chapter 11 psychology

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At about what age do girls first grow taller than boys?


Believed that the journey of life consists of eight stages

Erik Erikson

Psychologists who maintained that the journey of life consists of eight stages

Erik Erikson

True or False: [Secondary sex characteristics] include the ovaries and testes

False; primary sex characteristics

True or False: Examples of [primary sex characteristics] are facial hair in males and rounded hips and breasts in females

False; secondary sex characteristics

Concluded that teens move between categories of identity status

James Garcia

Psychologist who concluded that there are four categories of adolescent identity status

James Marcia

The most extreme examples of this behavior includes robbery, rape, and homicide, which are crimes regardless of the offender's age

Juvenile delinquency

Examples of these activities include truancy, drinking, smoking, and running away from home

Status offenses

Symptoms may include addiction, aggressive behavior, accidents, impaired judgement, physical symptoms of specific diseases caused by different drugs such as nicotine or alcohol

Substance abuse

True or False: Adolescence begins with the onset of [puberty] and ends when physical growth does


True or False: The [adolescent growth spurt] usually lasts two to three years


True or False: The [menarche] is a major life event for most girls


Identity ______________ is the category in which adolescents have coped with crises and explored options


What do the most successful juvenile delinquency programs do?

address problems early

Long period of transition between childhood and adulthood


A sudden burst of physical growth during which adolescents gain height and weight

adolescent growth spurt

Abrupt burst of growth

adolescent growth spurt

The ____________ usually last two to three years

adolescent growth spurt

Usually begins at about age 10 or 11 for girls and age 12 or 13 for boys

adolescent growth spurt

Spur development of pubic and underarm hair in girls


A life-threatening disorder characterized by self-starvation and a distorted body image

anorexia nervosa

A life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a distorted body image

anorexia nervosa

Disorder characterized by self-starvation

anorexia nervosa

Disorder characterized by self-starvation and distorted body image

anorexia nervosa

The period of sudden adolescent growth is sometimes called the ____________ because parts of their body grow at different rates.

awkward age

Psychologist G. Stanley Hall thought that the Strum and Drang of adolescence was caused by?

biological changes

A distorted ________________ is common among people with anorexia nervosa.

body image

Disorder characterized by binge eating

bulimia nervosa

Recurrent cycles of binge eating followed by dramatic measures to eliminate food, such as vomiting,

bulimia nervosa

Which of the following disorders is characterized by a pattern of binge eating and efforts to eliminate food, such as vomiting?

bulimia nervosa

"I am the peer group of five to ten people who spend a great deal of time with one another, sharing activities and confidences"


Peer groups who spend a great deal of time with one another


Erik Erikson labeled one key aspect of adolescent development an identity ______________.


"I am a large group of people who do not necessarily spend a lot of time together, but share attitudes and group identity"


Large groups of people who share attitudes and group identity


Large groups of people who share attitudes and group identity but do not spend a great deal of time with each other


as sense of who you are and what you stand for


"I am the identity status category in which students have explored options."

identity achievement

Feeling resolved about occupational directions and major life questions

identity achievement

category in which students have coped with crises and have explored options

identity achievement

"i represent a turning point in a person's development."

identity crisis

Turning point in an adolescent's development

identity crisis

turning point in a person's development when the person examines his or her values

identity crisis

"I am the category in which adolescents have not committed themselves to personal beliefs or an occupational path."

identity diffusion

Period with no soul searching, goal setting, or commitment to a life direction

identity diffusion

constant search for meaning in life and identity because they haven't committed themselves to a set of personal beliefs or an occupational path

identity diffusion

"I am the category in which adolescents make a commitment that forecloses other possibilities."

identity foreclosure

Adolescents in this category shut out other possibilities

identity foreclosure

Which of the following describes a state in which adolescents shut out life possibilities without having first figured out what is right for them?

identity foreclosure

category where people make a commitment to shut out other possibilities

identity foreclosure

"I am the category in which teens delay making commitments about important questions."

identity moratorium

A delay in making commitments about important questions

identity moratorium

period or time in which a person delays making an decision about important issues

identity moratorium

reactions patterns and processes

identity status

Illegal activities committed by children or adolescents

juvenile delinquency

A person between the ages of 18 and 21 is said to be in _________________ adolescence.


ages 18 to 21

late adolescence

factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency

low self-esteem • feelings of alienation and estrangement • lack of affection, lax discipline, and use of severe physical punishment in the home • behavior problems that began early • poor grades and lack of educational or vocational goals • pressure from peers • having a parent or sibling who has been convicted of criminal behavior

Adolescents value _________________ as a key aspect of friendship, which is demonstrated through sticking up for one another.


