Chapter 11- Physics, PHYS 101 Final Liberty University w/ Professor Marshal (you're welcome). combined all relevant quizlet sets together

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The source of every sound is something that is (a) vibrating (b) moving (c) accelerating (d) a net emitter of energy

(a) vibrating

According to Huygens' principle, every point on a wave (a) is a diffraction source (b) behaves as a source of new waves (c) is the superposition of every other part of the wave (d) all of these

(b) behaves as a source of new waves

An Ampere is a unit of electrical (a) pressure (b) current (c) resistance (d) all of these

(b) current

Two trees fall in the forest at the same time and no sound is heard, this is an example of (a) constructive interference (b) destructive interference (c) both of these (d) none of the above

(b) destructive interference

Alternating current is normally produced by a (a) battery (b) generator (c) both of these (d) neither of these

(b) generator

The frequency of a simple pendulum depends on (a) its mass (b) its length (c) the angle it is released from (d) all of these

(b) its length

Rainbows exist because light is (a) reflected (b) refracted (c) both of these (d) none of these

(b) refracted

A person standing waist deep in a swimming pool appears to have short legs because of light (a) reflection (b) refraction (c) diffraction (d) interference

(b) refraction

A fishing-boat captain returns to port saying, "It's rough out there the waves are 4 meters high." He probably means that the amplitude of the waves is (a) 4 m (b) 3 m (c) 2 m (d) 1m

(c) 2 m

Electrons are made to flow in a wire when there is (a) an imbalance of charges in the wire (b) more potential energy at one end of the wire than the other (c) a potential difference across its ends

(c) a potential difference across its ends

The source of electrons lighting an incandescent ac light bulb is (a) the power company (b) electrical outlet (c) atoms in the light bulb filament (d) the wire leading to the lamp

(c) atoms in the light bulb filament

Refraction results from differences in light's (a) frequency (b) incident angles (c) average speed (d) all of these

(c) average speed

If you wish to spear a fish with a regular spear, you should compensate for refraction between the air and water and throw your spear (a) directly at the sighted fish (b) above the sighted fish (c) below the sighted fish

(c) below the sighted fish

Electrons move in an electrical circuit (a) by being bumped by other electrons (b) by colliding with molecules (c) by interacting with an established electric field (d) because the wires are so thin

(c) by interacting with an established electric field

Heat a copper wire and its electric resistance (a) decreases (b) remains unchanged (c) increases

(c) increases

Stretch a copper wire so that it is thinner and the resistance between its ends (a) decreases (b) remains unchanged (c) increases

(c) increases

Sound travels faster in (a) air (b) water (c) steel (d) sound travels at the same speed for all

(c) steel

Light travels fastest in (a) warm air (b) cold air (c) vacuum

(c) vacuum

The Doppler effect is characteristic of (a) water waves (b) sound waves (c) light waves (d) all of the above

(d) all of the above

Interference is a property of (a) light waves (b) sound waves (c) water waves (d) all of these

(d) all of these

Optical fibers are now used by (a) surgeons (b) mechanics (c) engineers (d) all of these

(d) all of these

Wave interference occurs for (a) sound waves (b) light waves (c) water waves (d) all of these

(d) all of these

If an electron vibrates up and down 1000 times each second, it generates an electromagnetic wave having a (a) period of 1000s (b) speed of 1000 m/s (c) wavelength of 1000m (d) frequency of 1000hz

(d) frequency of 1000hz

The source of all magnetism is (a) tiny pieces of iron (b) tiny domains of aligned atoms (c) ferromagnetic materials (d) moving electric charge

(d) moving electric charge

y(x,t)=0.87 sin(21x−4.9t). What is the speed of this wave?

0.23 m/s [ velo of wave = lamda*f = w/k ]

A wave traveling in a string has a wavelength of 35 cm, an amplitude of 8.4 cm, and a period of 1.2 s. What is the speed of this wave?

0.29 m/s (velo of wave= wavelength in meters (lamda)/period in seconds (T))

A bullet fired horizontally hits the ground in 0.5 s. If it had been fired with twice the speed in the same direction, it would have hit the ground in...

0.5 s

If the frequency of a particular wave is 20 Hz, its period is _________.

1/20 second

What is the torque for a force of 20 N applied to a wrench with a length of 0.5 m?

10 N-m

What is the torque for a force of 20 N applied to a wrench with length 0.5 m?

10 N-m



Consider a monkey wrench released at rest at the far edge of the solar system. Suppose that it drops to Earth by virtue of only Earth's gravity. It will strike Earth's surface with a speed of about...

11 km/s

A rock suspended by a weighing scale weighs 5 N out of water and 3 N when submerged in water. What is the buoyant force on the rock?

2 N

An object has a weight of 20 N. What is the mass of the object?

2 kg

A fishing-boat captain returns to port saying, "It's rough out there the waves are 4 meters high." He probably means that the amplitude of the waves is

2 m

If a projectile is fired straight up at a speed of 10 m/s, the total time to return to its starting position is about...

2 s

What is the wavelength of a wave that has a frequency of 1 Hz and travels at 300,000 km/s?

300,000 km

An object is pulled northward by a force of 10 N and at the same time another force of 15 N pulls it southward. The magnitude of the resultant force on the object is

5 N

An object is dropped off a cliff and falls for 1 second. What distance does it travel?

5 m

Throw an object at an angle upward. With no gravity it will follow a straight-line path. But because of gravity, at the end of 1 s, how far below the straight line is it?

5 m


5/9 * (F-32)

How much work is done when applying a force of 10 N on a box for 5 meters?

50 J

An object that it initially at rest is dropped off a cliff and starts to experience free fall. What is the velocity after 5 seconds?

50 m/s

How many atoms are in a molecule of ethanol, C2H6O?



9/5 * C +32

series circuit

A circuit in which all parts are connected end to end to provide a single path of current.

parallel circuit

A circuit that contains more than one path for current flow.

What is a metastable state?

A metastable state is a long-lived excited state.

Which of the following has the most inertia?

A punching bag

You are watching a science fiction movie where people on a space ship are traveling around the universe observing stars with different temperatures. Which of the following stars has the lowest surface temperature?

A reddish star

transverse waves

A wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicularly to the direction the wave is traveling

Which of these is a scalar? A) Speed B) Force C) Acceleration D) None of the above

A) Speed

Newton's Third Law

Action/Reaction; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; when pushing a heavy block, the block will push back with the same force applied.

Which of the following is true about a hypothesis?

All of the above

Which of these are "conserved"?

All of the above

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of

All of these

The air in this room has:

All of these

Freezing and thawing cycles tend to damage road pavement during the winter, creating potholes. What provides the mechanical work that breaks up the pavement?

As the water freezes into ice and expands, it does work on the pavement.

In drinking soda or a water through a straw, we make use of

Atmospheric pressure

Which of the following has the most inertia? A) A napkin B) A punching bag C) A piece of paper D) A flying paper airplane

B) A punching bag

If I were to double the velocity of an object, which of the following is true? A) I double the kinetic energy B) I quadruple the kinetic energy C) Kinetic energy stays the same D) None of the above

B) I quadruple the kinetic energy

rule of octet

Bury-Bohr Principle; no outer shell can contain more than eight electrons; atoms with octet configuration are chemically stable.

When a load is placed on the middle of a horizontal beam supported at each end, the top part of the beam undergoes


When weight is applied to the top of a stone arch, all of the stone blocks in the arch undergo


In a hydraulic press operation, it is impossible for the

Energy output to exceed the energy input

Which of the following quantities is not conserved?


Newton's 1st Law states that

Every object continues in a state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force

Newton's 1st law states that

Every object continues in a state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force

Newton's 1st law states that,

Every object continues in a state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force

When water at 4 degrees C is heated it expands. When water at 4 degrees C is cooled, it


What two properties of a material affect the speed of sound in the material?

Density and stiffness

If a loaf of bread is compressed, its

Density increases

A quality perfume is a mixture of essential oils and has a scent that changes with time and skin temperature. Explain the gradual change of the perfume's scent with time in terms of evaporation.

Different oils in the perfume evaporate at different rates.

Newton's Second Law

Force; the force acting on a body is proportional to its mass times its acceleration; the direction of the force is the same as that of the body's acceleration; F=ma.

