Chapter 15-21 Alejandro

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Chapter 18 La Historia de Raquel

Alejandro: Why are you crying? Raquel: I cry for my boyfriend, who is dead. Alejandro: What a pity! Poor dear. Why is he dead? Raquel: He is dead because of the hatred in the world. He died because he loves me. Alejandro: Because he loves you? Raquel: Yes. Because I am Jewish and he is a Christian. We are in love and we want to get married. There are some people who believe that we should not be in love, that we should not get married. That's why someone kills my boyfriend and throws him into this pit. I cry for him, for our love. I cry for all the unhappy lovers. Alejandro: You spend your life here? Raquel: Yes. I cry forever. Alejandro: Forever? Raquel: I will cry as long as there is hatred in the world. Some day everyone will love each other. That day I will not cry anymore. That day the water in this well is not going to be bitter, it's going to be sweet. Alejandro: I hope so Raquel: Where are you from, boy? Alejandro: I am from the new world, from the 20th century Raquel: And there is still hatred in the twentieth century, as in the fifteenth century? Alejandro: I am afraid so. Raquel: What a pity! Alejandro understands Rachel's sadness. He is sad too. Alejandro hugs Raquel. He wants to comfort her. Alejandro takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes Rachel's tears away. Raquel looks at Alejandro with affection and sadness. Raquel: I will never forget you Alejandro: Nor will I Alejandro wants to stay with Raquel. He does not want to abandon her, but he can not control his ring. The ring begins to shine and Alejandro finds himself again next to his parents, near the well, in the 20th century. Mrs. Toledo: Why are you crying, my son? Alejandro: I cry because of the hate in the world Mrs. Toledo embraces Alejandro. Alejandro takes his handkerchief out of his pocket and tries to dry his tears. But he can not, because the handkerchief is already wet, wet with Rachel's tears. Alejandro holds the wet handkerchief in his hand and thinks that this handkerchief will never dry out. It will be wet forever. Alejandro puts the handkerchief back in his pocket, with the flowers of Margarita and the feather of the enchanted hen. During the trip to Madrid, Alejandro thinks of poor Raquel.

Chapter 21 Una Amiga Simpática

Alejandro is tired because of his adventure in the labyrinth of Barajas. That's why he sleeps during the trip. He wakes up nine hours later. It's already in Mexico! The plane lands at the International Airport of the City of Mexico. The Toledo get off the plane and go to the customs. They are happy to be back in their homeland. Alejandro looks up, where there is a window. He wants to see the Mexican sky. Suddenly, Alejandro trips over a blouse that is on the ground and falls. There are many clothes everywhere. On the floor he sees a cute girl who puts clothes in an open suitcase. Alejandro helps her. Near her there is a man and a woman, her parents. Padre: Viviana, if you do not put so many clothes in the suitcase, you won't have this problem Viviana: Yes, Father. I'm sorry Madre: You must be more orderly, daughter Viviana: Yes, Mother Viviana looks at Alejandro, who helps. Vivana: Thank you. You're very kind. What is your name? Alejandro: Alejandro. Vivana: My name is Viviana. I visit Mexico with my family. Are you a tourist too? Alejandro: No. I'm Mexican. I return with my parents to a trip to Spain. Where are you from? Viviana: My parents and I are of Cuban origin, but we live in the United States. We are Cuban-Americans. It's the first time I visit Mexico. I want to know the country and its culture. Alejandro removes the magic ring from his finger. He knows that Viviana is the ideal person for the magic ring. Alejandro gives Viviana a ring. Alejandro: This ring will help you to know my homeland Viviana: Thank you. But I do not understand... Alejandro: You will see ... you will see

