Chapter 14: Physical Development in Adolescence

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_________ viewed adolescence as a period so turbulent that it resembled the era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings.

G. Stanley Hall

Secretions of _____ and ______ increase during puberty, leading to tremendous gains in body size and to attainment of skeletal maturity.

GH; thyroxine

Which of the following is true about body proportions during puberty?

Girls' hips broaden relative to the shoulders.

Which of the following is true about automobile accidents and adolescent drivers?

Graduated licensing laws reduce adolescent traffic fatalities by 6 to 11 percent.

Jose is a homosexual man. Which of the following is most likely to be true?

He has a higher-than-average number of older brothers.

Which of the following statements is true about adolescent mood variation?

High points tend to occur during self-chosen leisure activities.

Which of the following is true about sex education and the media?

In several studies, teenagers' media exposure to sexual content positively predicted current sexual activity.

Which of the following is true about the parent-child relationship in adolescence?

The larger the gap between parents' and adolescents' views of teenagers' readiness for new responsibilities, the more they quarrel.

_________ vary/varies substantially among cultures.

The length of adolescence

The majority of teenagers who dabble in alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana

are not headed for a life of decadence and addiction.

Gregor, a high-school senior, has begun taking creatine to enhance his performance on the basketball court. Which of the following side effects are possible?

brain seizures

Which of the following is an example of a secondary sexual characteristic?

breast development

Connie's teenage daughter follows a strict diet during the day, exercises strenuously, binge eats in the evening, and often takes laxatives. Connie should be concerned that her daughter has

bulimia nervosa.

By the time a child of adolescent parents start school,

fewer than one-fourth have regular contact with their fathers.

Mr. and Mrs. Falk want to improve their teenagers' diets. One simple and proven way they can do this is to

find a way to eat together as a family most nights of the week.

The majority of U.S. teens learn about sex from their

friends or the media.

Contemporary research suggests that the storm-and-stress notion of adolescence is

greatly exaggerated.

By tenth grade, 38 percent of teenagers in the United States have experimented with at least one illegal drug, usually


Vegetarian adolescents

may have diets that are deficient in certain nutrients.

Fourteen-year-old Per has been experiencing pubertal changes, which are now nearly complete. Per is in which phase of adolescence?

middle adolescence

Boys typically respond to spermarche with

mixed feelings.

Higher pubertal hormone levels are _______ moodiness.

modestly linked to greater

The beginning of adolescence is marked by

the onset of puberty.

Teenage motherhood __________ the likelihood of _____________.

reduces; marriage

Radio and TV campaigns promoting contraceptive use—used widely in Africa, Europe, India, and South America—are associated with a(n)

reduction in early sexual activity.

Sexual attitudes in the U.S. are

relatively restricted.

When children's safety and security are at risk, it is adaptive for them to

reproduce early.

The overall rate of psychological disturbance ________ from childhood to adolescence, when it is about _____ percent.

rises slightly; 15

Teenage alcohol and drug use rates in the United States have _______ since the mid-1990s.

substantially declined

Girls typically react to menarche with


Mr. Wellington wants to reduce drug experimentation among the teens in his community program. He should

teach students skills for resisting peer pressure.

The boy's testes release large quantities of __________, which leads to muscle growth, body and facial hair, and other male sex characteristics.

the androgen testosterone

Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that

the biological upheaval of puberty triggers heightened emotionality, conflict, and defiance of adults.

Female puberty usually begins with

the budding of the breasts.

The first sign of puberty in boys is

the enlargement of the testes.

The first outward sign of puberty is

the growth spurt.

During puberty,

the hands, legs, and feet accelerate first.

Altogether, adolescents add _____ inches in height and _____ pounds in weight.

10 to 11; 50 to 75

Boys account for _________ percent of anorexia cases.

10 to 15

On average, the growth spurt of puberty is underway for girls shortly after age ___ and for boys around age ____.

10; 12½

Shannon is in early adolescence. Shannon is between the ages of

11 and 14.

In a study comparing mood swings, those between the ages of ______ most often shifted from cheerful to sad and back again.

12 and 16

The average age of menarche in North America is


The first ejaculation occurs around age


Among U.S. teenage girls, an estimated ____ percent of those who had sexual intercourse became pregnant in the most recently reported year.


Approximately ____ percent of 15- to 44-year-olds identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual.


Fifteen-year-old Jesse is growing at his peak. He will probably add more than ___ inches and ____ pounds this year.

4; 26

The hormonal changes that underlie puberty occur gradually and are under way by age

8 or 9.

Which of the following is true about brain development in adolescence?

Adolescents react more strongly to stressful events than adults do and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely.

________ influence girls' height spurt and stimulate growth of underarm and pubic hair.

Adrenal androgens

Which of the following athletes is especially likely to continue her activity into adulthood?

