Chapter 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18

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Reaction time**

- how long it takes u to respond to a stimulus - increases during middle age(longer - starts at age 25 - changes in neurological system which involves coordination of senses with muscle response


- immune system responds to a seemingly harmless foreign substance such as ragweed pollen - antigen is called an ALLERGEN

Why have divorce rates stabilized?

- increase of cohabitation - marrying later


-Pleasant times after work -When individuals are free to pursue activities and interests of their own choosing

Chronic disorders

-Slow onset and a long duration -Rare in early adulthood but increase in middle age

by age 40 what percent of the population will have or have had a mental illness?

50% - most common - anxiety or mood disorder - if reach age 90, 65% men 70% women have or had mental illness

Late midlife is defined as the age period between:

55 and 65 years


= Larger: composed of several cliques - Membership based on reputation & stereotype

Sex Differences in Moral Reasoning: Kohlberg

= emphasis on rights & justice orientation

Which of the following is true about generativity?

A cultures belief in the species is a major motivator of generative action, according to Erikson.

Extrinsic and intrinsic motives due to work

Extrinsic motives - paycheck, fringe benefits, security Intrinsic motives - opportunity to engage in stimulating and satisfying activities - includes work ethic, self identity, self fulfillment, self worth, socialization and public roles

Feminization of Poverty

For many women, marital breakup severely reduces standard of living and is a strong contributor to

Freud on adolescence

Genital stage; sexual reproduction and survival of the species


Unintentional injuries are... in late adulthood.

sexual abuse

Unwanted sexual contact of any kind.

knowledge-based reminiscnce

When older adults draw upon their past for effective problem-solving strategies and for teaching younger people.

Most organs and systems of the body can last into our eighties or beyond with adequate care.

While limitations in ADLS and IADLS rise with age...

Biological Aging Begins in Early Adulthood

Whole organism System level Cell level DNA level "Wear-and-tear" theory

Diet and healthcare system.

Why is the U.S. so low and Japan so high?

Thomas decreased his activity level and interacted less frequently as he aged. He became more preoccupied with his inner life. At the same time, society freed Thomas from employment and family responsibilities. According to the ____________ theory, mutual withdrawal between Thomas and society took place in anticipation of death.


Christine treats her aging mother like a child, calls her names, and often threatens to move her into a nursing home. Christine is engaged in which type of elder abuse?

emotional abuse

adult children provide ____ to their parents

emotional support

Alex is reserved, quiet, passive, sober, and emotionally unreactive. He is low on which of these big five personality traits?


ego transcendence

face reality of death construct

Preventing elder maltreatment by ____________ is especially challenging.

family members

What does an affectionate parent-emerging adult bond predict?

favorable self-esteem, identity progress, successful transition into college years, higher academic achievement


feel made wrong decisions; time now too short for change; unaccepting of death; expressed as anger & contempt for others

ego integrity

feel whole, complete, satisfied with achievements; view life in context of all humanity; associated with more favorable psych well-being

What does following the social clock foster?

feelings of confidence and social stability

seniors provide _______ to their adult children

financial & practical support


find creative ways to overcome limitations


find creative ways to overcome limitations


groups of 5-7 friends who have similar family backgrounds, attitudes & values. Early adolescence - same-sex, midadolescence - mixture


hunger, sex and survival

College students who more towards exploration in depth and certainty have what...

higher self esteem, psychological well being, and academic, emotional and social adjustment

hypothetico-deductive reasoning

hypothesis based deduced logical, testable inferences test through isolation & combination of variables

control and dependency in late adulthood: independence-ignore script:

ignore independent behaviors

consequences of abstract thought

imaginary audience personal fable idealism & criticism difficult decision-making

temporal comparisons

how well we are doing in relation to what we had planned (i.e., did I achieve the possible self I wanted and avoid the possible self I feared)

who is more single?

men who dont have HS diploma and highly educated women

what is fluid intelligence?

mental flexibility, ability to process information rapidly - more susceptible to the effects of aging

through exercise and diet moderate or reversed changes in ....**

metabolism, muscle mass, strength and bone density, aerobic capacity, blood sugar tolerance, ability to regular body temperature( after menopause people feel cold all the time)

Expertise shows up more often in _______ adulthood than ______ adulthood years.

middle ; early


middle-aged adults saw themselves as less concerned about others' expectations and evaluations and more concerned with following self-chosen standards

Environmental Mastery

middle-aged people saw themselves as capable of managing a complex array of tasks easily and effectively

substance use vs. abuse

minimal experimenters vs. substance abusers

Compared with Caucasians, African Americans

more often engage in certain types of generativity, such as involvement in religious groups.


more than young adults, middle-aged people acknowledged and accepted both their good and bad qualities and felt positively about themselves and life

Study of Centenarians

people who cross the 100 year mark- offers special insights into how biological, psychological, and social influences work together to promote a long and satisfying life.


period of rapid physical maturation, occurring primarily in early adolescence that involves hormone and bodily changes

important to take ______ of social support

personal control

relationship quality with adult children affects

physical & mental health in elderly

elderly maltreatment includes

physical abuse; physical neglect; emotional abuse; sexual abuse; financial abuse

What does excessive parental rule-setting predict?

poor adjustment: low self esteem, inability to make commitments of identity formation, increased anxiety, depression, and alcohol use

Health status

poor health is not an inevitable consequence of aging. over 75% of U.S adults over 65 consider themselves to be in good to excellent health. poverty continues to be associated with poor health.


sense of oneself as a separate, self-governing individual - striving for this becomes salient task in adolescence


term used to describe potentially discriminating conversation with elders, such as speaking loudly or slowly. also using *a sing-song voice *Pronouns *Pet Names *Shortening Sentences * Answering Questions for the adult *Asking people questions that assume role loss, idleness and powerlessness.

Middle-aged men experience a decline in the production of the hormone _______ at a rate of 1% per year.



testosterone and estrogen

classic aging pattern

tendency for scores on nonverbal performance to become lower as a person gets older, while verbal scores remain relatively stable.


tendency of an aging body to mistake its own tissues for foreign invades and to attack and destroy them


• Unmarried couples who are involved in sexual relationship and live together • In 2003 4% of US households or 4.3 million

adolescent moodiness

tends to be more difficult in adolescence than childhood worst mood= midweek

How do people tend to select their mate?

• We tend to select mates similar to ourselves compatibility o Little support for "opposites attract"

did not support the idea of a mid-life crisis

Results of the MIDUS study...


Returns for diminishing resources. *Highlight or sharpen maintained strengths *if someone is showing no declines in reading or writing at this time, they might incorporate this in their everyday activities

variable rate theories

(sometimes called error theories): view biological aging as a result of random processes that involve damage due to change errors in biological systems or environmental assaults on them

What is the sequence for Early adulthood?

*17-22 *22-28 *28-33 *33-40

Path to Chronic Delinquency

*Early* Childhood: 1. Difficult temperament 2. Cognitive deficits 3. ADHD --> Conflict-ridden home; lax & inconsistent discipline *Middle* Childhood: ==> Child conduct problems: hostility, defiance, & persistent aggression --> a) Rejection by typical peers / b) Academic failure ==> Commitment to deviant peer group *Adolescence*: ==> Deliquency

Factors in a Long Life:

*Environment and lifestyle *healthy diet and normal weight *exercise *low substances use *optimism *low stress *social support *community involvement *learning- stimulating work and activities

Atuonomic Nervous system is _______________ efficient

*Less *regulates the functions of our internal organs (the viscera) such as the heart, stomach and intestines

Why is US low in average health life expectancy at birth and Japan is high?

*their diet and health care system *Japan's leading status in this overall measure of population health has been attributed to its low rates of obesity and heart disease, linked to its low-fat diet, along with its favorable health-care policies

What is menopause***

- " change of life " (cessation of menstruation) - between ages 46-50 lasts for 2 years

Chance of getting cancer**

- 2 in 5 Canadians will eventually develop cancer of these 1 in 4 will die from cancer incidence of death triples in decades 55-64

The effects of aging on an individual's height:

- A decrease in height in middle adulthood is usually associated with bone loss. - Women can lose as much as 2 inches in height during adulthood. - On average, men lose an inch in height from early middle age.

When assessing individual variations in intellectual functioning, Schaie identified three groups:

- Decliners - Stable - Gainers

Identity Achievement

- High commitment - High exploration Commitment to values, beliefs, & goals following a period of exploration

Identity Foreclosure

- High commitment - Low exploration Commitment in the absence of exploration


- Increased flow of blood, cells and chemicals to area of injury -Complement proteins -cause blood vessels to become dilated and then leaky -contribute to the redness, warmth, swelling, pain, and loss of function that characterize an inflammatory response

Gender Intensification in Adolescence

- Increased gender stereotyping of attitudes & behavior - Not universal, more common in girls - Biological, social, & cognitive influences - Declines by late adolescence

What has promoted the rectangularization of age distribution?

- Increased longevity - Aging of the baby-boom cohort - Low fertility rates

The following are needs that are linked to the search to find meaning in life:

- Need for purpose - Need for values - Need for a sense of efficacy - Need for self-worth

The six areas of mental abilities assessed in Seattle Longitudinal Study:

- Number - Perceptual speed - Spatial orientation - Vocabulary - Inductive reasoning - Verbal memory

What heppens with sexual dysfunction?

- Reduction in testosterone levels - some medications may reduce desire - stress - fatigue - erectile dysfunction, lubrication

Visible and obvious signs of aging:

- Skin beginning to wrinkle and sag - Pigmentation in the skin producing age spots - Fingernails and toenails developing ridges and becoming thicker

Viktor Frankl said that the three most distinct human qualities are:

- Spiritually - Freedom - Responsibiliy

Adolescent Suicide

- The rate jumps sharply 1. Related Factors

In Seattle Longitudinal Study, which four intellectual abilities peaked among men and women in middle age?

- Verbal ability - Verbal memory - Spatial orientation - Inductive reasoning

Displaced Homemaker

- a woman whose primary activity has been homemaking and who has lost her main source of income because of divorce from or death of husband. -trauma greatest for older women, who have been married longer with two or more children, whose husband initiated divorce and who still have positive feeling for their husband or want to punish them.

Crystallized intelligence includes:

- accumulated information - verbal skills - effects of culture and reasoning

Cancer and their ethnic group**

- african canadians have higher than average incidence of colorectal cancer - twice average death from prostate cancer(screen earlier) -Incidence of cervical cancer highest in Latina Canadian women -Indigenous populations have the poorest survival rate from cancer

When does physical strength and sensory sharpness peak?

- age 20 (visual acuity remains good until middle adulthood) - physical strength declines in age 30


- an image of the self in the adult world that guides decision making - Inspires a person in present endeavors

Sleep problems are more common in individuals who:

- are obese - use a higher number of prescriptions and nonprescription drugs - have cardiovascular disease - are depressed

Bone density**

- around age of 40 starts to lose density, more brittle and prone to fracture -hip, spine, thigh and forearm lose most as we age - osteoporosis is condition of this - wrist fracture are very common

Blood sugar tolerance**

- basic fuel and energy source for cells and helps maintain body temperature - insulin from the pancreas is needed for blood sugar to enter cells - with age body tissues lose sensitivity to insulin - therefore blood sugar levels rise increasing the risk of adult onset diabetes - obesity can occur

For many people, middle adulthood is a time of:

- becoming more aware of the young-old polarity - declining physical skills - passing on something meaningful to the next generation

What is perimenopause ***

- beginning of menopause and is usually characterized by 3 to 11 months of amenorrhea(lack of menstruation) or irregular periods -produce less estrogen and progesterone

Aerobic capacity**

- cardiovascular system becomes less efficient with age - heart and lung muscles shrink and become stiffer - heart pumps less blood, aerobic capacity DECLINES - maximum heart rate declines, but excursive expands aerobic capacity at any age -less oxygen goes to the tissues

Muscle strength**

- change is gradual - exercise can compensate by increasing the size of remaining muscle cells - lift weights is best

what are cytokines?**

- chemical messengers of the immune system - proteins secreted by cells - act on other cells to coordinate an appropriate immune response

Realistic choice stage

- choices become narrow after age 17 as student weigh jobs requirements and rewards against interests, abilities, values - follow paths of parents - fall into careers because its available at the time, family pressure


- chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells which can form masses called tumors - tumors can either be BEIGN(noncancerous) or Malignant(cancerious)

What health issues can lead to erectile dysfunction?

- clogged or narrow arteries leading to the ends deprive the penis of oxygen

What is Colorectal cancer?*

- colon cancer - get checked at age 50 every 5 years for men and women - ROUTINE ekg - blood lipids( triglycerides and bholesterol) - increases cardiovascular risk

Cognitive development **

- continues to develop in various ways

Metabolic syndrome may lead to:

- diabetes - cardiovascular disease

Leading cause of death and how to prevent**

- diseases, cancer and heart disease #1 #2, can be preveneted - women need mammograms to screen for breast cancer age 50 -men- digital rectal exams age 40(prostate cancer) - black african. black caribbean greater risk for prostate cancer -baseline electrocardiogram - age 50 every 2-3 yrs(heart)

Effects of hallucinogenics

- drugs that give rise to hallucinations - ecstacy (party drug) -LSD

Hormone replacement therapy: Good medicine?

- effective for women who have serious symptoms - synthetic estrogen and progesterone (use for 5 years or less) -Increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease strokes, and blood clots due to exposure to a combination of estrogen and progestin and if high risk of it already(family history)

Tentative choice stage

- from age 11-17 focus is on some realistic self assessment and knowlede of occupations - based on interests, abilities, limitations, glamour

Changes in skin and hair**

- grey hair due to increase of melanin - men lose hair more skin becomes dryer and more brittler(fewer keratinocytes) - loss of skin elasticity - fewer proteins produced - Genetics, diet, hormonal balances, and exposure to sun(especially UV rays) all play a part in wrinkling

What are met amphetamines?

- highly addictive, gain tolerance quick, leading to problems in learning and memory

about sexual harassment

- in the workplace, defined as deliberate or repeated unwanted comments, gestures, or physical contact -makes work a hostile place - its often ignore - victim may suffer from anxiety, irritability, lower self esteem, anger - has to do with abuse of power more than sexual desire

Expertise and practicle problem solving due to jobs

- increases with age due to social, emotional and professional experience - may likely be hired due to more experience and able to cope with stress and know what works and what doesn't for them

retirement stage

- individual severs bonds with the workplace, retirees often undertake second of third career.

Cohort effects - research by scheme?

- intellectual functioning of the members of a society reflects the technology and social functioning of that society - People in one cohort will perform better or worse in particular areas than people who are from a different age cohort ex... people in the cohorts born earlier are better at numeric abilities - Cohorts intellectual abilities affected by; educational systems, verbal meaning and word fluency, interaction with geometric figures

Fantasy stage

- involves childs unrealistic conception of self potential and of the world of work - dominates until age 11 - focus on glamour professions

What is adaptive thermogenesis?

- it causes the body to produce less energy(burn fewer calories) when less food is consumed. - makes weight loss more difficult

Lean body mass and body fat**

- lean body mass, especially muscle declines with age - rate of loss accelerates after age 45 - beginning at age 20 lose nearly 3.2kg of lean body mass each decade - FAT REPLACES LEAN BODY MASS

What happens with perimenopausal and postmenopausal in women

- less vagina lubricant and vaginal walls thinner

what is crystallized intelligence?

- lifetime of intellectual attainments, increases with age

Chronic Inflammation and how to help it****

- low grade or systemic inflammation - Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma - meditarian diet, aspirin, ivy profin

Lung capacity**

- lung tissue stiffen with age - not to late to being in middle adulthood - it diminishes capacity to expand such that breathing capacity may decline by half between early adulthood and late adulthood - regular exercise can offset much of this loss

Type 2 diabetes**

- major risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke - 2 to 4x more likely to develop cardiovascular disease - if uncontrolled more likely to develop cardiovascular disease at a young age

In middles age, changes occur in one's working memory-- the mental workbench that helps individuals:

- manipulate information - make decisions - assemble information

Do men undergo an "andropause"?

- more gradual - take testosterone - risk of heart disease and prostate cancer

How does cancer happen?**

- mutations in cell DNA( genetic material) causes cells to divide indefinitely - can be triggered by internal or external cues -internal cues are heredity, problems in immune system, hormonal factors - external cues are called CARCINOGENS - viruses - epstem bar,Smoking - second hand as well, ultraviolet solar radiation, Diet

Responses to chronic stress can be influenced by

- nature of the stressor - persons temperament and personality, coping skills

Physical development Interindivudual variability

- no 2 people age in the same way or at the same rate

Due to concerns about the safety of HRT, many women are seeking alternatives such as:

- nonsteroidal medications - relaxation therapy and acupuncture - regular exercise - dietary supplements and herbal remedies

Not all memory goes like..**

- not all memory functioning decline in middle adulthood(long term memory and general knowledge often improve with age) - procedural memory such as riding a bike or driving a car can be maintained for a lifetime!!!!!

Physical development (at its best)

- peaks in early adulthood when most are at their height of sensory shares, strength, reaction time, and cardiovascular fitness.

What is inter individual variability?

- people mature differently due to different cultural ad social setting - people find them selves in ruts and don't get out as much and learn new things

elder maltreatment

- physical abuse -physical neglect -emotional abuse -sexual abuse -financial abuse

What are baby boomers?

- post war babies born between 1946, 1965 now their middle aged adults

Screen for alcohol abuse?

- questionnaires developed - CAGE - AUDIT - MAST - T-ACE(prental assessment)


- rate at which body processes or burns food to produce energy - the basal metabolic rate declines with age - fatty busses burns fewer calories than muscle - the decline in BMR is largely attributed to the loss of muscle tissues and the corresponding increase in fatty tissues (harder to lose weight as older)

Breast cancer and Alcohol**

- research shows that drinking alcohol increases a women risk of hormone-receptor- positive breast cancer - increases level of estrogen and other hormones associated with horomone receptor positive breast cancer - may increase risk by damaging DNA in cells

Causes of being overweight?

- run in families -heredity(adaptive thermogenesis ) - socioeconomics -psychological factors -SES - Hormone medications

maintenance stage

- setting into our career role late 30s - carrer continues to develop and their is a feeling of moving forward - return to school for different training - norm to switch jobs more than once

Effects of depressents

- slow activity in the nervous system - alcohol, narcotics derived from the opium poppy(heroin, morphine) and sedatives(Barbiturates)

what is mulidirectionality

- some aspects of intellectual functioning improves while some remain stable or decline

What is cocaine?

- stimulant - relieves pain, euphoria, reduces appetite - accelerates heart rate, spikes blood pressure, constricts arteries of heart, thickens blood, can cause cardiovascular and respiratory collapse.

The immune system**

- the bodies defence against infections and other sources of disease - organs of the immune system are positioned throughout the body - leukocytes(white blood cells) recognize foreign substances(antigens) from their shape Antibodies-(specialized protein called immunoglobulins) attach themselves to the foreign substances and deactivates them

about dating violence

- verbal threats, physical assaults committed by an individual in an intimate relationship - young women at most risk late 20s, early 30s. - important to address the issue of "healthy" relationships in young people

Many cardiovascular problems in middle age can be reduced by:

- weight control - exercise - eating foods low in saturated fat

What groups are usually more religious?