Chapter 15 La Pena Del Cid

Alejandro: Of course, sir. I want to hear your story. It is a great honor to hear the problems of a great man. El Cid: Well, I have two daughters, Doña Elvira and Doña Sol. I love them very much. They're the most important people in my life. The king arranged the marriage of my daughters with two counts. I am faithful to the king and I obey him, but I don't trust the counts. I don't think they're are good maen. They go out on a trip tomorrow with my daughters. I'm worried. I don't know what to do, Alejandro: Can you forbid the journey of your daughters? El Cid: No. My daughters have to go with their husbands. That's what the law says. The woman belongs to her husband. Alejandro: How atrocious! Where I live women can decide their own lives just like men. El Cid: Incredible! Alejandro wants to talk to EL Cid more. But he has no control over his ring. Shines when it wants to shine. Alejandro meets his family again in front of the El Cid wax figure. Alejandro: You know what happens to the daughters of El Cid? Mrs. Toledo: Because in the university I study El Cantar del Mio Cid. It is an epic poem of the twelfth century. Tell the life of Cid. Alejandro: You know what happened to El Cid's daughters? Mrs. Toledo: Yes, my son . But there are parts of the story that are very sad and cruel. Alejandro: I want to hear it, mom Mrs. Toledo: Doña Elvira and Doña Sol make a trip with their husbands, the counts, Don Diego and Don Fernando. But Cid does not trust the counts and sends Féliz Muñoz, his nephew, on the trip. Féliz Muñoz is going to take care of Cid's daughters and keep an eye out for the counts. Alejandro: Because the counts are cruel? Mrs. Toledo: Yes. And the counts feel humiliated. Alejandro: Because of the lion incident? Mrs. Toledo: Yes. The counts know that Cid is braver than them. They want revenge on him. But, as they are cowards, they decide to take revenge on the daughters of the Cid. Alejandro: What do they do? Mrs. Toledo: They take Doña Elvira and Doña Sol to a place in the mountains, where there is nobody. there the counts hit the two women and leave them to die, but Doña Elvira and Doña Sol do not die. They are as strong as El Cid and like Doña Jimena, his mother. Félez Muñoz finds them alive and takes them back to their parents' house Alejandro: What did Cid do then? I can imagine how furious he is. Mrs. Toledo: Yes. but Cid is a righteous man and fights with his enemies in a fair way. The Cid gains the fight with courage and with honor. Alejandro: And Doña Elvira and Doña Sol, what's wrong with them? Mrs. Toledo: The king concertains another marriage for them. This time with two good men. Alejandro: How barbaric! Once again, they're forced to marry men they don't want to. Mrs. Toledo: Yes, my son. This is the society of the 11th century. Good thing we live in the twentieth century! Alejandro and Isabel: Yes, That's good!

Chapter 17 El Pozo Amargo

The Toledo depart from the Santa Cruz museum and go to the great fortress of the Alcazar. This old building is a fortress and a palace at the same time. Inside there is an army museum. The Alcazar is the site of a terrible battle of the Spanish Civil War of 1936. In this battle the military on one side attacks the fortress. The military on the other side, who are inside, defend it. They fight for seventy days. Finally there is no more food. Men are tired and very hungry. Many die of bambre or in the battle. The leader of the defenders of the Alcazar is Colonel Moscardo. His son is called Luis. Luis is sixteen years old, and the enemies have him prisoner and they will kill him if the colonel does not surrender. Luis talks to his father on the phone. In the museum, Alejandro reads the dialogue between the colonel and Luis. Luis told his father they are going to kill him. The colonel tells his son to shout: Long Live Spain! and die like a hero. The son sends a kiss to his father. The two say goodbye. How horrible is the war! thinks Alejandro. The Toledo leaves the museum. Toledo is interesting because of the mixture of cultures. For many centuries, different peoples live in Toledo: the Visigoths, the Moors, the Christians, and the Jews. The family enters the Transit, an old synagogue that is now used as a church. They leave the Transit and walk along an old, narrow street. On one side there is a well that catches Alejandro's attention. There is a cup hanging from the well. Alejandro is thirsty and wants to drink water from the cup. Drinks from the cup. Mr. Toledo: No, my son. This water cannot be drinked. Alejandro: Why not, Father? Mr. Toledo: This well is called the bitter well because the water in there is bitter. Alejandro: Why is the water bitter? At this moment the ring shines. The voice that answers is not the voice of Mr. Toledo. It is the voice of a young woman who sits by the well. The young woman cries and her tears fall in the water. La Joven: They are my tears that make the water bitter. It's me, Raquel Pérez, who makes the well bitter.

Chapter 20 El Fin Del Viaje

The Toledo find a guard. Mr. Toledo tells him the problem and shows him the tickets. Guardia: It only takes half an hour for the departure of the plane. It is necessary to hurry up. Mr. Toledo: What do we do? Guardia: I have to accompany the owner of the passport to the plane to look for the passport. You should go to the door to talk to the airline representative and inform him about the problem. Mr. Toledo and his wife go to the door to speak to the representative of the line. Alejandro: I do not want to go alone with the guard. Isabel y Miguel: Let's go with Alejandro. The three young kids go with the guard. They go down a staircase and walk down some passageway. They arrive at the plane. The guard and Alejandro get on the plane, where the suitcases are. It seems to Alexander that it enters the belly of the plane. Finally Alejandro finds his suitcase and opens it. The clothes that are inside fly everywhere. Guardia: Oh, boy! Alejandro: Where is my passport! Guardia: How are you going to close the suitcase again? The guard, who is very friendly, helps Alejandro. Together they put the clothes inside the suitcases. Then, the two sit on the suitcase and finally, after a lot of work, close it. They get off the plane and Isabel and Miguel wait for them outside. The children go to the passageway with the guard. Suddenly a man screams: Come here! There is an emergency! We need help. The guard has to leave. Guardia: I have to leave, kids. Follow this passageway and reach the central part of the airport. The guard leaves. The three young people walk down the passageway, but they reach another passageway. Miguel: This part of the airport is like a labyrinth. Isabel: We are lost! We're going to miss the plane. Miguel: We must go to the right or to the left. Alejandro looks to the right. Look to the left. He does not know what to do. Suddenly Alejandro sees something on the floor of the passageway on the right. It is one of the flowers of Margarita. (This flower fell out of my pocket - Alejandro thinks - then this passway is what we are looking for). Alejandro: Let's go to the right. The three go to the right. Alejandro pick her flower from the ground and puts it in his pocket. Soon they climb a ladder and reach the central part of the airport. They run to the door. His parents are there, happy to see their children. Everyone shows their passports to an employee and they board the plane together.

