Chapter 11-16 Test

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23. A man with curly hair has three children with a woman who has straight hair. What type of hair will their children have?

E. 100% will have wavy hair

16. Bacteria can divide as often as once every

E. 20 minutes.

27. What percentage of man's chromosomes are found in a single sperm cell?

E. 50%

17. If bacterial cells can divide every 20 minutes, how many bacteria will be present after 2 hours if the starting population is 100 cells?

E. 6400

31. A person with the blood type A can donate to which types? And receive blood from which types?

E. A and AB; A and O

17. How can someone get two different alleles of the same gene?

E. A and B

6. In the case of the Schallers, why doesn't their genotype correlate with their phenotype?

E. A and C.

13. What are X-linked traits?

E. A and D

7. Which parent contributes the chromosome that determines the gender of a child?

E. A father's chromosomes determine the gender of sons and daughters.

1. Population genetics is the

E. A, B, and C

6. Which of the following people is/are especially vulnerable to illness caused by drug-resistant bacteria?

E. All of the above people are especially vulnerable.

16. Genetic bottlenecks can be caused by

E. All of the above.

2. Staphylococcus aureus can cause

E. All of the above.

26. An extremely harsh winter causes the death of 75% of an endangered antelope population. When considering the future survival of this population, which of the following is a concern for scientists?

E. All of the above.

29. Which is necessary for natural selection to proceed?

E. All of the above.

29. Which of the following can threaten the ability of a population to adapt to changing environmental conditions?

E. All of the above.

32. During the process of genetic recombination,

E. All of the above.

32. Multifactorial inheritance includes what factors in addition to multiple genes interacting?

E. All of the above.

5. Which of the following is a stressor for city mice?

E. All of the above.

8. Allele frequencies of a population can change by

E. All of the above.

9. MRSA is resistant to

E. All of the above.

9. What is the significance of the X and Y chromosome in terms of sexual identity?

E. B and C

25. What is the difference between meiosis I and II?

E. B and D

21. How are gametes different from the rest of the body's cells?

E. B, C, and D

48. A karyotype is

D. a diagram of all chromosomes in a cell.

17. Which two people would have the most different Y chromosomes?

D. a father and his daughter's biological son

41. Darwin's finches are known for which adaptation?

D. beak variation

38. A species of small lizard has three color forms, pale gray, brown, and black. In its original range, the colors of the rocky environment were mixed from pale gray to very dark, and the population had an even mix of all three color forms. The blending of colors with their environment helps the lizards hide from predators. A group of these lizards ended up on an island with all gray rocks. Eventually, only gray lizards remained. This is an example of

D. directional selection.

46. If a human zygote is aneuploid, it has

D. fewer or more than 46 chromosomes.

13. All of the following are true of genetic drift, EXCEPT

D. genetic drift has the greatest influence on large populations.

8. An organism's _________ determines its __________.

D. genotype; phenotype

22. A limited number of alleles in a reproducing population can result in

D. inbreeding depression.

23. Mating between closely related individuals is known as

D. inbreeding.

28. Meiosis differs from mitosis in all of the following ways, EXCEPT

D. mitosis results in four cells while meiosis results in two.

36. Imagine that twins are separated at birth. One is raised speaking only English, while the other is raised in a bilingual household and speaks both English and Spanish. Years later, the twins meet and decide to learn French together. The bilingual twin has a remarkably easy time learning French, while the other twin struggles. This difference may be explained by

D. multifactorial inheritance.

39. Up to 40% of human height can be attributed to environmental rather than genetic factors; thus, we call height inheritance

D. multifactorial.

43. Aneuploidy is the result of

D. nondisjunction.

20 All the individuals of a species living in a specific area compose a

D. population.

10. If the cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus fails to form properly, water will

D. rush into the cell, causing it to explode.

36. Natural selection that favors survival of an intermediate phenotype of a population is called

D. stabilizing selection.

38. In addition to a genetic component, some human disorders like depression have been linked to

D. stressful events.

50. All of the following will help reduce the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, EXCEPT

D. taking a strong antibiotic at the first sign of illness.

32. Frog species mate at different times of the year. This is an example of which type of reproductive isolation?

D. temporal isolation

16. It is simpler to use DNA to identify the father for a son than for a daughter because

D. the X chromosome may recombine during meiosis while the Y is passed intact.

43. Which bird is thought to be the common ancestor of the Galápagos finches?

D. the blue-black Grassquit

8. MRSA should routinely be treated with

D. vancomycin.

12. Evolution may best be explained as a

B. change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time.

30. Natural selection causes

B. changes in allele frequencies within a population.

43. Antibiotic resistance is an example of which pattern of natural selection?

B. directional selection

15. Each bacteria cell typically splits into ____ new cells.


43. One parent has one copy of a dominant allele for gene 87 and one recessive allele for Gene 87. The other parent has two copies of the dominant allele for Gene 87. What is the chance that their children will inherit the recessive condition (two copies of Gene 87)? You may need to draw a Punnett square to figure this out.

