Chapter 11 Review

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How did women participate in the abolition movement in the mid-eighteenth century?

Women abolitionists established influential groups such as the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society.

Which of the following was an evangelical movement that believe the Second Coming of Christ had already occurred and people could attain complete freedom from sin?

not fourierism; not Mormonism

As a result of Turner's Rebellion, the Virginia legislature did which of the following in the 1830s?

not it called on slave owners

Efforts by women reformers to regulate sexual behavior resulted in laws in Massachusetts and New York that did which of the following?

not made solicitation

The Oneida Community, founded in 1839 by John Humphrey Noyes, was known for which of the following practices?

not monogamy

Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe pen her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin which was published in 1852?

not she wanted more

The public movement for women's rights developed out of which of the following sources in the 1840s?

not the american revolution

Which of the following describes The Book of Mormon, published in 1830?

not the book offered; not it was a historical

The Shaker's name came from which of the following?

not the name of their founder; not their efforts to transform society

What was the gag rule passed by the House of Representatives in 1836?

not the rule made

Which of the following describes the nineteenth-century Shakers?

not they excluded

What was the purpose of the Female Moral Reform Society, which middle-class New York women founded in 1834?

not to create a network

Mob violence against abolitionist efforts in the 1830s and 1840s was

often directed against "respectable" black organizations such as churches and against orphanages

In their book American Slavery as It Is, Theodore Dwight Weld and the Grimke sisters

presented testimony from individual southerners about the evils of slavery

What did Ralph Waldo Emerson believe would promote an individual's mystical union with God and achievement of self-realization?

spending time alone in nature

Which of the following factors contributed to the rise of anti-immigrant sentiment in American cities in the mid-nineteenth century?

Minstrel shows

Which of the following contributed to the harassment and persecution of Mormons at Nauvoo in the early 1840s?

Mormons' power as a voting bloc in local elections

Which of the following did Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville have in common?

not both celebrated

Who was a critic for the New York Tribune, an editor of The Dial, and the author of Woman in the Nineteenth Century?

not Angelina

Which of the following statements is true about William Lloyd Garrison?

not Garrison called

Who founded the Liberty Party in 1840?

not William Lloyd Garrison

Abolitionist leaders used which of the following in their crusade to end slavery in the middle of the 1800s?

not continuous

Why did many northern wage earners not support abolition in the mid-eighteenth century?

Wageworkers feared that freed blacks would work for lower wages and compete for jobs.

Which of the following is properly paired?

Walt Whitman--Leaves of Grass

What did Alexis de Tocqueville mean when he used the term individualism to describe American society in the 1835?

Americans lived in social isolation, without any ties to case, class, association, or family.

Which of the following individuals went to jail rather than pay taxes in support of the Mexican War and slavery?

not William Lloyd Garrison; not Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who founded the Liberty Party in 1840?

not William-Lloyd Garrison

Horace Mann and Catharine Beecher were both actively involved in which of the following movements in the 1840s?

Educational reform

Mid-nineteenth-century publications such as Godey's Lady's Book and Catharine Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy did which of the following?

Emphasized the social importance of homemaking and domesticity

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote about which of the following in his essays and lectures?

He argued that people should reject old conventions and discover their original relation with nature.

Which of the following factors was critical in the ballooning populations of cities like New York in the mid-nineteenth century?


Which of the following describes the purpose of Henry David Thoreau's book Walden?

It was written to document Walden's spiritual search for meaning beyond the artificiality of "civilized" life

In its campaign to end slavery, the American Anti-Slavery Society embraced which of the following tactics?

Sponsoring public lectures and collecting signatures on antislavery petitions

In the early 1800s, free blacks in the North were encouraged to "elevate" themselves through which of the following activities?


Which of the following was the critical catalyst for antebellum reform movements?

The Second Great Awakening

By the early 1840s, Garrison and his supporters in the American Anti-Slavery had transformed their agenda in which of the following ways?

They advocated a broad-based reform program, embracing women's rights as well as the rights of American blacks

Why are the Oneidians, Shakers, and Fourierists historically significant?

They articulated criticisms of the class divisions created by the market economy

Which of the following describes the residents of the Brook Farm community of the 1840s?

They wanted to combine farming with study and a lively intellectual life

The American Lyceum movement of the 1830s engaged in which of the following efforts?

not advocating social nonconformity

Which of these factors contributed to the tremendous increase in commercialized sex in the new cities of the mid-nineteenth century?

not an influx; not cities' refusal to pass

Which of the following qualities did Henry David Thoreau urge in his readers, as demonstrated by the statement, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer"?


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