- women - immigrants - ethnic minorities such as hispanics and african americans

people with Mental illness in canada

-1 in 5 people in Canada living with mental illness today - 1 in 25 people in Canada living with heart disease 1 in 15 with type 2 diabetes

About exercise and how much you need

-18+ - 30 minutes - 5 days or more a week(smaller segments is beneficial) - Reduces risk of developing or dying from, cardiovascular disease, type2 diabetes, certain caners such as COLON CANCER. - also may Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, Prevents or retards osteoporosis and arthritis, Benefits brain and cognitive performance, May help with depression and anxiety

Cancer and external effects*

-2 out of 3 cancer deaths are a result of smoking and diet - 84% of lung cancer deaths in canada are caused by smoking and second hand smoke - diet may account for about 30% of all cancers in western cultures

Married couples

-71% of middle aged are married -sex less, but better -women still doing most of housework -men still liked power and dominance -women need "me" time

CDC report on health related behaviours of young adults aged 18-24 are...

-78% eat less fruits and vegetables then recommeneded -43% no or insufficient physical activity - 29% smoke -30% reported binge drinking -26% overweight -14% obese

Jungs Stages: Middle Adulthood

-A change in principles or convictions. As a person approaches 50, the sacred principles and convictions established in the first half of life begin to be questioned. -Some cling even more and become rigid and inflexible. It is as if they believed that hanging on to their cherished beliefs would make them believe them again. -Others search for a new meaning in life and begin to realize that the second half of life is not to be lived as the first half.

What is "emerging adulthood" ?

-A period of development that is found in societies that allows young people an extended opportunity to explore their roles in life -Responsibilities associated with adulthood may not be associated with THIS period

Fluid intelligence

-Ability to reason abstractly -May begin to decline in middle adulthood

Crystallized intelligence

-Accumulated information and verbal skills -Continues to increase in middle adulthood

About sexually transmitted infections

-Between 1997 and 2004 reported cases of STIs in Canada increased dramatically -Canadians under the age of 30 continue to have highest reported rates - many infections are asymptomatic(show no symptoms)

Menstrual problems

-Dysmenorrhea is the most common -related to prostaglandins -84% women experience pain in period

Substance abuse is a maladaptive patter of substance use (within a 12 month period) leading to significant impairment or distress in one or more of:

-Failure to fulfill work, school or home obligations -Recurrent use in situations that are physically dangerous(operating a car) -Recurrent legal problems associated with abuse -Continued use despite recurring social problems

Conditions that minimize cognitive decline ***

-Good physical health -Favourable environmental conditions -Remaining intellectually active -Open to new ideas and new styles of life -Partner who is intellectually active -being satisfied with what one's achievements

About health in early adulthood? illnesses and disease

-Increasing rates of obesity - highest rates of STIS(chlamydia and gonahrea) - Asthma, diabetes, cancer, STIS most common -HPV

stis in middle age

-Its increasing in canada aged 40-59, can be due to divorce, other partners -middle aged men majority, more single, sexually active individuals in this age group, belief that they are not as risk, may be less likely to use condoms

What does alcohol do?

-Lowers inhibitions - dont do normal things Intoxicant - Distorts perceptions, impairs concentration, affects coordination and slurs speech

What impact may this population have on the Canadian and economy and healthy system?

-May not have enough health care to look after them -Pentions come in at age 65 -Is their enough Canadian pention span for everyone?

Memory changes? ****

-Most researchers conclude that people in middle and late adulthood perform less well in.. -memorizing lists of words, numbers, or passages -rote rehearsal - Less able to keep information in working memory long enough to memorize it -Less capable of screening out distractions -elaborate rehearsal suffers because less capable of classifying or categorizing quickly

According to Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs the four main needs are:

-Need for purpose -Need for values -Need for a sense of efficacy -Need for self-worth

About sex?

-Peaks early 20s, may be due to surge of hormones and opportunity - canadians have more sex partners in a lifetime than in most other countries - higher education influences the number of partners

Mental health in Canada?

-People with substance use problems are up to 3 X more likely to have a mental illness -More than 15% of people with a substance use problem have a co-occurring mental illness -Canadians in the lowest income group are 3 to 4 X more likely to report poor to fair mental health -Studies in various Canadian cities indicate between 23% and 67% of homeless people report having a mental illness

post formal thought

-Takes into account real-world considerations when solving problems - Postformal thinkers can shift back and forth between an abstract, ideal solution and real-world constraints - Postformal thinkers understand that just as there can be multiple causes of a situation, there can be multiple solutions.

Developmental Tasks of Middle Adulthood

-The RE- years -developmental tasks of midlife have been identified: 1.) Adjusting to the physical changes of middle 2.) Finding satisfaction and success in ones occupational career. 3.) Assuming adult social and civic responsibility. 4.) Launching children into responsible, happy adulthood. 5.)Revitalizing marriage 6.)Reorienting oneself to aging parents 7.)Realigning sex roles 8.)Developing social networks and leisure-time activities 9.)Finding new meanings in life

Erikson: Generativity vs. Stagnation

-The most obvious example: parenting. Adults need children as much as children need adults and that this stage reflects the innate need to create a living legacy. -Other generative activities: teaching, mentoring, writing, social activism, producing music or anything that satisfies the need to be needed.

The Sandwich Generation

-Traditional: those sandwiched between aging parents who need care and their own children -Club sandwich: those in their 50s or 60s, sandwiched between aging parents, adult children and grandchildren or those in their 30s and 40s, with young children, aging parents and grandparents

Women are having children at older ages because ?

-Waiting until their career is established -Advances in medical science have made waiting longer possible -Early detection of genetic or chromosomal problems is available

About overweight and obesity due to income and immigrants

-Young adult immigrants are less likely to be overweight or obese Women - income rises less likely being overweight or obese men - income rises, rates of obesity and overweight increases


-ability to look outside oneself and care for others; a concern for the next generations. An extension of love into the future- mature and unselfish. During stage 6 intimacy had to be reciprocated. -Generativity is a love that is greater than that; it is a love that is given regardless of whether it is reciprocated.

ego differentiation

-affirm self-worth through family, friendship, community life -alternative to work-role preoccupation

Situational Models

-behavior as the outcome of the characteristic of the situation in which the person is momentarily located. -we are motivated to believe that the world around us is orderly and patterned because we want predictability.

Interactionist Models

-behavior is always a joint product of the person and the situation.

Joan Erikson: Gerotranscendence

-beyond ego integrity -cosmic, transcendent perspective -directed forward and outward, beyond self -heightened inner calm, contentment quiet reflection

What is mental disorders?

-characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behaviour (or some combination) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning (CMHA)

factors in psychological well-being

-control vs. dependency -physical health -negative life changes -social support, interaction

Caring for Elderly Parents

-daughters and daughters-in-law face most pressures -best scenario: financially independent generations with separate residences

what is premenstrual syndrome

-discomforting symptoms that affect many women during the 4-6 day interval preceding their periods - response to changing levels of sex hormones -linked to imbalances in NEUROTRANSMITTERS - seratonin and GABA which are related to appetite, anxiety and mood changes

body transcendence

-emphasize cognitive, emotional, social powers -alternative to body preoccupation

relationships in late adulthood - divorce

-few divorces in late adulthood but rate is increasing -hard to recover, especially for women

life review

-form of reminiscence -goal: greater self-understanding -can lead to increased self-esteem, sense of purpose reduced depression


-friendships play a vital part in happiness and health -women in midlife have more friends -men have more acquaintances -women maintain family contacts, and friendships take up where marriages leave off.

friendship in late adulthood

-functions of late-life friendships -intimacy and companionship are basic to meaningful late-life friendships -late-life friends help shield each other from negative judgments stemming from stereotypes of aging -friendships link aging adults to the larger community -friendships help protect seniors from the psychological consequences of loss

How do mental illness's arise?

-genetic, biological, personality, and environmental factors -Specific risk factors include: Family history, Age, Sex, Substance abuse, Chronic diseases, Family & workplace, Life event stresses

about hiv/aids

-hiv viruses that causes aids -affect sexually active people -young people are the fastest growing group to be infected - more females tested positive then males

sexual assault %

-in more than 80% of cases a women is assaulted by someone she knows such as a friend or family member -over 3/4 of sexual assaults involve unwanted sexual touching, kissing, grabbing or fondling - in about 70% of sexual assaults the victim is female - in close to 90% the perpetrator is male


-job satisfaction is associated with the opportunity to exercise discretion, accept challenges and make decisions. -people thrive on occupational challenges, but suffer alienation or job burnout when their work is not fulfilling. -many people switch careers in midlife when they reassess where they are doing, what they are doing.

social contexts of aging - communities

-majority live in suburbs: higher income, better health -ethnic minorities in cities: better public transportation, social services -small town, rural: far from children; interaction with neighbors and friends

Theories of Self in Transition

-maturity: capacity to undergo continual change in order to adapt successfully and cope flexibly with the demands and responsibilities of life. -self-concept: the view we have of ourselves through time as "the real me".

optimal aging

-minimize losses, maximize gains -less focus on specific achievement, more on processes for reaching personal goals -greater influence of controllable factors in well-being -social policies can help

what is Post formal thinking

-most developmentalists believe that the cognitive processes of young adults are in many ways more advanced than the cognitive processes of adolescents. - maintain gathered specialized knowledge and skills through higher education and careers - young adults thoughts tend to be less egocentric than adolescents


-most divorced people eventually remarry -5/6 men remarry -3/4 women remarry


-most stressful life event for many -1/3 of older adults are widowed -most live alone, cope with loneliness -reorganizing life harder for men: - more physical, mental health problem - more likely than women to remarry

life changes and social support

-older people at high risk for negative life changes -multiple negative changes test coping skills -positive social support promotes physical health, -psychological well-being -important to take personal control of social support, -maintaining control of highly valued activities

housing arrangements in late adulthood

-ordinary hones -in own home: greatest personal control -living with family members -living alone: number increasing -residential communities -congregate housing -life-care communities -nursing homes -restrict autonomy, social integration -green house model: effective person - environment fit

Jung's Stages: Middle Adulthood

-over time, men became more feminine and women more masculine in their approach to life. -This can often be seen in grandfathers who were strict with their own children, but are loving, nurturing, and gentle with their grandchildren. -Women who took the feminine role and raised a family often embark on an aggressive career during the second half of life. -May be due to a woman's lowered levels of estrogen and progesterone and increased influence of testosterone.

Midlife Careers

-people may be less concerned about making money, more concerned about finding meaning in their work. -or they may resign themselves to their job but look for meaning in their activities.

Successful couples

-positive attitude toward one's spouse -marriage is a long-term commitment and a sacred institiution

Stress has a negative impact on peoples.....

-psychological and physical health - social, academic and vocational lives

relationships with adult children

-quality of relationship affects older adults' physical mental health -provision of assistance: -balance changes, with children helping more as parents age -SES affects balance of support -most aid is emotional support, not practical assistance

relationships in late adulthood- remarriage

-rates low, decline with age -higher for divorced than widowed -late remarriages are stable

Single after Divorce

-returning to single life is a very difficult experience -divorce often enacts greater emotional and physical toll than any other life stressor, including the death of a spouse -higher rate of: psychological problems, accidental death, death from cardiovascular disease, cancer, pneumonia, and cirrhosis of liver (as compared to married, never married, and widowed).

Highest rate in canada with HIV

-saskatchewan -ABORIGINAL populations have incidence rates 2.7 times higher then people other ethnicities

reminiscence: telling stories about the past:

-self-focused: can deepen despair -other-focused: solidifies relationships - knowledge-based: effective problem-solving strategies

Extramarital Relations

-sex not the lure for EMS -loneliness, emotional excitement, and wanting to prove "still young" -forces within the individual that pull them toward affairs: attraction (sex, companionship, admiration, power), novelty, excitement, risk, challenge, curiosity, enhanced self-image, falling in love -forces within the individual that push them toward affairs: desire to escape or find relief from a painful relationship, boredom, desire to fill gaps in an existing relationship, desire to punish ones partner, need to prove ones attractiveness or worth, desire for attention

contextual influences on psychological well-being: Control vs. dependency

-two highly predictable, complementary behavior patterns can be seen in observations of people interacting with older adults - in the dependency - support script, dependent behaviors are attended to immediately -in the independence- ignore script, independent behaviors are attended to immediately - both scripts reinforce dependent behavior at the expense of independent behavior -research shows that negative reactions to caregiving can result in persisting depression -whether assistance from others undermines well-being depends on many factors, including the caregiver-older adult relationship and social context in which helping occurs - assistance aimed at enabling older adults to sue their capacities fully in pursuit of their goals sustains an effective person-environment fit, which promotes adaptive behavior and psychological well-being

Jungs Stages: Middle Adulthood Stage 4: The Middle of Life or the Second Half of life

-usually, somewhere between the ages of 35 and 40 a person reaches the middle of life and begins to live in what Jung termed the second half of life. -The second half of life is characterized by several changes. -The need to focus attention on the inner meaning of life -Jung indicates that the second half of life cannot be lived like the first. In the first half of life, acquisition was important. During the second part of life, reflection and one's inner, spiritual journey must be developed

Current Research

....suggests it is not the plaques that cause dementia. Instead, some are starting to believe that plaques develop to fight against the negative impact of amyloid within neurons

risk factors for elder maltreatment - Dependency victim

1) very old frail and mentally and physically impaired elder adults are more vulnerable to maltreatment 2) the worse the caregiver-recipient relationship, the greater the risk of elder abuse of all kinds

Preventing Suicide

1. Attend to warning signs 2. Provide adult & peer support 3. Teach coping strategies 4. Remove access to means: gun control legislation

Parent-Child Relationships in Adolescence: Authoritative Parenting

1. Balancing autonomy-granting with monitoring 2. Extra challenging during adolescence

U.S. Teenagers' Daily Use of Social Media

1. Cell-phone Texting (>50%) 2. Cell-phone Calling (>35%) 3. Social Networking Site (25%) 4. Instant Messaging (>20%) 5. E-Mail (>10%)

Influences on Moral Reasoning

1. Child-Rearing Practices: - caring, supportive - discussions of moral concerns 2. Schooling: higher education 3. Peer Interaction 4. Culture

Identity Dimensions

1. Commitment 2. Exploration

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: What is communication through?

1. Communication of emotion a. Sharing feelings toward each other → respect

What are somethings that foster successful passage into adulthood?

1. Completing college education 2. Forging a warm relationship 3. Volunteering in one's community

Self-Esteem in Adolescence

1. Continues to gain new dimensions: - close friendship - romantic appeal - job competence 2. Generally rises, but drops temporarily at school transitions 3. Parenting style affects quality & stability of self-esteem

Friendship Risks

1. Corumination: anxiety, depression 2. Relational Aggression 3. Internet Communication

Self-Disclosure in Relationships Over Time (Graph): Parents

1. Declines from 5th-10th grade 2. Rises in college & when a single adult 3. Drops when married without kids 4. Increases again when married with kids

Erikson's Theory: Identity

1. Defining who you are, what you value, & your direction in life 2. Commitments to vocation, relationships, sexual orientation, ethnic group, ideals 3. Exploration, resolution of "identity crisis"

Cognitive Style & Identity Status: Diffuse-Avoidant

1. Diffusion 2. Long-Term Diffusion

2 organizing factors

1. Dream 2. Mentor

Dating Problems: Too-Early

1. Drug use, sex, delinquency 2. Poor academic achievement 3. Dating violence

Routes to Adolescent Delinquency

1. Early-Onset 2. Late-Onset

Sex Differences in Adolescent Friendships: Girls

1. Emotional closeness 2. Get together to "just talk" 3. Self-disclosure, support

Parent-Adolescent Conflict

1. Facilitates adolescents' identity & autonomy 2. Signals parents to adjust parenting style

Family Influences on Adolescents' Adjustment

1. Family circumstances that affect appropriate autonomy-granting 2. Sibling relationships

Research on Kohlberg's Theory

1. Few people reach postconventional morality 2. Stages 3 & 4 reflect morally mature reasoning 3. In real life, people often reason below actual capacity

Characteristics of Adolescent Friendships

1. Fewer "best friends" 2. Stress intimacy, mutual understanding, loyalty 3. Tend to be similar: - identity status - educational aspirations - political beliefs - deviant behavior

Family Influences on Adolescents' Adjustment: Circumstances

1. Financial Security 2. Parental Work Pressures 3. Stable Marriage

Dating Problems: For Gay & Lesbian Youths

1. Finding partners 2. Peer harassment & rejection

Cognitive Style & Identity Status: Dogmatic & Inflexible

1. Foreclosure 2. Diffusion

Self-Disclosure in Relationships Over Time (Graph)

1. Friend 2. Romantic Partner 3. Parents

Adolescent Suicide: Related Factors

1. Gender 2. Ethnicity 3. Family environment, high life stress 4. Sexual orientation 5. Personality: - intelligent, withdrawn - antisocial 6. Triggering negative events

Delinquency: Related Factors

1. Gender 2. SES, ethnicity 3. Difficult temperament 4. Low intelligence, poor school performance 5. Peer rejection, association with antisocial peers 6. Family characteristics 7. Neighborhood

Depression in Adolescence: Influential Factors

1. Heredity 2. Parental depression 3. Gender-typed coping styles

Cognitive Style & Identity Status: Information-Gathering

1. Identity-Achieved 2. Moratorium

Self-Disclosure in Relationships Over Time (Graph): Friend

1. Increases continuously until 10th grade 2. Slightly declines in college 3. Slightly increases back when single 4. Drops greatly when married without kids 5. Increases a bit when married with kids

Cognitive Styles

1. Information-Gathering 2. Dogmatic, Inflexible 3. Diffuse-Avoidant

Dating Goals In Late Adolescence

1. Intimacy, 2. Compatibility, 3. Affection, 4. Social Support

Sex Differences in Moral Reasoning?

1. Kohlberg 2. Gilligan - Each sex uses both orientations, but females may stress care more, because of greater involvement in activities involving care & concern for others

Erikson's Theory: Role Confusion

1. Lack of direction & self-definition 2. Earlier psychosocial conflicts not resolved 3. Society restricts choices 4. Unprepared for challenges of adulthood

Family Influences on Adolescents' Adjustment: Sibling Relationship

1. Less intense, in both positive & negative feelings 2. Attachment remains strong in most cases

Factors Influencing Behavior

1. Maturity of Moral Reasoning 2. Emotions: empathy, sympathy, guilt 3. Temperament 4. Cultural Experiences & Beliefs 5. Moral Identity 6. Parenting Practices: inductive discipline, moral standards 7. Schooling: just educational environments

Changes in Dating During Adolescence

1. Mixed-sex cliques prepare teenagers for dating 2. Dating goals change with age: - early vs. late adolescence 3. Relationships with parents & friends contribute to security of romantic ties

Reasoning About Situations Raising Competing Issues

1. Moral 2. Social-Conventional 3. Personal: - choice weighted against community obligations - rights integrated with ideal reciprocity

Benefits of Adolescent Friendships

1. Opportunities to explore self 2. Opportunities to deeply understand another 3. Foundation for future intimate relationships 4. Help in managing stress 5. Improved school attitudes & involvement

Factors That Affect Identity Development

1. Personality 2. Child-rearing practices: - attachment 3. Peers, friends 4. Schools, communities 5. Culture 6. Societal forces

Preventing Adolescent Delinquency

1. Positive family relationships 2. High-quality teaching 3. Communities with healthy economic & social conditions 4. Multisystemic therapy 5. Zero tolerance policies are inconsistent, ineffective

Kohlberg's Levels of Moral Development

1. Pre-Conventional (decreases in early adolescence) 2. Conventional (rises midadolescence till college) 3. Post-Conventional or Principled (so rare; truly mature)

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

1. Punishment & Obedience 2. Instrumental Purpose 3. "Good Boy/Girl" (Morality of Interpersonal Cooperation) 4. Social-Order Maintaining 5. Social Contract 6. Universal Ethical Principle

Friendship Risks: Internet Communication

1. Racial & ethnic slurs 2. Sexual obscenity 3. Harassment 4. Reduced quality of face-to-face interaction

Dating Goals In Early Adolescence

1. Recreation, 2. Peer Status


1. Relevance of patterns to today's youth → cohort effect? 2. Few non-college educated and low income men and women samples 3. Possible inaccurate memories → retrospective 4. Rigidity of stages

Sex Differences in Adolescent Friendships: Boys

1. Shared activities 2. Achievement, status 3. Competition, conflict

Parent-Child Relationships in Adolescence

1. Strives for autonomy 2. Deidealizes parents - Authoritative Parenting

Dating Problems

1. Too-Early Dating 2. For Gay & Lesbian Youths

What are the 2 different types of marriage

1. Traditional 2. Egalitarian

Self-Concept in Adolescence

1. Unifies separate traits into more abstract descriptors 2. May describe contradictory traits 3. Gradually combines traits into organized system: - qualifiers - integrating principles

why are remarried couples at high risk for divorce?

