Chapter 16

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Why might Kennedy be hesitant to support the civil rights movement?

Because he knew he needed the support a southern senators to get other programs to Congress and any new civil rights legislation would anger them

What doctrine did the Plessy v Ferguson case established? What does this mean?

Established the "separate but equal"doctrine. it meant that laws that segregated African-Americans were permitted as long as equal facilities were provided

Who was Stokley Carmichael and what was his message?

He was the leader of SNCC in 1966. His message was that African Americans should control the social political and economic direction of their struggle

Name the two leaders who were influenced by Malcolm X and started the black panthers

Huey P Newton and Bobby seale

Who is the Senate majority leader that help get the civil rights act of 1957 passed?

Lyndon Johnson

What happen on September 15, 1963

The cool clocks clan bomb Birmingham 16th St., Baptist Church and kill four young girls

What was Watts and what happened there?

An African-American neighborhood in Los Angeles. There was police brutality which causedthe uprising and it lasted six days and required more than 14,000 members of the national guard and 1500 law officers to restore order

Although knowing the demonstrations could result in violence why did MLK Junior target Birmingham Alabama?

Because he believed it was the only way to get the president to actively support civil rights

Why could some argue that President Eisenhower did not do enough for the civil rights movement?

Because he feared the possible effects of a court ruling overturning segregation and disagreed with using protest in court ruling. He refused to endorse brown versus board of education decision

Why was Alabama targeted by the Freedom Riders

Because it was a state where many terminal buses were still segregated, despite the court ruling. the governor favorite segregation and banned NAACP from being active in Alabama and Fought bus boycotts

Why did some civil rights leaders turn away from King?

Because of the lack of progress in Chicago and how nonviolent protest could do little to solve economic problems

Why do some call this a turning point

Because the movement had now achieved two major legislative goals. Segregation have been outlawed in new federal laws were in place to prevent discrimination and protected voting rights.

List three ways Kennedy tried to support the Civil rights movement

Brought approximately 40 African-Americans into high-level government positions Created the committee on equal employment opportunity and allowed justice department to actively support civil rights movement. Ordered ICC too tight in its regulations against segregated bus terminals and ordered the Justice Department to take legal action against southern cities that maintain segregated bus terminals

What did the Kenner commission and conclude? And what did they recommend?

Concluded that our nation is moving to to say IDs one black and one white that were separated and unequal. They recommended the creation of inner-city jobs and the construction of new public housing

Describe what happened after Dr. Kings death

Dr. King death touched off both national mourning and riots in more than 100 cities including Washington DC. In the wake of Dr. Kings death congress did pass the civil rights act of 1968

What was the 24th amendment?

Elimnated poll taxes in federal but not state elections

What was their original goal in Oakland California?

For an racial oppression and for control of major institutions in the African American community such as schools housing hospitals and law-enforcement

How did Johnson react to what he saw

He became furious and eight days later he appeared before a nationally televised joint session of Congress to propose new voting right loss

What did governor Orval Faubus do to win reelection campaign in Arkansas?

He began camping as a defender of white supremacy and ordered shoes from Arkansas National Guard to prevent the nine students from entering the school

What group did Malcolm X join which preached black nationalism?

He join the Nation of Islam

What did President Eisenhower do that support the movement?

He ordered the Navy shipyards and veterans hospitals to be disaggregated and he sent troops to the South to protect the rights of African-Americans

How did Eisenhower respond to the Little Rock nine crisis?

He ordered the US Army to send troops to Little Rock and federalize Arkansas National Guard of more than 1000 soldiers who got the nine kids into the school

How do you Connor react to the protest?

He reacted with force. He ordered police to use clubs, police dogs in high-pressure fire hoses on the demonstrators

When he was inaugurated what did Governor Wallace of Alabama say?

He said that's segregation today segregation tomorrow segregation always

What did SNCC leader Robert Moses urge?

He urged SNCC to start helping rural southern African Americans who often faced violence if they tried to register to vote

Who was Medgar Evers and what happened to him

He was a civil rights activist and a white segregationist murdered to him in Mississippi

After he travel to mecca and changed and his beliefs what happened to Malcolm X when he began to criticize a group that he became a leader of

He was murdered by members of the organization.. he was shot

What did this act do?

