Chapter 2 TTE- Carbohydrates

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The American Heart Association (AHA) has shared recommendations for maximum caloric intake for adults related to added sugars. Which of the following is this recommendation?

100 cal/day for women; 150 cal/day for men

The nurse is assessing a clients food logs in following up on diet changes recently implemented due to type 2 diabetes. The clients calculations do not match the nurses . What is not a correct single serving size?

1/2 cup of dried fruit

The client is upset that despite incorporating low-sugar and sugar-free foods into her eating pattern, she is not losing weight and her blood sugar is still difficult to control. The nurse notes which of the following reasons the client is having this problem?

"Sugar-free" does not mean calorie-free

The nurse is seeing a client who has been reading about the different nonnutritive sweeteners that are listed on his menu plan as acceptable alternatives to sugar. The client is questioning saccharin because he read that it is a potential carcinogen. How should the nurse respond?

"The FDA has officially withdrawn the proposed ban because evidence is weak."

The nurse is teaching a nutrition class with a group of clients who are overweight. The nurse indicates that the adequate intake (AI) for total fiber is set at which of the following amounts?

25 g/day for women; 38 g/day for men.

The nurse is reviewing a client's food log and calculating how many calories the client has consumed. The nurse knows that there are how many calories in a gram of carbohydrates? Enter the correct answer ONLY.


A mother is asking for suggestions to increase her family's intake of whole grains. What are some suggestions the nurse can make? Select all that apply.

Add whole-grain cereal to yogurt. Add bulgur to soups. Substitute brown rice for white rice.

The nurse recognizes that nonnutritive sweeteners are produced from a variety of sources. One common sweetener is produced by combining amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine. This common nonnutritive sweetener is called which of the following?


A young mother is concerned about her children developing dental caries and is asking for appropriate suggestions to help prevent them. Which of the following is an appropriate suggestion for the nurse to offer?

Avoid sugary items that stay in the mouth for a long time

When providing education to a group of students, the school health nurse correctly states that around the world, the most commonly found nutrient in the human diet is which of the following?


When teaching about the path of glucose in the body, the nurse can explain that after it is absorbed into the intestinal mucosa, glucose travels next to which of the following body organs?


A client has come to the clinic with vague complaints of weakness. The nurse notes on assessment that the client is eating a very restricted diet with little to no carbohydrates and is exercising four times a week. The nurse recognizes which of the following is the most likely factor contributing to the client's symptoms?

Low carbohydrate intake

The nurse is facilitating a weight management class for a group of adolescents. Today's discussion is about recognizing the added sugars in their diets. After the meeting, the students can successfully recognize that which product contains the most added sugar?


The school health nurse is preparing an educational session for students in the school. The nurse correctly includes in the presentation that plants use glucose for energy, however, glucose that is not used for immediate energy is stored in the form of which of the following?


The nurse is seeing a client who is newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The client tells the nurse she does not want to consume chemical based nonnutritive sweeteners. Which of the following sugar alternatives should the nurse recommend?


During a home visit the nurse notes that a client's stage 2 pressure injury is not healing as quickly as expected. Why should the nurse assess this client's intake of carbohydrates?

They spare protein needed for healing

The nurse who is providing education during a nutritional class shares that the individual body cells take only as much glucose as is needed for immediate energy. The nurse knows teaching has been effective when the students states the liver and muscle cells store excess glucose as what?


The nurse recognizes that the bran layer of grains contains many components that are beneficial. When teaching about the nutritional benefits of whole grains, the nurse states that one of the nonnutrient compounds that has been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases is which of the following?


The nurse educator is discussing the effects of the digestion process of starch in a nutritional health class. The class should understand that cooked starch begins digestion due to the action of what?

salivary amylase

The nurse is conducting a nutrition class of individuals newly diagnosed with diabetes. The nurse explains that shortly after eating, what happens in the body?

the pancreas releases insulin to move the glucose from the blood stream to the individual cells.

The nurse instructs a client on foods to increase total fiber intake to 25 grams/day. What breakfast choice indicate that teaching has been effective?

½ cup all bran cereal, ½ cup skim milk, 1 slice whole wheat bread, sliced pear

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