A. 0%

42. Two normal individuals have a child who has cystic fibrosis, an autosomal recessive disease. What were the chances of this happening? (Draw a Punnett square to help you determine the answer.)

A. 1:4 chance

1. Humans have how many autosomes?

A. 22 pairs

41. In a cross between an individual with Huntington disease and an unaffected individual, what are the chances their progeny will have the disease, considering that it is a dominant trait?

A. 50%

16. How are the X and Y chromosomes in males different from other diploid cells?

A. Genes on the X and Y chromosome do not have a second copy.

27. A population of Australian wallabies is found to have many more homozygous individuals than expected. What does this result indicate?

A. Inbreeding is likely occurring.

47. Strains of pneumonia-causing ______ are becoming resistant to every available antibiotic.

A. Klebsiella

5. ________ required to masculinize a developing fetus.

A. The Y chromosome is

5. Which of the following people are at the lowest risk of acquiring MRSA?

A. a computer consultant who works from home

11. The most common CF allele on chromosome 7 is

A. a three-base-pair deletion.

14. After bacterial asexual reproduction, the daughter cells produced

A. are identical to each other.

7. ß-lactam antibiotics act by interfering with

A. bacterial cell wall synthesis.

30. Which of the following puts the events of meiosis in the correct order?

A. chromosomes duplicate, crossing over, homologous chromosomes separate, sister chromatids separate

10. Which of the following is not an X-linked trait?

A. cystic fibrosis

34. MRSA in humans is an example of

A. directional selection.

14. All of the following are true of color blindness, EXCEPT

A. it can be passed from a color-blind father to his son.

30. The letters for blood types represent

A. markers on the surface of blood cells.

24. Sister chromatids are separated during

A. meiosis II.

35. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. How many possible ways can these be sorted out during independent assortment?

A. more than 8 million ways

9. This mechanism is NOT responsible for random changes in allele frequency in the gene pool of a population.

A. natural selection

21. Gene flow can be described as changes in allele frequency due to

A. populations mating with other populations.

3. If a trait is not displayed in the phenotype, it is called

A. recessive.

46. All of the following will decrease the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, EXCEPT

A. taking the recommended dose of antibiotics for a cold.

36. Spotted skunks and striped skunks have overlapping habitat ranges, but no hybrid offspring are produced. Spotted skunks breed in the fall, striped skunks breed in the spring. This is an example of

A. temporal isolation.

11. A group of Trichechus manatus migrated from the Caribbean to Florida around 15,000 years ago, and is now genetically distinct from the Trichechus manatus still found in the Caribbean. This is an example of

A. the founder effect.

5. What is a genotype?

A. the genetic makeup of an individual

10. People with the same cystic fibrosis alleles at the CFTR site do not always exhibit the same symptoms—some are sicker than others. Which of the following best explains this?

A. the influence of modifier genes

49. Why is amniocentesis usually performed?

A. to detect fetal abnormalities by karyotyping

4. XXX, XO, XYY, and XXY conditions are the result of

B. an error during meiosis.

25. Codominance is when

B. both alleles contribute equally to the phenotype.

37. If someone is said to be "heterozygous" for a trait, it means that

B. both alleles for that trait are different.

3. One of every _______ children born is neither strictly male nor female, but intersex.

B. 1,600

7.What is the genotype of females and males, respectively? (Note that the number indicates the total number of individual chromosomes.)

B. 46 XX; XY

28. Which of the following best describes Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

B. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium represents a population that is not evolving.

28. Which of the following best describes blood type O negative?

B. It is the universal donor.

8. Why can you say that males determine the sex of their children?

B. Males will either contribute an X or a Y chromosome, whereas females will always contribute an X chromosome.

19. What is the main difference in behavior between the X and Y chromosome during meiosis?

B. The X chromosome undergoes crossing over; the Y does not.

18. Which of the following human chromosomes usually does NOT exchange DNA during meiosis?

B. Y chromosome

33. If we drew a graph for a trait exhibiting polygenic inheritance, the graph would be

B. a bell curve.

3. MRSA is caused by

B. a drug-resistant form of S. aureus.

1. A phenotype is

B. a physical trait.

44. A population of lizards lives on an island and has a large range of adult body sizes. A new predator is introduced to the island, and this predator prefers eating only small lizards. What pattern of natural selection would you expect the lizard population to experience as a result of this change in their environment?

