Chapter 13 A&P circulatoryII-Heart and blood

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Place the following structures in order so as to trace the path of blood flow through the right side of the heart start with the right atrium.

1. Right atrium 2. Write AV valve 3. Right ventricle 4. Pulmonary valve 5. Pulmonary trunk and arteries 6. Lungs

Place the labels in order denoting the flow of blood through the structures of the heart beginning with the vena cava.

1. Superior vena cavae 2. Right atrium 3. Tricuspid valve 4. Right ventricle 5. Pulmonary valve 6. Pulmonary trunk 7. Pulmonary artery 8. Lungs 9. Pulmonary vein 10. Left atrium 11. Bicuspid valve 12. Left ventricle 13. Aortic valve 14. Ascending aorta 15. Coronary arteries 16. L. Subclavian artery 17 Systemic capillaries

Variations in circulatory routes called ———— are also called shunts


In which of these blood vessels will the blood encounter the higher resistance

And arterioles with a diameter of 0.25 mm

In a portal system blood flows through a single capillary bed before going back to the heart true or false


Given that the cardiac output equals ———— you can see that there are only two ways to change it change the heart rate or change the stroke volume.


Which of the following is true regarding hypertension and the loss elastin

If the arteries become less stretchy the heart will have to work harder to eject blood

As training progresses and blood viscosity increases what will happen to peripheral resistance in the athlete

peripheral resistance will increase

An instrument called the electrocardiograph ———— the signals and produces a record on a moving paper chart.


Put the steps of cardiac cycle in order begin with a heart at rest with all four chambers relaxed

1. All four chambers relaxed AV valves open ventricles feeling passively 2. SA nodes fires, atria contract , ventricular filling complete 3.AV node's fires ventricular contract atria relax AV valves close, no blood ejected 4. Ventricular pressure forces semilunar valves open ventricles eject blood 5. Ventricles repolarize and relax semilunar valves close.

Place the following vessels in the order through which blood would pass beginning with blood entering the systematic circuit after exiting the heart

1. Conducting arteries 2 Distributing arteries 3 Resistance arteries 4. Arterioles 5. Capillaries 6. Venules 7. Medium veins 8. Large veins

Which of the following are layers of the heart wall select all that apply

1. Epicardium 2. Endocardium 3. Myocardium 4. Pericardium 5. Mesocardium

Place the heart wall structures in the order you would find them beginning with the most superficial one first.

1. Fibrous Lair of the pericardial sac 2. Serious layer of the pericardial sac 3. Pericardial cavity 4. Epicardium 5 Myocardium 6. Endocardium

Which of the following regarding the position that heart is true select all that apply.

1. It is in the mediastinum 2. It is medial to the lungs 3. It's in the peritoneal cavity 4. It's anterior to the sternum

Caffeine is a positive chronotropic agent what effect on a cardiac output can we expect in an individual who just drank a large cup of caffeinated coffee

An increase in cardiac output

Which of the following types of medication's might be used in treating high blood pressure

A medication that reduces blood volume by increasing urination

Which do you expect to have the lowest blood pressure

A vein leading directly to the right atrium

The heart relies on ————- respiration to meet it's high energy demands.


The ———— is the first vessel blood enters upon exiting the heart.


When the left ventricle pressure exceeds pressure in the aorta blood flows into the ————.


From the left ventricle the blood is pumped up to the —————- through the left similar valve which is sometimes referred to as the —————-.

Aorta, aortic valve

Blood vessel walls contain elastin a protein that allows the vessels to stretch under high pressure which type a blood vessel do you expect you will have the highest concentration of elastin in its walls


Just prior to entering capillary beds ———— have become extremely thin and present only a few layers of smooth muscle


Which valves control blood flow between the atria and the ventricles.


From the left atrium blood moves through the left ————- which is also referred to as the —————- or mitral valve.

Atrioventricular valve , bicuspid

————- are sensory receptors that detect blood pressure


The superior portion of the heart is called the ————-answers as the attachment site for vessel such as the pulmonary trunk and aorta.


Electric currents in the heart can be detected by the means of ————— applied to the skin


During the ————- of an EKG the ventricles are in systole

End of the QRS complex and beginning of the T-wave.

As training progresses but viscosity increases what will happen to resistance and blood flow in the athlete

Blood flow will decrease as peripheral resistance increases so that the athletes heart will have to work harder to compensate

As blood vessel link increases what happens to peripheral resistance and blood pressure.

