Chapter 2: The Reaissance

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El Greco

Artist of the Northern Renaissance Art. Painter from Spain; depicted mannerism.

The Book of the Courtier.

By Baidassare Castiglione. Most important work on Renaissance social etiquette. Written as practical guide for the nobility at the court of Urbino, book embodies the highest ideal of Italian humanism. Specified qualities necessary to be a true gentleman and described the ideal "Renaissance man."

Newly Rich, Minulo

Four social groups of the Republic of Florence: 1. Old rich 2. ____ _____. 3. Middling Burgher 4. Popolo ______.

Dark Ages

Francesco Petrarch claimed that the middle ages were the ______.

Lorenzo Valla

Humanist and critic of tradition. Exposed the Donation of Constantine as a 8th century fraud. Pointed out errors in the Latin Vulgate. But remained a devoted Catholic, served as a secretary under Pope Nicholas V and became hero to later protestant reforms.

Republic of Venice.

Longest lasting of the Italian States.

Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervante's ___ _________ is among the greatest pieces of Spanish literature. Critical of excessive religious idealism and chivalric romance. Intent of work seems to have been to satirize the chivalric romances then popular in Spain.


Most famous work is Decameron.

Pope Alexander VI

Mostcorrupt pope who ever sat on the throne. Spent huge sums on art patronage.

Sandro Botticelli

Painter. Painted the Birth of Venus. The painting is a good example of humanism as the subject is Venus, the Roman goddess of love.


Peace of _____ created 40 year period of relative peace in northern Italy. Brought Milan and Naples into alliance with Florence.


Renaissance architecture emphasized simplicity, ________ and balance.


Republic of Florence was the center of the Renaissance during the 14th and 15th centuries. Dominated by the ______ family.


Sculpture by Michelangelo. Mary hold the limp body of Christ.

il duomo

Sits atop of Santa Maria del Flore. Masterpiece of Filippo Brunellesci. Largest dome in Europe at the time of its construction.


Thomas More was a _____ humanist and rose to highest government position of any humanist. Wrote the book Utopia.


___ became in the center of Renaissance art in the 1500s (cinquecento)

Peter Brueghel

______ ______ the Elder was apart of the Northern Renaissance Art and Flemish Style. Focused on lives of ordinary people. Not influenced much by the Italian Renaissance.


developed by Leonardo. technique of blurring or softening sharp outlines.


quality of being a great man, to act decisively and heroically, in whatever noble pursuit


sculpture that stand with more weight on one leg than the other

Charles V

wanting to keep papacy within sphere of French influence, lent support to what became known as Great Schism.

Northern Europe

women tended to play a more significant role in the economy in _____ _______.

Isabella d'Este

"First Lady" of the Renaissance. Set an example for women to break away from their traditional roles as mere ornaments to their husbands. Ruled Mantua after her husband died. Well educated. Big patron of arts. Founded a school for young women.

Francesco Petrarch

"father of humanism". Considered to be the first modern writer. First to use critical textual analysis to ancient text. Wrote his famous poetry in the Italian vernacular.

Christine de Pisan

Educated noblewoman who promoted new education and culture. Daughter of French king Charles V. Expert in classical French and Italian literature. Wrote lyric poetry to support herself.


French invasions began in ____.

Mono Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci's greatest masterpiece in al of art history _____.

Johann Gutenberg

Published the first printed bible in the city of Mainz, Germany


The movement that was the reaction against the Renaissance ideals of balance, symmetry, simplicity and realistic use of color. High Renaissance had taken art to perfection; little to be done to improve it; thus, mannerists rebelled against it.


____ humanism : idea that education should prepare leaders who would be active in civic affairs and that education should promote individual virtue and self-sacrificing public service.


________ humanism emphasized early church writings that provided answers on how to improve society and reform the church. Drew on Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible and the writings of the church fathers. Emphasized education and power of human intellect to bring about institutional change and moral improvement. Writings led to criticism of the church thus leading to the reformation.

Oration on the Dignity of Man

by Pico della Mirandola. Most famous Renaissance work on the nature of humankind. Wrote as introduction to his pretentious collection of nine hundred these. Drew on Platonic teaching. States that humans were created by God and therefore given tremendous potential for greatness, and even union with God if they desired it. Humans had free will to be great or fall.


mercenary generals of private armies who were hired by cities for military purposes.

Cosimo de Medici

Allied with other powerful families of Florence and gained congenial favored factions through his cordial relations with the Signoria and became unofficial ruler of the Republic of Florence.


Apart of Northern Renaissance Art; Germany. Albrecht ______ was master of the woodcut. First northern artist to master Italian Renaissance techniques of proportion, perspective and modeling. Known for his self portraits.

Hans Holbein

Apart of the Northern Renaissance Art; Germany. _____ ______ the Younger was a premier portrait artist of his era. Painted the Ambassadors and did portraits of Eramus and King Henry VII.


Artemesia _______ considered a Baroque painter. First female artist to gain recognition in the post-Renaissance era. First woman to paint historical and religious scenes. Female artist at the time were largely consigned to portrait painting and imitative poses.

Girolamo Savonaroia

Became unofficial leader of Florence after the overthrow of the Medici family. Convinced fearful Florentines that French king's arrival was a long delayed and fully justified divine vengeance on their immorality. Pledged to rid Florence of its decadence and corruption; oversaw a theocracy. When France was removed from Italy, he was imprisoned and them burned at the stake.