1. financial security, help in rearing children, relief from loneliness, and social acceptance 2. transfer of negative patterns from 1st marriage to the 2nd 3. view divorce as an acceptable solution when marital difficulties resurface

Pecks 4 tasks at midlife

1.) Valuing wisdom versus valuing physical powers 2.) Socializing vs. Sexualizing 3.) Emotional flexibility vs. emotional impoverishment 4.) Mental flexibility vs. Mental rigidity

___ older adults widowed


Female caregivers who are employed typically devote ______ hours per week to caring for a disabled aging parent

10 to 20

boys puberty

10-13-17 penis and testicle growth is number 1 pubic hair voice change spermarche- boy's first ejaculation face and chest hair increase in testosterone

Muscle Strength Declines

10-20% by ages 60 to 70 30-50% by ages 70 to 80

____ report adjustment difficulty with retirement


Alcohol Abuse in Early Adulthood

11% of men, 3% of women are heavy drinkers about one-third are alcoholics Genetic, cultural factors in alcoholism Causes mental, physical problems High social costs Treatment is difficult half relapse in months

formal operational stage

11+ years more abstract than concrete operational thought increased verbal problem-solving ability think about thought itself more logical thought

piaget's formal operational stage

11+ years abstract, systemic and scientific thought

Early phase of adolescence

11-12 to 14 years Rapid pubertal change

Middle phase of adolescence

14 to 16 years Puberty nearly complete

What age are you when "emerging adulthood? "


Menopause typically occurs between the ages of :

39 and 59

on avg, how fast do people get remarried after divorce?

4 years

Middle adulthood

40-45 years of age to about 60-65 years of age

What is middle age?**

40-60 or 65 either peak of cognitive performance or a time of crisis or decline


5 out of 6 Americans age 60 and older have diets that are poor or need improvement. Too many calories, too much alcohol, skipping meals, too many in between meal snacks, not enough fiber, colorful fruits and vegetables, too much red meat, not enough fish. Taking vitamins and food supplements is not a substitute for eating a balanced diet

post secondary education in canada?

74% of young women and 65% of young men attempted some form of postsecondary school. - students can benefit from diversity on their campus to achieve cognitive growth: - embrace opportunities for encountering people who are different - recognize that your initial reaction to cultural difference may be defensive


75500 canadians were living with HIV at the end of 2014 -21% didn't know they had it - increase in rates since late 90s

factors related to dropping out

8% of 16-20s drop out low grades & low self esteem no extracurricular involvement uninvolved/uneducated large, impersonal schools higher in boys than girls, low SES and minorities

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: what should be secure?

8. Financial and employment security

_____ seniors in US have kids


What is the average life expectancy for a female?

81 years old Women live longer; the protective value of the female's extra X-chromosome is believed to be responsible.

After Age 75:

9 % of older adults struggle with activities of daily living 17% of older adults struggle with activities of Instrumental activities of daily living.

Sleep habits in adolescence

9 hours is optimal for adolescents. Still need almost as much sleep, but go to bed later: sleep "phase delay" - "go to bed" social habits - employment, sports Lack of sleep impairs executive function: reduced achievement increased anxiety, depressed mood high-risk behaviors

girls puberty

9-15 breast growth is number 1 pubic hair widening of hips menarche- girl's first menstruation uterine development increase in estrogen

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: age of marriage

: after 23 less likely to have issues a. One of the most consistent predictors of marriage stability


: question one's life and explore new possibilities; often lead to big decisions &. changes • i.e., whether to have kids

Self-Disclosure in Relationships Over Time (Graph): Romantic Partner

= Continuously rises

Religious Involvement & Morality

= Declines formally in adolescence = Linked to: 1. Responsible academic, 2. Social behavior; 3. Less misconduct

Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation

= Free & willing participation in the system

Friendship Risks: Relational Aggression

= Girls' closest friendships of shorter duration

Erikson's Theory

= Identity vs. Role Confusion

Kohlberg's Conventional Level of Moral Development

= Individuals continue to regard *conformity* to social rules as important, *but not* for reasons of self-interest; - Rather, they believe that actively *maintaining* the current *social system* ensures positive relationships & societal order. Stages: 3. "Good Boy/Girl" (Morality of Interpersonal Cooperation) 4. Social-Order Maintaining

Kohlberg's Preconventional Level of Moral Development

= Morality is externally controlled; kids accept rules of authority figures & judge actions by their consequences; behaviors resulting in punishment viewed as bad & in rewards as good. - Stages: 1. Punishment & Obedience 2. Instrumental Purpose

Depression in Adolescence

= Most common psychological problem: 15-20% have had 1+ major episodes - Twice as many girls as boys: - early-maturing girls - gender intensification

Kohlberg's Postconventional Level of Moral Development

= Move beyond unquestioning support for their own society's rules & laws. - They define morality in terms of *abstract principles & values* that apply to *all situations & societies*. Stages: 5. Social Contract 6. Universal Ethical Principle

Pragmatic Approach to Morality: Moral Judgments

= Practical tools that: 1. Depend on current context & motivation 2. Are frequently directed at self-serving goals


= Small groups: 5-7 - Good friends - Similar in family background, attitudes, & values


= Widespread in early & middle adolescence, then declines 1. Related Factors

Routes to Adolescent Delinquency: Late-Onset

= behavior begins around puberty 1. Peer influences

Routes to Adolescent Delinquency: Early-Onset

= behavior begins in childhood: 1. Biological risks & inept parenting combine 2. Linked to serious antisocial activity


= changes in which we restructure our lives or reorder our goals in response to changing experiences

Sex Differences in Moral Reasoning: Gilligan

= emphasis on "ethic of care" orientation

parental imperative theory

After children reach adulthood, parents are free to express the "other-gender" side of their personalities, leading to the androgyny shift in mid-life A biological explanation for greater androgyny in midlife


Age 30 transition → reevaluate life structure and try to change things you find inadequate

Older adulthood

Age 65 - death

Older Adulthood Occurs at what age and until when?

Age 65 until Death.


Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength

Personality Trait Changes through Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Studies

Agreeableness and conscientiousness increase from the teens through middle age Neuroticism declines Extroversion and openness to experience are stable or may decrease slightly These changes reflect "settling down" and greater maturity

What are the most common substances used by young adults?

Alcohol, marijuana, tabacco

Which of the following is true about social contact among elders?

Among elders who have trouble performing daily activities, social contact is linked to a less positive everyday existence.

Expertise and Creativity; Expertise

Expertise = acquisition of extensive knowledge in a field takes many years affects information processing

ego differentiation

For those who invested heavily in their careers, finding other ways to affirm self-worth, through family, friendship, and community life

Symptoms (Alzheimer's)

Forgetting, disorientation, personality change, depression, motor problems, delusions, speech problems, infections

The College Experience

Formative, influential "developmental testing ground" Exposure to new ideas, beliefs, demands leads to cognitive growth, new thinking patterns relativistic thinking increased self-understanding Depends on participation in campus life

What is HPV?

Genital warts, cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer - can be transmitted threw oral, skin to skin, anal, vaginal - estimated 75% of canadians will have atleast one HPV infection in their lifetime - a vaccine is available and it is recommended before they become sexually active


Health of people aged 40-65 in developed nations is better than it has ever been (vaccinations) - when hit 40 need regular checkups


High: Worrying, temperamental, self-pitying, self-conscious, emotional, and vulnerable Low: Calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy

Protective factors of Alzheimer's Disease

Higher levels of education and lifestyle Mediterranean diet: including things like olive oil, fruits, and vegetables active social life.

Incidence (Alzheimer's)

Higher with age - about 45% over age 85

Identity Statuses

Higher: 1. Achievement 2. Moratorium Lower: 3. Foreclosure 4. Diffusion


Highlight/sharpen maintained strengths

More probably because their more comfortable economic circumstances make it easier to do so

Highly educated middle-aged adults are _______ likely to divorce

regional and racial ethnic difference in age

Hispanic Americans have the highest life expectancy overall at 80.6 years, about 2.5 years longer than whites, and 7.7 years longer than blacks.

financial abuse

Illegal or improper exploitation of the aging person's property or financial resources, through theft or use without consent.

To avoid stigmatization, avoid:

Impatience Exclusion Overestimating need from assistance (pay attention to their feedback)

whether they had children

In longitudinal research, college-educated women in the labor force became more independent by their early 40s regardless of

Life Expectancy is _____________ in the United States?

Increasing, because there is lower infant mortality, improved health behavior, and medical advances.

Stage 5: Social Contract

Individuals regard *laws & rules as flexible* instruments for furthering human purposes. - They can *imagine alternatives* for their own social order & they emphasize *fair procedures* for interpreting & changing the law. - When laws are consistent with individual rights & the interests of the majority, each person follows them because it brings about *more good* for people than if it did not exist.

Stage 4: Social-Order-Maintaining

Individuals takes into account a *larger perspective* -- that of *societal laws*; - Moral choices no longer depend on close ties to others. - Instead, rules must be *enforced* in the same evenhanded fashion *for everyone*, & each society member has a *personal duty* to uphold them. - Believes that laws should never be disobeyed because they are *vital for ensuring societal order & cooperation* between people.


Individuals who are high on this trait are affectionate, talkative, active, fun-loving, and passionate. Individuals who are low are reserved, quiet, passive, sober, and emotionally unreactive.


Individuals who are high on this trait are conscientious, hard-working, well-organized, punctual, ambitious, and preserving. Individuals who are low are negligent, lazy, disorganized, late, aimless, and nonpersistent.

Openness to experience

Individuals who are high on this trait are imaginative, creative, original, curious, and liberal. Individuals who are low are down-to-earth, uncreative, conventional, un-curious, and conservative.


Individuals who are high on this trait are soft-hearted, trusting, generous, acquiescent, lenient, and good-natured. Individuals who are low are ruthless, suspicious, stingly, antagonistic, critical, and irritable.


Individuals who are high on this trait are worrying, temperamental, self-pitying, self-conscious, emotional, and vulnerable. Individuals who are low are calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy.

physical abuse

Intentional infliction of pain, discomfort, or injury, through hitting, cutting, burning, physical force, restraint, sexual assault, and other acts.

physical neglect

Intentional or unintentional failure to fulfill caregiving obligations, resulting in lack of food, medicaiton, or health services or in the older person being left alone or isolated.

The Seattle Longitudinal Study

Involves extensive evaluation of intellectual abilities during adulthood


Involves risk of hip fracture, and fear limits mobility, social contact

What is Levinson's theory of early adulthood?

Levinson's Season's of Life

Factors influencing behavior include

Maturity of moral reasoning Emotions: empathy, sympathy, guilt Temperament Cultural experiences and beliefs Parenting practices: include disciplines, moral standards Moral Reasoning and Behavior

Complex, Integrated

Middle aged adults tend to offer more ___________, ___________ descriptions of themselves (i.e., self-concept) than do younger and older individuals


Midlife transition in which fertility declines

more easily

Midlifers seem to adapt __________ to divorce than younger people


Negative life changes may actually evoke less stress and depression in older than in younger adults(T/F)


Negative outcome of midlife which occurs when people attain certain life goals such as marriage, children, and career success, but remain unsatisfied and become self-centered and self-indulgent

Brain Changes (Alzheimer's)

Neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques in cerebral cortex, synapse deterioration

AD: causes and risk factors

Neurofibrillary tangles: twisted masses of dead neurons found in brains of persons with Alzheimer's disease

Probably because people become less willing to invest in non-family ties unless they are very rewarding

Nevertheless, for both sexes, number of friends declines with age

Secondary Sexual Characteristics

Other visible parts of the body that signal sexual maturity Girls: breasts Boys: facial hair, voice change Both: underarm hair

Unemployment and Forced Retirement

Painful experience, adverse effects on physical and mental health. Reaction in stages: 1. Sequence of shock, relief and relaxation 2.Concerted effort to find a new job. 3.Self-esteem begins to crumble, experience high level of self-doubt and anxiety. 4. resignation and withdrawal. -long term unemployment causes a family life to deteriorate.

Sub-cortical Dementia:

Parkinson's disease- it affects more primitive areas of the brain such as the brain stem; involves sub-cortical damage


Perceived social support is more important for older adults' well-being than the sheer amount of help from family and friends. (T/F)

Factors Influencing Vocational Choice

Personality Family influences Teachers Gender stereotypes Access to vocational information


Personality tests reveal that older adults gain this, it's when they become increasingly generous, acquiescent, and good-natured well into late life.

Cognitive Changes in Early Adulthood

Piaget: postformal thought Perry: epistemic cognition Labouvie-Vief: pragmatic thought cognitive-affective complexity

Pendulum problem

Piagetian problem. What influences the speed of the pendulum swinging through the arc? Might test: String length; Weight of object; How high object is raised before released; How forcefully object is pushed

Psychological and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Preconventional Morality Standards to judge rightness are rewards/punishments Stage 1: the punishment and obedience orientation Stage 2: Nice to others and others will be nice to them Conventional Morality Internalize judgments of society Stage 3: good boy/nice girl stage Stage 4: it is also called the law-and-order orientation Post-conventional Morality Choices are made based on self-chosen principles Stage 5: social contract orientation, rules are important however they see times when the rules need to be ignored (Usually where we end) Stage 6: Universal ethical principles orientation (balancing two choices)

Language Processing in Late Adulthood:

Problems retrieving specific words Problems planning what to say- statements less organized Compensation: More sentences, simpler grammar, gist processing- communicate the essence of a message, use more pronouns, pauses in speech

Theories of Biological Aging DNA-Cellular Level

Programmed effects of specific genes "aging genes" telomere shortening

piaget's pendulum problem

Q: what influences the speed of the swing? Variables: length of string, weight, height released A: only string length

Many people respond that the important goal is not just the quantity of life, but the _________ of life.


aging in place

Remaining in a familiar setting where they have control over their everyday life.

other-focused reminiscence

Reminiscence that is directed at social goals, such as solidifying family and friendship ties and reliving relationships with lost loved ones.

self-focused reminiscence

Reminiscence that is used to reduce boredom and revive bitter events.

viewing spouse as a bestfriend :)

Research indicates that ___________ contributes greatly to marital happiness

Preventing and Treating Rape and Abuse

Routine screening Validation of experience Safety planning

Early Adulthood Resistant Attachment

Seek quick love, complete merging Jealousy, desperation, emotional highs, lows

And with fewer close friendships, middle-aged adults try harder to get along with friends

Selectivity of friendships also increases with age

Consequences of adolescent cognitive changes

Self-consciousness and self-focusing distortions (Imaginary audience and personal fables) Idealism and criticism decision making

Ruth told her doctor, "I think I might be losing my mind. Yesterday I forgot the name of the family who had just moved in next door. And the day before, I had trouble finding the right words to explain to a delivery service how to get to my house" the doctor replied, "Ruth, everyone forgets those sorts of things from time to time; when we were young we do the same thing, we attribute it to having a "______________"

Senior Moment


Speaking slowly Speaking loudly Using a sing-song voice Using the pronouns "we," "us," and "our" in place of "you.": "How are we doing today?" Using pet names such as "sweetheart," "dearie," or "honey" Shortening sentences Answering questions for the older adult: "You would like your lunch now, wouldn't you?" Asking people questions that assume role loss, idleness and powerlessness such as "Who did you used to be?" "What did you used to do?"


Transitional period from normal menstrual periods to no menstrual periods at all

continuity theory

Unlike the active theory, this theory does not view older adults' efforts to remain active as simple replacement of lost social roles with new ones. Rather, according to this view, most aging adults strive to maintain a personal system, an identity and a set of personality dispositions, interests, roles, and skills that promotes life satisfaction by ensuring consistency between their past and anticipated future.

Meanings/Roles of Grandparenthood

Valued Elder, Immortality through descendants, Reinvolvement with personal past, Indulgence

Margaret Mead on adolescence

Variability; Social environment is entirely responsible for the range of experiences from agitated to calm

Within an individual, different domains of aging progress at _____________________________?

Varying Rates

emotional abuse

Verbal assaults (such as name calling), humiliation (being treated as a child), and intimidation (threats of isolation or placement in a nursing home).

Which of these employees is most likely to encounter a glass ceiling?

Virginia, an African-American woman

Does the U.S. Lag behind in Average Health Life Expectancy at Birth?

Yes, the U.S. lags behind.

evolutionary theory of aging

a variation of genetic programming theory that views aging as an evolved trait enabling members of a species to live only long enough to reproduce. So any trait that helps the young will by maintained and spread through the population, even if the effects are damaging to the person later in life.

the social clock

age graded expectations for major life events such as beginning a first job, getting married, birth of the first child, buying a home, and retiring

life expectancy

age to which a person in a particular in a particular cohort is statistically likely to live given his or her current age and health status), on the basis of average longevity of a population. Gains in life expectancy mean that the rate of mortality goes down (morbidity refers to rate of disease.)

adaptation to widowhood depends on

age; social support; personality

Adults may have cosmetic surgery or dye their hair to hide the visible signs of ____.


Genetic and environmental factors affects


Baby Boomers are

aging and make up 20% of older adults.

Elders housing preferences reflect a strong desire for

aging in place.

secondary aging

aging processes that result from disease and bodily abuse and disuse and are often preventable, or which can at least be delayed

Sue is soft-hearted, trusting, generous, acquiescent, lenient, and good-natured. She is high on which of these big five personality traits?


what immunodeficiency disease is caused by a virus and affects the t cells ***


what marriages usually take more of a hit when a baby is born?

already troubled marriages

bulimia nervosa

binge & purge cycle strict diet & exercise (perfectionists but lack self control) 2-4% of teenage girls (more common in females than males) treatment: support groups, education, medication (more likely to feel guilt and want help with their disorder) genetic influence (more common to share in monozygotic twins than dizygotic twins)

Dramatic gains in average life expectancy provide powerful support for

biological aging, including improved nutrition, medical treatment, sanitation, and safety

Viagra works by allowing increased ______ _______ to the penis.

blood flow

growth spurt

boys: 12.5-17.5 years girls: 10-16 years

muscle-fat make-up

boys: increase in muscle girls: increase in fat


boys: shoulder broaden; legs lengthen girls: hips broaden

immunological theory

certain genes may cause the body's defense system against disease to become less effective, so the person may be more susceptible to disease

Personal fable

certain that others are observing and thinking about them (inflated feeling of importance)

endocrine theory

changes in the hormones used by the body, possibly due to genetic malfunction, may create the effects of aging such as loss of muscle strength, increased fat and organ atrophy

Decline in the processing speed may be due to ..?

changes in the integrity of the nervous system

education (on reaction to puberty)

changes since 1950s (more prepared for puberty and onset of period) views of period often more positive now


chemicals secreted by endocrine glands and carried throughout the body by the bloodstream

academic achievement

childrearing practices peer influences school characteristics

preconventional stage 2: instrumental purpose orientation

children become aware that people can have different perspectives in a moral dilemma. They view right action as flowing from self-interest & understand reciprocal/equal exchange of favors moral development

preconventional stage 1 - punishment & obedience orientation

children focus on avoiding punishment. Have trouble considering 2 POV's in moral dilemma -> overlook people's intentions moral development

special risks for depression

chronic illness or disability, cognitive decline, and divorce, separation, or widowhood

Many middle-aged adults experience a reduced blood supply that decreases the visual fields creating a problem seeing objects that are _________.



cloudy areas in the lens, foggy vision to blindness


cloudy areas in the lens, foggy vision to blindness.


cloudy or opaque areas in the lens of the eye that cause blurred vision. surgery to replace the lens is often an option and can be a big help


cognitive component: leading partners to decide that they are in love and wanting to maintain that love

multisystemic therapy

combination of family intervention & integrating violent youths into positive school, work, & leisure activities and disengaging them from deviant peers

minimal experimenters

dabble in drug use not at risk of addiction more sensation seeking

school transitions in adolescence

decline in grades (higher academic standings, less supportive teaching-learning environment) decrease in academic self-esteem & motivation

Many U.S. retirees experience a(n)

decline in living standards.