A kilogram of peaches have more skin area than a kilogram of


A kilogram of peaches have more skin area than a kilogram of


Why does the handle of a metal spoon submerged in boiling soup feel hot ?

Heat from the soup is transferred through the spoon by conduction.

Why does an ice cube feel cold?

Heat from your hand enters the cube by conduction.

If one neutron is added to a helium nucleus, the result is


A roller coaster at the top of a hill has which properties?

High potential energy and low kinetic energy

A roller coaster at the top of a hill has which properties?

High potential energy, low kinetic energy

The moderate temperature of islands throughout the world has much to do with water's

High specific heat capacity


Horizontal distance between the crests or between the troughs of two adjacent waves

Which of the following is an element?


If I push an object twice the amount of distance with the same amount of force. What can be said about the work done?

I do twice the amount of work

If I were to double the velocity of an object, which of the following are true?

I quadruple the kinetic energy

If you were laying steel track for a railroad, what influence would thermal expansion have on your work?

I would need to account for the steel rail changing its size as the temperature rises and falls.

An acquaintance claims to have built a gasoline-burning car that doesn't release any heat to its surroundings. Use the second law of thermodynamics to show that this claim is impossible.

If there is no heat release, then heat in equals work out and the engine is 100% efficient, which violates the second law of thermodynamics.

If you stand in front of a stone building and clap your hands, you hear an echo. What is happening to the sound wave to cause this echo?

If you stand in front of a stone building and clap your hands, you hear an echo. What is happening to the sound wave to cause this echo?

What is a node? What is an antinode?

In a standing wave, a node always has zero displacement and an antinode always has maximum displacement.

Your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug

Is a better insulator than tile

Your body is presently converting chemical potential energy from food into thermal energy at a rate of about 100 J/s, or 100 W. If heat were flowing out of you at a rate of about 200 W, what would happen to your body temperature?

It would decrease

What are the units for energy?


The planet Jupiter is about 300 times as massive as Earth, yet on its surface you would weigh only about 3 times as much. This is because

Jupiter's radius is 10 times the Earth's radius

Which temperature scale has 373 as the boiling point of water?


What are the units for mass?


Newton's First Law

Law of Inertia; a body will remain at rest, or if in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

The faster a fluid moves, the

Less its internal pressure

The acceleration due to gravity on the international space station would be __________.

Less than on Earth

The acceleration due to gravity on the international space station would be?

Less than on earth

What are the units for velocity?

Meters per second

What are the units for acceleration?

Meters per second squared

Which of these statements is true?

Molecules are the smallest subdivision of matter that still retains chemical properties of a substance.

If the specific heat of water were lower than it is, ponds in the cold of winter would be

More likely to freeze

If two protons are removed from an oxygen nucleus, the result is


Newton's 2nd law states that

Net force is proportional to acceleration

Newton's 2nd law states that,

Net force is proportional to acceleration

Which of the following are electrically neutral?


Which of the following are electrically neutral?


Match the following physical quantities with their respective units.

Newton (N)=Force Joules (J)=Energy m/s= Velocity kg m/s= Momentum meters per second squared= Accleration

The pascal is a pressure unit equal to one

Newton per square meter

Distinguish between the primary and secondary excitation processes that occur in a fluorescent lamp.

Primary excitation is when electrons collide with and excite mercury gas. Secondary excitation is when ultraviolet light from the mercury excites a phosphor to emit visible light.

Why is it harder to fall over when riding a bike at full speed versus a very slow speed?

Rotational inertia

Why is it harder to fall over when riding a bike at full speed versus at a very slow speed?

Rotational inertia

Electrons made to vibrate to and fro at a few hundred thousand hertz emit radio waves. What class of waves is emitted from electron vibrations of a few million billion hertz?

Visible light

A Mack truck and a Volkswagen traveling at the same speed have a head-on collision. The vehicle that undergoes the greatest change in velocity will be the


Which of the following is NOT a mixture?


Which of the following is not a mixture?


A dam is thicker at the bottom than at the top partly because

Water pressure is greater with increasing depth

What is the relationship among frequency, wavelength, and wave speed?

Wave speed is frequency multiplied by wavelength.

You wish to bolt a sign to a horizontal I-beam supporting a bridge. You will weaken the beam least if you drill the bolt-holes through the


Musical tones can linger for many seconds in a stone cathedral. Why?

When a sound wave attempts to move from air to stone, it reflects almost perfectly.

Newton's 3rd law states that

Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first

Newton's 3rd law states that,

Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first

Newton's 3rd law states that,

Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

A yo-yo is swung in a circular fashion at constant speed. Is there a net force on the yo-yo?


If you block the outlet of a hand bicycle pump and push the handle inward to compress the air inside the pump, the pump will become warmer. Why?

You are doing work on the air in the pump.

If there is a net force on an object, the acceleration of the object is __________.


powers of ten

a system used to express large and small numbers too cumbersome to write in ordinary notation; our number system is a place value system.


a unit of electric current or amount of electric charge per second.

Nuclei of atoms that make up a newborn baby were made in

ancient stars.

A strong spring is stretched 10 cm by a suspended weight. IF the weight is doubled, the spring will stretch...

another 10 cm, making the total stretch 20 cm

A strong spring is stretched 10 cm by a suspended weight. If the weight is tripled, the spring will stretch

another 20 cm, making the total stretch 30 cm

A strong spring is stretched 10 cm by a suspended weight. If the weight is tripled, the spring will stretch

another 20 cm, making the total stretch 30 cm.


any particular kind of atom having a specific number of protons and neutrons; separated into four groups depending on the configuration of their subatomic particles.

chemical reaction

any process in which atoms rearrange to form different molecules.


anything that has mass, occupies space, and has inertia.

structure of the periodic table

arrangement of elements from the lightest to the heaviest based on the atomic weight, or from the lowest atomic number to the highest.

artificial permanent magnets

artificially magnetized; commonly shaped like a horseshoe or a bar.

A photon when emitted behaves as a particle, and when traveling behaves _________.

as a wave

A bullet fired from a rifle begins to fall...

as soon as it leaves the barrel

An object in mechanical equilibrium is an object

at rest

Neglecting friction, a large block of ice and a small block of ice start sliding down an incline together. The heavier block will get to the bottom

at the same time as the light block

Earth's satellites are typically more than 100 km high so as to be above the Earth's...


In drinking soda or a water through a straw, we make use of

atmospheric pressure

In drinking soda or water through a straw, we make use of

atmospheric pressure

magnetic dipole

atomic magnet; the small magnet created by the electron orbit.


atoms and molecules vibrate about fixed positions.

The source of electrons lighting an incandescent ac light bulb is

atoms in the light bulb filament

The source of electrons lighting an incandescent ac light bulb is

atoms in the lightbulb filament


atoms that have an excess positive or negative charge; results from ionization.

Like kinds of magnetic poles repel while unlike kinds of magnetic poles


Refraction results from differences in light's

average speed

A kilogram of peaches have more skin area than a kilogram of a. Blueberries b. Grapefruits c. Grapes d. Each has the same skin area

b. Grapefruits

Which of the following are electrically neutral? a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron d. Plasma

b. Neutron

Which of the following is NOT a mixture? a. Cake b. Water c. Beach Sand d. Air

b. Water

CGS system

based on the centimeter, gram, and second; used for small-scale measurements.

MKS system

based on the meter, kilogram, and second; used for large-scale measurements.

Impulse is also equal to

change in momentum


characteristics of the magnetic field around a current carrying coiled conductor.

covalent bond

characterized by the sharing of electrons.

Ice is


An Ampere is a unit of electrical


The air in this room has: a. Mass b. Temperature c. Weight d. All of these

d. All of these

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. all of these

d. all of these

Unit for intensity of sound wave


What about its period?


If Earth's mass decreased to 1/2 its original mass with no change in radius, then your weight would...

decrease to 1/2 your original weight

How does the wavelength at which the maximum intensity occurs change when you increase the temperature?


