Chapter 18 the urinary system

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What is the major calyx?

2 or more minor calyxes join together to form a major calyx.

How does blood leave the kidney's?

blood eventually leaves the kidney through the renal vein, which empties into the inferior vena cava

what is the extension of the renal cortex?

the extension of the renal cortex is called the renal column. this divides the interior region of the kidney into cone shape sections called renal pyramids.

What is the point of the renal pyramid called?

the renal papilla; extends into a cup.

What are nephrons?

nephrons are filtration units of the kidneys lies primarily in the kidney's outer region, however! loops of the nephron deep into the inner region of the medulla. each nephron is well supplied with blood.

where do structures enter and leave the Kidneys?

structures such as blood vessels, the ureters and nerves enter and leave the kidney through a split called the hilum (Located in a concave notch on the medial side).

what is the name of the cup, like structure that the renal papilla extends into?

the cup is called the minor calyx. this cup collects urine leaving the renal papilla

how wide and long is the kidney's?

the kidney's are 4in(10cm) Long and 2in (5cm) wide

Identify the location of the kidney's

the kidney's lie against the posterior abdominal wall and underneath the 12th rib they are also retro peritoneal (meaning that they are posterior to the parietal peritoneum) the ribs offer some protection to the kidney's and a heavy cushion of fat in cases the organ.

what is the renal pelvis?

the major calyces join together to form the renal pelvis. the renal pelvis receives urine from the major calyces. It continues on to the ureter (A tube like structure) which channels urine to the urinary bladder.

What is the renal artery?

the renal artery (Which branches of the abdominal aorta) brings blood to the kidney's . As it enters the kidney, the renal artery divides branching into smaller and smaller arteries. these arteries pass through the renal columns and extend into the renal cortex.

what are the cone shaped sections of the middle of the kidney called?

these cone shaped sections are known as the renal pyramids. the renal pyramids consist of tubules for transporting urine away from the renal cortex. the base of the pyramid faces outward toward the cortex and the point of the pyramid faces the hilum

what forms the outer and inner region of the kidney's?

The renal Cortex forms the outer region of the kidney the renal medulla forms the inner layer of the kidney's

Which kidney sits lower than the other, and why?

The right kidney sits lower than the left because of space occupied by the liver above it

how many regions can the kidney be divided into?

A tough fibrous capsule surrounds each kidney***side note**** The interior of the kidney consists of two regions, 1: The Renal Cortex - site of urine production 2: the renal medulla: site of urine collection

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