In early adulthood, Angelina grew distant from her father. Now that she is approaching midlife, Angelina has started making an effort to repair the relationship. According to Levinson, Angelina is engaged in which developmental task?



deterioration in cognitive and behavioral functioning due to physiological causes; some cases are reversal, like vitamin B deficiencies-common in severe alcoholism, dehydration, overmedication, poisoning, brain tumor, anoxia etc.

pre-menopausal women**

diabetes cancels out the protected effect of estrogen - higher risk of heart disease -(estrogen gives us some protection from cardiovascular)

sex difference in growth

differences in growth spurts, proportions, and muscle-fat makeup

risk factors for elder maltreatment - Institutional conditions

elder maltreatment is more likely to occur in nursing homes that are rundown and overcrowded and that have minimal staff supervision and high staff turnover


facilitates realization of the dream and provides a transition from parent-child relationship to the world of adult work -• can act as teachers

ego transcendence

facing the reality of death constructively through efforts to make life more secure, meaningful, and gratifying for younger generations

risk factors for elder maltreatment - Psychological Disturbance and stress of the perpetrator

factors such as having psychological problems, being dependent on alcohol and other drugs, having difficulties at work, or having financial worries increase the likelihood of abusers lashing out when caregiving is highly demanding

Large companies spend less money on formal training programs for their ________ employees.


___ divorces in late adulthood

few (rates increasing)

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Changes Heart

few resting changes, lower performance under stress hypertension, atherosclerosis diseases declining due to better lifestyle

Cross-cultural studies on menopause indicate that Asian women report ____ hot flashes than women in Western societies.


The Immune System in Early Adulthood Declines after age 20

fewer T cells from shrinking thymus B cells don't work as well without T cells stress weakens immune response

Vocational Preparation of Non-College-Bound Lack vocational placement, counseling

fewer opportunities than in past limited jobs

marriage satisfaction peaks due to

fewer stressful responsibilities; more fair in household tasks; joint leisure; greater emotional understanding & regulation

Visual acuity

fineness of discrimination worsens, dropping sharply after age 70

Lack of interest in young people

focus on what they can get from others rather than what they can give, and taking little interest in being productive at work, developing their talents, or bettering the world in other ways (includes their own children)

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease:

forgetting, disorientation, personality change, depression, motor problems, delusions, speech problems, infections

friendships in late adulthood

friends provide -intimacy, companionship -acceptance -link to community -help with loss -feel closest to a few nearby friends -choose friends similar to self in age, sex, ethnicity, values -sex differences continue

Because of __________, the workforce today is sometimes outsourced to other countries with a significantly less expensive labor force.


two factors in living to a hundred years and beyond

good genes and ability to manage stress

primary aging

gradual, inevitable process of bodily deterioration throughout the life span.

Middle-aged adults who come to terms with life disappointments report

greater life satisfaction.

Which of the following is associated with ego integrity?

greater self-acceptance

Factors of a long life

heredity, environment/lifestyle

intervention for elderly prevention programs involve

immediate protection for senior and health services for caregiver

Consequences of Rape and Sexual Abuse Trauma response

immediate shock long-term problems depression social anxiety substance abuse

Stress can affect the ________ system, which consists of millions of white blood cells that fight off bacteria, viruses and tumors.


religiosity in late adulthood is associated with

increased psych & physical well-being; closeness to family & friends

hormones & puberty

increased release of GH and thyroxine increased release of sex hormones (boys: androgens, testosterone, girls: estrogen and adrenal androgens) girls gain height and weight around 10 years boys gains height and weights around 12.5 years boys surpass girls most gain 10-11inches in height and 50-70 pounds

depression and suicide

increased suicide risk in older adults highest in which men age 70 and older Factors: losses: retirement, widowhood, social isolation reduced physical functioning or pain social isolation, lack of personal control Effective treatment: -antidepressant medication plus therapy -help in coping with life transitions

risk of eating disorders

increased with: early puberty (more likely girls), home environment stressing weight & thinness

friendships in late adulthood

increasing importance; similar; sex differences continue

August stops by his mother Aprils house every day. If April has no trouble with tasks like making coffee or unloading the dishwasher, then August withdraws and attends to other jobs. Augusts behavior toward April illustrates the

independenceignore script.

independence-ignore script

independent behaviors are mostly ignored

bulimia nervoas

individual consistently follows pattern of purge-and-binge preoccupied with food have intense fear of being overweight depressed or anxious distorted body image typically fall in normal weight range

What kind of societies do people experience emerging adulthood?

industrialized nations

what were the strongest predictors of divorce?

infidelity, spending money foolishly, drinking/using drugs, expressing jealousy, engaging in irritating habits, moodiness

Wechler Adult intelligence scale (WAIS)

intelligence test for adults that yields verbal and performance cores as well as combined scores


involves reaching out to others in ways that give to and guide the next generation

semantic memory

long term memory of general factual knowledge, social customs, and language.

Procedural memory

long term memory of motor skills, habits, and ways of doing things which often can be recalled without conscious effort. It is sometimes referred to implicit memory. Procedural memory is relatively unaffected by age.

Episodic memory

long term memory of specific experiences or events, linked to time and place, such as what you had for breakfast this morning. This system requires you to remember when and where something happened-to reconstruct events in your mind. Episodic memory is the long term memory system that is most likely to deteriorate with age

During middle adulthood, people then to _____ height.



lots of emotions and finishes development at end of adolescence anger management

remarriage rates ___ in late adulthood

low (declines with age)


major personality achievement of adolescence and a critical step toward becoming a productive, content adult. Constructing it involves defining who you are, values, choosing life directions

Homosexuality/Bisexuality in Early Adulthood Public acceptance growing

majority say it's "OK," support civil liberties, job opportunities

How much is to much for men and women with alcohol?

males - 15 drinks a week, no more then 3 drinks on most days - risky: more then 4 drinks per occasion monthly Females - 20 drinks a week, no more then 2 drinks on most days - risky: more than 2 drinks per occasion

What routine screening tests are recommended in middle age

mammograms psa age 50 every 2 years

background factors that increase change of divorce

marriage at young age, not going to religious service, being previously divorced, having divorced parents, low SES, woman with demanding job

_______ increases with retirement

martial happiness

Marcus, age 53, is spending a lot of time caring for his young grandson. His subordinates at work have noticed that he has become a kinder, more compassionate boss. According to Levinson, Marcus is engaged in which developmental task?


control and dependency in late adulthood: person-environment fit:

match between person's abilities and demands of living environments

primary sex characteristics

maturation of reproductive organs girls: menarche (first period) boys: spermarche (first ejaculation)

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Changes Lungs

maximum vital capacity declines after age 25 stiffness makes breathing harder with age

Gender difference: Women longer life expectancy

may be due to the extra X chromosome. Women are also more likely to take better care of their health than ben, improvements in prenatal and obstetric care, high SES than in the that past, more social support, men's higher death rates throughout life due to engaging in risky behavior

retirement expands

meaningful leisure, community service activities & involvement in politics

functional age

measure of a person's ability to function effectively in his or her physical and social environment in comparison with others of the same chronological ages. A person who is 90 but still in good health may be functionally younger than a person of 65 who is not.

never married & childless ____ more likely to be lonely and depressed


widowhood is harder for _____


work-related stresors

men report more stressors with

Factors Related to Sexual Coercion Cultural Forces

men taught dominance, competition, aggression women taught submission acceptance of violence aggressive pornography

who usually takes the divorce harder?

men who can't see their children or women who dont have a strong identity or job/education

Gender differences in mentors?

men → more likely to find and use a mentor than women

One study found that almost half of individuals 65-69 years of age considered themselves:


What are some Hearing loss solutions?

minimize background noise hearing aid attend to nonverbal cues


minute organisms inside our cells that generate energy for cell processes whose fragmentation is hypothesized to be a cause of aging

How is cohabitation seen in other cultures?

more accepted in other western countries

With age, possible selves become

more concrete.

parent-child relationship

more conflict, less closeness (often smaller issues) similar across subcultures gender differences (girls report more conflict with parents than boys)

Why has the number of single people increased?

more people marry later or not at all and more divorce

neurotransmitter response changes

more sensitive to excitatory messages causes increased responsiveness to stress and pleasure

preventions strategies

more sexual education skills for handling sexual situations promoting abstinence (little to no impact) info & access to contraceptives academic & socially competence school involvement

Substance abuse disorderes and schizophrenia

more than 2.6 times greater for males - peaks :26-29 Schizophrenia - no difference between men and women, increases with age

anxiety and mood disorders with men and women

more than double for women than for men peak: women - 20s men - 30s

Seattle Longitudinal Study

most fairly healthy adults showed only small losses on their tasks until the late 60s or 70s. The most striking feature of the SLS findings is the tremendous variation among individuals. Some showed declines during their 40s, but a few maintained full functioning until very late in life.

adjusting to retirement

most people adapt well 10-30% report some adjustment difficulties factors in adjustment workplace factors financial worries spouse influence sense of personal control social support

Expertise and Creativity; Effects on creativity

move to problem finding 10-year rule creativity usually rises in early adulthood requires multiple qualities

Dark adaption

moving from a brightly lit environment to a dim one becomes harder.

top dog phenomenon

moving from the top position in elementary school to the lowest position in middle school drop in school satisfaction less stressful when student has positive peer relationships

social theories of aging: disengagement theory

mutual withdrawal between older adults and sociey

sleep habits

need ~9 hours of sleep but go to bed later due to phase delay (increased sensitivity to evening light that makes it harder to fall asleep) and social habits lack causes: depressed mood, poor school achievement, high-risk behavior

Stress and ______ emotions can affect the development and course of cardiovascular disease.


late adults are at high risk for

negative life changes

Brain changes in Alzheimer's

neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques in the cerebral cortex, and synapse deterioration

Denyse is calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy. She is low on which of these big five personality traits?


The Brain can compensate by:

new fibers, neurons, new synapses recruit alternate brain regions.

The aging cerebral cortex can, to a limited degree, generate ________________.

new neurons

Aging neurons established _______________ after other neurons have degenerated

new synapses

treatment and prevention of AD

no cure, but early diagnosis and treatment can slow the progress of the disease. So far, FDA has approved 5 drugs to slow, but not stop, the progression of the disease for up to one year. A promising experimental approach is immunotherapy.

Outcomes of helicopter parenting?

not associated with the negative outcomes of excessive parental rule, but reduced school engagement

Tip-of-the-tongue state

not being able to say a word but you know what you are trying to say. older adults are better at resolving

who're usually the mentors

not top executives

Pragmatic thought

notes that adults must typically narrow possibilities into choices, whether these are choices about careers, school or life partners. - as people mature - cognitive affective complexity develops and it is a mature form of thinking that permits positive and negative feelings about choices made in life

Adolescent Cliques

o Avg 2-12 individuals o Engage in similar activities • Have shared experiences • When you share thing it validates everything you are • • sometimes living up to or down to reputation is tough because of self-esteem

What traits to people like in their partner?

o Both men and women prefer intelligent, honest, and emotionally stable partners, who are attractive, with a "good" personality (basics)

Empty Nest

period of life when children have grown up and leave home


period of the life span marked by changes in physical functioning associated with aging; begins at different ages for different people

what is Sexual dysfunction

persistent or recurrent problems in becoming sexually aroused or reaching orgasm. - women, more painful sex, lack of pleasure, inability to reach orgasm, lack of desire. - men, lack of interest in sex, erectile dysfunction - Physical changes can produce performance anxiety and discourage both partners from sexual relations.

characteristics of sexually active adolescents

personal: early puberty, impulsivity, weak sense of personal control family: step, single parent, or large family, weak monitoring, poor communication peer: sexually active friends/siblings educational: poor performance, lower education goals overall

What does straying from the social clock foster?

personality change, changing self esteem, independence, responsibility, etc.

Dangers of Sex Sexual coercion

rape abuse

Vocational Preparation of Non-College-Bound Work-study, apprenticeships can help

rare in the United States Europe has model systems

Sexual harassment includes

sexual jokes, overtures, suggestive comments, verbal abuse, leering at or ogling a person's body, unwelcome physical contact, outright sexual assault

social theories of aging: socioemotional selectivity theory

social networks become more selective with age, extending lifelong selection process emphasis on emotion-regulating functions of social contact

Research has identified a connection between religion and spiritually and a person's ability to cope with _______.


Stress and the Immune System ***

stress surpasses the immune system leaving us more vulnerable to common diseases, the cold. - stress hormones connected with anger(steroids) may contribute to cardiovascular disease ( cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine constrict the blood vessels to the heart leading to a heart attack - higher stress levels are related to higher cholesterol and greater risk of heart disease

multiple negative changes lead to

stress, depression, increased suicide risk

avoidant attachment have what types of internal working models

stressed independence, mistrust of love partners, anxiety of people getting too close

OT Intervention for Midlife

stroke, heart attack, accidents, ms, ale, at risk for heart attack, high blood pressure


study of the aged and the process of aging

The most common reason that grandparents step in to raise grandchildren is parental

substance-abuse issues.

body transcendence

surmounting physical limitations by emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive, emotional and social powers

Life expectancy cross over

surviving members of low-SES ethnic minority groups live longer than members of the white majority.

adolescent brain development

synaptic pruning continues expansion of synaptic connections, myelination neurotransmitter response changes

Changes in memory

tasks that only require rehearsal-repetition of information-show little decline in healthy adults; but tasks that require reorganization or elaboration show greater fallout. An example is to verbally rearrange the following three words in order of increasing size.

College students who spend time exploring in breadth without making commitments and who are identity diffused do what?

tend to be poorly adjusted -- anxious, depressed, and higher in alcohol and drug use

TRT stands for:

testosterone replacement therapy

Who/What age is the fastest growing segment?

the 85 and older group

Because senescence affects different ways.....

there are differences in Health Habits and Environmental Conditions.

Problems retrieving specific words (Language Processing)

tip-of-the-tongue state (better at resolving) use more pronouns, pauses in speech

Why does the autonomic nervous system release higher levels of stress hormones in the bloodstream?

to arouse body tissues that have become less responsive to these hormones over the years

Stimulating Lifestyle

to prevent further decline, therefore engaging in healthful diets or engaging in more physical activity.

Self-employed elders

to stay with their jobs longer.


transition to early adulthood - task is to become psychologically independent from parents

According to Levinson, middle adulthood begins with a

transitional period.

perpetrator of elderly maltreatment usually

trusted caregiver


twisted threads inside neurons that result from collapsed neural structures

Neurofibrillary Tangles:

twisted threads inside the neurons that result in collapsed neural structures

Smart Cap

type of assistive technology top placed on medication that reminds an older adult to take their medication

Hot flashes are _____ in Mayan women


Preventing and Treating Rape and Abuse Community services

underfunded few for men

propositional thought

verbal statements evaluating logic of propositions without referring to real world events

culture (on reaction to puberty)

view as a milestone (African American families treat more as a milestone than caucasians) tribal ceremonies (not really seen in western culture, closest thing is a quincinera)

When does transition into parent hood cause strain on the marriage?

violated expectations of division of labor

secondary sex characteristics

visible changes that signal sexual maturity girls: breast growth boys: facial hair, voice changes both: underarm & pubic hair

Respiratory Aging

vital lung capacity cut by half between age 25 and 80

What are the two types of childlessness

voluntary and involuntary

conventional stage 3: good boy good girl orientation/mortality of interpersonal cooperation

want to maintain affection and approval of family and friends by being a good person. Understand ideal reciprocity - treat people how you want to be treated moral development

Parents who were __________ in _________ are more likely to experience contact and closeness with their child in early adulthood

warm and supportive; middle childhood

school characteristics on academic achievement

warm, personal teaching classroom learning experiences opportunities to break out low academic tracts

what sex deals with divorce better?


widowhood is more common in _____


Sexuality commons on men an women

women - lack of sexual desire, difficulty with sexual arousal men- erectile dysfunction - women in middle adulthood report sexual satisfaction even when partner uses viagra - single women report satisfying sex lives as well

which women usually have jobs that cannot advance?

women in disadvantaged ethnic minorities

Myths and cultural factors that encourage sexual assault

women like to be overpowered by men during sex - the way the women dresses - women say no when they mean yes

at risk for breast cancer**

women who have 3 alcoholic drinks per week have 15% higher risk of breast cancer - experts estimate that the risk of breast cancer goes up another 10% for each additional drink women regularly have each day

Most middle-aged adults asked to describe turning points in the past five years report ones concerning


In the latter part of middle age, ____ memory capacity becomes more limited.


More Italian young adults reside with their parents until marriage than in other Western nations because parents believe that moving out without a justified reason signifies that something is

wrong in the family.

Sternberg's Triangular Subtheory of Love

• 1. Intimacy o Emotional element, self-disclosure • 2. Passion o Motivational element, physiological arousal • 3. Commitment o Cognitive element, decision to stay with the beloved Early Adulthood

. Levinson's sample and methods?

• Based on in-depth interviews of White and Black men, ages 35-45 • Came from 4 different occupational groups: hourly jobs, executive business, university, journalists • Also reviewed biographies of famous men

Media and Peers

• Body image o • Masculinity o o males often struggle in relationships because they were never told to be in touch with emotions • Females dehumanized in advertisements and society—adult males will treat females as objects instead of people. • Adolescent males are now subject to dehumanization due to sexualized ads for males (last 5-6 years) adolescence

Friendship in Young Adulthood

• Center on work and parenting activities • Sharing of advice • Women have social needs met by friends more than men

What is Levinson's central concept?

• Central concept is the life structure: the underlying pattern or design of a person's life at a given time; consists of relationships with significant others o Included relationships with others like parents, spouse, etc. and relationships with work, etc.

why are these attractive qualities between the sexes not universal?

• Cultural differences • See differences in stated preferences, but fewer differences in real life choices assessed via speed-dating research methodology matters • See differences based on short-term vs. long-term relationships

Benefits of Marriage

• Division of labor • Economic security • Opportunity for emotional growth • New sources of identity and self-esteem early adulthood


• Emotional closeness o Who you get along with when you're older, when you're younger sometimes the environment forces it. • Communal concerns o Shared experience • Get together to "just talk" • Self-disclosure, support Sex Differences in Adolescent Friendships

What did we watch in class that showed Dream?

• Ex: Seniors: Four Years in Retrospect

Gender differences in dream?

• Gender differences: men→career; women→family & career

What is intimacy?

