is the a) Soleus. b) Gluteus minimus. c) Vastus lateralis. d) Gluteus maximus. e) deltoid

c) Vastus lateralis.

29) The antagonist for the triceps brachii is the a) deltoid. b) anconeus. c) biceps brachii. d) supinator. e) teres minor

c) biceps brachii.

39) An Olympic sprinter readies for a race. After the sound of the starting gun, he propels himself forward from the starting block and immediately grimaces in pain, grabbing for the back of his thigh. Within 48 hours he begins noticing extensive bruising on the back of his thigh extending into the back of the knee. He now has difficulty rising from a seated position and flexing his knee. Bending at the waist generates more pain. Which muscle is likely injured? a) gluteus maximus b) popliteus c) biceps femoris d) gastrocnemius e) iliopsoas

c) biceps femoris

6) Which of the following muscles is the prime mover for inhalation? a) internal intercostals b) external intercostals c) diaphragm d) stylohyoid e) hyoglossus

c) diaphragm

81) Which of the following does not originate on the medial epicondyle of the humerus? a) flexor carpi radialis b) flexor carpi ulnaris c) extensor carpi radialis d) palmaris longus

c) extensor carpi radialis

31) Tennis elbow is a common term describing injury to which of the following? a) extensor hallucis longus b) pronator quadratus c) extensor carpi radialis longus d) subscapularis e) flexor digitorum profundus

c) extensor carpi radialis longus

32) Carpal tunnel pressure is sometimes relieved by surgically excising part or all of which structure? a) palmar aponeurosis b) extensor retinaculum c) flexor retinaculum d) extensor aponeurosis e) median nerve

c) flexor retinaculum(not on test)

114) Tom is having difficulty plantar flexing and inverting his right foot. Which muscle is most likely involved in this problem? a) soleus b) flexor digitorum longus c) gastrocnemius d) tibialis anterior e) extensor digitorum longus

c) gastrocnemius

80) Which of the following is the origin of the supinator? a) base of the second metacarpal b) infraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula c) lateral epicondyle of the humerus d) medial epicondyle of the humerus e) Olecranon process of the ulna

c) lateral epicondyle of the humerus

26) The serratus anterior is innervated by which nerve? a) accessory nerve b) dorsal scapular nerve c) long thoracic nerve d) lateral pectoral nerve e) axillary nerve

c) long thoracic nerve

118) Pam's daughter is born with crossed eyes. As she grows, the problem does not become any better and, in fact, gets worse. Her physician suggests cutting an eye muscle to bring the eyes into a more normal position. Which muscle would you suggest he cut to achieve this end? a) lateral rectus b) superior oblique c) medial rectus d) superior rectus e) inferior rectus

c) medial rectus

1) The study of the muscular system is known as a) kinesiology. b) pathophysiology. c) myology. d) biology. e) neurology.

c) myology.

87) Which of the following muscles acts to flex and adduct the thigh? a) gluteus maximus b) vastus medialis c) pectineus d) gluteus medius e) popliteus

c) pectineus

42) A skateboarder falls and lands directly on his buttocks and lower back. He does not feel too much pain and so he continues skating. After a couple of days he begins experiencing right hip pain and notices his right foot and leg are rotated to the right. A doctor diagnoses muscle spasm. Which of the following muscles is most likely causing the leg and foot rotation? a) quadratus lumborum b) tibialis posterior c) piriformis d) adductor longus e) sacrospinalis

c) piriformis

28) When a nurse draws blood, it is not uncommon for the needle to penetrate which muscle near the cubital region? a) pronator quadratus b) semimembranosus c) pronator teres d) buccinator e) supinator

c) pronator teres

Which of the following describes the action of the serratus anterior? a) lateral rotation of the humerus b) adducts the arm c) protracts the shoulder, rotates the scapula so glenoid cavity moves superiorly d) medial rotation of the humerus e) adducts and flexes the humerus

c) protracts the shoulder, rotates the scapula so glenoid cavity moves superiorly

86) Which of the following is not a muscle of the hamstring group? a) semimembranosus b) biceps femoris c) quadriceps femoris d) semitendinosus

c) quadriceps femoris

19) Which of the following correctly states the origin and insertion of the sternocleidomastoid? a) sternal manubrium and lateral one-third of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line b) sternal manubrium and medial half of clavicle; mastoid process and medial one-third of superior nuchal line c) sternal manubrium and medial one-third of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line d) sternal manubrium and lateral half of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral one-third of superior nuchal line e) mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line; sternal manubrium, medial one-third of clavicle

c) sternal manubrium and medial one-third of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line