Wind blowing over the top of a hill...

decreases atmospheric pressure there


defined as a material that has a definite and constant composition.


defined as elements that readily lose electrons to form positive ions (cations) and form metallic bonds between other metal atoms (forming ionic bonds with non-metals); ductile, malleable, lustrous, conduct heat, conduct electricity.

atomic number

denoted by the number of protons in an atom; determines the identity of an element and makes it distinctly different from any other element; represented by the letter "Z."

If a loaf of bread is compressed, its

density increases

equation for density


complex molecule

deoxyribonucleic acid which consists of millions of atoms.

Two trees fall in the forest at the same time and no sound is heard, this is an example of

destructive interference

laws of motion

developed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1686; three laws.

An electronic device that acts as a "one way valve" to allow electrons to flow in one direction only is referred to as a


A car travels in a circle with constant speed. The net force on the car is

directed toward the center of the curve


distance from the zero point to top of crest


distance or extent of space; distance between two scratches on a bar of platinum-iridium, kept at Sevres, France, at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; 1.65x10^6 times the wavelength of the orange-red radiation of krypton 86.

If the mass of an object were to double while its volume remains the same, its density would...


When the frequency of a photon is doubled, the energy it carries _________.



duration of an event; a definite fraction of the average time it takes for the earth to make one rotation on its axis; now measured by the vibrations of cesium of 133 atoms.

An object is placed exactly halfway between the Earth and Moon. The object will fall toward the...


Currents that flow in circles inside a disc are known as

eddy currents

The Bernoulli effect causes passing ships to be drawn together when the ships are close and moving in...

either the same or opposite direction

A force that determines the chemical properties of an atom is a(n)

electrical force.

The consequence of a motor effect is called a(an)

electromagnetic induction

The volume of matter comes mostly from its


The volume of matter comes mostly from its:


What exactly is ejected in the photoelectric effect?


electron spin

electrons spin on their axis while orbiting the nucleus; electrons tend to spin in pairs.

ionic bond

electrovalent bond; a type of chemical bond that can often form between metal and non metal ions (or polyatomic ions such as ammonium) through electrostatic attraction; a bond formed by the attraction between two oppositely charged ions; formed as a result of ionization.

atomic weight

elemental mass; the mass of one atom of the isotope expressed in units such that the carbon-12 isotope has an atomic mass of exactly 12; often used interchangeably with "mass number."

chemical bonds

elements are linked together by using valence electrons.

The force of gravity works on a satellite when it is in...

elliptical orbit

Moving a coil in and out of a magnetic field induces


What travels in a wave from one location to another is _________.


Law of Conservation of Energy

energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another; the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.

How is the energy of a photon related to its vibrational frequency?

energy is proportional to frequency

rest energy

energy of an object by virtue of its mass alone.

In a hydraulic press operation, it is impossible for the

energy output to exceed the energy input

In a hydraulic-press operation, it is impossible for the

energy output to exceed the energy input

Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency of the rock is to

follow a straight line path

The newton is a unit of


A player catches a ball. Consider the action force to be the impact of the ball against the player's glove. The reaction to this force is the

force the glove exerts on the ball

If I were to double the speed of an object, the kinetic energy would be

four times as much

0 degrees Celsius

freezing point of water.

32 degrees Fahrenheit

freezing point of water.

If an electron vibrates up and down 1000 times each second, it generates an electromagnetic wave having a

frequency of 1000hz


fundamental, complex building blocks of matter; ageless; the smallest part of an element that has all the properties of that element.

An astronaut on Venus attaches a small brass ball to a 1.00-m length of string and makes a simple pendulum. She times 20 complete swings in a time of 42.1 seconds. From this measurement she calculates the acceleration due to gravity on Venus.

g = 8.9 ms2

To become a negative ion, does an atom lose or gain an electron?


Alternating current is normally produced by a


When carbon and oxygen atoms combine, energy is

given off by the reaction.

A kilogram of peaches have more skin area than a kilogram of


Lobsters live on the bottom of the ocean. The density of a lobster is...

greater than the density of seawater

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects, the

greater the gravitational force between them

Which laser beam carries more energy per photon - a red beam or a green beam?


vertical columns

groups or families; there are eight; represent families of elements; have similar chemical properties; contain the representative elements found within the first two families of the periodic table; group number indicates the number of outer shell electrons.


hypothetical temperature characterized by a complete absence of heat energy; temperature scale is an extension of the degree Celsius scale down to absolute zero.


if molecular vibration is increased sufficiently, molecules will shake apart; molecules are free to wander about in non-fixed positions; the shape of the material is no longer fixed but takes the shape of its container.


in the standard layout of the periodic table, they occur along the diagonal line through the p block from boron to astatine; have properties of both metals and non-metals; can carry an electrical charge under special conditions

If a pendulum is shortened, does its frequency increase or decrease?


Heat a copper wire and its electric resistance


How does the intensity at a given wavelength change if you increase the temperature? (win's law)


If a loaf of bread is compressed its density...


Stretch a copper wire so that it is thinner and the resistance between its ends


Two objects move toward each other because of gravity. As the objects get closer, the force between them...


A bolt is being stubborn and won't come off. You can't apply anymore force so you get a pipe to extend the length of your wrench. In essence you are doing what?

increasing the lever arm

If there is a net force on an object, the acceleration of the object is?

increasing, constant, decreasing

The "strokes", or "cycles" in a four - stroke engine are ____________________

induction, compression, power, exhaust

If your automobile runs out of fuel while you are driving, the engine stops but you do not come to an abrupt stop. The concept that most explains why is


Compared to a 1-kg block of solid iron, a 2-kg block of solid iron has twice as much


The speedometer on your car measures ___________?

instantaneous speed

chemical activity

interaction among atoms; determined by the number of electrons in the outermost shells.

How is the wavelength of light related to its frequency?

inversely proportional

Your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug

is a better insulator than tile

Ice cubes submerged at the bottom of a liquid indicate that the liquid

is less dense than ice

Ice cubes submerged at the bottom of a liquid mixture indicate that the mixture...

is less dense than ice

Ice cubes submerged at the bottom of a liquid indicate that the liquid

is less dense than the ice

The volume of water displaced by a floating 20-ton

is the volume of 20 tons of water

The volume of water displaced by a floating 20-ton boat

is the volume of 20 tons of water

A shiny, white transparent surface prevents heat transfer because

it has emissivity of zero and reflects all light that strikes it.

A plasma differs from a gas in that

it is electrically conducting

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

it is impossible to know exactly both the velocity and the position of a particle at the same time (only applicable to microscopic)

The frequency of a simple pendulum depends on

its length

The earlybird communication satellite hovers over the same point on earth's equator indefinitely. This is because...

its orbital period is 24 hours

What are the units for energy?


What is a Newton equal to?

kg m/s^2

What is a Newton equal to?


What is a newton equal to?


What are the units for mass?


In a vacuum, a marshmallow becomes...


If you stake out a piece of land with a steel tape on a very cold day, the actual amount of land you will have will be

larger than measured

If you stake out a plot of land with a steel tape on a very hot day, the actual amount of land you will have will be

larger than measured

Which has the greatest number of protons in its nucleus?


Consider two planets in space that gravitationally attract each other. If the masses of both planets is doubled, and the distance between them is doubled, then the force between them is...


The faster a fluid moves, the

less its internal pressure

A liter-sized block of ordinary wood floats in water. The amount of water displaced is...

less than 1 L

The acceleration due to gravity on the international space station would be?

less than on earth

Pumice is a volcanic rock that floats. Its density is...

less than the density of water


like magnetic poles repel each other.

equation for liquid pressure

liquid pressure=weight density x depth

Compared with the period of satellites in orbit close to earth, the period of satellites in orbit far from earth is...


An object is thrown vertically into the air. Because of air resistance, the time for its descent will be...

longer than the ascent time

A sound wave is a

longitudinal wave

A sound wave is a

longitudinal waves

Compressions and rarefactions are characteristic of

longitudinal waves

Compressions and rarefactions are characteristics of

longitudinal waves

Metals are both good heat conductors and good electrical conductors because of the

looseness of the outer electrons in metal atoms

Metals are both good heat conductors and good electrical conductors because of the

looseness of the outer electrons in the metal atoms

To become a positive ion, does an atom lose or gain an electron?


paramagnetic materials

low permeability; weak attraction to magnetic fields; platinum and aluminum; MRI contrast agents.

