Chapter 19 Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences

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Separation from one's native country through force or choice


Something said or done to show intention or attitude; indication; signal

Adapt ; Exile

The Howards had _______ (e)d well to other cultures, but they were still pleased to retire from the Foreign Service and return to America after their long _______ in Europe and Asia. Now they love to reminisce with their friends about their interesting worldwide adventures.

Reciprocate ; Gesture

The Reilly's have been so kind to me that I want to _________ in some way. I don't have much money, so I hope they'll infer that a small gift is meant as a(n) _______ of great appreciation.


The country's new dictator feared having certain political enemies in the country, so he sent them into __________.


a ceremony; any actions done regularly in a set manner

Dismay ; Refute

"I don't want to ____ you," Jack's lawyer told him. "And I will certainly endeavor to do my best, but it's going to be difficult to ________ the testimony against you."

Recede ; Revert

A reader wrote, "My husband is afraid his hairline will ________, causing him to ______ to the bald head he was born with." The advice columnist responded, "Tell him that this obsession of his shouldn't undermine his self- confidence. He's the same great guy with or without hair.


Antonio tried to _______ my argument, but I was able to prove I was right.

Ritual ; Retain

Any customary _______, such as the Roman Catholic Mass, helps a church to _______ a sense of transition.


As the Ice Age ended, some animals were able to __________ to the new climate. Those who could not adjust failed to survive.


Getting a D on the first math test of the semester _______(e)d Sean. He was sure he'd done well.


Homer always goes through the same baseball _________ before he bats: he twirls his bat three times, stretches his arms, and says "Okay, okay, this one will be good."


I always send Kiran a birthday card, he doesn't bother to ________ with a card or phone call on my birthday.


If the shoreline continues to ________, there soon won't be any sandy beach at all.


In a(n) ___________ of cooperation, the manager and the head of the union shook hands.


My brother vowed to eat only one Oreo a day, but I'm afraid he'll ______ to his old habit of eating the entire bag cookies at a sitting.


To ______ her strength and energy, Mrs. Green does push - ups, sit-ups, and leg-lifts three times a week.


to adjust to a situation


to discourage; make fearful or uneasy


to do in return; pay back


to keep


to move back or away from a particular point or limit


to prove wrong or false


to return to a previous habit or condition

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