Alena, a cross-country runner

Which of the following statements is true about muscle-fat makeup in adolescence?

Although both sexes gain in muscle, the increase is 150 percent greater in boys.

Which girl is likely to reach menarche first?

Angelique, who is a middle-income African American

__________ viewed the teenage years as a biologically based, universal "developmental disturbance."

Anna Freud

Fifteen-year-old Anna is attracted to her best friend, Eva, and her boyfriend, Emory. Which of the following is the most likely to be true?

Anna identifies as heterosexual.

__________ is/are the leading killer of U.S. teenagers.

Automobile accidents

Which of the following is true about sex hormones?

Both androgens and estrogens are present in different amounts in boys and girls.

Which of the following individuals would you expect to spend the greatest amount of time in adolescence?

Brayden, who lives in an industrialized country

Twins, Jake and Molly, age 15, are both athletic. Which of the following is probably true?

By mid-adolescence, Jake will run faster and throw farther than Molly.

Which girl is the most at risk for an eating problem?

Caity, who reached puberty early

Which of the following girls is the least likely to develop anorexia nervosa?

Cheyanne, an African American

_________ is one of the deadliest substance abuse issues.

Cigarette smoking

Which of the following is true about sports-related injuries in adolescence?

Coaches sometimes make unreasonable demands of players that can lead to injury.

________ -maturing Caucasian girls tend to report a ______ positive body image than other girls.

Early; less

_______ maturers in ________-income neighborhoods are especially vulnerable to establishing ties with deviant peers.

Early; low

Which of the following is true about adolescent drug abuse treatment?

Even comprehensive programs have alarmingly high relapse rates.

Which of the following adolescents is the most likely to have parents with a permissive attitude about sex?

Fau, a Papua New Guinean

Which of the following is true about body fat and puberty?

Few studies report a link between body fat and puberty in boys.

Which of the following did researchers find about rates of physical activity from ages 9 to 15?

Fewer than one-third of sampled youths met the U.S. government recommendation of at least 60 minutes of moderate to strenuous physical activity per day.

Which of the following teens with family difficulties has an especially high risk of substance abuse?

Ken, whose peers use and provide drugs

_________ was the first researcher to point out the wide variability in adolescent adjustment.

Margaret Mead

Which of the following statements regarding the intergenerational continuity of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood is true?

Marriage may limit the negative impact of teenage childbearing on development by reducing family stress.

When Monica's parents sit down to talk with her about sex, she laughs and tells them that they are too late. She assures them that she already knows everything she needs to know. Chances are high that

Monica's actual knowledge is far less than her perceived knowledge.

Which of the following is true about adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior?

Most teenagers have had only one or two sexual partners by the end of high school.

Which of the following adolescent mothers in the most likely to break the intergenerational cycle of adolescent parenthood?

Prudence, who marries her daughter's father

________ is a modern substitute for the physical departure of the adolescent from the home.

Psychological distancing

Which of the following is true about firearms and adolescent injury?

Rates of gun violence are highest in poverty-stricken inner-city neighborhoods.

Which of the following teens is more likely to have early sex or frequent teenage sexual activity?

Ryan, whose parents do not monitor his activities

________ is linked to delayed initiation of sexual activity and to reduced teenage pregnancy.

School involvement

Which of the following teens is most likely to have an adolescent pregnancy?

Selena, a low-income Hispanic American

___________ is the strongest predictor of the onset of an eating disorder in adolescence.

Severe dieting

Grace's grandma recalls menarche as a traumatic experience. She would like things to be different for Grace. What advice can you give her?

She should prepare Grace in advance and treat it as an important milestone.

Which of the following statements about adolescence is true?

The biological changes of adolescence are universal, found in all primates and all cultures.

Which of the following is true about HIV and AIDS?

The risk for heterosexual spread of AIDS is higher for those teens with more than one partner in the previous 18 months.

Haeata lives in a tribal society and just experienced menarche. Which of the following is probably true?

The tribe will celebrate the onset of puberty with an initiation ceremony.

Trevor just experienced spermarche. Which of the following is likely to be true?

Trevor obtained information about ejaculation from reading material or websites.

___________ increase(s) during middle childhood and adolescence.

White matter

G. Stanley Hall described adolescence as

a cascade of instinctual passions.

Mr. Linden wants to discuss sex with his teenage daughter. Which of the following would you recommend to him?

a give-and-take conversation between parent and child

One factor that heightens the incidence of adolescent pregnancy is

a history of family poverty, which encourages risk-taking behavior.

Maggi is a later-maturing girl. She is most likely to be regarded as

a leader at school.

As a result of school courses and media campaigns,

about 90 percent of high school students are aware of basic facts about AIDS, but are poorly informed about other STDs.

