Chapter 18 Study Guide
In an array, another term for subscript is _______
A group of related variables that have the same name and data type and are stored in consecutive locations in the computer's internal memory
When you group together related variables, the group is referred to as a _______ of variables
The first variable in a one-dimensional array is assigned a subscript of _______
The _______ method reverses the order of the values stored in a one-dimensional array
To sort a one-dimensional array in descending order, you first sort the values in ascending order, and then use the _______ method to reverse the array elements
The _______ method sorts the values stored in a one-dimensional array in ascending order
To sort the values to an array in ascending order, you use the _______ method
The intItems array is declared using the Dim intItems(20) As Integer statement. The intSub variable keeps track of the array subscripts and is initialized to 0. Which of the following Do clauses tells the computer to process the loop instructions for each element in the array?
Do While intSub <= 20
A _______ event occurs when an application is started and the form is displayed the first time
A form's _______ event occurs when an application is started and the form is displayed the first time
_______ is the process of arranging data in a specific order
A _______ is a group of related variables that have the same name and data type and are stored in consecutive locations in the computer's internal memory
An array declared in the form's Declarations section that remains in memory until the application ends
class-level array
The variables in an array
The variables in an array are called _______
An array variable's subscript appears in brackets after the array's name
If the subscript of an array is not in the acceptable range, the procedure should try to access the array element to verify the correct range
In most cases, arrays are declared in a procedure rather than in a form's Declarations section
In the cases when you encounter situations where some variables are related, it is easier and more efficient to treat the related variables separately
Superscripts are assigned by the computer when an array is created in internal memory
The elements in a numeric array are initialized to the number 1
You use the Dim keyword to create a class-level array
Which of the following assigns the strNames array's highest subscript to the intLastSub variable?
intLastSub = strNames.Length - 1
Which of the following displays the number of elements contained in the intItems array?
lblCount.Text = intItems.Length
The _______ property is a property of a one-dimensional array that stores an integer that represents the number of array elements
One of the properties of a one-dimensional array that stores an integer that represents the number of array elements
length property
Occurs when an application is started and the form is displayed the first time
load event
An array whose elements are identified by a unique subscript
one-dimensional array
Assigning initial values to an array is often referred to as _______ the array
The process of initializing the elements in an array is referred to as _______ the array
An array declared in a procedure that is removed from memory until the application ends
procedure-level array
If a subscript is valid, it is said to be in _______
A simple variable, also called a _______ variable, is one that is unrelated to any other variable in memory
A variable that is unrelated to any other variable in the computer's internal memory
simple variable
A _______ variable is a variable that is unrelated to any other variable in the computer's internal memory
Arranging data in a specific order is called _______
The process of arranging data in a specific order
Which of the following assigns the string "Micki" to the fifth element in a one-dimensional array named strPetNames?
strPetNames(4) = "Micki"
A unique integer that identifies the position of an element in an array
The _______ indicates the variable's position in an array
A _______ is a unique integer that identifies the position of an element in an array
All of the variables in an array have the same name and data type, but a different subscript
At times, you will encounter situations where some of the variables in an application are related to each other
Each variable in an array has the same name and data type
In most applications, the values stored in an array come from a file on the computer's disk and are assigned to the array after it is declared
The number of elements is always one number more than the array's highest subscript
To refer to the first variable in a one-dimensional String array named strFriends, you use strFriends (0) --read "strFriends sub zero"
When an array is sorted in descending order, the first element in the array contains the largest value and the last element contains the smallest value
You use the Private keyword to create a class-level array