Chapter 2: The Internet, The Web, and Electronic Commerce
Consumer to Consumer
(C2C) - e-commerce involves one person selling a product to another person
* Interconnected mesh of computers and data lines * Connecting millions of people and organizations * large global network connecting smaller networks all over the globe
Internet Access Providers
- Common way to access the Internet - Provided a path to the Internet - Use telephone lines, cable, and/or wireless connections -most common providers: verizon, comcast, sprint, t-mobile, AT&T -ISPS connect using connection technologies: DSL, cable, wireless
3rd Generation Web
- Current generation - Personalized content creation available for users
2nd Generation Web
- Dynamic content created for the web users - Facebook became most common in this generation.
1st Generation Web
- Linked existing information focus - Search programs were created *Provided links to websites with specific words or phrases
Cloud Computing
- Shifts computing activities form user's computer to computers on the Internet - Frees end users from owning, maintaining, and storing software programs and data
Internet security suites
-designed to maintain your security while on the web
-provide access to web resources -allow you to explore the web: uncomplicated interface to the internet -connect remote computers -file transfer -display many varieties of multi-media
The Web
A multimedia interface to resources available on the Internet
Business to Business
B2B applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other over the internet * Primarily a manufacturer to supplier relationship
Business to Consumer
B2C A commercial exchange (e.g. products or services) between businesses and consumers conducted over the Internet
HTML and hyperlinks
Browsers interpret HTML commands (Hypertext Markup Language) Display document as a web page Hyperlinks or links: Connect to other web pages (Text files, Graphic images, Audio and Video Clips)
World Wide Web
Introduced in 1991, WWW stands for
Internet of Things
IoT - Continuing development of the Internet - Allows objects embedded with electronic devices to send and recieve data * Smartphones * Wearable devices *Uses Web 3.0 Applications
Popular web browsers
Mozilla firefox, apple safari, Microsoft edge, google chrome
Provide a convenient way to submit buyers information
Interactive Web Sites
Technologies used to provide highly interactive and animated websites (Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, AJAX, Applets)
The internet launched in ______
Uniform Resource Locator -location or address of resource https is the most common type for web traffic -2 parts: protocol-rules for exchanging domain domain range-where resources are located
File Transfer Utilities
Upload and download files to and from the Internet 3 popular types of programs: File transfer protocol and secure file transfer protocol -web based file transfer services: bit-torrent
Plug -Ins
automatically start and operate as part of your browser -enables special file formats and multimedia elements, acrobat reader, flash player, quicktime, windows media player
block access to selected sites -monitors total time spent on the internet and at individual websites -AVG family safety, parent control, net nanny, family protection
Mobile browsers
designed to run on portable devices
electronic business or exchange conducted over the internet
The Web
provides an easy-to-use interface to the Internet resources
Web Utilities
specialized utility programs that make using the Internet and the web easier and safer -plug ins, filters, file transfer utility, internet security suites
ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network)
the United States funded a research project _____ to develop a national computer network.
The Internet
the physical network
Credit Card, digital cash
two options for online payment