From earth, one satellite appears to overtake another. The faster satellite is...


if the source of a sound wave is moving away from the observer, the pitch will become


What are the units for velocity?


What are the units for acceleration?

m/s squared

Which force field can accelerate an electron but never change its speed?

magnetic field

In a transformer, the core is made up of soft iron in order to pass maximum

magnetic flux

Solid matter is mostly empty space. The reason solids don't fall through one another is because

of electrical forces.

A pedestrian bridge crosses a street. This bridge is entirely supported by columns from below. A gap at each end of the bridge separates the bridge's surface from the sidewalks leading to the bridge. The width of each gap changes with time. This width is smallest

on hot days

How many different elements are in a N2 molecule?



only eighteen elements in the periodic table; make up most of the crust, atmosphere, and oceans of the earth; very brittle, cannot be rolled into wires, cannot be pounded into sheets, no metallic luster, non-reflective.

Dark matter is considered to be _______.

plentiful in the universe

The weight of air in a bathtub (about 1/3 m cubed) is about the same weight of a...

pound of butter

If 120 volts are used to light a 30-watt light bulb, the current in the bulb will be

power = voltage x current 30 = 120 x I I = 0.25 amp

The force of gravity acts on all apples on an apple tree. Some apples are twice as far from the ground as others. These twice-as-high apples, for the same mass, have...

practically the same weight

equation for pressure


natural magnets

produced by nature; earth is the largest; lodestone consisting of iron oxide is an example.


property of a magnet that permits it to attract magnetic substances.


property of matter that resists its change in motion; the tendency of a resting body to remain at rest, and the tendency of a body moving at a constant speed in a straight line to continue its state of motion.

The weight of matter comes mostly from its

protons and neutrons.

As a ball falls, the action force is the pull of Earth on the ball. The reaction force is the

pull of the ball's mass on the Earth


push or pull of an object; Newton (N) is the SI (system international) unit.

A suction cup sticks to a wall. It is

pushed to the wall by the atmosphere

A suction cup sticks to a wall. It is...

pushed to the wall by the atmosphere


quantity of matter contained in a body; measure of its inertia; determined by weighing; defined as being equal to the mass of the Internation Prototype Kilogram which is almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter of water.

The period of a satellite, the time it takes for a complete revolution, depends on the satellite's...

radial distance

People fighting forest fires carry emergency tents that have shiny aluminum outer surfaces. If there is trouble, a fire fighter can lie under the tent to block the heat from burning trees overhead. The tent helps because

radiation carries heat downward toward the fire fighter and the aluminum tent reflects most of that radiation

Brownian motion has to do with the

random motions of atoms and molecules.


rate of change of velocity over time.

Suppose a water wave strikes a very large solid barrier, such as a cliff. Through which of the following will the wave redirect its motion?


Rainbows exist because light is


A person standing waist deep in a swimming pool appears to have short legs because of light


Is the buoyant force greatest on a submerged 1 cubic cm block of lead or 1 cubic cm block of aluminum?

same on each

Two life preservers have identical volumes, but one is filled with styrofoam while the other is filled with sand. When the two life preservers are fully submerged, the buoyant force is greater on the one filled with...

same on each as long as their volumes are the same


speed; rate of the change of position of an object over time; expressed in units such as meters per second or miles per hour.

Sound travels faster in


If we doubled the magnifying power of the most powerful optical microscope in the world, we would

still not be able to see or photograph an atom.


substance that mixes together without combining chemically.

The pressure at the bottom of a jug filled with water does NOT depend on...

surface area of the water

Moments before it is ignited by the spark plug, the mixture of fuel and air inside an automobile cylinder is compressed to very high density. During the compression process, the mixture's

temperature rises dramatically and so does its pressure.


temporary magnets; produced by means of an electric current.

When a load is placed on the middle of a horizontal beam supported at each end, the bottom part of the beam undergoes


The reason the Moon doesn't crash into the Earth is that...

the Moon has a sufficient tangential speed


the SI base unit of luminous intensity; that is, power emitted by a light source in a particular direction; unit of intensity of light or luminescence.

magnetic retentivity

the ability of a material to stay magnetized.


the ability to do work; the SI unit is joules.


the amount of substance of a system which contains as many "elemental entities" (eg. atoms, molecules, ions, electrons) as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon-12; unit of molecular substance.


the basic building block of life.


the branch of physical science that studies matter and energy, and their interrelationships.


the branch of physics that encompasses the relationship between electricity and magnetism.


the combination of two or more atoms; may be a simple two atom combination or very complex with millions of atoms; can be subdivided into atoms that have chemical properties of their own.

Some scientists assert that there would be no life on earth if ice did not have a molecular structure with a lot of open space because

the density of ice would be greater than water and lakes would freeze solid - from the bottom up.


the ease with which a material can be magnetized.

non-magnetic material

the electrons are paired, canceling out their magnetic effects; not affected by magnetic fields and cannot be magnetized; wood, glass, rubber, and plastic.

You have a roll of papered foil that is shiny on one side and black on the other. You wrap a cold potato salad in that foil. Which side should be facing outward to keep the salad cold longest?

the foil side

Inverse Square Law

the force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles varies directly as the strength of the poles, and inversely as the square of the distance between them; also known as Coulomb's Law of Magnetism.

There is a legend of a Dutch boy who bravely held back the Atlantic Ocean by plugging a leak near the top of a dike with his finger until help arrived. What is most likely?

the force on his finger would have been less than 1 N

The fastest moving planet in a solar system is...

the planet nearest the Sun

mutual induction

the process of inducing a current flow through a secondary coil, by passing a varying current on the primary coil.

electromagnetic induction

the process of inducing an electromotive force (EMF or Voltage) into a conductor as it cuts magnetic lines of force.

Power is a measure of

the rate at which work is done

For a system in mechanical equilibrium

the resultant forces and torques must both be zero

Compared to a bare of pure gold, the density of a pure gold ring is...

the same

Compared to the atoms that make up the body of an elderly person, the atoms that make up the body of a newborn baby are

the same age.

Lenz's Law

the second law of Electromagnetism; the induced current will flow in a direction such that it opposes the action that induces it.


the spreading out of waves as they pass through an opening or around the edges of an obstacle

electron binding energy

the strength of attachment of an electron to the nucleus of an atom; the closer an electron is to the nucleus, the higher the electron binding energy; strongest at the K-shell; the greater the total number of electrons in an atom, the more tightly each is bound.

biological science

the study of living matter.

physical science

the study of non-living matter

natural science

the study of the universe and its contents.


the use of knowledge in an organized and classified manner.

The volume of water displaced by a floating 20-ton boat is...

the volume of 20 tons of water

A popular classroom demonstration involves placing a paper cup with water in it on a burner, and boiling the water in the cup. Although part of the cup may burn, the part containing the water does not because

the water absorbs most of the heat from the flame.

There are about as many atoms of air in our lungs at any moment as there are breaths of air in the atmosphere of

the whole world.

If I push a 2000kg and a 1000kg car with the same force for the same distance, what can be said about the work done?

the work on each car is equal

The speeds of the planets about the Sun depend on...

their distances from the Sun

Planets would crash into the Sun if it weren't for...

their tangential velocities

magnetic materials

there are unpaired electrons in incompletely filled energy levels (shells).

Atoms heavier than helium were made by

thermonuclear fusion.

A fly smacks into the windshield of a bus. Which force is larger?

they are both equal

A bullet is fired and at the same time a napkin is dropped. Which will hit the ground first if we ignore air resistance?

they hit the ground at the same time

The number of atoms in a common water molecule is _______.


Suspend a pair of ping pong balls from two strings so there is a small space between them. If you blow air between the balls, they will swing...

toward each other

True or False: an earth satellite is simply a projectile freely falling around the earth


Consider a string with several rocks tied along its length at equally spaced intervals. You whirl the string overhead so that the rocks follow circular paths. Compared to a rock in the middle of the string, a rock at the outer end moves

twice as fast

f you push an object twice as far while applying the same force you do

twice as much work

If a roller coaster has a drop that is twice as high as its competitor then what can be said about the roller coaster at the top of the hill?

twice the potential energy

How many different elements are in a water molecule?


simple molecule

two atom combinations.


two or more nuclides with different atomic numbers but the same number of neutrons; always belong to different elements.


two or more nuclides with the same atomic number and the same mass number but different value of energy content; they must always belong to the same element; exist in pairs; both are radioactive.


two or more nuclides with the same atomic number but different mass number; they always belong to the same chemical elements; generally occur in constant proportions; very important in medicine.


two or more nuclides with the same mass number but different atomic numbers; they always belong to different elements.