• Intimacy involves a mutually satisfying, close relationship with another

Erikson's Normative Stage Model

• Intimacy vs. Isolation o Different in early adulthood- idea that find relationship that is part of your identity - wont change interests and identity because of relationship o Shared experiences in relationships Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood

Marital Satisfaction

• Married people tend to be happier than unmarried people • Factors affecting satisfaction o Economic resources o Equal decision-making o Non-traditional gender attitudes early adulthood

what are the sex differences in people ages 33-40?

• Men are settling down • Often see continued instability for women; often caused from mother putting career on hold for baby, or trying to start family after focusing on career

What are some traits that men in particular generally like in women?

• Men: greater importance to physical attractiveness, domestic skills, slightly younger

Phases of Teen Romantic Relationships

• Mixed groups or groups dates • One-on-one relationships involving intimacy

Selecting a Mate

• Most select partners similar to themselves • Gender differences o Women: intelligence, ambition, financial status, moral character o Men: attractiveness, domestic skills o Evolutionary perspective o Social learning view early adulthood

What is the balance with intimacy?

• Must balance needs for independence and intimacy

Developing adult Relationships with Parents

• Normative development o New Zealand study and role of jobs and responsibility on familial relationships • Failure to Launch

Cross-Sex Friendships

• Pre-pubescent friendships are confusing, mind telling you one thing and hormone telling you different

Early Adulthood Single Life

• Proportion of 25-34 year olds who are single: o Women- 32% o Men - 43% • African American women o 35% still single in late 30s

How do dreams change throughout adulthood?

• Refine and update dreams throughout adulthood

How does Levinson see development?

• Sees development as a sequence of stable and transitional phases

Teen Dating Problems

• Too-early dating: o Drug use, sex, delinquency o Poor academic achievement o Dating violence • For gay and lesbian youths: o Finding partners o Peer harassment, rejection Sexual assault issues: very underrated issue in American teens

Adolescent Use of Time

• US teens have a great deal of discretionary time o Media influences • Time with family members declines dramatically • Working 20+ hours a week could be detrimental towards school work

What are some traits that women in particular generally like in men?

• Women: great importance to things like good earning potential, ambition, intelligence, same age or slightly older

Legalizing Same Sex Marriages

• World: o Netherlands first to legalize -2001 o Belgium- 2003 • U.S. o Vermont first state to recognize civil unions o MA first to legalize same-sex marriage- 2003

What did Levinson do?

• Wrote Seasons of a Man's Life (1978) • Using interviews of women aged 35-45, he wrote Seasons of a Woman's Life om 1996

what are some possible reasons as to why people are getting married later?

• increased college enrollment • growing acceptance of couples living together without marriage • more cautious about marriage with a rise in divorce

about ___ of older Americans never married & childless


Possible selves are the __________ dimension of self-concept.


The following side effects may be produced by menopause:

- hot flashes - nausea - fatigue

G. Stanley Hall on adolescence

"Storm and stress"; era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings

Identity Moratorium

- Low commitment - High exploration Exploration without having reached commitment

Identity Diffusion

- Low commitment - Low exploration An apathetic state characterized by lack of both exploration & commitment

About marijuana

- helps users relax, elevates their mood, Carries health risks - impair perceptual motor coordination , short term memory

Heart Disease ?**** read chart in book

(every 7 minutes) - second leading cause of death in middle adulthood - leading cause of death in late adulthood - its due to insufficient flow of blood to the heart for oxygen - most comonly results from ARTERIOSCLEROIS( hardening of the arteries) -

relationships in late adulthood- cohabitation

-growing trend as baby boomers age -relationships more stable than at younger ages

Late phase of Adolescence

16 to 18 years Full adult appearance Anticipation of adult roles

When does risky alcohol consumption peak in young adulthood ages ?

18-24 years - risky drinking declines after age 25, but does so more quickly for females then for males -50% males -45% women drink over recommended levels


2-3% as LGBT genetics (MZ vs. DZ more likely to be similar, X-linked to males) early experience (girls: high prenatal androgens/estrogen exposure, boys: older brothers) sequence of coming out (earlier for boys than girls)

Today, how many retirements are couples most likely to plan?


about smoking?

21% of all deaths over past decade in canada attributed to smoking - rates of smoking has decreased - fell more rapidly among teens(15-19) - remains leading cause of premature death in Canada

Canadian Comminuty Heath Survey

23.1% aged 18 and older had a BMI of 30 or over

about BMI

25-29 is overweight 30 - obese

Sternberg's triangular theory of love

3 components --> intimacy, passion, and commitment

Self-acceptance, Autonomy, Environmental Mastery

3 qualities increased from early to middle adulthood and then leveled off

Challenges in intellectual abilities

3 things that happen Mulidirectionality Interindividual variabiliy plasticity

Identical twins typically die within ______________ years of age, and Fraternal twins typically die with more than ___________ years of age.

3 years. 6 years

___ reported elderly maltreatment


Dropping Out of College

30-50% drop out Personal factors preparation, motivation, skills financial problems, low SES Institutional factors little help, community cultural disrespect Early support crucial

common chronic conditions

6 of 7 causes of death in old age in the US are chronic conditions-heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, diabetes, and influenza/pneumonia. Many of these deaths could have been prevented by a healthier lifestyle. Hypertension and diabetes are increasing. Aside from these, the most common chronic conditions are arthritis, heart disease, and cancer

sequence of coming out

6-12 years: report feeling different 11-15 years: experience confusion end of adolescence: self-acceptance

Death among young adults are uncommon, what are the %

7% of all deaths of Canadians younger then 65, 2007 72% of death in youth and young adults in 2007, boys and young men - cancer deaths higher for women than men

How many americans marry at least once in their life?


Heterosexual Sexual Activity in Early Adulthood Most have intercourse by age 25. Most sex in context of relationship

70% only 1 partner in past year partners similar to each other

teen pregnancies

727,000 in last year (12,000 younger than 15) 1/4 end in abortion 87% to unwed mothers pregnancy rates increase with less education, more likely in poverty

What is the average life expectancy for a male?

76 years old

person-environment fit

A good match between their abilities and the demands of their living environments, which promote adaptive behavior and psychological well-being. When people cannot maximize use of their capacities (have become excessively dependent), they react with boredom and passivity. When they encounter environmental demands that are too great (receive too little assistance), they experience overwhelming stress.

Which possible self is the most likely to be desired by a middle-aged adult?

A person who is a good spouse and parent.

life review

A special form of reminiscence. Calling up past experiences with the goal of achieving greater self-understanding.

James Marcia

A well-developed identity gives a sense of one's strength Crises is a period when old values are re-examined (religion) Social and Personality Development in Adolescence

AD: heritability

AD is strongly heritable, but the genes identifies to date only explain 50% of the cases. Epigenetic modifications that determine whether or not a gene is activated may play a part, so lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and cognitive stimulation may be important in preventing or slowing the disease

Cigarette Smoking

About 24% of U.S. adults numbers slowly declining less with higher education, but many college students smoke more women smoking most smokers start before age 21 Deadly health risks Hard to quit most in treatment programs restart


About 40% of North Americans are inactive women low SES

US adolescence pregnancy statistics

About 727,000 teen pregnancies in most recently reported year 12,000 younger than age 15 1 in 4 end in abortion 87% of births to unwed mothers

Young - old Destruction - creation Masculinity - femininity Engagement - separateness

According to Levinson, middle-aged adults must confront 4 developmental tasks, each requiring them to reconcile 2 opposing tendencies and attain greater internal harmony

Functional Age

Actual competence and performance that may not match chronological age.

Third Age

Added years of longevity and health plus finacial stability have granted this active, opportunistic time of life to so many contemporary seniors that some experts believe a new phase of late adulthood has evolved called this.

G Stanley Hall

Adolescence is a time of "storm and distress" Proved to be wrong


Adult chidlren tend to express a deeper sense of obligation toward their aging parents than their parents expect from them(T/F)


Adults of all ages indicate that mental health problems actually interfere more than physical disabilities with activities of daily living(T/F)

______________ is usually the first consideration in the decision to retire.

Affordability of retirement

What race usually has a harder time finding a job

African americans

at younger age, what ethnic group is more single

African americans

Environmental factors & lifestyle.

After 75 or 80, heredity has less to do with longevity than...


After age 75, what percent of people struggle with ADLs?


After age 75, what percent of people struggle with IADLs?


Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular dementia (strokes)

Anorexia nervosa

An eating disorder in which young ppl starve themselves bc fear of being fat.

congregate housing

An increasingly popular long-term care option. This provides a variety of support services, including meals in a common dining room, along with watchful oversight of residents with physical and mental disabilities.

social convoy

An influential model of changes in our social networks as we move through life.

Smart Home

Another type of assistive technology having lights readily available near the bed, or floors that detect when your feet hit the floor to turn on the lights, or containing alarms that go off when they detect a person has fallen.

Assistive Technology

Array of devices that permit people with disabilities to improve their functioning.

ego transcendence

As contemporaries die, facing the reality of death constructively through efforts to make life more secure, meaningful, and graifing for younger generations. *orienting toward a larger, more distant future

Most common form of arteriosclerosis ?***

Atheroscleroses - the building up fat deposits called plaque, narrows the arteries - can cause heart attack due to insufficient blood - starts in early childhood - some people can have control over it - type of cholesterol that increases it LDL

Information processing in Adolescence

Attention more selective, inhibition improves, strategies more effective, knowledge increases, metacognition, cognitive self-evaluation, speed of thinking, and processing capacity. Scientific reasoning. Metacognition related to scientific reasoning.

Motor Vehicle

Due to vision problems, slower reactions, indecisiveness

Dysfunction Immune System**

Autoimmune disease - immune system can mistake self as foreign - launches an attack against the boys own cells and tussles - types of arthritis and type 1 diabetes - more common in WOMEN - due to heredity

Less efficient

Autonomic NS is...


Average life expectancy for females


Average life expectancy for males

What are Activities of Daily Living (ADL) ?

Basic self-care task, ex: eating, dressing, and bathing

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Basic self-care tasks (eating, dressing, bathing)


Because of deteriorating health, social support has little impact on senior's overall well-being(T/F)

Trait Models

Behavioral traits that constitute the core of personality: extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness.

what is benign and magiant**

Benign - do not spread and rarely pose a threat to life Malignant - invade and destroy surrounding cells - may also break from primary tumour and go threw the blood stream or lymphatic system to form new tutors called metastases


Both dependency-support and independence-ignore scripts reinforce dependent behavior at the expense of independent behavior(T/F)

Muscle-fat makeup in adolescence

Boys gain more muscle, aerobic efficiency. Girls add more fat.

What is stress?

Boys response to a real or perceived threat, it becomes a problem with unable to cope with stressors in life. - more likely to be reported stressed(women)

New fibers, neurons, new synapses, recruit alternative brain regions

Brain compensation


Brain weight loss...after age 60

Family ties protect against serious threats and losses, offering security within a long-term timeframe Friendships serve as current sources of pleasure and satisfaction, with women benefiting somewhat more than men

By midlife, family relationships and friendships support different aspects of psychological well-being

Criticism and idealism

Can imagine ideal alternatives, which leads to criticizing reality (esp with families). But overall, this is advantageous.

What are the two leading causes of death?

Cardiovascular disease and cancer Respiratory disease- ranked 3rd

What are the Aging Systems of the body?

Cardiovascular/ Respiratory, and Immune systems

What quality usually fosters the long lasting, high-quality relationships?


Why do young adults use drugs and alcohol?

Celebrate, socialize, self esteem, self medicate themselves, anxiety

identity achievement

Commitment to values, beliefs & goals following period of exploration

Proportions in adolescence

Cephalocaudal trend reverses. Boys: shoulders broaden and longer legs. Girls: hips broaden.


Cessation of a woman's menstrual periods

Comprehension (Language Processing)

Changes very little as long as older adults are given time.

Most common STI occurring in young adults

Chlamydia - can cause infertility if isn't treated - major cause of pelvis inflammatory disease

Post-conventional Morality

Choices are made based on self-chosen principles Stage 5: social contract orientation, rules are important however they see times when the rules need to be ignored (Usually where we end) Stage 6: Universal ethical principles orientation (balancing two choices) Psychological and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Pragmatic Approach to Morality

Claims Kohlberg's stages inadequately account for behavior in everyday life - Critics: People often rise above self-interest to defend others' rights

What is the term for the gradual decline in a women's reproductive capacity, generally lasting 15 years from age 45- 60? ****


What is abstinence syndrome? (withdrawal)

Cluster of symptoms that result from sudden decrease in the level of substance used

Which of the following is true about preventing elder maltreatment?

Combating elder maltreatment requires efforts at the level of the larger society.

Early Adulthood Secure Attachment

Comfortable with intimacy; unafraid of abandonment Trust, happiness, friendship


Compared to women, men's social relations in old age are more often a source of stress(T/F)

Body image

Conception of and attitude towards body appearance.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)

Conducting the business of everyday life; requires cognitive competence (shopping, food preparation, housekeeping)

Self-Esteem in Adolescence

Continues to gain new dimensions Close relationship Romantic appeal Job competence Generally rises, but drops temporarily at school transitions

Gertas health is declining. Her son Don asks her to move in with him, but Gerta refuses. __________ theory helps explain Gertas desire to live where many of her memorable life events took place.


Theories of Biological Aging Random events Organ/Tissue Level

Cross-linkage theory Gradual failure of endocrine system Declines in immune system functioning

Misdiagnosis of Mental disabilities

Depression Medication side affects

Secondary aging

Declines due to heredity defects and environment/lifestyle Effects individualized Diet, substance use, disease, pollution Illnesses and disabilities diabetes injuries mental disabilities

About fertility in men and women.

Declines in both sexes with age -Women -have to get checked after age 35 for down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. - reduced number of ova and their quality. -Men - decrease in sperm and motility - Erectile dysfunction - Dna fragmentation sperm MAY increase the risk of chromosomal activities with age


Degree to which an individual is affiliated with an organized religion


Deterioration in primitive structures below the cortex that often extend to the cerebral cortex and result in brain abnormalities resembling Alzheimer's disease. (Like Parkinson's Disease). Subcortical brain regions are usually intact and the progressive damage only occurs to the cerebral cortex.

Treating Obesity

Diet and exercise Eating records Social support Problem-solving skills Extended intervention


Differences between the sexes are...


Differences in environment and health habits affect...

if both of your parents live to be 70 or older, your chances of living to be 90 or 100 __________________?


Example of Selective Optimization with Compensation

Dr. Savoy's Advisor Mei-Feng-Cheng **Compensation: magnified text in viewing articles online as opposed to print journals; taught seminars, round table discussion courses- requires less theatrics and projection **Selective Optimization: Taught Fewer classes; Administration, mentoring, wrote Literature Review highlighting her strength of experience.

Dualistic belief vs relativist thinking

Dualistic belief - that things are either true or false, good or evil relativistic thinking -recognition that judgements are often not absolute but made from a certain believe system or cultural background

Development of Epistemic Cognition

Dualistic thinking Relativistic thinking Commitment within relativistic thinking Challenges, opportunities to reflect, and peers all contribute to development.


Due to the aging of baby boomers, what percent of the U.S. population consists of older adults?

Piaget's theory: Formal operational stage

Dvlp catacity for abstract, systematic, scientific thinking. Can operate on operations. Begins around 11 Hypothetico-deductive reasoning, propositional thought. Do all adults reach this? Sort of, it depends on experience somewhat. Can children do this stuff? Sometimes, but not as well.

Protective Factors (Alzheimer's)

Education, active lifestyle Mediterranean diet Active social life

Erikson's Theory

Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Which of the following is true about older adults disengagement from social ties?

Elders disengage from unsatisfying contacts but maintain satisfying ones.

Early Adulthood Avoidant Attachment

Emphasize independence, mistrust, anxiety, about closeness Jealousy, emotional distance, little physical pleasure, unrealistic beliefs

Generatively vs. Stagnation

Erikson's psychological conflict of midlife

Which of the following is true about continuity in the lives of older adults?

Even after a change, people usually make choices that extend the previous direction of their lives, engaging in new activities but often with familiar domains.

Biological theories of aging

Evolutionary Theory Cellular Clock Theory Free-Radical Theory Mitochondrial Theory Hormonal Stress Theory


Experiencing something beyond oneself in a transcendent manner

Moral Reasoning and Behavior

Factors influencing behavior include Maturity of moral reasoning Emotions: empathy, sympathy, guilt Temperament Cultural experiences and beliefs Parenting practices: include disciplines, moral standards

Family Influences on Adolescents' Adjustment

Family circumstances that affect appropriate autonomy-granting: Financial security Parental work pressures Stable marriage Sibling relationships Attachment remains strong in most cases

Periods of Vocational Development

Fantasy period Tentative period Realistic period exploration crystallization

Donals supers theory of career development

Fantasy stage tentative choice stage realistic choice stage Maintenance stage retirement stage

_____ percent of older adults in the United States relocate to other communities


Vision loss is related to:

Fear/health hazard Difficulties in personal care.

Reproductive Capacity

Fertility problems increase with age. Fertility drops sharply after age 44 for women. Men show gradual decrease in fertility.

Growth spurt

First outward sign of puberty, the rapid gain in height and weight. Starts at 12.5 in boys, 10 in girls.


Flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity Body growth and maturation of sexual characteristics. Hormonal Changes: Age 8-9 secrete growth hormone (GH) and thyroxine Boys: androgens: testosterone Girls:estrogens

_______ intelligence involves one's ability to reason.


Fran is a suburban elder. Which advantage is Fran likely to have over urban and rural elders?

Fran is more likely to have a higher income.

What is substance abuse ?

Frequent intoxication and impairment of physical, social and emotional well being.

Primary aging

Genetically influenced declines Affects all members of species Even happens if health is good overall

Secular trend

Generational trend

Risk Factors (Alzheimer's)

Genetic predispositions High-fat diet Lifestyle factors: chronic stress, physical inactivity

Ginger, a female middle manager, and Geoffrey, a male middle manager, are both promoted to comparable positions. Which of the following can you predict?

Ginger probably has earned higher performance ratings than Geoffrey.

Reactions to pubertal changes

Girls are surprised, boys tend to have mixed feelings. Girls tend to have more social support, but boys don't talk about it and get info from online. Both benefit from discussions.

Sex differences in mental abilities.

Girls tend to be better in verbal skills, which is social and biological. Boys tend to be more skilled in math, but not by much in general - also social influences, stereotype threats.

Sex Differences in Adolescent Friendships

Girls: • Emotional closeness o Who you get along with when you're older, when you're younger sometimes the environment forces it. • Communal concerns o Shared experience • Get together to "just talk" • Self-disclosure, support Boys: • Shared activities • Achievement, status • Competition, conflict • Androgyny related to increased intimacy Cross-Sex Friendships • Pre-pubescent friendships are confusing, mind telling you one thing and hormone telling you different

Healthy eating Keep fit Maintain reasonable weight Fostering a Healthy Adult Life

Healthy eating Keep fit Maintain reasonable weight Control alcohol No smoking Responsible sex Manage stress

What happen when you age with your physical appearance?

Grey and thinning of the hair by end of early adulthood - Skin may loosen, grow less elastic and wrinkle - more common in women

Jungs Stages: Middle Adulthood

Gutmann: later in life people begin to use androgynous responses, associated with increased flexibility and adaptability, not restricted to feminine or masculine characteristics.

Which of the following people probably provides more direct care and financial support than the others?

Johnna, a middle-income African American

Men's, Women's

Having children seems to foster ______ generative development more than _______

Which of the following is true about generativity and having children?

Having children seems to foster mens generative development more than womens.

Consequences of Overweight 1

Health Problems blood pressure, heart disease diabetes liver, gallbladder sleep, digestive

Length of life- and even more important, quality of life in old age can be predicted by a country's _______________ :

Health care, Housing, and Social Services, along with lifestyle factors.

more men than women are likely to be __________ impaired


About hearing?