18) In a whiplash injury, the neck undergoes forced hyperextension then hyperflexion, injuring multiple muscles in the neck. Which of the following muscles would be injured during the hyperextension phase of the injury? a) Trapezius b) splenius capitis c) sternocleidomastoid d) semispinalis capitis e) levator scapulae

c) sternocleidomastoid

122) To produce horizontal wrinkles in the forehead, which of the following muscles is involved: a) the buccinator b) the zygomaticus c) the frontalis d) the temporalis e) the masseter

c) the frontalis

112) Damage to the pectoralis major would interfere with a person's ability to a) Abduct the humerus. b) Extend the forearm. c) Elevate the scapula. d) Adduct the humerus. e) Rotate the elbow.

d) Adduct the humerus.

125) A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for whistling called the: a) Platysma b) Masseter c) Zygomaticus d) Buccinator e) temp oralis

d) Buccinator

97) Muscles visible at the body surface are often called a) Intrinsic. b) Internus. c) Profundus. d) Externus. e) Extrinsic

d) Externus.

5) What separates groups of muscles? a) Epimysium b) Fascicles c) Perimysium d) Fascia e) endomysium

d) Fascia

25) Which of the following is true regarding the levator scapulae? a) It is innervated by the phrenic nerve. b) It elevates the scapula if the scapula is fixed. c) It rotates the scapula and depresses the apex of the shoulder. d) It flexes the neck if the scapula is fixed. e) It protracts the scapula if the humerus is fixed.

d) It flexes the neck if the scapula is fixed.

47) A muscle that inserts on the greater tubercle of the humerus is most likely involved in a) Extension. b) Flexion. c) Abduction. d) Lateral rotation. e) Medial rotation.

d) Lateral rotation.

52) Muscles with fibers that run parallel to the long axis of the body are called a) Medialis. b) Lateralis. c) Obliquus. d) Rectus. e) Transversus.

d) Rectus.

91) The origin of the flexor hallucis longus is a) The lateral condyle of the tibia and head of the fibula. b) Above the femoral condyles. c) The posterior surface of the medial condyle of the tibia. d) The posterior surface of the fibula. e) The lateral condyle of the tibia and anterior surface of the fibula.

d) The posterior surface of the fibula.

93) The muscle that dorsiflexes the foot is the a) Gastrocnemius. b) Soleus. c) Peroneus brevis. d) Tibialis anterior. e) Tibialis posterior.

d) Tibialis anterior.

109) The muscles that insert on the tibial tuberosity by way of the patellar ligament include all of the following, except the a) Vastus lateralis. b) Vastus medialis. c) Vastus intermedius. d) Vastus superiorus. e) Rectus femoris

d) Vastus superiorus.

21) Which cranial nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius? a) abducens nerve b) facial nerve c) vagus nerve d) accessory nerve e) trigeminal nerve

d) accessory nerve

105) The muscles of the head and neck function in a) Feeding. b) Controlling the eye. c) Verbal and nonverbal communication. d) all of the above e) A and B only

d) all of the above

96) A (n) ________ is a muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement. a) agonist b) prime mover c) antagonist d) both A and B e) none of the above

d) both A and B

106) Damage to which of the following muscles would interfere with the ability to breathe? a) quadratus lumborum b) sacrospinalis c) platysma d) external intercostals e) rectus abdominis

d) external intercostals

17) In lifting a heavy weight from the floor, one should use the power of the ___ in order to avoid muscle strain in the lower back. a) biceps brachii and brachialis b) gastrocnemius and soleus c) external and internal abdominal obliques d) knee and hip extensors e) trapezius and latissimus dorsi

d) knee and hip extensors

124) Which of the following does NOT compress the abdomen: a) internal oblique b) external oblique c) transversus abdominis d) latissimus dorsi e) rectus abdominis

d) latissimus dorsi

55) Which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression? a) depressor labii b) mentalis c) buccinator d) masseter e) risorius

d) masseter

126) Spasms of this straplike muscle often result in tortcollis: a) serratus anterior b) zygomaticus c) platysma d) sternocleidomastoid e) masseter

d) sternocleidomastoid

53) Each of the following terms is a descriptive term for a muscle's action, except a) Levator. b) Tensor. c) Adductor. d) Pronator. e) Buccinator

e) Buccinator

84) The group of collagen fibers that provide a lateral brace for the knee especially when balancing on one leg is the a) Linea Alba. b) Obturator muscle. c) Tensor fasciae latae. d) Piriformis. e) Iliotibial tract

e) Iliotibial tract

54) Which of the following terms could be used with a muscle that is associated with the leg? a) Genio b) Costalis c) Nuchal d) Cleido e) Popliteus.

e) Popliteus.

