Chapter 14 final exam 209
mastery climate
climate that encourages participants to improve their skills and judge success by positive changes in their individual performances
group meeting
meeting that includes a discussion of what constitutes self control and responsibility and is used to establish self control rules
organized actions by individuals, pairs, or groups of choices knowing the consequences of the choices
individual decision making
practice of learners being in control of their own actions and decisions
awareness tasks
talks in which learners are reminded about the levels of responsibility explicitly discussed and posted in the learning environment
reflection time
time at the end of each lesson in which students contemplate what went well or not so well which may involve writing in personal journals, completing checklists, or engaging in discussions with others
counseling time
time devoted to a discussion of problems identified by the teacher or students
hands off practitioners
based on the dynamic systems approach, a practitioner who incorporates problem solving, self discovery and self regulation into the learning environment to encourage learners to discover appropriate personal motor patterns
nonlinear pedagogy
foundation of instruction based on dynamic systems approach, in which practitioners promote problem solving, discovery learning and self regulation