Fluorescence commonly occurs when certain materials are illuminated with _________.

ultraviolet light


unit of energy.


unit of force.


unit of power.


unlike poles attract each other.

Which of these atoms has the greatest amount of electrical charge in its nucleus?


Which of these atoms has the greatest number of electrons?


Which of these atoms has the most mass?


Which of these atoms have the most mass?


Light travels fastest in


While an object near the earth's surface is in free fall, its

velocity increases

The source of every sound is something that is


unit of electric potential


the voltage drop across a light bulb is equal to

voltage = resistance x current

A completely submerged object always displaces its own...

volume of fluid

Which of the following is NOT a mixture?


A dam is thicker at the bottom than at the top because...

water pressure is greater with increasing depth

A dam is thicker at the bottom than at the top partly because

water pressure is greater with increasing depth

brogiles wave

wave particles

visible light

wavelength = 10^-9

calculate speed of a wave

wavelength x frequency

electromagnetic waves

waves that do not need a medium to travel through

diamagnetic materials

weakly repelled by either magnetic pole; cannot be artificially magnetized; are not attracted to a magnet; water and plastic.

You wish to bolt a sign to a horizontal I-beam supporting a bridge. You will weaken the beam least if you drill the bolt-holes through the


You wish to bolt a sign to a horizontal I-beam supporting a bridge. You will weaken the beam least if you drill the bolt-holes through the


equation for weight density

weight density=weight/volume

Atmospheric pressure is caused by the...

weight of the atmosphere

A common glass thermometer contains a red or silver liquid that rises upward in a glass tube as the temperature of the thermometer increases. The liquid moves up the tube because

while both the glass and the liquid expand as their temperatures increase, the liquid expands more rapidly than the glass does.

A wave traveling in a string in the positive x direction has a wavelength of 35 cm, an amplitude of 8.4 cm, and a period of 1.2 s. What is the wave equation (in base SI units) that correctly describes this wave?

y(x,t)= 0.084sin(18x−5.2t) [ y(x,t)=Asin(kx−wt) -> k= 2pi/lamda (wavelength in meters -> w= 2pi/T (period in seconds) ]

A yo-yo is swung in a circular fashion at constant speed. Is there a net force on the yo-yo?


On the length of the string?


Inside a freely falling runaway elevator, what is zero?

your apparent weight

If there is a net force on an object, the acceleration of the object is?


When a falling object has reached its terminal velocity, its acceleration is


When a field is parallel to a plane of area, the magnetic flux through the coil is


the electric field inside a charged conductor is


magnetic field

zone of influence around a magnet; a summation of the fields of all the magnetic domains.

Which of these is a scalar?


Which of these is a scaler?


Putting a clear plastic sheet over a swimming pool helps keep the water warm during dry weather. Explain.

Sunlight can penetrate through to the water, and no heat is being carried away by evaporating water.

Distinguish between coherent light and sunlight.

Sunlight has a wide range of frequencies, wavelengths, and phases, whereas coherent light has one wavelength, one frequency, and one phase.

Transverse v. Mechanical v. both

T: particles in that medium vibrate in a direction PERPENDICULAR to the direction the wave travels M: PARALLEL B: REST

Why do bridges have special gaps at their ends to allow them to change lengths?

Temperature changes will cause the bridge to expand and contract

What prevents the bottom half of a glass of water from spontaneously freezing while the top half becomes boiling hot?

That would violate the law of entropy

How can astrophysicists tell whether a star is receding from or approaching Earth?

The Doppler shift of spectral lines is red for receding and blue for approaching.

Drinking fountains that actively chill the water they serve can't work without ventilation. They usually have louvers on their sides so that air can flow through them. Why do they need this airflow?

The air carries heat away from the heat pump which cools the water.

The molecules of antifreeze dissolve easily in water. Why does adding antifreeze to the water in a car radiator keep the water from freezing in the winter and boiling in the summer?

The antifreeze lowers the freezing temperature and raises the boiling temperature of the water.


The bending of a wave as it passes at an angle from one medium to another

Waves tend to bend toward points of land projecting into the ocean and erode those points. What causes the wave to bend toward the points?

The waves slow down as they enter shallow water and refraction bends them toward the shore.

If I push a 2000kg and a 1000kg car with the same force for the same distance, what can be said about the work done?

The work done on each car is equal

A fly smacks into the windshield of a bus. Which force is larger?

They are equal

A bullet is fired and at the same time a napkin is dropped. Which will hit the ground first if we ignore air resistance?

They hit at the same time

Astronomers can tell the surface temperature of a distant star without visiting it. How is this done?

They use the color temperature of the star's light.

Which of these atoms have the most mass?


A 10 N force is applied to an object to the right. Friction applies a 5 N force to the left. What is the net force?

5 N

A bug with a mass of 1 kg accelerates at 5 m/s^2, what force does it experience?

5 N

A bug with a mass of 1kg accelerates at 5 , what force does it experience?

5 N

A bug with a mass of 1kg accelerates at 5 m/s^2, what force does it experience?

5 N

In the formula E = hf, what does f stand for?

The frequency of electromagnetic oscillation

Horses that move with the fastest linear speed on a merry go round are located

near the outside

sound waves

need a medium to travel through



Moving electric charges will interact with (a) an electric field or a magnetic field (b) only a magnetic field (c) only an electric field

(a) an electric field or a magnetic field

Like kinds of magnetic poles repel while unlike kinds of magnetic poles (a) attract (b) repel also (c) may attract or repel

(a) attract

A sound wave is a (a) longitudinal wave (b) transverse wave (c) shock wave (d) none of the above

(a) longitudinal wave

Compressions and rarefactions are characteristic of (a) longitudinal waves (b) transverse waves (c) both (d) none of the above

(a) longitudinal waves

Diffraction is more pronounced through relatively (a) small openings (b) large openings (c) same for each

(a) small openings

Which of the following is not a transverse wave? (a) sound (b) light (c) radio (d) all of these (e) none of these

(a) sound

How much work is done by pushing a wall with 10 N of force?

0 J

A box is at rest. You apply a 5 N force and friction applies a 5 N force. What is the net force?

0 N

An apple weighs 1 N. When held at rest above your head, the net force on the apple is

0 N

one volt is

1 Joule/coulomb

The hang time of an athlete who moves horizontally 2.0 m during a 1.25 m high jump is...

1 s

A car travels 20 meter in a time of 2 seconds. What is the average velocity over this time period?

10 m/s

A car travels 20 meters in a time of 2 seconds. What is the average velocity over this time period?

10 m/s

If a freely falling object were somehow equipped with a speedometer, its speed reading would increase each second by about

10 m/s

A woman who normally weights 400 N stands on top of a very tall ladder so she's one earth-radius above the earth's surface. How much would she weigh there?

100 N

An object has a mass of 10 kg. What is the weight of the object?

100 N

A toy car with a mass of 10 kg has a velocity of 10 m/s. What is the momentum?

100 kg m/s

A toy car with a mass of 10 kg has a velocity of 10 m/s. what is the momentum?

100 kg m/s

What distance does an object with a constant velocity of 50 m/s travel in 2 seconds?

100 m

What is the weight of water displaced by a 100 ton floating ship?

100 tons

What is the weight of water displaced by a 100-ton floating ship?

100 tons

The weight of a 1 square meter column of air extends from the sea level to the top of the atmosphere is

101,000 N

How many vibrations per second are represented in a radio wave of 101.7 MHz?

101,700,000 vibrations





















What is the weight of water displaced by a 150 ton floating ship?

150 Tons

What is the weight of water displaced by a 150 ton floating ship?

150 tons

How many protons should be added to the nuclei of oxygen atoms so the resulting gas will glow red when there is an electric current through it?