Hearing declines beginning in late 20s, early 30s especially tones in high pitch

What happens to the heart as you get older?

Heart muscles become more rigid, decreasing maximum heart rate and reducing the ability of the heart to pump enough blood to provide oxygen during stressful exercises.

As the body ages in an older adult what happens with the Cardiovascular/Respiratory System?

Heartbeat is less forceful; slower heart rate and blood flow vital lung capacity cut by half between ages 25 and 80 less oxygen to tissues.

Causes of Overweight

Heredity Environmental pressures cheap fat and sugar supersize portions busy lives snacks take-out Declining physical activity

Individual differences in pubertal growth

Heredity, nutrition and exercise, fat cells and leptin, SES, ethnic groups, regions of the world, physical health, stress. Threats to emotional health accelerate puberty, threats to physical health delay puberty.


High: Affectionate, talkative, active, fun-loving, and passionate Low: Reserved, quiet, passive, sober, and emotionally unreactive


High: Conscientious, hard-working, well-organized, punctual, ambitious, and persevering Low: Negligent, lazy, disorganized, late, aimless, and nonpersistent

Oppeness to Experience

High: Imaginative, creative, original, curious, and liberal Low: Down-to-earth, uncreative, conventional, uncurious, and conservative


High: Soft-hearted, trusting, generous, acquiescent, lenient, and good-natured Low: Ruthless, suspicious, stingy, antagonistic, critical, and irritable

There is unpleased perimenopausal sensations due to estrogen deficit ***

Hormonal changes -Vasomotor instability - hot flashes and flushes -Difficulty sleeping, night sweats -Heart palpitations -Headaches -Mood fluctuations, depression -Joint pains, tingling in hands and feet -Loss of breast tissue -Decreased vaginal lubrication during sexual arousal -Urinary problems - increased UTIs, incontinence -Changes in libido -Memory and attention problems -Increasing abdominal girth - redistribution of fat (some women have them all some have none)

HRT stands for:

Hormone replacement therapy

What are prostaglandins

Hormones that cause muscles in the uterine walls to contract, as during labour

Average Healthy Life Expectancy at Birth

How long an individual can be expected to live before facing disease or serious injury. The U.S. lags behind.

Problem Solving in Late- Adulthood

Hypothetical and Complex Laboratory measures of problem solving. Older adults tend to avoid conflicts and are better and problem solving. *Deciding quickly about health *Consult with others (family,friends, neighbors) *Collaborate with spouse

Metabolic syndrome

Hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance

James Marcia's 4 Identity Statuses:

Identity Achievement: commitment to occupation, religion, beliefs about sex roles. Views and beliefs of others have been considered Moratorium: No clear commitments. Actively trying to achieve identity Foreclosure: Commitment to occupation/ideology. Adopted values of others without question Identity Diffusion: Lacking direction. Does things without questioning. Social and Personality Development in Adolescence


If both of your parents live to be 70 or older, your chances of living to be 90 or 100...

Pubertal timing

If early maturing in boys, good social effects. If late maturing in boys, bad social effects. If early maturing in girls, bad social effects. If late maturing in girls, good social effects.


In Western socities, few older adults fear relinquishing control and becoming dependent on others(T/F)

daughters, sons

In all ethnic groups, responsibility for providing care to aging parents falls more on ________ than on ________

optimal aging

In which gains are maximized and losses minimized.

Erectile dysfunction

Inability to achieve and maintain an erection

Vision Loss

Increased health hazard and fear, and greater need for personal care.

Hearing loss (2)

Increased social distress

Life expectancy

Increasing in the U.S. due to lower infant mortality, improved health behavior, medical advances

Conventional Morality

Internalize judgments of society Stage 3: good boy/nice girl stage Stage 4: it is also called the law-and-order orientation Psychological and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

What is the positive resolution of intimacy vs. isolation?

Intimacy: able to commit to a love relationship and sacrifice and compromise

Personality Types and Vocational Choice

Investigative Social Realistic Artistic Conventional Enterprising

Social and Personality Development in Adolescence

James Marcia A well-developed identity gives a sense of one's strength Crises is a period when old values are re-examined (religion) James Marcia's 4 Identity Statuses: Identity Achievement: commitment to occupation, religion, beliefs about sex roles. Views and beliefs of others have been considered Moratorium: No clear commitments. Actively trying to achieve identity Foreclosure: Commitment to occupation/ideology. Adopted values of others without question Identity Diffusion: Lacking direction. Does things without questioning.

Which of the following adults probably has a sense of stagnation?

Jill, who takes little interest in her grown children.


Joan Erikson said that, a cosmic and transcendent perspective directed forward and outward, beyond the self.

Which person is likely to retire first?

Joseph, who works in a blue-collar job

Stage 2: Instrumental Purpose

Kids become *aware* that people can have *different perspectives* in a moral dilemma, but at 1st this understanding is *concrete*; - They view right action as flowing from *self-interest* & understand *reciprocity as equal exchange of favors*.

Stage 1: Punishment & Obedience Orientation

Kids find it *difficult to consider 2 points of view* in a moral dilemma; - They *overlook* people's *intentions*. - Instead, they focus on *fear* of *authority* & avoidance of punishments as reasons to behave morally

When ____ is too high it sticks to the lining of the blood vessels, which can lead to atherosclerosis.


_________________ predicts ego integrity in late adulthood.

Midlife generativity

Moral Development

Laurence Kohlberg - did not care what you chose to do in a moral dilemma, but was more interested in knowing the reasoning behind someone's decision.


Leads to depression and involves medication side effects.

Mature learners

Learning possibilities affected by - culture, social structure, desire to learn - may be highly motivated and more likey then younger learners to find the subject interesting for its own sake - Women have the greatest demands on them from family and work are most likely to return to school

After 75-80 years heredity matters_________________________?


With age older adults are at risk for becoming _______________ capable of living active, productive and independent lives.


Levinson's view on mid-life crisis

Levinson reported that most people in his samples experienced substantial inner turmoil during the transition to middle adulthood

_________ is common in middle adulthood.

Life evaluation

Adolescent moodiness

Linked to moodiness, but only modestly. Tend to be more negative events. Young adolescents less stable.

most enter new relationships and remarry within a short time

Little is known about long-term adjustment following divorce among middle-aged men, perhaps because


Long Existence; Long LIfe; runs in families as well

As people approach the end of middle adulthood, they focus on _________ goals.

Longer-term, less


Physical and psychological symptoms 6-10 days before period 40% have some PMS severe for 10-20% Genetic factors Diet, exercise, stress reduction, meds can help many

Risks for teenage mothers and babies

Low educational attainment More time as single parent Economic difficulties Pregnancy and birth complications Weak parenting skills

Factors contributing to adolescent parenthood

Low parental warmth, abuse Repeated parental divorce Poor school achievement Alcohol, drug use Antisocial behavior Low SES

Consequences of Rape and Sexual Abuse

Physical injury STDs General ill health Negative behaviors

Mid-Life Development in the United States


Stereotypes of aging

Many assume deterioration is inevitable. elders experience prejudice, discrimination assumptions affected by culture Stereotype threat fear of confirming stereotype reduces functioning May be changing positive media portrayals source of pride in some cultures

Androgyny Shift

Many studies report an increase in "masculine" traits in women and "feminine" traits in men across middle age, in diverse cultures and varying SES

Which grandparent is the most likely to report frequent visits with grandchildren?

Marion, a maternal grandmother

Primary Sexual Characteristics

Maturation of the reproductive organs Girls: menarche Boys: spermarche

Mr. Gullo is experiencing financial abuse. The abuser is most likely a family member. ______________ elders are more vulnerable to maltreatment.

Mentally or physically impaired


Men who initiate a split often already have another romantic involvement to turn to

Hearing loss solutions

Minimize background noise Hearing aid Attend to nonverbal cues Family members can offer patience and inclusion Gauge need from assistance, avoid "elderspeak"

Parent relationships in adolescence

More conflict, want to be treated like adults. Daughter conflict tends to be more intense.


More older than young and middle-aged adults are depressed(T/F)

Declines which impact mobility

Muscle strength declines 10-20% by ages 60 to 70 30-50% by ages 70 to 80 Bone strength drops Less strength and flexibility of joints, tendons, etc.

Selective optimization with compensation

Narrowing goals, selection of personally valued activities to optimize/maximize returns from their diminishing energy. Also finding ways to compensate for losses.

in late adulthood, shifts in some traits:

gain in agreeableness; decline in extroversion; greater acceptance of change

Problem Solving

Older adults tend to avoid conflicts and are better at -deciding quickly -consult others -collaborate

secondary friends

Older women have more of these. They are people who are not intimates but with whom they spend time occasionally, such as a group that meets for lunch, bridge, or museum tours.

Exercise 1

Only one third get enough at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise five or more days a week more often, more vigorous is better

Trait models: Five Factors of Personality

Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood


Organized set of beliefs, practices, rituals, and symbols that increases an individual's connection to a sacred or transcendent other

Tests for AD

Other tests focus on the mild cognitive impairments that, if left untreated, might lead to the disease. One looks for decreased activity in the hippocampus-a key memory center. Another detects substances similar to the plaques that could eventually clog the brain. In the Seattle Longitudinal Study of Adult intelligence, results of psychometric tests predicted dementia as much as 14 years before the diagnosis of dementia was made.

In midlife what you'll see is parents stop supporting middle age kids and middle age kids take care of their parents

Over the years, parent-to-child assistance declines, while child-to-parent aid increases

Decision making in adolescence

Overall, not as good as adults. Good decision making involves identifying pros/cons, assessing likelihood of alternatives, evaluating choices in terms of goals, and learning from mistakes.

Canadian health measures surgery 2007-2009

Overweight - 34% young men, 21% young women Obese - 18% young women, 13% young men

Reproductive Capacity 1

Parenthood in twenties seen as ideal Trend toward delaying childbirth

What is strong in the beginning of the relationship?

Passionate love --> intense sexual attraction


People age 65 and older have the highest suicide rate of all age groups(T/F)

Mental Health Problems

People who do not integrate the masculine and feminine sides of their personalities tend to have

Which of the following is a criticism of activity theory?

Research shows that merely offering opportunities for social contact does not lead to greater social activity

in late adulthood, more ____ to other religious perspectives


Sensory functioning**

Presbyopia occurs, loss of elasticity in the lens which makes it harder to focus on, or accommodate to, nearby objects or fine print

Erikson's theory of conflict adulthood development

Psychosocial conflict of intimacy vs. isolation

Information processing can be measured in .. ***

Reaction time - the amount of time to respond to a stimulus ex.. when burning yourself on a hot stove how long does it take for you to pull your hand away - people in the middle adulthood have greater reaction time Perceptual speed - associated with fluid intelligence

Benefits of Exercise

Reduces fat, builds muscle Boosts immune system, prevents some diseases Cardiovascular benefits Mental health benefits stress reduction self-esteem Longer life


Related to environment economic hardship illness unhealthy behavior Caused or worsened by low SES challenges of early adulthood

Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle

Right action is defined by self-chosen ethical principles of conscience that are *valid for all* people, regardless of law & social agreement. - They typically mention *abstract principles* such as respect for the worth & dignity of each person.

Separation and Divorce

Risk factors: low education level, married young, married recently, small family, rents home, wives economic independence, empty nest transition (impacts marital stability)

honest/humility (h factor)

SIXTH DIMENSION OF PERSONALITY High: Don't care about material objects, down to earth, etc Low: egocentric and care about material objects

adolescence & STDs

STD rates highest in adolescents (especially high in US, 1/5-6 sexually active teens affected, related to eduction) HIV most serious (manifests 8-10 years later) education improving

Dangers of Sex Dangers of Sex


Dietary Fat

Saturated fat from meat and dairy solid at room temperature no more than 10% of daily calories Unsaturated fish, vegetable oils Total fat 30% or less of daily calories

Types of sexual assault?

Sexual abuse, rape, sexual harassment, incest, childhood sexual abuse, molestation, stalking,

What are amphetamines?

Stimulants - cyrstal meth - keep users awake for long periods of times


Sibling contact and support ________ from early to middle adulthood

Compensation (Language Processing)

Simpler grammar, gist processing to communicate the essence of a message.

What are some Appearance change in Older Adults?

Skin is thinner, wrinkled, and spotted. Ears and nose broaden from deposited cells on the outer surface of the skeleton teeth become yellow, brittle and can decay hair can thin and become grey Lose height and weight after age 60

Appearance Changes

Skin thinner, wrinkled, spotted Ears, nose, teeth, and hair change Lose height and weight after age 60

Assistive Technology:

Smart cap and Smart Homes

Consequences of Overweight

Social discrimination housing education, careers Mistreatment

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: marital patterns in extended family

Stable marital patterns in extended family


Stable phase → "settling down"


Stable phase: become autonomous; establish self in adult world and work on developing intimacy

Preconvention Morality

Standards to judge rightness are rewards/punishments Stage 1: the punishment and obedience orientation Stage 2: Nice to others and others will be nice to them Psychological and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Problems planning what to say (Language Processing)

Statements less organized

Is Adolescent Rebellion a Myth?

Stereotype of Adolescent Rebellion Conflict within the family Alienation from adult society Reckless behavior Rejection of adult values

Parent-Child Relationships in Adolescence

Strives for autonomy Emotional component: self-reliance Behavioral component; independent decision-making Deidealizes parents Authoritative parenting Balancing autonomy-granting with monitoring Extra challenging during adolescence

Brain dvt in adolescence

Synaptic pruning, esp prefrontal cortex. Prefrontal cortex becomes more effective, but this is gradual. Hard to manage the excititory neurotransmitters.

body transcendence

Surmounting physical limitations by emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive, emotional, and social powers. *focusing on psychological strengths

As the body ages in an older adult what happens with the Immune System?

T-cell effectiveness declines Infection and disease risk autoimmune disorders (Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes)

Immune Aging

T-cell effectiveness declines Infection and disease risk autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes)


Telling stories about people and events from their past and reporting associated thoughts and feelings.

erry is an elder living in a small town. Which of the following is a likely advantage of Terrys community?

Terry is more likely than urban elders to develop closer relationships with extended family and neighbors.

What do many adults put their health on?

The "back Burner" - think more of their education, careers, social lives and don't think about the risk factors of bad health

neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

The "big five" personality traits

affect optimization

The ability to maximize positive emotion and dampen negative emotion. (Labouvie-Vief)

Stage 3: "Good Boy-Good Girl" (Morality of Interpersonal Cooperation)

The desire to obey rules because they *promote social harmony* 1st appears in the context of close personal ties. - These individuals want to *maintain* the *affection & approval* of friends & relatives by being trustworthy, loyal, respectful, helpful & nice. - The *capacity* to view a 2-person relationship from the *vantage point* of an *impartial, outside observer* supports this new approach to morality. - They understand *ideal reciprocity*


The exact opposite. It is caring for no-one and being self-absorbed.

ego integrity versus despair

The final psychological conflict of Erikson's (1950) theory. This involves coming to terms with one's life. Adults who arrive at a sense of integrity feel whole, complete, and satisfied with their achievements.

Which of the following is true about middle-aged children and aging parents who core side

The greatest source of stress is problem behavior, especially for caregivers of parents who have deteriorated mentally.


The immune system is more likely to malfunction by turning against normal body tissues

Learning in school in adolescence

There are school transitions, which can be stressful. Academic achievement is influenced by parent-school involvement, childrearing, peers, school characteristics, part time work. Dropping out is an issue.

life-care communities

These offer a range of housing alternatives, from independent or congregate housing to full nursing home care. For a large initial payment and additional monthly fees, this guarantees that seniors' changing needs will be met within the same facility as they age.

Stage 3: "Good Boy-Good Girl" & Ideal Reciprocity

They express the same concern for the welfare of another as they do for themselves -- a standard of fairness summed up by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Which of the following is true about possible selves?

They may be the key to continued well-being in adulthood.

Which of the following is true about grandparents who take full responsibility for raising grandchildren?

They often experience considerable emotional and financial strain.

Which of the following is true about people who flexibly modify their identities in response to age-related changes?

They score higher in self-esteem.

disengagement theory

This theory states that, mutual withdrawal between older adults and society takes place in anticipation of death.

socioemotional selectivity theory

This theory states that, social interaction extends lifelong selection processes.

activity theory

This theory states that, the social barriers to engagement, not the desires of aging adults, cause declining rates of interaction. When older people lose certain roles (for example, through retirement or widowhood), they try to find others in an effort to stay about as active and busy as they were in middle age.


Thought and behavior impairments that disrupt everyday life.

Variations in Health

U.S. death rates in early adulthood higher than other industrialized nations SES variations Lack of universal health care Environmental factors

Vocational Preparation of Non-College-Bound

U.S. high-school graduates poorly prepared to work

Vaillant's view on mid-life crisis

Vaillant found slow and steady change, with few examples of "crisis"

Which of the following is true about the midlife crisis?

Vaillants work indicated a slow and steady change, rather than a crisis.

more women than men are likely to be __________ impaired


10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: relationship to extended family?

Warm and positive relationships to extended family

Frontal lobes, corpus callosum, cerebellum (balance), glial cells

We lose neurons in...

1. ego differentiation 2. body transcendence 3. ego transendence

What are Robert Peck's 3 distinct tasks that attaining ego integrity involve?

1. Neuroticism 2. Extroversion 3. Openness to experience 4. Agreeableness 5. Conscientiousness

What are the "big 5" personality traits?

1. dependency-support script 2. independence-ignore script

What are the 2 highly predictable, complementary behavior patterns (scripts) with older adults?

1. self-focused reminiscence 2. other-focused reminiscence 3. knowledge-based reminiscence

What are the 3 different types of reminiscence?

1. physical abuse 2. physical neglect 3. emotional abuse 4. sexual abuse 5. financial abuse

What are the 5 forms that elder maltreatment usually takes?


With age, possible selves become ________ in number and more modest and concrete

and those who do fare somewhat better in psychological well-being

Women are more likely than men to initiate divorce

role overload, family network, and child-related stressors

Women report more frequent stressors with

bulimia nervosa

Young ppl engage in strict dieting and exercise accompanied by binge eating and deliberate vomiting and purging.

Which of these factors can prompt parental strain as children depart from the home?

a child who is off-time in development

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

a condition similar to but more sever than PMS symptoms - panic attacks, mood swings, binge eating, low energy

in late adulthood, cohabitation is

a growing trend; more stable than at younger ages

What is a basil spasm

a heart attack and they have no idea why, think stress restricted in and then opened up after

What is an egalitarian marriage?

a. Relate as equal b. Both work, contribute to household c. Power and authority are shared, no one head of household

Empty-Nest Syndrome

a parent who has found her or his meaning in life primarily in the children often experiences a profound sense of loss when children are gone. -adjustment is gradual

Hayflick limit

a proposed genetically controlled limit on the number of times cells divide. in people cells grown in the lab, this is about 50 times. but cells in living people are more complicated. People that are 110 years of age are not necessarily more likely to die than someone that is 85

Mr. Martin reached the last years of his life feeling whole, complete, and satisfied with his achievements. He realized that the paths he followed, abandoned, and never selected were necessary for fashioning a meaningful life course. Mr. Martin has achieved

a sense of integrity.

Methicillin-resistent Staphylococcus aureaus

a staph infection that does not respond to many common antibiotics.