B. directional selection

18. Drug-resistant populations of bacterial stains are a result of

B. drugs or other selective environmental pressures.

41. Nondisjunction or failure of chromosomes to separate can occur

B. during meiosis I or II of sperm or egg cells.

34. Reproductive isolation based on location or geography is referred to as

B. ecological isolation.

37. A male from species A mates with a female from species B. Male A's sperm swims and finds the egg, but the sperm is unable to penetrate the egg. This is an example of

B. gametic isolation.

24. An island has a population of 100,000 moths that has 98% gray individuals and 2% black individuals. Generation after generation, this ratio and population size remains basically the same. After a hurricane, 10,000 black moths are blown onto the island. This is an example of

B. gene flow.

38. Which term would represent the trait cystic fibrosis?

B. homozygous recessive

24. You cross a red flower with a white flower, and all the seeds result in pink flowers. This is an example of

B. incomplete dominance.

31. What two processes occur during meiosis to aide in genetic diversity?

B. independent assortment and recombination

20. All of the following are TRUE of the Y chromosome, EXCEPT

B. it undergoes recombination with the X chromosome.

6. Founder effect describes a

B. new population arising from a few individuals.

6. What are autosomes?

B. paired chromosomes, except for the X and Y chromosomes

10. A series of strong storms opened a stream channel between two lakes. The western lake contains a large, diverse population of a species of minnow. The eastern lake has never been populated by fish. When the channel opened, a small group of fish migrated to the eastern lake. Soon after, the stream channel dried up and was never opened again. The fish in the eastern lake thrived and continued to reproduce, building a large population over time. Compared with the fish in the western lake, what characteristics would you expect the population in the eastern lake to exhibit?

B. reduced genetic diversity and a change in allele frequency

33. What is the principle of independent assortment?

B. the principle wherein alleles of maternal and paternal genes are aligned in the cell during meiosis and separated independently of one another

15. What are homologous chromosomes?

B. two copies of each chromosome within a cell that are inherited from both mother and father

22. An example of incomplete dominance is

B. wavy hair.

45. Nondisjunction that occurs only in meiosis II can result in cells with

C. 24, 23, or 22 chromosomes.

2. If two individuals were heterozygous for freckles, which is a dominant trait, what percentage of their progeny would have freckles?

C. 75%

40. Which describes a genotype homozygous dominant for a single trait?


39. Which of the following will result in diversifying selection?

C. In an environment with patches of black and white rocks, both black and white rabbits can hide, but gray rabbits are always visible and are eaten by predators.

26. How is genetic diversity created in meiosis I?

C. Recombination of sister chromatids occurs in meiosis I.

12. How is the sequence of amino acids in a protein determined?

C. The amino acids are determined by codons in the DNA, which are read in 3-base increments.

4. What is the most common mutation found in cystic fibrosis?

C. Three nucleotides are deleted in the CFTR gene on chromosome 7.

15. A pedigree chart reveals the presence of a disease trait in both a boy and his mother's father. This pattern would suggest

C. X-linked inheritance.

32. A number of mosquito populations today are resistant to specific insecticides, even though those insecticides were highly effective when they were first introduced. Biologists believe that insecticide resistance evolved in mosquitoes because

C. a few mosquitoes were probably resistant to the insecticide before it was ever used. These survived and passed that trait on to their offspring.

23. Which bacterial phenotype would have the highest fitness if it were cultured in a medium containing antibiotics?

C. a highly antibiotic-resistant variant

17. What would be advantageous for reducing genetic bottleneck effects?

C. a large, genetically diverse population

7. Founder effect causes

C. a loss of genetic diversity.

19. Overprescription of antibiotics and their improper use is a cause of

C. a rise in drug-resistant bacterial populations.

36 The CFTR protein controls

C. a sodium and chloride ion channel.

37. A shorter form of the allele for serotonin transporter protein has been linked to ________ in humans.

C. anxiety disorder

4. All of the following are true of MRSA, EXCEPT

C. anyone who comes in contact with MRSA will become sick.

1. Staphylococcus aureus is a type of

C. bacteria.

13. Bacteria usually reproduce by

C. binary fission.

20. All of the following are true of genetic bottlenecks, EXCEPT

C. bottlenecks reduce the frequency of every allele in a population.

22. During meiosis,

C. cells divide twice.

41. Which pattern of natural selection is most common in patchy (nonuniform) environments?

C. diversifying selection

42. If two alleles are incompletely dominant to each other and heterozygotes almost never survive, which pattern of natural selection would you expect to see?

