Chapter 16 17 & 18

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Define endocrine system.

The endocrine system includes organs whose primary role is the production of hormones or paracrines.

Name the hormone and enzyme secreted by the kidneys. (Module 16.15B)

The kidneys secrete the hormone erythropoietin and the enzyme renin

The doctor is concerned about excessive bleeding in Joe's body, because

The liver normally synthesizes molecules that help stop bleeding

What is the common goal of the nervous and endocrine systems? (Module 16.1A)

To coordinate and regulate the activities of other cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

The ovaries secrete ________ when stimulated by FSH.


More than 95 percent of the protein in a red blood cell is


________ transport(s) oxygen and CO2 in the RBCs.

hemoglobin molecules

A person with untreated diabetes mellitus may exhibit all of the following symptoms except


Platelets are pinched off from giant multinucleated cells in the bone marrow called


Which of the following responses do not occur when blood glucose levels are increasing above the normal range, such as after eating a meal?

There is an increase in the breakdown of fat into fatty acids in adipose tissue.

Describe the locations of the parathyroid glands.

They are embedded in the posterior surfaces of the lateral lobes of the thyroid gland.

Growth hormone does all of the following except

causes fat accumulation with adipocytes

Which of the following hormones may lead to acromegaly if hypersecreted after closure of the epiphyseal plates?

growth hormone

Norepinephrine and epinephrine are considered to be ________ when released into the bloodstream, but ________ when released at synapses.

hormones; neurotransmitters

List three functions suggested for melatonin in humans. (Module 16.12C)

maintain circadian rhythms, control the timing of sexual maturation, protect against damage by free radicals

The inner portion of the adrenal gland is the


At a heart rate of 60 beats/minute, a cardiac cycle lasts

1 second

The heart beats approximately ________ times each day.


There are ________ pulmonary veins.


The average lifespan of a red blood cell is

4 months

Formed elements make up about what percentage of blood?

45 percent

Plasma composes about ________ percent of whole blood, and water composes ________ percent of the plasma volume.

55; 92

The heart pumps approximately ________ milliliters of blood each minute.


A person with type AB blood has _______.

A and B antigens and neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies.

Why can't a person with type A blood safely receive blood from a person with type B blood? (Module 17.7D)

A person with type A blood will have anti-B antibodies that will agglutinate with type B blood.

Define regulatory hormone.

A regulatory hormone is a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that controls endocrine cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

Changes in blood osmotic pressure would most affect the secretion of


The pituitary hormone that causes the kidney to reduce water loss is


The posterior pituitary gland secretes


Which part of the intrinsic conduction system delays the impulse briefly before it moves on to the ventricles?

AV node

When a person who lives at sea level vacations in the Rocky Mountains, you would expect

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is a known effect of thyroid hormone on peripheral tissues?

All of the answers are correct.

________ is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced.


Define autorhythmicity. (Module 18.12A)

Autorhythmicity is the ability of the heart to contract without neural or hormonal stimulation.

Identify the valve found between the left atrium and left ventricle.

Bicuspid (mitral) valve

________ is to slow heart rate as ________ is to fast heart rate.

Bradycardia; tachycardia

Define cardiac cycle. (Module 18.9A)

Cardiac cycle is the period between the start of one heartbeat and the beginning of the next.

What fibrous structure functions to anchor the atrioventricular valves in a closed position?

Chordae tendineae

The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is


Oxygenated blood flows through the right side of the heart.


The base of the heart is located at the bottom of the heart.


The moderator band is found on both the right and left side of the heart.


Which of the following is normally produced in the liver, and could explain why Joe's blood is ineffective at carrying around important molecules?


Inadequate iodine in the diet would not lead to

Grave's disease

Define heart failure. (Module 18.16A)

Heart failure is a condition where the heart can no longer meet the oxygen and nutrient demands of peripheral tissues.

What is hematology? (Module 17.4A)

Hematology is the study of blood, blood-producing organs, and blood disorders.

Define hemostasis. (Module 17.10A)

Hemostasis is the process of stopping bleeding.

________ are chemical messengers that are released in one tissue and transported in the bloodstream to alter the activities of specific cells in other tissues.


How does a treatment with anti-Rh antibodies (RhoGAM) prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)?

It destroys fetal RBCs that enter the maternal circulation.

Which of the following statements about the endocrine system is false?

It releases hormones, all of which are lipids, directly into the bloodstream.

Given his liver problems, Joe's doctor is also probably concerned that he might have


What heart chamber pushes blood through the aortic semilunar valve?

Left ventricle

Overall, the most common blood type is


Contraction of the atria results from which wave of depolarization on the ECG tracing?

P wave

Name the ridged bundles of muscle found projecting inside the right atrium.