Chapter 19 El Pasaporte Perdido

The last day of vacations arrives. It is time to leave for the Barajas airport and return to Mexico. The whole family packs their bags. Everyone is ready. (Everyone, except Alejandro) Mr. Toledo: Alejandro! The taxi is here! Alejandro: Just a minute, Father. Mrs. Toledo: We're in a hurry, son. We don't want to miss the plane. Alejandro: I'm coming, Mother. Alejandro runs through the room. He looks for his things and throws them in his suitcase. He does not want to forget anything. Above all, he does not want to forget his memories: the flowers of Margarita, the chicken feather, the handkerchief with Rachel's tears and her magic ring. He does not want to forget his memories because he does not want to forget his friends. These new friends are the best of the trip. Mr. Toledo: Alejandro! Hurry, we are going to miss the plane! Alejandro: I am coming, Father. Miguel: That's typical of Alejandro! He is never ready in time. Isabel: Always late. Always the last one. Why are not you like us? Alejandro: Because I am who I am. Everyone can not be perfect like you. Mrs. Toledo: Enough, kids. Now Alejandro has all his stuff inside the suitcase. But there is another problem. You can not close the suitcase. Alejandro sits in the suitcase. Finally the suitcase closes. There is only one sleeve of shirt and part of a pair of pants outside the suitcase. But that does not matter to Alejandro. Alejandro: I am ready now. Mr. Toledo: Let's go. It's late. The Toledo family get in the taxi and go to Barajas. At the airport, they check their bags and run to the door to board the plane. Suddenly Alejandro discovers something terrible: he can not find his passport! Alejandro: Father! I do not know where my passport is! Mr. Toledo: Oh boy! I know you have it. It is in one of your pockets. Alejandro searches in all pockets. Alejandro: No, Father Mr. Toledo: You have to find it. You can not leave without a passport. Alejandro: Oh, Father! I know where it is! The passport is in my suitcase. Mr. Toledo: But the suitcases are already on the plane. Mrs. Toledo: What are we going to do?

Chapter 16 La Familia Toledo va a Toledo

The next morning, the Toledo family goes on a trip from Madrid to Toledo, an old city located about four miles south of Madrid. Everyone gets up early except Alejandro. Mrs. Toledo: Alejandro, it's time to get up, sleepy. Alejandro: I can not sleep peacefully, mom. All night I dream of lions. Mrs. Toledo: Lions! Alejandro: Yes, mama, sometimes I run behind the lions, and sometimes the lions run behind me. And sometimes the Cid runs behind the lions. Isabel: Lions! El Cid! What imagination do you have, Alejandro! Miguel: You're so silly! Alejandro: And you are a nerd and a dork! Alejandro is very proud of these Yankee words that he learns from an American movie. Miguel throws a pillow at Alejandro. Alejandro throws his underwear at Miguel. The underwear lands on Miguel's head. It looks like a hat. Isabel throws her stockings to Miguel, but Miguel bends down and the stockings smash Mr. Toledo's head. Everyone laughs. Soon there are pillows and clothes everywhere. Mr. Toledo: Enough, children. You guys have to fix this room. We have to prepare to leave. Half an hour later the family has breakfast in the hotel dining room. Then Mr. Toledo rents a car and everyone leaves. The trip lasts one hour. The three children spend their time counting the blue cars they see. Finally they arrive in Toledo. Alejandro likes the idea of ​​visiting a city that is called just like his family. First they go to the famous factory of marzipan in Toledo. The marzipan is a sweet. It is made of almonds and sugar. The sweets have the shape of fruits, animals or flowers. They are very pretty. The family is now very happy with its delicious marzipan sweets. Now the Toledo family is eager to see the city of Toledo. first they go to the museum of Santa Cruz, a museum that is inside an old hospital. Alexander's parents are fascinated by the enormous statue of Charles I, king of Spain, king of Germany and Roman emperor of the sixteenth century. Only Alejandro notices, near Carlos I, the statue of Fernando I, his younger brother. Because of the magic of his ring, Alejandro can hear young Fernando's voice. Fernando: Finally someone looks at me! Someone pays attention! They always look at my older brother. It is difficult to be the youngest Alejandro: Well I know, friend! You are jealous, like me; Sometimes I'm jealous of my older siblings Fernando: Everyone knows the great name of my brother, Carlos I. But nobody knows who I am Alejandro: You are a younger brother, like me, with your own talents Fernando: Oh, you understand well! Alejandro: I know what I'm talking about.

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