Compared to the mass of a hydrogen atom, the mass of an oxygen atom is

16 times as great.

What is the impulse delivered by a boxer punching a piece of paper with force of 200 N for 8 seconds?

1600 N-s

Amy is on her way to a concert, but gets a flat tire. She quickly realizes that the bolts on the tires are too tight to unscrew, so she pulls out the tire iron and attaches it to the bolts. If the tire iron is 1/2 meter long, and the torque is 10 N-m, what force was Amy applying? (answer should be in Newtons)


What is the impulse for a force of 10 N applied for 2 seconds?

20 N-s

What is the impulse for a force of 10 N applied or 2 seconds?

20 N-s

It would be easier to pull evacuated Magdeburg hemispheres apart when they are...

20 km above the ocean surface

What is the momentum of a car with mass of 2,000 kg and velocity of 10 m/s?

20,000 kg m/s

The weight of a 2 square meter column of air that extends from sea level to the top of the atmosphere is (Hint: Sea level atmospheric pressure is 101 kilopascals. Think about the definition of a pascal)

202,000 N

What is the weight of an object with mass of 22 kg?

220 N

A bird with a mass of 5 kg has a velocity of 5 m/s. What is the momentum?

25 kg m/s

A bird with mass of 5kg has a velocity of 5 m/s. What is the momentum?

25 kg m/s

A projectile is thrown into the air at an angle of 50 degrees and lands on a target that is at the same level the projectile started. It will also land on the target if it is thrown at an angle of...

40 degrees

A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a tall cliff. Three seconds later, the ball has fallen a vertical distance of...

45 m

A 10 N force is applied to an object to the right. Friction applies a 5 N force to the left. What is the net force

5 N

What is the force of gravity on a 500-N woman standing on Earth's surface?

500 N

A 10 N force is applied to an object to the right. Friction applies a 5 N force to the left. What is the net force?


How does an absorption spectrum differ in appearance from an emission spectrum?

An emission spectrum consists of bright lines against a dark background, whereas an absorption spectrum consists of dark lines against a bright rainbow background.

Doppler effect

An observed change in the frequency of a wave when the source or observer is moving

If the volume of an object were to triple while its mass stays the same, its density would

Become one third

According to Huygens' principle, every point on a wave

Behaves as a source of new waves

As a helium filled balloon rises in the air, it becomes


Which has the higher frequency: red or blue light? Which has the greater energy per photon: red or blue light?

Blue light, blue light

If two protons are removed from a Nitrogen nucleus, the result is __________.


If two protons are removed from a Nitrogen nucleus, the results is:


If an object experiences zero net force acting on it, which of the following can be said about the object? A) The object is at rest B) The object is moving at a constant speed C) The object is accelerating D) None of the above

C) The object is accelerating

If air were a better conductor than it is, at nighttime the earth would be

Considerably Colder

Distinguish between constructive interference and destructive interference.

Constructive interference occurs when the crests of two waves add together. Destructive interference occurs when a crest of one wave is reduced by the trough of another.

unit of electrical charge


Which if these are "conserved"? A) Momentum B) Angular Momentum C) Energy D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the following is true about a hypothesis? A) A hypothesis is an educated guess B) A hypothesis needs to be testable C) A hypothesis is the first step in the scientific method D) All of the above

D) All of the above

When the bug is STATIONARY and creating waves, how does the frequency of the wave some distance away from the bug compare with the frequency of the vibration of the bug?


Atmospheric molecules do not fly off into outer space because of

Earth's gravity

Why are good thermal conductors generally good electric conductors also?

Electron motion is responsible for determining both properties.

The volume of matter comes mostly from its


The volume of matter comes mostly from its:


Which Law of Thermodynamics relates change in internal energy to heat added to a system and work done by it?


Faraday's Law

First Law of Electromagnetism; four factors that determine number of lines of force cut per second by the conductor; the speed of the motion between lines of force and the conductor; the strength of the magnetic field; the angle between the conductor and the magnetic field; the number of turns in the conducting coil.

A bolt is being stubborn and won't come off. You can't apply anymore force so you get a pipe to extend the length of your wrench. In essence you are doing what?

Increasing the lever arm

The speedometer on your car measures __________?

Instantaneous speed

The speedometer on your car measures ___________?

Instantaneous speed

Ice cubes submerged at the bottom of a liquid indicate that the liquid

Is less dense than ice

The volume of water displaced by a floating 20-ton boat

Is the volume of 20 tons of water

If a roller coaster has a drop that is twice as high as its competitor then what can be said about the roller coaster at the top of the hill?

It has twice the potential energy

When you throw a hot rock into a cold puddle, what happens to the overall entropy of the system?

It increases

A plasma differs from a gas in that

It is electrically conducting

If you add a little hot tea to ice water at 0 °C, the mixture will end up at 0 °C as long as some ice remains. Where does the tea's extra thermal energy go?

It melts some of the ice

If you put a warm bottle of wine in a container of ice water, the wine will cool but the ice water won't become warmer. Where is the wine's thermal energy going?

It melts some of the ice

An icy sidewalk gradually loses its ice even when the weather stays cold. Where does the ice go?

It sublimes into the air

Some air fresheners are solid materials that have strong odors. If you leave these air fresheners out, they slowly disappear. What happens to the solid material?

It sublimes into the surrounding air

Ampere-Turn formula

NI; the strength of the magnetic field in a coiled conductor is dependent upon two factors; the amount of current in the coil expressed as I; the number of turns in the coil expressed as N.

You whistle twice, sending out two sound waves. Can you make the second sound wave overtake the first and, if so, how?


If an object experiences zero net force acting on it, which of the following can be said about the object

None of the above

Which of the following is not a mixture?

None. All of the above choices are mixtures.

Two black holes have identical mass of 80,000,000 kilograms. They are separated by a distance of 200 meters. What is the force of gravity between them?

Numeric Answer: 11

A person is attracted toward the center of Earth by a 500-N gravitational force. The Earth is attracted toward the person with a force of (express answer in Newtons)

Numeric Answer: 500

Assume the work done on a box with mass of 5 kg is 100 Joules. Assume the box started from rest and that friction can be neglected. What is the final speed of the box? (hint: apply the work-energy theorem)

Numeric Answer: 6.3

A bag of groceries has a mass of 10 kilograms and a weight of

Numeric Answer:100

A car races to the parking garage entrance to get a parking spot. The distance traveled by the car is 10 kilometers and a time of 30 minutes. What is the average speed expressed in km/h?

Numeric Answer:20

An object at rest near the surface of the earth begins to fall freely. What is the instantaneous speed in meters per second after 2 seconds?

Numeric Answer:20

Now assume that when reaching the bottom of a zip line such as in the previous problem that you have 3200 Joules of kinetic energy. The average student has a mass of 100 kg. What height must the zip line have started at for this to occur if all the potential energy was converted to kinetic energy?

Numeric Answer:3.26

Suppose you are on a zip lining adventure with Liberty's outdoor recreation department. The average student reaches the bottom of one particular zip line at a speed of 8 m/s. Assume the average student has a mass of 100 kg. What is the kinetic energy in Joules?

Numeric Answer:3200

What is the distance traveled by an object that begins free fall from rest for a time of ten seconds?

Numeric Answer:500

How many different elements are in a N2 molecule?


In the Doppler effect, does frequency change? Does wave speed change?

Only frequency changes.

Who invented the internal combustion engine?


If one neutron is added to a oxygen nucleus, the result is:


If one neutron is added to an oxygen nucleus, the result is


Boyle's Law


Does the photoelectric effect support the wave theory of light? The particle theory of light?

Particle theory

What evidence can you cite for the wave nature of particles?

Particles exhibit two-slit interference.

What does a heat pump not do?

Perform work on its surroundings

Distinguish between these different aspects of a wave: period, amplitude, wavelength, and frequency

Period is the time from one crest to the next, amplitude is the distance from the midpoint to a crest, wavelength is the distance from one crest to the next, and frequency is the number of crests that pass per second.

Distinguish between fluorescence and phosphorescence.

Phosphorescence has a longer time delay between excitation and emission.

A suction cup sticks to a wall. It is

Pushed to the wall by the atmosphere

How are frequency and period related to each other?


