Chapter 13, Key Issue 4

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What are the 3 key elements to reduce pollution and fossil fuel dependence?

-Sharp decrease in the use of the 3 fossil fuels - Increase in the use of renewable energy -Use of Carbon capture storage which involves capturing wast CO2, transporting it to a storage site, and depositing it where it will not enter the atmosphere, normally underground.

Deteriorated inner-city neighborhoods are attractive for several reasons:

1. Houses may be larger and more substantially constructed yet less expensive than housing in the suburbs 2. Houses may possess attractive architectural details, such as ornate fireplaces, cornices, high ceilings, and wood trim 3. For people who work downtown, inner-city living eliminates the strain of commuting on crowded freeways or public transport 4. The neighborhoods are near theaters, bars, restaurants, stadiums, and other cultural and recreational facilities.

The future health of urban areas depends on relieving traffic congestion, the average american spends _________ hours a year stuck in traffic>


Average american spends how many hours driving per year?


Alternative automotive energies: Full Electric

A full electric vehicle has no gas engine. When the battery isn't charged, the vehicle will not run until the battery is charged by plugging it into an outlet.


A group in society prevented from participating in the material benefits of a more developed society because of a variety of social and economic hardships.


A specific place on Earth, distinguished by a particular characteristic. Every city occupies a unique location earth. A city itself contains a collection of unique places, such as the CBD and residential areas occupied by people with widely varying features.

A region is...

An area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics. Urban areas have grown so large that they now constitute regions with widely varying features.

Alternative automotive energies: Plug in Hybrid

Battery supplies energy at all speeds Battery can be recharged, when moving, by a gas engine, when charged, can be restarted by plugging it.

How do governments encourage gentrification?

Because renovating homes in inner city may be more expensive than buying homes in the suburbs, governments provide tax breaks and accessible infrastructure to allow feasible transition.

Alternative automotive energies: Diesel

Burns more efficiently Popular in Europe Con? emit high nitrogen levels Diesels are also associated with trucks in the US, which produce a lot of pollution given the time they send traveling Biodiesel fuel mixes with petroleum dies, which is produced from veggie oil.

The use of electronics like GPS, traffic hotspots, radios and electronic mapping can make aware citizens of traffic jams and other congestions on the road. Demand to use congested roads is bing reduced in a number of ways:

Congestion Charges (common in UK) Tolls (In Toronto and many Cali cities, fees to drive on freeway during congested hours is high) Permits (In Singapore, in order to be allowed to drive during congested time, one must buy a license) Bans (Cars are banned from portions of the central area in a number of European cities including, Munich, Vienna, and Zurich.)

Sustainable development

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. The future of sustainability of cities depends largely on our future transport.

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? Drugs:

Drug use is a problem in both cities AND suburbs, rates of use have increased, however, most rapidly in inner cities. Money be gained through crime and gangs may form in inner city neighborhoods to control lucrative drug distribution.

Alternative automotive energies: Ethanol

Ethanol is fuel made by distilling crops like sugarcane, corn, and soybeans. Sugarcane is distilled for fuel is Brazil, where they are run on ethanol. In the US, corn has been the principal crop for ethanol, but this has proved controversial because corn burning sue and all its process are equal, if not rather than, the saved fuel. More appealing is biomass fuels from trees. grass, and algae.

Given the high cost of housing in cities, governments sometimes step in to actually own or support the management of housing for low income house holds. In the US public housing is:

Government owned housing that rented to low-income individuals, with rents set at 30% of the tenant's income.

Alternative automotive energies: Hybrid

Growth in the 21st century (Toyota Prius) Gas powers vehicle at high speeds, and at low speeds electricity

Alternative automotive energies: Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Hydrogen forced through a PEM can be combined with oxygen from air to produce electrical charge Fuel cells are often used to power smaller vehicles like forklifts Prevalent in East and West Coast

What will the city of the future be like?

In some cases, familiar. It will probably have commercial areas and residential neighborhoods. It will probably have consumer services and residential neighborhoods. People of similar interests and backgrounds are likely to cluster together in rings, sectors, and nodes.

Contemporary American cities display ever-sharper contrasts. In some places, young, white, and wealthy people are moving back to the city. In other places, cities are...

In trouble

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? Inadequate job skills:

Inadequate job skills: inner city residents are unable to compete for jobs. Lack skills, lack of education, factory jobs and clerks are the only jobs available for people like them. Poor transportation to inner city jobs.

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? : Crime

Inner-city neighborhoods have a relatively high share of a metropolitans areas serious crimes.

Challenge to these three strategies?

It would require depends on electricity, which doesn't come from fossil fuels. This is difficult for countries like the US, but even harder for LDCs like China, which is the worlds leading manufacturing country. International cooperation and coordination will be required to reduce global pollution.

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? Inadequate service

Lack adequate police, health care and financial services and schools. FOOD DESERTS ARE ALSO COMMON.

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? Municipal finances:

Low-income residents in inner city neighborhoods require public services, but they can pay very little of the taxes to support services. Central cities face a growing gap between the cost of needed services and the ability to pay for them

Process of Filtering?

Many inner city houses built by wealthy families in the nineteenth century have been subdivided by absentee landlords into smaller dwellings for low income families. Landlords loose money as maintenance fees are higher than rent collected, and soon house deteriorates to a point of unaoccupancy.

Scale, space, and connections help to explain why different cities are interrelated: Space?

Refers to the physical gap between two objects. People and activities are arranged within a city according to properties of distribution. Density declines with increasing distance from the center

Scale, space, and connections help to explain why different cities are interrelated: Connection?

Relationship among people and objects across the barrier of space. Cities are nodes of connections. They are the centers for the transportation networks that tie together cities, as well as within cities.

Despite all this, demand for car use is rapidly growing, especially in LDCs. What is the greatest challenge to reducing fossil fuel use?

Reliance on Petroleum as a automotive fuel.

Scale, space, and connections help to explain why different cities are interrelated: Scale?

Scale is the relationship between the portion of earth being studied and the Earth as a whole. Cities reflect the importance of the variety of scales, from local to global. Locally, cities are centers of diversity. Living in a city puts you in the midst of a wide beret of characteristics.

Thousands of vacant houses stand in the inner areas of U.S. cities because the landlords have abandoned them:

Schools and shops close because they are no longer needed in inner-city neighborhoods with rapidly declining populations

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? Homelessness

Several million people are homeless in the US. Most people are homeless because they cannot afford housing and have no regular income. 1/4 of honeys people are children.


The process by which financial institutions draw red-colored lines on a map and refuse to lend money for people to purchase or improve property within the lines. It is illegal.


The process of change in the use of a house, from single-family owner-occuapny to rented apartments and ultimately to abandonment.


The process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income, renter occupied area, to a predominately middle-class, owner-occupied area.

2 important changes in our future transport:

The source of power and the control of the vehicle

What causes someone to be apart of the underclass? Culture and poverty:

Unwed mothers give birth to two thirds of the babies in the US inner city neighborhoods, and 80% of children in the inner city live with only one parent. Because of inadequate child-care services, single mothers may be forced to choose between staying and taking care of their children or making money. And on the other hand, only a few dads that don't pay child support are ACTUALLY tracked down. And if the husband moves back in, the couple may loose welfare benefits, making them broker than they were in the first place.

Many consumer services have shifted to suburban neighborhoods to local near suburban residents, however some have moved back to inner city to...

meet day to day needs of gentrified neighborhoods. Inner-city consumer services are also attracting people looking for leisure activities, such as unusual shops in dramatic downtown setting or view of a harbor. Several North American CBDs have combined new retail services with leisure activities.

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