chapter 11-12

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The bubonic plague originated in


From 1305 to 1377, the Papacy resided across the French border in the town of


Which pair of artists both sculpted a likeness of David?

Donatello and Michelangelo.

One major issue behind the Hundred Years' War was a claim to the French throne by the English king

Edward III.

After 1438, the position of the Holy Roman Emperor remained in the hands of the

Habsburg dynasty.

The family of merchants and bankers who dominated Florence during the high point of the Renaissance was the


The Ottoman Turkish sultan who captured Constantinople in 1453 was

Mehmet II.

Joan of Arc saved France by inspiring the French soldiers to break the English siege of


The Byzantine Empire was finally destroyed in 1453 by the

Ottoman Turks.

A key economic consequence of the plague was

a decline in manorialism and weakening of feudalism as noble landlords desperate for cash converted peasant labor service to market rents freeing their serfs.

The Italian Renaissance was primarily

a recovery or rebirth of antiquity and Greco-Roman culture.

Machiavelli's The Prince advocates that a successful ruler must

act without scruples for the good of the state.

The most revolutionary of thirteenth and fourteenth-century inventions was/were


Dante's Divine Comedy

is considered a synthesis of medieval Christian thought.

The Peace of Lodi served to

maintain peace between the Italian states for 40 years.

The French government and aristocracy responded to the Jacquerie by

massacring the participants.

Pogroms were

organized massacres against the Jews.

The persecutions against Jews during the Black Death

reached their worst excesses in German cities.

The results of the Hundred Years' War

reinvigorated and strengthened the French monarchy. caused economic turmoil in England. both a and b

Under Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain

saw Muslim power vanish from the peninsula.

The European aristocracy responded to the adversity of the great plague by

seeking to lower wages by legal means, especially for farm laborers.

The conflict between Pope Boniface VIII and Philip IV of France began when Philip

taxed churchmen without the Church's permission.

The Great Schism arose in 1378 when

the French cardinals elected a second pope.

Johannes Gutenberg was a key developer of

the movable type printing press.

The reintroduction of slavery in the fourteenth century occurred largely as a result of

the shortage of labor created by the Black Death.

The wealth of the northern Italian cities that funded the Renaissance was gained mostly from


The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381

was caused by the rising economic expectations of ordinary people.

The Renaissance papacy

was often seen as corrupt and debauched, as evidenced by Alexander VI.

The flagellants

were groups that physically punished themselves to win the forgiveness of God.

Banquets during the Renaissance

were used to express wealth and power of an aristocratic family.

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