Use the concept of convection to explain why firewood burns better when it's raised above the bottom of a fireplace on a grate.

Raising the wood allows convection to cause air to circulate around the wood, giving it more oxygen.

Brownian motion has to do with the __________.

Random motion of atoms and molecules

Brownian motion has to do with the ______________

Random motions of atoms and molecules

Brownian motion has to do with the _______________

Random motions of atoms and molecules

Brownian motion has to do with the...

Random motions of atoms and molecules

Which has the lower energy quanta: red light or blue light? Radio waves or X-rays?

Red, Radio

"The entropy of an isolated system never decreases." Which Law of Thermodynamics is this?


In our part of the universe, antimatter is:


You're floating outside the space station when your fellow astronaut tosses you a cold bottle of mineral water. It's outside your space suit but you open it anyway. It immediately begins to boil. Why?

The boiling point of water is much lower at very low pressure.

Did Max Planck consider the energy of vibrating atoms to be quantized? The energy of light itself?

The energy of the vibrating atoms

When the bug that is creating waves SWIMS FORWARD, how does the frequency of the wave some distance away BEHIND the bug compare with the frequency produced by a stationary bug?

The frequency of the wave some distance away BEHIND the bug is LESS than the frequency of the wave produced by a stationary bug.

When the bug that is creating waves SWIMS IN DIRECTION OF WAVES, how does the speed of the wave some distance away in front of the bug compare with the speed of the wave created by a stationary bug?

The frequency of the wave some distance away IN FRONT of the bug is GREATER than the frequency produced by a STATIONARY bug.

The air near a woodstove circulates throughout the room. What provides the energy needed to keep the air moving?

The heat from the fire in the woodstove.

A difficult-to-open jar may open easily after being run under hot water for a moment. Explain.

The heat from the water makes the lid expand and loosen.

If you remove ice cubes from the freezer with wet hands, the cubes often freeze to your fingers. How can the ice freeze the water on your hands? Shouldn't they melt instead

The ice cubes are well below 0 °C, so they can pull heat from the water on your hands before they start to melt.

A doctor can study a patient's circulation by imaging the infrared light emitted by the patient's skin. Tissue with poor blood flow is relatively cool. What changes in the infrared emissions would indicate such a cool spot?

The infrared emissions from the cool spot would be less bright and shifted toward longer wavelengths.

constructive interference

The interference that occurs when two waves combine to make a wave with a larger amplitude

destructive interference

The interference that occurs when two waves combine to make a wave with a smaller amplitude (cancel each other out)

You can use a blender to crush ice cubes, but if you leave it churning too long, the ice will melt. What supplies the energy needed to melt the ice?

The kinetic energy of the blender blades.

Doctors use an infrared camera to look for inflammation, which appears as a hot patch on otherwise cooler skin. What differences would the camera observe at this hot patch?

The light from the hot patch would be brighter and have a shorter wavelength than light from the surrounding skin.

If an object experiences zero net force acting on it, which of the following can be said about the object?

The object is accelerating

What aspect of light did Thomas Young demonstrate in his now-famous light experiment?

The principle of superposition known as interference

You are hired as an engineer at a thermometer factory. Suppose you built a water thermometer by replacing the mercury in a mercury thermometer with water. You want to measure temperatures above freezing with it. How would it behave as the temperature drops from 5o C to 1o C?

The reading will decrease and then begin increasing

If you open the door of your refrigerator with the hope of cooling your room, you will find that the room's temperature actually increases somewhat. Why doesn't the refrigerator remove heat from the room?

The refrigerator releases more energy as heat than it removes from the air inside itself.

When you put a loaf of bread in a plastic bag, there is still air around the bread. Why doesn't the bread dry out as quickly in the bag as it does when there's no bag around it?

The relative humidity of the air in the bag reaches 100%.

Explain how convection contributes to the shape of a candle flame.

The rising warm air causes the flame to elongate upward

On a bitter cold day, the snow is light and powdery. This snow doesn't begin melting immediately when you bring it into a warm room. Why?

The snow's temperature needs to rise to 0 °C before it can start melting

What is the source of all waves?

The source is something that is vibrating.

Why are concrete sidewalks divided into individual squares rather than being left as continuous concrete strips?

The space between the squares gives the concrete room to expand on a hot day.

What does it mean to say an energy state is discrete?

The state has a precise energy

Sound can pass from one paper cup to another through a long, taut string that connects their bottoms. What type of wave is present in the string when your voice shakes the bottom of your cup in and out and your friend hears your voice from the other cup.

The string has a longitudinal traveling wave

Soil heats up much faster than water when the two are exposed to sunlight. Use that fact and your understanding of heat transfer to predict which way the wind will blow near the surface of the earth as the sun sets near the seashore.

The surface wind will blow from the land toward the water

Soil heats up much faster than water when the two are exposed to sunlight. Use that fact and your understanding of heat transfer to predict which way the wind will blow near the surface of the earth as the sun rises near the seashore.

The surface wind will blow from the water toward the land.

How does the total energy per unit area emitted by the object change when you increase the temperature, and how do you know this from the graph provided?

The total energy per unit area increases; we know this because the area under the graph increases when the temperature increases.

A hypothesis is an educated guess that can be tested.


How many different elements are in a water molecule?


decimal point

a dot that separates the ones digit and the digit immediately to its right.


a figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring; dimension

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has

a low specific heat

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has

a low specific heat capacity

Bohr atom

a miniature solar system; atom contains small, dense, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons that revolve in fixed well-defined orbits around the nucleus; the number of electrons is equal to the number of positive charges in the nucleus in a normal atom.

Which has more energy - a photon of visible light or a photon of ultraviolet light?

a photon of ultraviolet light

Which has the greatest energy - a photon of infrared light, of visible light, or of ultraviolet light?

a photon of ultraviolet light

Electrons are made to flow in a wire when there is

a potential difference across its ends

In the equation E = hf, the h is _________.

a proportionality constant

Which of the following has the most inertia?

a punching bag

The smallest particle of those listed below is

a quark.


a substance composed of atoms, all of which have the same atomic number, and therefore the same chemical properties; cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.


a substance consisting of two or more elements chemically bonded together in a fixed proportion by mass.


ability of an atom to combine with other atoms.

Hang from a pair of gym rings and the upward support forces of the rings will always

add up to equal your weight

What kinds of waves can show interference?


The Doppler effect is characteristic of

all of the above

Which of the following is true about a hypothesis?

all of the above

Which of these are "conserved"?

all of the above

Does the air in a room have mass, energy, or weight?

all of these

Interference is a property of

all of these

Optical fibers are now used by

all of these

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of

all of these

The Doppler effect is a characteristic of

all of these

The air in this room has:

all of these

Wave interference occurs for

all of these

Without air resistance, a projectile fired horizontally at 8 km/s from atop a mountain will: A) accelerate downward at g as it moves horizontally, B) return later to its starting position and repeat its falling behavior, or C) trace a curve that matches the earth's curvature

all of these


alloy of aluminum, nickel, and cobalt; can be made to an extremely powerful magnet.

ferromagnetic materials

also called "simply magnetic," include iron, cobalt, and nickel, highly permeable; greatly susceptible to induction.

atomic mass number

also called mass number; represented by the letter "A," whole number that is equal to the number of nucleons in the atom; denoted by the number protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

English system

also known as the British Engineering System; based on the foot, pound, and second; used in the United States and parts of the British Commonwealth; in the process of being replaced by the International System of Units.

Metric system

also known as the Centimeter, Gram, Second (CGS) or Meter, Kilogram, Second system (MKS).

System International Units

also known as the International System of Units; most modern Metric system; uses seven basic units; preferred system of measurement in science and medicine; provides for the inter-conversion of units among all branches of science.

According to Newton's first law, a railroad train in motion should continue going forever even if its engine is turned off. We never observe this because railroad trains

always have forces that oppose their motion

intensity of a sound wave depends on


Michael Faraday

an English physicist demonstrated the process of electromagnetic induction.