Both peripheral resistance and blood pressure increase

Exercise triggers an increase in sympathetic activity to the heart what effect if any will this have on cardiac output.

Both sympathetic activity will cause an increase in heart rate which will increase cardiac output in a sympathetic activity will cause an increase in ventricular contraction strength which will increase cardiac output are true

The site of gaseous exchange or ———- are characterized by extremely thin walls with only endothelium and basil lamina which better suits diffusional requirements


Sympathetic fibers travel through blank nerves to reach the heart.


Which of the following is not a mechanism that assist venous return

Central venous pressure begin greater than pressure in the venules

The P-wave is produced when a signal from the SA node spread through the atria and —————- them


The T-wave is generated by ventricular repolarization immediately before —————-.


When this occurs blood is ————- to tissue or organs elsewhere


Sympathetic stimulation will ————— cardiac output


Which will increase blood flow

Increasing blood vessel diameter

Junction between cardiomyocytes are marked with a ———-

Intercalated disc

When taking blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer which of the following is true of the diastolic BP

It is recorded after the last post sound is heard.

The —————- expand in recoil with every heartbeat due to a histologically dominant network of elastic tissue in the tunica media

Large (elastic) arteries

The presence of ———- reflects the cardiomyocytes dependent on aerobic respiration

Large mitochondria.

The superior vena cava is an example of a ————— that includes smooth muscle circulatory and longitudinally arrangement in the tunica media and externa respectively

Large vein

Where is the highest pressure generated in the heart

Left ventricle

The ————- contain abundant but irregular space smooth muscle with frequent Valves present in the Tunica Internia

Medium veins

The chart includes three principal deflections above and below the baseline the P-wave the QRS complex and the ————- wave.


Nitric oxide is released by exercising muscle cells and causes vasodialation in nearby blood vessels what effect if any will nitric oxide have on blood flow

Nitric oxide causes an increase in local blood flow

Which of the following phases best describes the flow of blood through the heart.

Passive filling

Blood ————- is the force exerted by blood on a vessel wall


After circulating through the ——————blood returns to the left atrium

Pulmonary capillaries

The right ventricle contracts next which forces blood through the right semilunar valve and which is otherwise known as the —————.

Pulmonary valve

Construction of these sphincters ————- the blood flow through the respective capillaries


As the muscles of the legs repeatedly contract and relax what effect if any will this have on blood flow

Repeated contraction of leg muscles will increase venous return

Beginning with the return from the systemic circulation of blood enters the ————

Right atrium

Capillary beds have precapillary ———— at the junction of capillaries and the Metarteriole


During exercise the amount of blood the returns to the heart increases dramatically what change if any can be predicted about stroke volume

Stroke volume will increase

Why does exercise increase venous return

The heart beats faster and harder increase in cardiac output and blood pressure

Which of the following statements regarding the conduction system of the heart is true

The subendocardial conducting network (purkinj fibers) are specialized cardiac myocytes linked by gap junctions

Blood enters the right ventricle from the right atrium through the right atrioventricular valve which is also known as the —————-.

Tricuspid valve

Filtration dominates on the arterial end of a capillary true or false


When a person is still, blood accumulate in the limbs because venous pressure is not high enough to override the weight of the blood and drive it upward true or false


cardiomyocytes are striated true or false


The second heart sound occurs when the —————.

Ventricles are relaxing.

The QRS complex is produced when the signal from the AV node spreads through the ————- myocardium and be polarizes the muscle


After exiting the capillary ————- contain no muscle and are the first vessel of the blood enters on its way back to the heart.


Which has the most powerful control over blood flow

Vessel radius

Digoxin a positive inotropic agent that can be administered intravenously what effect can be predicted in a patient who is treated with digoxin.

An increase in stroke volume

If there is a blockage and the lymphatic system normal amount of tissue fluid may not be reabsorbed by lymphatic vessels this may lead to —————in the affected area


Natriuretic peptides increase blood pressure by causing the kidneys to retain water true or false


Parasympathetic fibers travel through the Vagus nerve to extensively innervate the mitochondria


The cardiac action potential is conducted through that atria via specialized conducting fibers true or false


The first heart sound is due to semilunar valves closing


The tunica media contains the endothelium true or false


When the sphincters are open blood will ———— the capillary bed


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