Chapter 14: Planning Presentations

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The overview statement provides a summary of the

takeaway messages.

If you want to appeal to a professional with a hub MVS, you should focus on which two of the following?

Clearly business logic. Option-oriented language

Which of the following describes the effect of good visual aids on a presentation?

They significantly improve the effectiveness of the presentation.

True or False: A fatal error in a business presentation is to present evidence but leave out central positions.


You should arrange slides that you use in a business presentation to create

a story line.

Which kinds of appeals should be made when giving speeches and presentations?

analytical emotional

When creating electronic slides for a business presentation, you should make sure that the data and ideas they present are

as simple and clear as possible. KISS (Keep it simple, stupid!)

Which of the following are aspects of the AIM planning process?

audience information message

Using a story line approach in business presentations is effective because

audience members are more likely to remember the presented information. audience members internalize and use stories. it creates an emotional connection for audience members.

In general, _____ learners believe that emotion is best conveyed through voice.


In a business presentation, the positioning statement is intended to convince the audience to

concentrate on the whole presentation.

What is the most critical factor in a successful presentation?

content development

The beginning of a presentation is the time when audience members

form an opinion about the speaker.

If you use a joke in the opening of a business presentation, it should be linked to the

key message.

In a business presentation, the presenter's views are the

key messages of the presentation.

Which of the following type of support material would likely be the most effective for audience members with blue MVSs?

personal stories

When giving an internal presentation, you should focus your presentation primarily on

persons who have the ability to put your ideas into action.

The structure of a presentation includes which three of the following elements?

preview view review

When interacting with the audience during a presentation, you need to be able to

reply quickly to questions asked by audience members.

Electronic slides should _____ a business presentation

serve simply as an aid to

Which of the following types of supporting material would likely be the most effective for audience members who are professionals with green MVSs?


The first step of the AIM planning process may be more difficult for a business presentation than for a written report because you may not know

the makeup of the audience.

Ideally, the focal point of a business presentation should be

the speaker.

When preparing a speech about a business service, what should you consider in order to gauge the knowledge level of the audience?

their preconceived notions about the service. the source of their information about the service.

Speeches that are highlighted by slides full of illustrations appeal in particular to _____ learners.


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