Moving electric charges will interact with

an electric field or a magnetic field

If the volume of an object were to triple while its mass stay the same, its density would

become one-third

If the volume of an object were to triple while its mass stays the same, its density would

become one-third

According to Huygens' principle, every point on a wave

behaves as a source of new waves

If you wish to spear a fish with a regular spear, you should compensate for refraction between the air and water and throw your spear

below the sighted fish

As a helium filled balloon rises in the air, it becomes


As a helium-filled balloon rises in the air, it becomes


100 degrees Celsius

boiling point of water.

212 degrees Fahrenheit

boiling point of water.

If two protons are removed from a Nitrogen nucleus, the results is:


photo electric

bright illumination of light and more ejected electrons

Electrons move in an electrical circuit

by interacting with an established electric field

Which of these atoms have the most mass? a. Hydrogen b. Lead c. Uranium d. They all have the same mass

c. Uranium


caries one unit of negative electric charge; approximate mass of 9.11 x 10^-31 kg; revolves around the nucleus in precisely fixed orbits or electron shells.


carries no charge; electrically neutral; approximate mass of 1.675 x 10^-27 kg; located in the nucleus.


carries one unit of positive electric charge; approximate mass of 1.673 x 10^-27 kg; located in the nucleus.

Toss a baseball bat into the air and it wobbles about its

center of mass


center of the atom

A coin and a ring roll down an incline starting at the same time. The one to reach the bottom first will be the



collectively the term used for the particles in the nucleus; contents of the nucleus are protons and neutrons.

transitional elements

commonly refers to any element int he "d-block" of the periodic table, including zinc, cadmium, and mercury; this corresponds to groups 3 to 12 on the periodic table; do not belong to any of the eight groups.

When a load is placed on the middle of a horizontal beam supported at each end, the top part of the beam undergoes


When weight is applied to the top of a stone arch, all of the stone blocks in the arch undergo


scientific method

comprises the systematic collection of facts, the study of their interrelationship, and the drawing of valid conclusions from the resulting data.

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of

conduction, convection, and radiation

The first law of thermodynamics is a re - statement of the law of _________________.

conservation of energy

If air were a better conductor than it is, at nighttime the Earth would be

considerably colder

If air were a better conductor than it is, at nighttime the earth would be

considerably colder

If air were a better conductor than it is, at nighttime the Earth would be

considerably warmer

If no external forces are acting on a moving object, it will

continue moving at the same velocity

Wind is one of nature's ways of transferring energy through


magnetic poles

every magnet has two poles, one at each end.

When water at 4 degrees C is heated it expands. When water at 4 degrees C is cooled, it


Energy transfer by convection id primarily restricted to


Energy transfer by convection is primarily restricted to


31.6: wagelength = h/momentum

h=Plank's constant (p=mv)

If the volume of an object were to double while its mass stays the same, its density would:


If one neutron is added to a helium nucleus, the result is


The moderate temperature of islands throughout the world has much to do with water's

high specific heat


mass per unit volume of a substance; expressed in units such as kilogram per cubic meter.

The air in this room has:

mass, weight, and energy

Einstein's Theory of Relativity

matter and energy are interchangeable; E=mc^2 where E=energy, m=mass, c=speed of light in a vacuum.


measure of the average energy of motion of the molecules of matter; expressed in degrees Celsius (centigrade)

kinetic energy

mechanical energy; energy of motion; every moving body can do work because of its motion.

potential energy

mechanical energy; stored energy of position; a body may have energy because of its position or its temporarily deformed state.

What are the units for velocity?

meters per second

What are the units for acceleration?

meters per second squared

The wavelength of a matter wave is inversely proportional to its _________.


Compare to the density of a kilogram of feathers, the density of a kilogram of lead is...



more energy is put into the material; molecules vibrate at even greater rates; molecules may break away from one another.

If the specific heat of water were lower than it is, ponds in the cold of winter would be

more likely to freeze

A lunar month is about 28 days. If the Moon were farther from Earth than it is now, the lunar month would be...

more than 28 days

Minimal orbit speed about Earth is about 8 km/s. Minimal orbit speed about Jupiter would be...

more than 8 km/s

The reason a granite block is mostly empty space is that the atoms in the granite are

mostly empty space themselves.

The source of all magnetism is

moving electric charge

What creates a magnetic field?

moving electric charges

Which of the following are electrically neutral?


The pascal is a pressure unit equal to one

newton per square meter

The pascal isa pressure unit equal to one

newton per square meter

Does the period of a pendulum depend on the mass of the bob?


You are a mechanic in a garage and are working on a carburetor that is made of metal, has a glass inspection window and plastic gears for the choke. If all three types of material are at the same temperature and each type of material is in contact with the other two, then

no heat will flow between any parts.

Consider two planets in space that gravitationally attract each other. If the masses of both planets are doubled, and the distance between them is also doubled, then the force between them is

none of these

Put a pipe over the end of a wrench when trying to turn a stubborn nut on a bolt, to make the handle longer. If a force of 5 N is applied, what is the torque?

not enough information

valence electrons

number of electrons in the outermost electron shell; responsible for all chemical and electrical activities of the elements.

decimal numbers

numbers to the right of the decimal point; represent fractions that have denominators that are powers of ten.

derived units

obtained by various combinations of the fundamental units.

decimal system

our number system.

If one neutron is added to a oxygen nucleus, the result is:


In what direction are the vibrations relative to the direction of wave travel in a longitudinal wave?


Does light interact with a detector in a wavelike or a particle-like way?


Does the photoelectric effect depend on the wave nature or the particle nature of light?

particle nature

Longitudnal wave

particles in the medium must vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the energy transfer

The buoyant force on an object is least when the object is...

partly submerged

horizontal rows

periods or series; the elements are laid out in a series of rows that those with similar properties line up in vertical columns; this reflects the periodic recurrence of similar properties as the atomic number increases; there are seven rows; represents number of shells or energy levels where electrons are found; have different chemical properties

Freezing is a ____________ that requires energy ________ for the melting system.

phase transition; release

What is a quantum of light called?


A rock is thrown upward at 50 degrees with respect to the horizontal. As it rises, its horizontal component of velocity...

remains unchanged

mechanical waves

require a medium to travel through

chapter 19 #41, #38,


In what direction are the vibrations relative to the direction of wave travel in a transverse wave?

right angle

The force exerted on the tires of a car to directly accelerate it along a road is exerted by the


Why is it harder to fall over when riding a bike at full speed versus at a very slow speed?

rotational inertia

A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. Neglecting air resistance, the speed with which it is caught is...

same as the speed it had when thrown upwards

In our part of the universe, antimatter is


In our part of the universe, antimatter is __________.


In our part of the universe, antimatter is:


In our part of the universe, antimatter is


The acceleration due to gravity at the moon's surface is only about one-sixth that at the earth's surface. If you took a pendulum clock to the moon, the clock would run

slower than on earth

Diffraction is more pronounced through relatively

small openings

A quantum of light is a _________.

smallest lump of light


solids; a product of its length, width, and height; expressed in appropriate units as cubic meters.

opposing EMF

sometimes called back EMF, counter EMF, or counter electromotive force; occurs in DC at the instant the circuit is closed and opened.

Which of the following is not a transverse wave?



sound waves are reflected when they strike a material of different density than the medium

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects...

the greater the gravitational force between them

self induction

the induction of an opposing EMF in a single coil by its own changing magnetic field.

Housing and natural animal insulation works because

the insulating materials trap air and prevent convection.

non-magnetized magnetic material

the magnetic domains are normally in a disorderly state; when brought into a magnetic field the domains align, giving an overall magnetic property to the material.

right-hand thumb rule for a straight conductor

the magnetic flux created around a current carrying conductor has a definite direction and polarity.

Each of us weighs a tiny bit less inside the ground floor of a skyscraper than we do on the ground away from the skyscraper. The reason for this is...

the mass of the building attracts us upward slightly

Strange as it may seem, it is just as hard to accelerate a car on a level surface on the moon as it is here on the Earth. This is because

the mass of the car is independent of gravity.

When cooking a potato in a conventional oven it is useful to stick a nail in it, which makes it cook faster. This is because

the nail is a good conductor of heat


the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time

If more horizontal force is applied to a sliding object than is needed to maintain a constant velocity

the object accelerates in the direction of the applied force

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OB exam 3 prepU questions CH 20, 21, 23,24

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