A female's first menstrual period


The first menstruation, or ________________, usually occurs in girls between the age of 11 and 14.


first menstruation


ages 15 to 18

middle adolescence

"I am the relationship that adolescents struggle with as they develop closer relationships with peers"


An adolescent's career and educational goals are most influenced by his or her


"I am active in groups where I try to get each individual to conform to the goals, attitudes, and behaviors of the group"

peer pressure

Pressure from friends to conform to their goals, attitudes, and behavior

peer pressure

Strong influence on adolescents by fellow adolescents

peer pressure

Can make identity more difficult, specifically for minority youth


Characteristics directly involved in reproduction

primary sex characteristics

The organs that make sexual reproduction possible, such as the ovaries and testes

primary sex characteristics

characteristics that are directly involved in reproduction

primary sex characteristics

factors that contribute to teen pregnancy

problematic relationships, emotional problems, problems in school, loosening of prohibitions, peer pressure, lack of knowledge

Adolescence begins with the onset of _____________________, the changes that lead to the ability to reproduce.


Period of developmental changes that lead to the ability to reproduce


The onset of one's ability to reproduce


During adolescence these relationships undergo redefinition

relationships with parents

Characteristics not directly involved in reproduction

secondary sex characteristics

Deepening voice in males

secondary sex characteristics

Sexual characteristics not involved in reproduction

secondary sex characteristics

The deepening of the voice in males is an example of a _____________________.

secondary sex characteristics

characteristics that are not directly involved in reproduction

secondary sex characteristics

James Marcia concluded that there are four categories of identity _____________, reaction patterns and process


Activity that is illegal only when committed by minors

status offense

Offenses that are illegal only when they are committed by minors

status offenses

Sturm und Drang

storm and stress

Translates as "storm and stress"

sturm and drang

The use of alcohol and drugs to alter mood, done to the point of damage

substance abuse

Hormones that causes boys' voices to deepen


Adolescents with [anorexia nervosa] usually weigh less than 85 percent of what would be considered a healthy weight.


The great majority of people who suffer from [bulimia nervosa] are female.


True or False: Adolescence is a time of [sturm and drang]


True or False: Adolescence usually agree with their parents' moral values and educational and career goals, while disagreeing with their parents in terms of dress, hairstyles, taste in music and speech patterns.


True or False: Some psychologists think that adolescents try out different "selves" in an effort to get a sense of who they are and what they stand for.


True or False: The [hormonal] changes of adolescence have some effect on mood swings.


True or False: [Peer pressure] is relatively weak in early adolescence but increases in middle of adolescence


When does the biological stage of development known as puberty end?

when physical growth stops

Piaget believed it involved the ability to think abstractly

formal operational stage

"I am a biological factor that has some effect on the activity levels, mood swings, and aggressive tendencies of adolescence"

hormonal changes

A life threatening eating disorder characterized by dramatic measures to eliminate food, such as vomiting

Bulimia nervosa

Adolescents experiencing identity __________________ seem to be constantly searching for meaning in life


Alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana are examples of __________________ drugs


ages 11 to 14

early adolescence

Regulates menstrual cycle


True or False: Adolescence is divided into two age categories, the period before physical growth ends and the period when psychological preparation for adulthood takes place


True or False: Drug prevention programs are extremely effective in keeping students from trying drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana.


True or False: A [crowd] is a group of people who spend a great deal of time together

false; cliques

Symptoms of [substance abuse include excessive dieting and exercise, excessive weight loss, and obsession with food.

false; eating disorder

True or False: Adolescents are involved in a quest for [conformity].

false; independence

The term [status offenses] refers to activist that are illegal regardless of age.

false; juvenile delinquency

The term [juvenile delinquency] refers to offenses such as truancy

false; status offenses

Often express concern over how to balance work and family life

female adolescents

Adolescents in the identity ___________ category make a commitment to shut out other possibilities


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