What is a traditional marriage?

a. Clear division of husband and wife roles b. Male as head of household → breadwinner c. Female as caregiver and homemaker

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: Personality characteristics of spouses

a. Emotionally positive, having good conflict resolution skills

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: Timing of 1st pregnancy

a. Increase success if you wait till after 1st year of marriage

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: Length of courtship

a. More likely to be successful if you've dated for at least 6 months

reserve capacity

ability of body organs and systems to put forth four to 10 times as much effort as usual under stress; also called organ reserve. this decreases with ages, but decreases more slowly if you take good care of yourself

what is amenorrhea

absence of mensuration and a sign of infertility

5 leading causes of death in canada?

accidents, suicide, cancer, assault, heart disease

leading causes of death

accidents/ texting/ drunk driving homicide suicide

According to __________ theory, when society arranges conditions that permit elders to remain engaged in roles and relationships, life satisfaction is improved and social interactions increase.


Functional Age:

actual competence and performance. May not match chronological age.

decision to retire

adequate retirement benefits compelling leisure interests low work commitment declining health spouse retiring routine, boring job

Development of Pragmatic Thought Cognitive-affective complexity grows

adult emotional intelligence

Cross-cultural research on the big five personality traits has led researchers to conclude that

adult personality change is genetically influenced.

strength, endurance, balance and reaction time

adults generally lose 10-20% if their strength up to age 70, then more after that. declines may result from natural aging, decreases in activity and disease

risk factors for elder maltreatment - History of family violence

adults who were abused as children are at increased risk of harming older adults

body and ego transcendence increase with


around what age can you expect a life expectancy cross over?

age 87

most older adults that were never married & childless develop

alternate meaningful relationships

chronic conditions and disabilities

at least 80% of older Americans have at least one chronic condition, and 50% have at least two. A much smaller proportion-but about 1/2 of those over 85- are frail, which means they are weak and vulnerable to stress, disease, disability and death


branch of medicine concerned with processes of aging and age related medical conditions

adolescent substance abuse

by 10th grade: 33% tried cigarettes, 58% tried drinking, 37% at least tried one illegal drug at end of high school: 11% smoke regularly, 27% recent heavy drinking, 24% highly addictive toxic drug use

social-emotional selectivity theory

an individual ages, he becomes more selective about how he spends resources such as time and money. instead of trying to broadly spend life in pursuit of varied experiences or simple pleasures, he uses his resources on activities and items that have more emotional importance the degree of selectivity that individuals express tens to vary based on their perspectives regarding time. When one consciously or unconsciously perceives In socio-emotional selectivity theory, older individuals are likely to be more selective because, for them, there is a greater immediacy to the issue of mortality.

Older adults require about as much total sleep as younger adults, How many Hours?

around 7 hours per night

risk factors for elder maltreatment - Dependency of the perpetrator

any abusers are dependent, emotionally or financially on their victims, but often the perpetrator-victim relationship is one mutual dependency

identity diffusion

apathetic state without exploration & commitment

Natural Killer (NK) cells

are a type of white blood cell that is more likely to be present in low-stress circumstances.

about cognitive development

at the height of cognitive powers during early adulthood - tasks that require reasoning, problem solving speed or visual spatial skills tend to decline - memory general decline with age - keep their verbal skills and may even show improvement

problem- centered coping:

attacking the problem rather than disengaging ex: seeking guidance from peers, using strengths, remaining active/prevention

Peck's Task of Ego Integrity

attaining ego integrity involves 3 tasks

control and dependency in late adulthood: dependency-support script:

attend immediately to dependent behaviors

Adults who had secure attachment report what?

comfortable with intimacy - good relationships had trust, happiness, and friendship

identity foreclosure

commitment in the absence of exploration

childrearing practices (academic achievement)

authoritarian is best (SES not significant) joint decision making involvement in education

Raven is less concerned about others expectations than she was in her thirties. She is now more concerned with following her own standards. Raven exhibits


Senescence Multidimensional and multidirectional

average lifespan increased 20-25 years over past century


avoid problematic activities (driving after dark) devote efforts to valued activities

Why do some people argue that emerging adulthood is not a stage of development?

b/c of its strong association with SES and higher education

A loss of strength in middle adulthood is most common in the:

back and legs

Development of Pragmatic Thought Adulthood brings the chance to solve real-world problems

balancing roles new ways of thinking compromise

Development of Pragmatic ThoughtAdulthood brings the chance to solve real-world problems.

balancing roles new ways of thinking compromise

Because Thomas is highly generative, he is also likely to

be open-minded about differing viewpoints


behaviors that cause intentional injury to one's body to deal with emotional pain and many try to keep it a secret or hide it cutting, carving, picking, scratching, burning, ingesting or breaking bones

Reinvolvement with personal past

being able to pass family history and values to a new generation

10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: Expectations and myths about marriage

being aware of them

Greatest risk of being sexually assaulted.

being female - ages 15-24 2x more likely than 25-34 year olds Poor, a person of color, Aboriginal, immigrant, person with a disability, has a sexual orientation or gender identity which does not conform to heterosexual gendered norms, is criminalized or is institutionalized

Valued Elder

being perceived as a wise helpful person

Imaginary audience

belief they are the focus of everyone else's attention/concern

Factors Related to Sexual Coercion Perpetrator Characteristics

believe traditional gender roles approve violence against women; accept rape myths perceive behavior inaccurately history of own abuse, promiscuity alcohol abuse

Effective person-environment fit-

between older peoples' current capabilities and the demands of their living environments, contributes to sense of competence, and the quality of life

Joan Erikson's Gerotranscendence

beyond ego integrity; cosmic, transcendent perspective; directed forward & outward, beyond self; heightened inner calm, contentment & quiet reflection

involuntary childlessness

biologically unable to or hadn't met the person to have children with

Alzheimer's disease (AD) (most common cause of dementia)

by far the most common cause of dementia (accounts for about 2/3. Involves progressive, degeneration of brain connections, and is characterized by an irreversible deterioration in memory, intelligence, awareness, and control of bodily functions, eventually leading to death. About 1 in 8 people age 65 and older are living with AD.

nutrition in adolescence

caloric need increase poor food choices common: skipping breakfast, eating fast-food family meals associated with healthier diet

people who are usually voluntarily childless

college education, those with presitigous occupations, and highly committed to work

Gregor, an adolescent, can be characterized by the big five personality trait of conscientiousness. Gregor

can anticipate that this trait will increase through middle age.

Research shows that engaging in reminiscence

can be positive and adaptive for elders.

voluntary childlessness

can change, but not wanting to have children

what is major goal for people at 33-40?

career consilidation


causes tooth loss and other serious health problems. Periodontal disease is serious and should immediately be treated by a physician

Hearing loss

cell death and reduced blood supply to inner ear and auditory cortex

Macular Degeneration:

cells in the center of the Retina break down blurry vision to blindness. older adults are more at risk for falls if they have a loss of vision or cerebellum.

Macular Degeneration

cells in the center of the retina break down, blurry vision to blindness

Risk of Falls

cerebellum and vision loss contribute to

we want the average period of diminished vigor before death- especially, the number of months or years of ill-health and suffering- to decrease. This public health goal is called the

compression of morbidity

age related macular degeneration

condition in which the center of the retina gradually loses its ability to discern fine details.

What are Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL?

conducting business of everyday life require cognitive competence. ex: shopping, food preparation, and housekeeping.

role overload

conflict among employment, spouse, parent, and elder-care roles (more common in women)

role overload

conflict between the demands of work and family responsibility

Harry lives in a complex that provides a variety of support services, including meals in a common dining room, along with watchful oversight of residents with physical and mental disabilities. Harry lives in

congregate housing.

Alan is hardworking, well-organized, punctual, ambitious, and persevering. He is high on which of these big five personality traits?


Kohlberg's conventional level

continue to regard social rule conformity as important but not for reasons of self-interest - believe that actively maintaining current social system = + relationships & societal order moral development

Mr. Zietz, a retired drama teacher, spends a lot of his time volunteering at a local community theater. He also enjoys weekend trips to see plays with his former colleagues. Mr. Zietzs activities are consistent with ____________ theory.



controls balance and coordination and supports cognitive processes loses about 25% of its neurons with age.

multiple negative changes test

coping skills

prevention programs for elderly maltreatment offer caregivers:

counseling, education, respite services

Based on data from the Seattle Longitudinal Study, Schaie found more declines using ___________ assessments then in _____________ assessments.

cross-sectional ; longitudinal


crystalized - the knowledge and skills that depend on accumulated information and experience, awareness of social conventions and the capacity to make good decisions and judgments. ( the amount of information you have in storage) - verbal abiity and inductive reasoning, and doing cross word puzzles(can be better when older cuz always reading and writing) increases with age Fluid - persons skills at processing information. size of your processor and your memory(meaning working memory- how much u can keep in mind at once). - perceptual speed, spatial orientation and numeric abilities, navigating new cities(better when younger) Decreases with age

Researcher John Horn asserts that there are two aspects of intelligence that include ______ and ________ intelligence.

crystallized ; fluid

reaction to timing of puberty

cultural ideas of attractiveness (girls: thinner and smaller; boys: bigger and muscular) fitting in with peers (prefer similar levels of physical maturity)

Alzheimer's Disease:

current research suggest it is not the plaques that cause the dementia, instead some are starting are thinking that the plaques are developing to fight against the negative impact of amyloid within a neuron.

survival curves

curves plotted on a graph, showing percentages of a population that survive at each age level. for people it's not much higher than 100.

Secondary Aging

declines due to hereditary defects and *environmental/lifestyle ex: exposure to stressors, diet, substance use, disease, and exposure to pollution. *Effects Individualized: diets, substance abuse, disease, pollutants *Illness and Disabilities: Diabetes, injuries, mental disabilities

In terms of gains (growth) and losses (declines), biological functioning typically ____ in middle adulthood.


Speed of processing information _____ in middle adulthood.


aging brain

decreases in the number of dopamine transmitters generally results in slowed response time. Really big decreases will result Parkinson's disease; beginning in the mid-50s, myeline sheathing begins to thin out, and this is eventually associated with cognitive and motor declines.

Kohlberg postconventional level

defines morals in terms of abstract principles & values that apply to all situations & societies moral development

risk factors for elder maltreatment

dependency of victim dependency of perpetrator: emotional or financial psychological disturbance and stress of perpetrator history of family violence institutional conditions: more common in low-quality nursing homes

risk factors for elderly maltreatment

dependency of victim; dependency of perpetrator; psychological disturbances & stress of perpetrator; history of family violence; institutional conditions

May stops by her mother Junes house every day. If June is having trouble getting dressed or making the bed, then May helps her and the two women chat while they work. Mays behavior toward June illustrates the

dependencysupport script.

reactions to puberty

dependent on education and culture

Amyloid plaques

deposits of a deteriorated protein called amyloid

Amyloid Plaques

deposits of a deteriorated protein called amyloid.

Older adults who maintain memory and other cognitive abilities show _______________________________ more widley

distributed activity.

US couples who live tg before married are more prone to

divorce and poorer quality relationships

Continued Hearing Loss:

due to cell death and reduced blood supply to the inner ear and auditory cortex!

Why is there a loss of brain when we reach the sixties?

due to withering of the myelin coating on neural fibers, loss of synaptic connections, death of neurons, and enlargement of ventricles within the brain

When do people stop going to religious services the most?

during the last teens and twenties

The inability to adequately achieve and maintain an erection is known as erectile:


________ may strengthen coping skills for gays/lesbians

earlier oppression

low parental monitoring

early activity more sexual partners less condom use

Womens work-related turning points peak in

early adulthood.

timing of puberty

early maturing and late maturing


early maturing show greater satisfaction early and less later more likely to drink, smoke, have an eating disorder, struggle for early independence and have early sex


early maturing view themselves more positively and have more successful peer relationships late maturing boys have stronger sense of identity in 30s

social theories of aging: continuity theory

effort to maintain consistency between past and anticipated future

3 tasks to attain ego integrity

ego differentiation; body transcendence; ego transcendence

The final psychological conflict of Eriksons theory, _______ versus _________, involves coming to terms with ones life.

ego integrity; despair

Kim devoted her early adulthood to raising her daughter. When Kim turned 45, she became active in community theater, which had been a passion in adolescence. She also volunteered in the community. According to Levinson, Kim is engaged in which developmental task?


Compared with grandchildren in intact families, grandchildren in single-parent and stepparent families report

engaging in more diverse, higher-quality grandparent - activities.

how does the job market affect emerging adulthood?

entry level positions in many fields require more education prompting delay in financial independence and career commitment

Bruce knows that he is able to manage a complicated array of tasks easily and effectively, which is what makes him such a good administrator. Bruce displays

environmental mastery.

Kohlberg conventional stage 4: social order maintaining orientation

equality in rule enforcement - no exceptions moral development

Homosexuality/Bisexuality in Early Adulthood 2.8% of men, 1.4% of women

estimated 30% same-sex couples do not report Similar behavior to heterosexuals Most well-educated Live in larger cities, college towns

Hot flashes are associated with a decline in the hormones ___________ and _____________.

estrogen ; progesterone

Propositional thought

evaluating the logic of verbal propositions (statements) without using real-world circumstances

Weight-bearing exercise in late adulthood-

even as late as age 90 promotes muscle size and strength; this translates into improved walking speed, balance, posture, and ability to carry out everyday activities.

Compensation (Environmental Adjustments)

ex: Dr. Savoys parents are reaching the age of 65 and they are looking to move to a smaller place with a smaller yard, so that they dont have to deal with the up keep of a large yard.

more vivid emotional perceptions

expert at reflecting on own feelings; skillful use of emotion-centered coping

identity moratorium

exploration without having reached commitment

residential communties

for older adults who need more help with everyday tasks, assisted-living arrangements are available a)congregates housing provides a variety of support services, including group meals and the oversight of residents with physical and mental disabilities. b)life-care communities offer a range of options, from independent or congregate housing to full nursing home care, guaranteeing that seniors' changing needs will be met in one place as they age

ego differentiation

for those who invested heavily in their careers, finding other ways to affirm self worth (through family, friendship and community life

Possible Selves

future-oriented representations of what one hopes to become and what one fears becoming

Labouvie-Vief's Emotional Expertise

gain in affect optimization & more vivid emotional perceptions


gathering the family for celebrations and making sure everyone stays in touch

Women who quit work in order to take care of aging parents

generally fare poorly due to social isolation and financial strain.

A(n) _________ adult combines the need for self-expression with the need for communion, integrating personal goals with the welfare of the larger social world.


Jennifer, age 45, is a Girl Scout leader. She states that she really enjoys giving to and guiding the next generation. According to Erikson, Jennifer has developed a sense of


Senescence Influences

genetic lifestyle environment historical period

Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease

genetic predispositions high-fat diet lifestyle factors chronic stress, physical inactivity.

Primary aging

genetically influenced declines affects all members of species at some point in time even happens if health is good overall **Frailty is common for older adults but especially those who are at risk for secondary aging.


genital-genital, oral-genital, and anal-genital Chlamydia, Syphilis, HPV, HIV, Herpes, Gonorrhea, and Genital warts

growth spurt

girls- 9 years old and 3.5 inches a year boys- 11 year old and 4 inches a year

early maturing

girls: less popular, withdrawn, low confidence, more deviant behavior, negative body image boys: popular, confident, independent, positive body image

late maturing

girls: popular, sociable, positive body image boys: unpopular, anxious, attention-seeking, negative body image

Annette was successful throughout her career as an insurance underwriter. She received excellent job reviews and won two awards for service to the company. However, her third application for a promotion to supervisor was just rejected. Annette seems to have encountered

glass ceiling

Physical changes in middle adulthood are usually:



half of remarried people are parents and their new partners become stepparents -many stepparents feel stigmatized. -boys particularly benefit when mothers remarry -children see many negative images of stepparents and stepsiblings

most gay/lesbian couples report

happy highly fulfilling relationships

The majority of adults who report experiencing a midlife crisis

have a much looser definition of midlife crisis than that of researchers.


having fun with children without major child-rearing responsibilities

What does substance dependence mean?

having it in the body becomes the norm - psychological addiction

gay/lesbian partnerships are ______ than those living alone

healthier and happier

Factors in a long life

healthy diet, normal weight exercise low substance use optimism low stress social support community involvement learning - stimulating work and activities

Cardiovascular Aging

heartbeat less forceful: slower heart rate and blood flow


heightened self-consciousness of adolescents

impact of adolescent drug use

impair brain development fail to learn effective coping strategies increase anxiety, depression, antisocial behavior can create a negative cycle enter early into "adult" world and more likely to fail

Chronological age is an ____________ indicator of functional age



important to stop addiction before adult years prevent harm to those using the drug and those around them family & individual therapy

The primary reason why more elders in Western countries live on their own today than ever before is -

improved health and economic well-being.


in Balte's study, only 5% of responses to hypothetical dilemmas were rated as "wise." Wisdom is relatively rare, but is not just a property of old age. Young adults can be wise about issue that involve them, just like older adults can be wise about their issues.

Pituitary gland

in change og all the glands and growth

synaptic pruning

in the prefrontal cortex advances in: attention, planning, integration of information, self-regulation

Starting in middle adulthood, rates of chronic disease begin to:


hearing impairments

increase with age, affecting nearly 1/3 of folks 65 to 74 and almost 2/3 of folks over 85. hearing loss may contribute to false perceptions of older folks as distractible, absentminded, or irritable.

gender intensification

increased gender stereotyping of attitudes & behavior, and movement toward a more traditional gender identity


increased pressure in the eye can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve if left untreated.

role overload is linked to

increased psychological stress, physical health problems, poorer marital relations

At the beginning of birth and toward the end of life, our perception is ________________, by attending to facial expressions, gestures, and lip movements, older adults can often use vision to help interpret the spoken word


what is childhood attachment a good predictor of?

internal working models and relationship experiences

What increases as passion declines?

intimacy and commitment making companionate love

friends in late adulthood provide

intimacy, companionship; acceptance; link to community; help with loss

personal fable

invincible and unique "that wont happen to me"


involves experiencing something beyond oneself in a transcendent manner and living in a way that benefits others in society.

multi-infarct dementia (third most common cause of dementia)

irreversible dementia caused by a series of small strokes

Middle adulthood

is a time for evaluation, assessment, and reflection about work.

For most contemporary elders, retirement

is a time of opportunity and personal growth.

Acute inflammatory*

is good, when it becomes chronic(Autoimmune disease, Asthma ,Arthritis) is when u run into diseases

Average Healthy Life Expectancy at Birth

is how long the individual can expect to live before being faced with disease or serious injury.


is the time in middle age, usually during the late 40s or early 50s, when a woman's menstrual periods cease.

What is the negative resolution of intimacy vs. isolation?

isolation → involves an inability or failure to achieve mutuality

Even a self-reliant elder does not always resist unnecessary help because

it brings about social contact.

After age 60 does the brain weight loss worsen or improve, why or why not?

it worsens. because neurons lost in frontal lobs, corpus callosum, cerebellum (balance), and glial cells.

After all five of her children struck out on their own, Naomi made sure everyone stayed in touch by creating a family blog. She also took charge of gathering the family for celebrations. Naomi is her families


Menopuase is ..**

known as a "critical period" - gradual devline in the reproductive capacity of the ovaries due to decline in estrogen

One way adults with a sense of stagnation express their self-absorption is through

lack of interest in young people.


large loosely organized groups of several cliques with similar values - common among Western adolescents attending high schools with complex social structures

Declines in everyday problem solving are more likely in:

late adulthood

postconventional stage 5: social contract orientation

laws/rules flexible - sometimes need to be broken moral development

developing sexual identity

learning to manage sexual feelings developing new forms of intimacy learning skills to regulate sexual behavior

Immortality through Descendants

leaving behind not just one but two generations after death

One of the top six regrets among US adults was not engaging in more:



length of an individual's life

Compared to early adulthood, sexual activity in middle adulthood is ____ frequent.


risks for teen moms

less educational achievement more time as single parents economic problems pregnancy and birth complications (more reluctant to get proper prenatal care and engaged in other risky behaviors) lack of parenting skills (less warm and supportive, less stimulating, more likely to describe babies as difficult)

Cynthia is imaginative, creative, original, curious, and liberal. She is high on which of these big five personality traits?

openness to experience

Maureen, an attorney, went to law school to become a child advocate. Instead, she accepted a high-paying job at a corporation and was a partner by age 45. When looking back on the last two decades of her life, she wishes she had made different career choices. Maureen is experiencing

life regrets.