High Renaissance

Centered in Rome. Art and sculpture reached their full maturity.

William Shakespeare

During Elizabethan era. Greatest of the English Renaissance authors. Works reflected the Renaissance ideas of classical Greek and Roman culture, individualism and humanism. Wrote comedies, tragedies, histories, and sonnets.


Eramus's In Praise of _____ was a best-seller. Written in latin; thus not intended for mass consumption. Criticized immorality and hypocrisy of Church leaders and the clergy. Book inspired renewed calls for reform and influenced Martin Luther.

Leonardo Bruni

First to used the term "humanist" to the learning that resulted from such great studies. Among the most important of the civic humanist.


Francois Rabelais' ____________ and Pantagruel were both fold epics and comics masterpieces that satirized French society. Attacked clerical education and monastic orders.


From the Netherlands. Master of symbolism and fantasy. His art often looks surrealistic and focused often on death and the torments of Hell. Works reflect confusion and anguish that people felt in the Later Middle Ages. Death and the Miser depicts the dance of death theme of the Black Plague era. Apart of the Northern Renaissance Art and Flemish Style.

El Greco

Greek artist. Greatest of the Mannerists with his used of elongated figures and unnatural pigments.


Jacques Lefevre _________ was a leading French humanist and focused on early Church writings. Produced 5 versions of the Psalms that challenged a single authoritative version of the Bible.

Van Eyck

Jan ___ ____ was the most famous and innovative Flemish painter of the 15th century. Perfected oil painting. Naturalistic wood panel paintings used much religious symbolism. Employed incredible detail in his works. Arnolfini and his Wife is perhaps his most famous work. Apart of the Northern Renaissance Art and Flemish Style.

Gutenberg, printing press

Johann _________ invented the __________ in response to the demand for books. One of the most important inventions in human history. Made possible the spread of humanistic literature to rest of Europe.

gates of paradise.

Lorenzo Ghiberti won a contest that earned him the commission to sculpt the bronze doors for Florentine baptistery. Two sets of bronze doors were a masterpiece of sculpture. Michelangelo called his second set of bronze doors the __________.

essay, skepticism

Michel de Montaigne developed the ______ form; a vehicle for testing new ideas and _______; doubt that true knowledge could be obtained and those one must be tolerant of others views


Most famous and celebrated of all northern humanist. First humanist to earn a living by writing. Master of the Greek language. Made new translations of the Greek and Latin versions of the New Testament to create "purer" editions.

Marsilio Ficino

One of the most influential philosophers of the 15th century. Founded the Platonic Academy. Translated Plato's works into Latin giving modern Europeans access to these works for the first time.


Painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. David, humanistic marble sculpture-glorifies human body. Designed enormous dome atop St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican.


Philosophy that stressed dignity of humankind, individualism and secular values. Revival of antiquity in philosophy, literature and art. Focused first on studying ancient languages. Rejected Aristotelian views. Believed in liberal arts educational program.

School of Athens

Raphael Santi's __________ is a quintessential example of humanism. Greco-Roman architecture is prominent. Plato and Aristotle are in the center of the painting. Sculptures are painted in contrapposto stance.

Italy, 1527.

Renaissance occurred first in ______. 1300 and lasted until ____.

Duchy of Milan

Ruled by Sforza family in 1450. Major enemy of Venice and Florence.

nude, Donatello

Sculptor. Bronze sculpture of David. First Renaissance artist to utilize a ____ figure in sculpture. ________ portrayed the world around him literally and naturally.

Flemish, detail throughout painting, emotional

The low countries experience the _______ style in the Northern Renaissance Art. Heavily influenced by the Italian Renaissance. More ____________ painting than the Italian Renaissance. Used of oil paints. More _______ than the Italian style. Works often preoccupied with death.


Thomas More's ________ was a conservative criticism of contemporary society. Depicted imaginary society based on reason and tolerance that overcome social and political injustice by holding all property and good in common and requiring everyone to earn their bread by work.


Written by Boccaccio. 100 tales told by three men and seven women in a safe country retreat away from the plague that ravaged Florence in 1348. Aimed to impart wisdom of human character and behavior; stinging social commentary and sympathetic look at human behavior.

The Prince

Written by Niccolo Machiavelli stated that rulers had to practical and cunning, in addition to being aggressive and ruthless. Some believed it was a cynical satire on the way rulers actually do behave and other believed it was a serious recommendation of unprincipled despotic rule. Dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici.


_____ of Rome in 1527 by armies of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V symbolized the end of the Renaissance in Italy.

Fugger, Jacob Fugger

_______ family in Germany, Especially _____ _____ was significant in patronizing art of the Northern Renaissance.


_______, kingdom of the two Sicilies. Only Italian city state to officially have a king. Stood under Treaty of Lodi against Venice and Papal States.

Francesco Ximenes

________ _________ de Cisneros was a Spanish humanist who reformed Spanish Clergy and church. Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition; not tolerant of heretical views. Created the Complutensian Polyglot Bible.


a contract between a merchant and "merchant-adventurer" who agreed to take goods to different locations and return with the proceeds.

Latin Vulgate

authorized version of the Bible for the Catholic Church


considered first Renaissance painter; father of Renaissance painting. His work was filled with religious seriousness, love for nature and painted a more natural world. Use of chiaroscuro.

perspective, chiaroscuro

new artistic techniques during the Renaissance included linear ______ and _________.

Italian Renaissance

period in which people began to adopt rational, empirical and statistical approaches to world around them.

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