Pectinate muscles

What is the function of the coronary circulation?

Provide a blood supply to the heart

Identify the valve located at the exit of the right ventricle.

Pulmonary semilunar valve

The portion of the tracing of an electrocardiogram, ECG, that represents ventricular depolarization is the __________.

QRS complex

The most common form of hemolytic disease of the newborn happens after a __________ woman has carried a __________ fetus.

Rh-, Rh+

Which chamber of the heart exits into the pulmonary trunk?

Right ventricle

Which part of the conduction system initiates the depolarizing impulse, which spreads throughout the heart?

SA node

________ is to contraction as ________ is to relaxation.

Systole; diastole

Why does tetany not occur in cardiac muscle? (Module 18.11A)

Tetany does not occur because cardiac muscle has a long refractory period that continues until relaxation is well under way so summation cannot occur, and thus tetany cannot occur.

Give the alternate terms for heart contraction and heart relaxation. (Module 18.9B)

The alternate term for heart contraction is systole and the alternate term for heart relaxation is diastole.

Name the irregular ridges of muscle lining the ventricles.

Trabeculae carneae

Blood on the right never mixes with blood on the left, once the heart is fully developed.


The first branch off the arch of the aorta is the brachiocephalic artery in both the sheep and the human.


Why is ventricular fibrillation fatal? (Module 18.13C)

Ventricular fibrillation is fatal because the ventricles quiver and do not pump blood to the systemic circulation.

The disease sickle cell anemia is an example of what can happen if

a gene for adult hemoglobin is abnormal.

What is the ligamentum arteriosum?

a remnant of ductus arteriosus

Which of the following does NOT contribute to the partial or complete blockage of the coronary arteries that causes coronary ischemia?

a stent

Whole blood for testing in a clinical laboratory is usually collected from

a superficial vein.

Which of these descriptions best matches the term platelets?

adhere to collagen beneath endothelium

Blood type A- would give which of the following results?

agglutination with anti-A antibodies

List the three phases of the stress response. (Module 16.17A)

alarm phase, resistance phase, and exhaustion phase

Cells of the adrenal cortex produce


A person with A+ blood has _______.

all of the above

Hemolytic disease of the newborn may result if

an Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive fetus.

Two hormones that have opposing effects are called


What superficial landmark identifies the boundary between the left and right ventricles?

anterior interventricular sulcus

A person with Type A blood has

antigen A on the RBCs and anti-B antibodies in the plasma.

Which of the following terms can be used interchangeably?

antigen and agglutinogen

The left ventricle pumps blood to the


The inferior point of the heart is called the


All of the following are true of steroid hormones except that they

are produced by the adrenal medulla.

Which pathology is described as a thickening and toughening of arterial walls?


List the phases of the cardiac cycle. (Module 18.10A)

atrial systole, atrial diastole, ventricular systole, ventricular diastole

Identify the ear like flaps that are attached to the top chambers of the heart.


The superior portion of the heart where major blood vessels enter and exit is the


The ________ valve prevents backward flow into the left atrium.


Steroid hormones

bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells.

TSH plays a key role in ________ of thyroid hormones.

both production and release

A slower-than-normal heart rate is called


The first heart sound ("lubb") is associated with

closing of the mitral valve

The function of the atrium is to

collect blood and pump blood to the ventricle

The first blood vessels to branch from the aorta are the ________ arteries.


Blood is supplied to the myocardium by

coronary arteries

The outer layer of the adrenal gland is the


Platelets are

cytoplasmic fragments of large cells.

Hormonal actions on cells can affect all of the following except

decrease levels of calcium ions.

The primary function of ADH is to

decrease the amount of water lost at the kidneys.

Platelets function in all of the following except

dissolving a formed clot

What does the ECG wave tracing represent?

electrical activity of the heart

Name the inner lining of the heart.


Which of the following is mismatched?

endocrine communication — target cells are directly adjacent to each other

White blood cells that are increased in individuals with allergic reactions are the


The adrenal medulla produces


Which of the following are the most abundant of the formed elements?


The process of red blood cell production is called


All of the following are true of the nervous system, except that it doesn't

function independently of the endocrine system.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the blood?

generates body temperature

If a diabetic patient received too much insulin, the low blood sugar could be corrected by injecting


Hormones that regulate the male and female reproductive organs are collectively called


The pituitary hormone that stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating protein synthesis is

growth hormone

The pulmonary veins carry blood to the


The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the


A typical adult hematocrit is

higher in males than females.

The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is


The secretion of which hormone lowers blood glucose concentration?


When blood glucose levels rise,

insulin is released

Hormones that produce different but complementary results are called


Plasma is closest in ionic composition to

interstitial fluid.