It created a cixil rights division with in the department of justice and It gave the authority to see court injunction against anyone interfering with the right to vote

What was the Southern manifesto?

It denounced the Supreme Court's ruling as "a clear abuse of judicial power" and pledge to use "all of lawful means" to reverse the decision.

What was known as the Chicago movement was it successful?

It was a March led by Dr. King through the all-white suburb of Marquette Parke to demonstrate the need for open housing. Little had changed even when the mayor agreed on a program to clean up the slums and realtors and bankers agree to promote open housing

What was SNCC and who were it's founders

It was a student nonviolent coordinating committee the members were African-American college students from across the south and many whites

What happened on July 2, 1964

Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act of 1964 into law.

Even though some progress had been made in the civil rights movement list three details about the lives of African Americans that suggest more needed to be done

Many African-Americans were stuck with low-paying jobs with little chance of advancement The average income of African-Americans families was only 55% of that of the average white family Almost half of African-Americans lived in poverty with unemployment rate typically twice that of white Only 15% of African-Americans hold professional managerial and clerical jobs compared to 44% of white

What happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis Tennessee

Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated by a sniper

What did black power stand for?

Meant physical self defense was acceptable. The mobilization of the political and economic power of African Americans especially to compel respect for their rights and improve their condition

What happened on August 28, 1963

More than 250,000 demonstraters of African-American and whites gathered near the Lincoln Memorial which is called the march on Washington

What was the SCLC and what was their goal?

SLCC was the Southern Christian leadership conference that was established by Dr. King, Reverend Fred Shuttleworth and other African-Americans. Their goal was to you eliminate segregation and encouraged African-Americans to register to vote

What did Rosa Parks do that some would say start of the civil rights movement?

She refused to get up from her seat on the bus to let a white man sit down

What role did the NAACP play in the Civil Rights Movement?

Supported court cases that I am to overthrow segregation

Who were the founders of CORE and what were their goals?

The founders were James farmer and George Houser. Their goals were to have racial equality so they did sit-ins, to disaggregate restaurants that refuse to serve African Americans

What did it do?

The law mad segregation illegal in most places of public accomodation and it gave citizens of all races and nationalities equal access to public facilities

Who is the leader of the Montgomery bus boycott? What if he encourage?

The leader was Martin Luther King Junior. He encouraged people to continue their protest but cautioned that you had to be peaceful.

What was the result of the bus boycott?

The results were the Supreme Court declared Alabama's laws requiring segregation on buses unconstitutional.

What were the results of the court case?

The results were the court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. The brown decision Marked a Drammatic reversal of the precedent established in the Plessy versus Ferguson. Brown versus board only apply to public schools but the ruling threatened the entire system.

Nationally what were those odds of the violence that occurred in Montgomery?

The violence made national news and it drew the federal government attention to the plight of African-Americans in the south

Who was the safety commissioner Montgomery Alabama? What did he tell the Ku Klux Klan to do

Theophilis Eigene "Bull" Conner. He told the clan to beat the Riders until it looks like a bulldog got a hold of them

After this bill is passed what did the SCLC you do?

They announced a campaign to register 2 million new African-American voters

What political party did African-Americans began to support in the 1930s? Why?

They began supporting the Democratic Party because African-Americans benefited from the new deal programs which are part of the north the Democratic Party

What form of protest did four students in Greensboro North Carolina use at a local woolworth ? Within two months what had happened?

They use a peaceful protest a sit in with in two months and has spread to 54 cities in nine states

What happened to the freedom Rider when they reached Aniston in Montgomery Alabama

They were attacked by angry white mobs, who slitted bus tires and threw rocks at the windows and in Annistonsomeone threw a fire bomb and see one of the buses

What happened to many who participated in sit in? How did they respond

They were had heckeled, punched, kicked beaten with clubs and burned with cigarettes, hot coffee and acid. They responded by not fighting back

What was the NAACP attorney who won the brown versus board court case?

Thurgood Marshall

After violence broke out why did Martin Luther King Jr. organize a march for freedom from Selma to Montgomery

To keep pressures on the president and Congress act

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