Mr. Sarandon recalls past experiences with the goal of achieving a greater self-understanding. Mr. Sarandon is engaged in

life review.


lifestyle of unmarried couples who have a sexually intimate relationship and who share a residence

decision to continue working

limited or no benefits few leisure interests high work commitment good health spouse working flexible work schedule pleasant, stimulating work

expansions of synaptic connections, myelination

links cortical regions advances in: attention, planning, integration of information, self-regulation

The ability of men and women to function sexually shows _____ biological decline in middle adulthood.


Kohlberg's preconventional level

mortality is externally controlled. Children accept rules of authority figures & judge actions by consequences. Behaviors that lead to punishment = bad, behaviors that lead to rewards = good Moral Development

Figures underestimate the actual incidence of elder abuse because

most abusive acts take place in private and victims are often unable or unwilling to complain.

Americans that are 65 and older are......

most are capable of living active and independent lives. when determining need for assistance, it can be difficult.

The trend toward early retirement may soon reverse because

most baby boomers say they want to work longer.

Recent Research

most have positive self-image and outlook

What attracts us to others

o Familiarity o Similarity o Matching hypothesis (pure physicality: example: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) o Evolution o Social role Social and Personality Development in Early Adulthood

Adolescents choose friends similar in

o Gender o Race/ethnicity o Academic attitude o Risky or problem behavior Adolescent Friendships

Why is intimacy hard?

o Not an easy talk → usually figuring yourself out too o Sharing yourself/your life with someone

Erikson's Crisis of Identity vs. Confusion

o Struggle to have a unique sense of self (ex: Goth, Athlete, ect.) Adolescence provides psychosocial moratorium

What happens with no independence?

o Without independence, define self only in terms of partner - sacrifice self-respect and initiative

What happens with no intimacy?

o Without intimacy → face isolation, loneliness, and self-absorption

Poverty among lone elderly women is deeper in the United States than in other Western nations because

of less generous government-sponsored income and health benefits.

Life-care communities

offer a range of housing alternatives, from independent or congregate housing to full nursing home care.

sleep in old age

older people tend to sleep less and dream less than before. sometimes this is no big deal if a person just has to get up and go to the restroom a time or two at night, after which he or she goes back to sleep. Sleep problems are not normal in old age. chronic insomnia can be a precursor to depression, which is toxic. either too little or too much sleep is associated with increased mortality

antioxidants and it's affect upon free-radicals

on a cellular level, your body has an ongoing battle between antioxidants (nutrients like vitamins A,C,E, minerals and enzymes that can counteract the normal effects of oxidation in the body tissue) and free radicals. Many of the free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants which perform valuable functions in the body.

cognitive abilities and morality

on average,people with lower IQs don't live as long

Heterosexual Sexual Activity in Early Adulthood Sex infrequent

only 1/3 twice a week or more more often in twenties, declines with age

mental and behavioral problems

only 6% of older Americans frequent mental distress. But when problems occur, they can result in major impairment, especially if the person is already weakened by poor physical health or other stressors. Examples of problems include drug intoxication, delirium, metabolic or infectious disorders, malnutrition, anemia, low thyroid function, minor head injuries, alcoholism, and depression

What disease processes accelerate in women after menopause ?**

osteoperosis due to long term estrogen deficiency has been linked to brittleness and poorest of the bones(increase fractures) and heart disease


ovaries/testes- sex organs

Heterosexual Sexual Activity in Early Adulthood Most are satisfied

over 80% of those in relationships minority report problems

helping adolescence transition

parental support (monitoring, emphasizing mastery) maintenance of close friendships small units in large schools same-ethnicity peers homerooms

Family members can offer _________________ and _______________________ when interacting with older adults who have hearing loss

patience and inclusion

marriage satisfaction ____ in late adulthood


young old

people age 65 to 74, those those who are the healthy, active majority of older adults.

old old

people age 75 to 84, or those who are frail, infirm, and in the minority of older people

oldest old

people age 85 and older. these folks are the most likely to need help with Activities of Daily Living

Faith, age 46, tells her sister that she hopes to get a promotion at work and become a grandmother in the next 10 years. She says she is afraid of growing old alone, and plans to move in with an old friend if she does not find a partner before she is 65. Faith is discussing her

possible selves.

social contexts of aging - neighborhoods

preference for neighborhoods with other seniors -housing: preference for aging in place

Which two areas of the brain show the shortest shrinkage

prefrontal cortex, and the corpus callosum


prejudice or discrimination against a person (most commonly an older person) based on age.

body image

preoccupation with body image is strong throughout adolescence girls are less happy with bodies and have more negative body images

prevention & treatment of drug use

prevention programs and interventions

Cortical Dementia

primarily involves damage to the cerebral cortex **Alzheimer's Disease **Cerebrovascular Dementia- strokes, and mini strokes; type of dementia of those who smoke are at risk for.

sexual maturation

primary sex characteristics secondary sex characteristics

Hypothetico-deductive reasoning

problem solving based on a hypothesis, deducing logical, testable inferences. Possibility -> reality Pendulum problem.

Effective Coping Strategies

problem-centered coping seeking guidance from peers using strengths remaining active/ prevention (stimulating lifestyle) compensation (environmental adjustments)

What happens with the Immune System?

produces fewer white blood cells and the disease fighting ability declines in the white blood cells that remain.

Parkinson's disease (second most common cause of dementia)

progressive, irreversible degenerative neurological disorder caused by the destruction of dopamine producing cells in the brain and characterized by tremors, stiffness, slowed movement, and unstable posture.

identity vs role confusion

psychological conflict in adolescence - if they negatively resolve earlier conflicts or if society limited life choices to ones that don't match their abilities and desires, they may appear shallow, directionless, and unprepared for adulthood challenges Erikson


pursue goals; at ease with self

anorexia nervosa

pursuit of thinness through starvation and is 10x more likely in females weigh less than 85% normal for height and weight intense fear of gaining weight that does not decrease with weight loss distorted body image amenorrhea

prevention programs

reach skills to resist peer pressure, reduce social acceptability of drugs, emphasize health & safety

prefrontal cortex

reasoning, decision making and self-control develops until end of early adulthood

adolescent contraceptive use

recent increase in use still 20% don't use, 15% in Canada reason for not using: concern about image, adolescent risk taking (more impulsive behavior), social environment, forced intercourse


reduce driving, retrain exercise, use walking aids redesign of cars, streets, signs, structures

Prevention of Accidents

reduce driving; retrain exercise; use walking aids redesign of cars, streets, signs, and structures.

What causes Continued hearing loss?

reduced blood supply in the inner ear and auditory cortex and cell death. it negatively affects safety and enjoyment of life.

What is plasticity?

refers to peoples Intellectual abilities not being absolutely fixed but being abel ti be modified under certain conditions at almost any time in life - learn new meanings of words in a life time

Sandwich generation (middle generation squeeze)

refers to the idea that middle-aged adults must care for multiple generations above and below them at the same time

_____ is very important to majority of adults 65 and older


spirituality and religiosity in late adulthood

religion very important to majority of Americans age 65 and older Late-life changes: -development of new faith capacities -openness together religious perspectives -enlarged vision of common good Religious involvement associated with -better physical, psychological well-begin -closeness to family and friends -greater generativity

housing arrangements: aging place

remaining in a familiar setting where they have control over their everyday life

dropout prevention

remedial instruction personalized counseling high-quality vocational training extracurricular participation

Mrs. Van Dalen often tells stories about people and events from her childhood, and reports associated thoughts and feelings. Mrs. Van Dalen is engaged in


The elder living arrangement with the most extreme restriction on autonomy is a nursing home.One reason social withdrawal is so common in nursing home settings is that

residents do not have control over their contacts.

______ promotes adaptive functioning


Prefrontal cortex:

responsible for inhibition, integration of information, strategic thinking, and other aspects of executive functioning.

postconventional stage 6: universal ethical principle orientation

right action = self-chosen ethical principles of conscience that are valid for all people regardless of law & social agreement moral development

In midlife, Janine, a successful dentist with a busy practice, is most likely to - scale back on her career and attend more to herself.

scale back on her career and attend more to herself.

follow-up: formal operations

school age children show beginnings adolescents more competent (consider more variable, grasp logic necessity) formal operations may not be universal ( training context contributes, often fall back on easier thinking)

Mr. Dugan belongs to a senior lunch club. The other members of the club, while not intimates, are Mr. Dugans

secondary friends.

self-concept and personality in late adulthood

secure, multifaceted self-concept: -allows for self-acceptance -continued pursuit of possible selves shifts in some personality characteristics: -gain agreeableness -modest declines in extroversion -greater acceptance of change resilience promotes adaptive functioning

gains in information processing

selective attention improves inhibition improves knowledge increase greater metacognition (awareness of thought patterns) improves self-regulation faster thought great processing capacity

Cate, age 49, acknowledges both her good and bad qualities and feels positively about herself and life. Cate exhibits


Mid-Life Crisis

self-doubt and stress especially great during the 40s that possibly prompt major restructuring of personality

The negative outcome of Eriksons midlife stage, stagnation, focuses on


10 Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction: Homogamy

similarity of values and interest

Missy lives with her maternal grandparents, apart from her father and mother. Missy is growing up in a _________ family


Chronic disorders have a ____ onset and a _____ duration.

slow ; long

In general, there a little change with regard to lung capacity during middle adulthood, except for a decrease in lung capacity for people who ________.


social theories of aging: activity theory

social barriers cause declining rates of interaction

What can happen if an older adult is experiencing hearing loss?

social distress

________ promotes well-being

social support

As people age, they may rely less on ________ comparisons in judging their self-worth and more on __________ comparisons.

social; temporal

According to ___________ theory, social interaction extends lifelong selection processes. Physical and psychological aspects of aging lead to changes in the functions of social interaction.

socioemotional selectivity

resistant attachment have what type of internal working models?

sought to merge with another person and fall in love quickly - riddled with jealousy, emotional highs and lows, and desperation about whether the partner would return their affection

Intelligence and processing abilities

speed of mental process and abstract reasoning (fluid intelligence) tend to decrease as we get older, but other abilities tend to improve throughout most of adult life. Childhood intelligence scores reliably predict cognitive ability at age 80

changes in processing abilities

speed of processing, one of the first abilities to decline, is related to health status, balance, gait, and performance of ADLs such as looking up a phone number or counting out change

Effects of stimulants

speed up activity in nervous system - cocaine, nictoine, amphetamines

anorexia nervosa

starvation due to compulsive fear of being fat loose 25-50% of body weight ~1% of teenage girls affected 10% of cases are males, 90% are females associated with: loss of pigmentation, more body hair, brittle nails, sensitivity to cold, brain damage, and bone mass loss body dysmorphia genetic influence (more similarities in rates of anorexia in monozygotic than dizygotic twins seen more often with authoritarian parents treatment difficult family therapy, medication, behavior modification (only 50% recover, 6% die)

Chronic ______ is linked to the overproduction of corticosteroids such as cortisol.


labouvie-vief: Emotional Expertise: Affect Optimization

the ability to maximize positive emotion and dampen negative emotion -older people gain in affect optimization -compared with younger people, older adults selectively attend to and better recall emotionally positive over negative information, which contributes to their remarkable resilience -despite physical declines, increased health problems, and death of loved ones, older people sustain a send of optimism and good psychological well-being - about 30 to 40 percent also retain a considerable capacity for cognitive-affective complexity -older adults' emotional perceptiveness helps those separate interpretations from objective aspects of situations and they readily use emotion-centered coping strategies in negatively charged situations

affect optimization

the ability to maximize positive emotion and decrease negative ones

What is one way that older adults compensate for neuron loss

the call on additional brain regions to support cognitive processing.

Moral identity

the degree to which mortality is central to self-concept


the desire for sexual activity and romance


the emotional component -- caring about the other person's well being and want to reciprocate

life span

the longest period for which members of a species can live. So far, the record is 122 years

sexual functioning

the most important factor in maintaining sexual functioning is consistent sexual activity over the years. Men are much more likely to remain sexually active than women, largely because, being less numerous, they are more likely to have a spouse or partner.

Life Expectancy:

the number of years that an individual born in a particular year can expect to live, starting at any given age.

In many Mexican- and Chinese-American households, the maternal grandmother is

the preferred caregiver for young grandchildren

Jay, age 50, is finally comfortable with himself. He is more independent, assertive, and committed to his personal values than he was in early adulthood. Jay probably believes that midlife is

the prime of life.

disabilities and activity limitations

the proportion of older adults with chronic physical disabilities or activity limitations has declined since the mid 1980s. This is likely due to the increasing number of older folks who are educated and knowledgeable about preventative measures.


the protective tips of chromosomes which shorten each time a cell divides. Stress can affect telomere change, which may help explain the link between stress and risk of cardiovascular change and cancer. Mitochondrial dysfunction may damage the DNA, which can lead to telomere shortening and accelerated aging

why do workers in the mid 20s often change jobs?

they are aware of the gap between expectation and reality

Why do others argue of emerging adulthood?

they argue that it will become more common with globalization

Destruction - Creation

they must counter destructive acts from the past with an urge to advance human welfare and leave a legacy for future generations With greater awareness of mortality, they focus on ways they have acted destructively and how others have done the same, they then turn to activities that will foster human welfare

temporal dimension

the self as persisting over time

relationships in late adulthood

the social convoy is an influential model of changes in our social networks as we more through life

living nearby

the strongest predictor of frequent, face-to-face interaction with young grandchildren


the transition btwn childhood and adulthood. Tends to be extended in industrialized societies. Tasks of this period are pretty much the same all over the world.

genetic programming theories

theories that explain biological aging as resulting from genetically determined developmental timetable

programmed senescence

theory of aging in which specific genes "switch off" before age related losses, such as in vision or hearing, become evident

autoimmune theory

theory of aging that suggests that an aging immune system can become "confused" and release antibodies that attack that body's own cells

rate of living theory

theory of aging that suggests that the body can do just so much work, and the faster it works, the faster is wears out. highly restrictive calorie diets that lower metabolism are associated with living longer and being healthier.

free-radical theory

theory that attributes aging to the harmful effects of free radicals which react with and can damage cell membranes, cell proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and even DNA. The majority of chronic, noninfectious diseases (diabetes, heart disease, arthritis) are directly related to the activity of free-radicals in the human body. Free radicals are highly unstable oxygen atoms or molecules formed during metabolism (conversion of food and oxygen into energy).

wear-and-tear theory

theory that the body ages as a result of accumulated damage to the system beyond the body's ability to repair it. As people age, they become less able to repair or replace damaged parts

Engagement - Seperatness

they must create a balance between engagement with the external world and separateness from it This may mean reducing concern with ambition and achievement and attending more fully to the self But women who have been devoted to child rearing or an unfulfilling job often feel compelled to move in the other direction

Masculinity - Femininity

they must reconcile the masculine and feminine parts of the self For men, this means greater acceptance of "feminine" traits of nurturance and caring For women, it means being more open to "masculine" characteristics of autonomy and assertiveness

Young - Old

they must seek new ways of being both young and old This means giving up certain youthful qualities, retaining and transforming others, and finding positive meaning in being older Compared with previous midlife cohorts, baby boomers are especially interested in controlling physical changes of aging

corpus callosum

thickens and speeds up processing of information

imaginary audience

thinks that others are just as interested in them as they are in themselves

What kind of people do not have the opportunity to experience emerging adulthood?

those in traditional non-Western countries that have few economic resources or who remain in the rural regions


thought and behavior impairments that disrupt everyday life.

Speech and memory

tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon can happen to any of us, but it becomes more common as we age

Accidents in Late Adulthood:

unintentional injuries are the highest in late adulthood these accidents are due to reduction to flexibility and muscle strength and reduction to muscle strength. *Motor Vehicle- because vision problems, slower reactions, and indecisiveness. *Falls- risk to hip fracture (20% mortality), fear of falling limits mobility and social contact.

In his mid-forties, Edgar felt enormous turmoil, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness with his life. He decided to quit his job, leave his family, and start a new life on a communal farm in Colorado. Research on midlife crisis indicates that Edgar is

unlike the average middle-aged adult.

diagnosis for AD

until recently, diagnosis of Alzheimer's could only be made after death by examining the brain tissue. But now, doctors use noninvasive PET scans in living patients to detect the tangles and plaques characteristic of the disease.

Substance Use in Early Adulthood Peaks at 19-22 years, then declines

up to 20% ages 21-25 are substance abusers cigarettes, alcohol most common drugs marijuana stimulants prescription drugs party drugs

Sedentary healthy older adults

up to age 80 who engage in endurance training such as (walking, cycling, aerobic dance.) show gains in vital capacity that compare favorably with those of much younger individuals.

How long can most of our organs and systems in the body last, as long as there is adequate care?

up until our eighties.

how do women get into top-level management

usually need sponsorship by another powerful male

peer influences on academic achievement

valuing high achievement

How did the age of getting married change?

• Right now waiting longer: o 1960: 20 years for women & 23 for men o Today: 26.5 years for women & 29 for men

Amyloid plaque

waxy chunks of insoluble tissue found in the spaces between neurons in brains of persons with Alzheimer's disease. Breakdown of myelin may contribute to the buildup of plaques

Negative stereotypes of late adulthood, view older adults as ___________

weak, boring, debilitated and "deterioration as inevitable".

most adapt ___ to retirement


Vaillant's Longitudinal Research

well-educated men and women followed participants past age 50. The most successful and best adjusted entered a calmer, quieter time of life.

What is helicopter parenting?

well-intentioned parents hover over the emerging adult out of excessive concern for his/her well being

dependency-support script

when dependent behaviors are attended to immediately

According to Erikson, despair occurs

when elders feel they have made many wrong decisions, yet time is too short to find an alternate route to integrity.

when is it reported to be an easier transition to parenthood

when the couples are in their late 20s and 30's because they already have their career established

body dysmorphia

when you see your body as being different than what it actually is

limbic system

where emotions and rewards are processed (moody teens)

Corpus callosum:

which connects the two cortical hemispheres

higher rates for divorced than ________


one of the most stressful life events for many in late adulthood


DO sexual assaults go unreported?

yes lots do, might be due to who your dating, your in love, don't wanna wreck the family

substance abusers

younger at 1st use use drugs regularly require increasing amount/harder substance to achieve same effect that that there could be a genetic predisposition tend to be more impulsive more likely to be low SES and have worse relationships with their parents

Betty just celebrated her fiftieth birthday. She celebrated by taking hang-gliding lessons and purchasing a more mature wardrobe. According to Levinson, Betty is engaged in which developmental task?



• 1 out of 5 US adults have been divorced • 3.6 per 1,000 married women • peak in early 1980s • higher divorce rates o teenagers o high school drop outs o nonreligious persons more divorces increases divorce rate.. ex. 2nd divorce higher probability and 3rd and 4th early adulthood


• Shared activities • Achievement, status • Competition, conflict • Androgyny related to increased intimacy Sex Differences in Adolescent Friendships

Timing-of-Events Model

• The course of development depends on when events occur in people's lives o Normative life events Ex. Marriage o Social clock Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood

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