100) Deep muscles are called a) Externus. b) Superficialis. c) Extrinsic. d) Intrinsic. e) Profundus.

e) Profundus.

63) The iliac crest is the origin of the a) Semispinalis capitis. b) Longissimus cervicis. c) Iliocostalis cervicis. d) Splenius. e) Quadratus lumborum

e) Quadratus lumborum

66) The muscle that originate from the superior surface of the pubis around the symphysis is the a) Internal oblique. b) Transversus abdominis. c) External oblique. d) Scalene. e) Rectus abdominis

e) Rectus abdominis

107) Muscles of the rotator cuff include all of the following, except the a) Infraspinatus. b) Supraspinatus. c) Teres minor. d) Subscapularis. e) Rhomboideus

e) Rhomboideus

68) The spinal processes of the upper thoracic vertebrae are the origin of the a) Levator scapulae. b) Pectoralis major. c) Supraspinatus. d) Subclavius. e) Rhomboideus major

e) Rhomboideus major

85) The muscles that laterally rotate the thigh include all of the following, except the a) Gluteus maximus. b) Obturator externus. c) Piriformis. d) Obturator internus. e) Tensor fasciae latae

e) Tensor fasciae latae

94) A general rule about the difference between an origin and an insertion is a) Each muscle begins and ends at the insertion. b) The origin moves while the insertion remains stationary. c) Each muscle begins and ends at the origin. d) They have no effect on muscle movement. e) The origin remains stationary while the insertion moves.

e) The origin remains stationary while the insertion moves.

92) The muscle that opposes the gastrocnemius is the a) Tibialis posterior. b) Extensor digitorum longus. c) Soleus. d) Peroneus. e) Tibialis anterior.

e) Tibialis anterior.

79) The muscle that extends the arm while doing push-ups is the a) Pectorals. b) Deltoid. c) Biceps. d) Brachialis e) Triceps.

e) Triceps.

64) The splenius inserts on the a) Mastoid process. b) Clavicle. c) Occipital bone. d) Spinal processes of upper thoracic vertebrae. e) both A and C

e) both A and C

49) Which of the following muscles does not have an action that is antagonistic to the action of the brachialis muscle? a) triceps brachii lateral head b) triceps brachii long head c) triceps brachii medial head d) anconeus e) brachioradialis

e) brachioradialis

119) Jill suffers a severe cut that severs the tendon that attaches the insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris. As a result of this injury, what action is difficult for her to perform? a) flex her forearm b) flex her ulna c) flex her elbow d) flex her shoulder e) flex and adduct her palm

e) flex and adduct her palm

128) Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the thigh: a) biceps femoris b) vastus medialis c) vastus lateralis d) vastus intermedius e) iliopsoas and rectus femoris

e) iliopsoas and rectus femoris

12) The aponeurosis of the external oblique forms the ________ at its inferior margin. a) linea alba b) rectus sheath c) linea semilunaris d) medial retinaculum e) inguinal ligament

e) inguinal ligament

102) The ________ covers the anterior surface of the neck. a) buccinator b) occipitofrontalis c) orbicularis oris d) epicranium e) none of the above

e) none of the above

16) Unilateral contraction of which muscle causes ipsilateral flexion of the lumbar vertebral column? a) Multifidus b) latissimus dorsi c) external intercostals d) serratus anterior e) quadratus lumborum

e) quadratus lumborum

2) All of the following are functions of muscles except a) stability. b) heat production. c) control of openings. d) secretion. e) respiration.

e) respiration.

129) Which of the following muscles flexes the thigh on the hip: a) peroneus muscles b) vastus lateralis c) adductor muscles d) gluteus maximus e) sartorius

e) sartorius

40) After childbirth a woman begins experiencing tremendous pain in her groin, making it difficult for her to walk. She has difficulty walking due to the pain. An X-ray shows a fracture extending from her symphysis pubis to the inferior ramus of the pubis. As a result of the fracture, which group of muscles might be impaired? a) hip flexors b) thigh abductors c) hip extensors d) later rotators e) thigh adductors

e) thigh adductors

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