The ________ separate(s) the two ventricles.

interventricular septum

The hormone oxytocin does all of the following except

is responsive to osmoreceptors.

RBCs typically live about 120 days. The main reason for this short lifespan in RBCs is their

lack of nucleus

Which heart chamber receives blood from the lungs?

left atrium

Which heart chamber receives blood from the pulmonary veins?

left atrium

Name the four chambers of the heart. (Module 18.1C)

left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle

Blood returning to the heart from the pulmonary circuit first enters the

left atrium.

Identify the most muscular chamber.

left ventricle

Which chamber pumps oxygenated blood out the aorta to the systemic circuit?

left ventricle

The ________ has a greater workload than the ________.

left ventricle; right ventricle

The condition known as goiter can result from too

little iodine in the diet

The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the


All of the following are components of the cardiovascular system except

lymph vessels

Identify the two types of leukemia. (Module 17.11B)

myeloid leukemia and lymphoid leukemia

A cancer involving neutrophils, eosinophils, or basophils is called a

myeloid leukemia.

Name the hormones secreted by the heart. (Module 16.15A)

natriuretic peptides

A person with type O blood has _______.

neither A nor B agglutinogens

Identify the five types of white blood cells. (Module 17.9A)

neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes

During a bacterial infection you would expect to see increased numbers of


The most numerous white blood cells in peripheral circulation are the


Decreased blood calcium level would result in increased secretion of which hormone? (Module 16.9C)

parathyroid hormone

The hormone that does the opposite of calcitonin is

parathyroid hormone.

An elevated hematocrit value is termed


A person's blood type is determined largely by the

presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane.

Which of the following is not a function of blood?

produce hormones

PRL is to ________ as ACTH is to ________.

prolactin; corticotropin

Compared to the right ventricle, the left ventricle has all the following characteristics except that it

pumps a greater volume.

Most of the iron that is removed from degraded hemoglobin is

recycled to red bone marrow.

In adults, the only site of red blood cell production and the primary site of white blood cell formation is

red bone marrow.

If stress lasts longer than a few hours, an individual will enter the ________ phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).


The right ventricle pumps blood to the

right and left lungs

Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the

right atrium

Coronary veins empty into the

right atrium

Which chamber receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae?

right atrium

The ________ deliver(s) blood to the myocardium.

right coronary artery and left coronary artery

Which heart chamber pumps unoxygenated blood out the pulmonary trunk?

right ventricle

The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents backward flow into the

right ventricle.

The normal pacemaker of the heart is located in

sinoatrial node

The normal pH of blood is

slightly alkaline

The ________ gland sits along the superior border of the kidney.


Two hormones that have additive effects are called


A faster-than-normal heart rate is called


The testes produce


People with type AB blood are considered the "universal recipient" for transfusions because

their blood lacks A or B antibodies.

Name the hormones of the thyroid gland. (Module 16.8B)

thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin

Identify the right atrioventricular valve.

tricuspid valve

The heart is actually (one, two, or three) pumps?

two pumps

Which blood type contains RBCs with surface antigen B only and plasma that contains only anti-A antibodies?

type B

What does the QRS complex represent in the ECG wave tracing?

ventricular depolarization

The T wave on an ECG tracing represents

ventricular repolarization

The combination of plasma and formed elements is called

whole blood.

Define hormone receptor.

A hormone receptor is a protein located outside or inside the cell that binds with a specific hormone.

Define diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels.

Name the two lobes of the pituitary gland. (Module 16.6A)

anterior lobe and posterior lobe

A hormone that can lower blood levels of calcium ion is


Hormones can be divided into different groups based on their chemistry. These categories include all of the following except


The endocrine system works most closely with the ________ system to maintain homeostasis.


The function of hemoglobin is to

carry oxygen

All of the following are result of thyroid hormones except

decreased heart rate and force of contraction.

The ________ is a procedure that is used to determine the number of each of the various types of white blood cells.

differential count

With respect to ABO and Rh blood groups, there are __________ different blood types.


The functional organization of the nervous system parallels that of the ________ system in many ways.


When one hormone is needed for a second hormone to produce an effect, it is called


Which blood disorder involves a deficiency of Vitamin B12?

pernicious anemia

Melatonin is produced by the

pineal gland

Which blood sample contained the universal recipient?

sample 5

Which of the blood samples tested could donate to a person with type A+ blood?

samples 1 and 4

Cells can respond to ________ hormone(s) at a time.


Which of the following hormones increases production of red blood cells?


Red blood cell production is regulated by the hormone ________ which is mostly produced in the ________.

erythropoietin; kidneys

The total volume of blood in the body of an adult male is approximately ________ liters.

5 to 6

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