Brad's parents provide him with information on sex and contraception, and convey their values. As a result, Brad is likely to

adopt his parents' sexual values.

Menarche takes place

after the peak of the height spurt.

The production of ___________ in young people of both sexes leads to an increase in sex drive.


Sexual maturation is controlled by

androgens and estrogens.

Janelle, a teenager, is chronically tired, but she appears to be growing normally. She should have a medical checkup because she might be suffering from


Renae has a compulsive fear of getting fat. As a result, she is starving herself. Renae has

anorexia nervosa.

Carter is a late-maturing adolescent boy. He is likely to report more ___________ than his on-time counterparts.


Western adolescents

are granted partial adult status at many different ages.

Most girls with bulimia nervosa

are impulsive.

Teenagers who talk openly with their parents about sex and contraception

are more likely than other teens to use birth control if they have intercourse.

Brad is a teen who has experimented minimally with alcohol. Brad is likely to

be a healthy, curious young person.

Spermarche occurs

before facial hair begins to grow.

Ned is a gay man. He recalls feeling different from other children when he was young. If Ned is typical, when did this first sense of his biologically determined sexual orientation appear?

between ages 6 and 12

Sleep rebound on weekends

can lead to difficulty falling asleep on subsequent evenings.

Which of the following STDs usually disappears on its own?


Julianna is obese. She is likely to experience puberty

earlier than other girls.

Tamineh has a history of family conflict and has experienced harsh parenting. Tamineh will probably reach puberty

earlier than other girls.

Research shows that _________________ tend to have lasting adjustment problems in later life.

early-maturing girls

Early sexual activity is more common among young people from ________________ homes.

economically disadvantaged

Fathers of daughters with anorexia nervosa tend to be

emotionally distant.

Franca, age 11, recently started contradicting and disagreeing with her parents. She is self-conscious and often goes to her room and closes the door. Franca is a head taller and several pounds heavier than most girls in her sixth-grade class. Franca has probably

entered adolescence.

Older adolescent mothers display more effective parenting when they

establish their own residence with the help of relatives.

The majority of parent-adolescent disagreements focus on

everyday matters such as driving and curfews.

The most successful treatment for anorexia nervosa is

family therapy and medication.

Compared to anorexics, adolescents with bulimia nervosa

feel guilty or depressed about their eating habits.

Which of the following accurately characterizes the three-phase sequence that many gay and lesbian adolescents and adults move through in coming out to themselves and others?

feeling different, confusion, self-acceptance

Studies involving genetic influences in homosexuality indicate that

homosexual brothers often have an identical segment of DNA on the X chromosome.

In the United States, the most controversial aspect of adolescent pregnancy prevention efforts is

increasing the availability of contraceptives.

Primary sexual characteristics

involve the reproductive organs directly.

The most common nutritional problem of adolescence is ______ deficiency.


Compared with adult mothers, adolescent mothers

know less about child development.

Kai has achieved his full adult appearance and anticipates assumption of adult roles. Kai is in which phase of adolescence?

late adolescence

Gemma eats very little. She is likely to experience puberty

later than other girls.

Adolescents feel _____ comfortable with peers who ______________________.

most; match their own level of biological maturity

The U.S. adolescent pregnancy rate is __________ than that of other industrialized nations.

much higher

In boys, the voice change

often is not complete until puberty is over.

The number of American teenage births is lower than it was 50 years ago because

one-fourth of adolescent pregnancies end in abortion.

Enhanced ________ sensitivity helps explain why young adolescents are so self-conscious and sensitive to others' opinions.


Teenagers at the greatest risk for STDs are

poverty-stricken teenagers who feel a sense of hopelessness.

Ethan is an early-maturing boy. He is probably perceived by both adults and peers as


In Freud's genital stage,

sexual impulses reawaken, triggering psychological conflict and volatile behavior.

Out of all age groups, adolescents have the highest rate of

sexually transmitted diseases.

Of all age groups, adolescents are most likely to

skip breakfast.

Today, the majority of pregnant adolescents

stay unmarried and keep their babies.

Suzanne responded to her daughter's coming out positively. She is understanding and accepting of the teenager's same-sex romantic relationship. However, Suzanne is concerned about her daughter's self-acceptance. Suzanne should know that

the strongest predictor of favorable adjustment for gay and lesbian youths is parental understanding.

Margaret Mead showed that

to understand adolescent development, researchers must pay greater attention to social and cultural influences.

The combination of a sleep "phase delay" and evening activities, phones, and computers has resulted in

today's teenagers getting much less sleep than those of previous generations.

On the average, girls reach puberty ________ boys.

two years earlier than

Girls who develop anorexia nervosa typically have

unrealistically high standards for their own performance.

Boys ________ about ejaculation before spermarche.

usually know

Chinara is an early-maturing girl. She is most likely to be perceived as _______ by her peers.


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