C. diversifying selection

35. Natural selection that favors survival of extreme phenotypes of a population is called

C. diversifying selection.

23. In humans, after meiosis, one diploid cell produces

C. four unique haploid daughter cells.

2. The total collection of alleles in a population is the

C. gene pool.

35. Two species of salamanders have overlapping territories and they successfully mate and produce eggs. However, most of the eggs fail to hatch. Only 10% of them hatch, but the tadpoles are weak and are almost all killed by predators. The few tadpoles that exit the water have weak bones and soon die. This is an example of

C. hybrid inviability.

42. The Galápagos finches evolved from an ancestor from

C. mainland South America.

2. Zygotes with _______ usually cannot survive until birth.

C. no X chromosome

31. What would the outcome be if an antibiotic-sensitive homogeneous (no variation) strain of S. aureus was grown in the presence of antibiotics?

C. no cell growth

34. Crossing over occurs between

C. nonsister chromatids.

40. Kangaroo rats, kangaroo mice, and pocket mice are found only in the deserts of the Southwestern United States. They share a number of features, including external, fur-lined cheek pouches, which they use to gather and transport seeds to their burrows. But they are also quite different from one another in size, overall shape, behavior, and other features. The best explanation for their similarities and differences is that

C. the species share a common ancestor (one that had, among other traits, external fur-lined cheek pouches), and natural selection has resulted in each having specific adaptations for its own environment.

42. A karyotype from a person with Down syndrome would show

C. three copies of chromosome 21.

12. What is the drug of choice when a patient has a severe drug-resistant infection?

C. vancomycin

26. Which of these strains of bacteria (A-E) is most fit in a hospital situation? Explain.


27. Which of these are most fit in a sauna or jacuzzi? Which of these would be more likely to be transferred between humans in these locations. Explain. (Note: More than one bacterium may be correct.)


11. Why doesn't a ß-lactam antibiotic prevent the growth of new host (human) cells?

D. The antibiotic only harms bacterial cell walls; the host cells do not have cell walls.

15. Which population would have the most loss of diversity from a genetic bottleneck?

D. 10 cats

44. Nondisjunction that occurs only in meiosis I can result in cells with

D. 24 or 22 chromosomes.

27. A person who has a heterozygous genotype for a trait

D. A and C

29. A patient with an AB blood type can receive a transfusion from a donor with blood type _______ only.

D. AB, A, B, or O

39. Which describes a genotype heterozygous for a single trait?

D. Aa

4. Which of the following are types of nonadaptive evolution?

D. Both B and C

21. Tracing a paternal line of inheritance usually involves

D. STR analysis of the Y chromosome.

19. You have a population of flies with three alleles for wing size, L (large), M (medium), and S (small). Individuals with SS, SM, or SL have small wings. Individuals with MM have medium wings. Individuals with LL or LM have large wings. After a sudden storm, all of the small-winged individuals have been killed. What will happen to the population after ten generations?

D. Small wings will be missing.

14. A scientist studying population genetics of a bird population inhabiting a group of islands finds that allelic diversity is highest on island C, lowest on island A, and island B has intermediate allelic diversity levels. What is the likely order in which these islands were colonized by this species?

E. C then B then A

22. Your friend has contracted a bacterial infection. Which of the following hypothetical drugs would you suggest as the best way to prevent an antibiotic-resistant allele from arising and spreading throughout the bacterial population in her body?

E. a drug that prevents both mutations and gene swapping

49. You are about to move into a dorm suite and bathroom shared by seven other students. To reduce the likelihood of contracting an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection, you and your suitemates should

E. do All of the above.

24. An organism's ability to survive and reproduce is called the organism's

E. fitness.

3. Random changes in the allele frequency of a population between generations is the definition of

E. genetic drift.

33. Incompatibility of mating organs is an example of which type of reproductive isolation?

E. mechanical isolation

38. Snail species A has a shell that spirals counterclockwise, but a mutation has caused some individuals to have a clockwise shell. The genitalia of the two versions are incompatible, leading some scientists to say that the clockwise snails are reproductively isolated. This is an example of

E. mechanical isolation.

31. The biological species concept defines a species as

E. members of a population that interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

13. All of the following are true of mutations, EXCEPT

E. mutations always lead to the organism's death.

35. Skin color is controlled by six separate genes, making the inheritance of skin color a good example of

E. polygenic inheritance.

40. When extreme phenotypes are selected against and disappear, which pattern of natural selection is at work?

E. stabilizing selection

18. The ice age 10,000 years ago killed off most cheetahs. This is an example of

E. the bottleneck effect.

37. What is decreased as a result of stabilizing selection?

E. the range of phenotypic variation

14. You have cystic fibrosis (CF) if you have inherited

E. two defective CF alleles.

25. You've gone to the doctor and she has determined that you have a Staphylococcus aureus infection, and it is one of the following possible strains (A-E), but she is not sure which. Which antibiotic is most likely to be effective?


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